skisomaniac · 9 years
Pansexuality:  Sexual attraction towards the Greek God of the wild, hunting and companion of the nymphs. 
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skisomaniac · 9 years
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skisomaniac · 9 years
petition to rename the usa ‘south canada’
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skisomaniac · 9 years
petition to rename the usa ‘south canada’
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skisomaniac · 9 years
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Ireland text posts
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skisomaniac · 9 years
Has anyone given Bruce Jenner a snickers bar? because he turns into a right diva when he's hungry.
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skisomaniac · 9 years
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skisomaniac · 9 years
A few months back I called Otherkin a joke, only now do I realise I was completely wrong. It’s not a joke, it’s a fucking mental illness.
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skisomaniac · 9 years
but i thought christopher lee was immortal 
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skisomaniac · 9 years
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Rest in peace you awesome mother fucker
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skisomaniac · 9 years
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Sir Christopher Lee | 1922-2015
End? No, the journey doesn’t end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it. White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.
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skisomaniac · 9 years
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“I do not know how long I am going to be around, so every day is a celebration and I want to share it with my fans.” - Sir Christopher Lee (May 27, 1922 - June 7, 2015)
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skisomaniac · 9 years
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We here at FYBTS are saddened to hear about the passing of Christopher Lee, while many of us know him from his work from the Lord of the Rings and Star Wars he was also an instrumental part of horror, playing a large part in the “Hammer Horror” films and being in the fantastic The Wicker Man.
Rest In Peace Sir Christopher Lee (1922–2015)
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skisomaniac · 9 years
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RIP Christopher Lee
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skisomaniac · 9 years
Hey ski, was reading your fo4 post and I'm surprised you think it looks worse than new vegas. I played the hell out of fallout 3 and NV and I'm really digging the look of the new game. The lighting is amazing, possible weather changes, and the color is something that represents their new art style. In Fo3 everything was grey and green while NV was all yellow and brown. That blimp could be a flashback & I am iffy about having the voice for the player. I hope they knew what they are doing for that
I would love weather changes, rain would be really interesting in a nuclear world due to how irradiated that it would be. However, it would cause issues like “How are people surviving irradiated rain?” and “How is everyone not a ghoul with all this irradiated rain?”. But regardless, weather would be pretty cool if done correctly.
I feel that the colours they have picked are too bright and, well, colorful. I wouldn’t mind colour if it wasn’t too much, but from the trailer I do feel like it is too much. the lack of colour always symbolized the hopelessness and pessimism of the Fallout world in my eyes and the colours here just look too optimistic and similar to... *shudder* Rage... Also, I don’t know if this was what the original developers intended, But I absolutely loved how the Vault suit was one of the only bright and most visible colours because it shows how they haven’t yet been scarred by the wasteland yet, and I feel Bethesda made it even better when they made it so the more you wore the suit, the dirtier it got, showing that the wasteland removes what is left of the pre-war “purity”.
And I don’t know if the blimp would be a flash back. If it was a pre-war flashback, then the flashback would probably be of someone of over 200 years old or something and if it was during the apocalypse, one would have to ask how they got everything to even get it in the air.
As I mentioned in my post, the voice for the player may be trailer only, for that I guess we need to wait until E3 but if they do give our character voices, I will personally consider it a huge downgrade to the previous games.
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skisomaniac · 9 years
My Thoughts on Fallout 4′s Trailer
Before anyone says anything, I am a huge fan of the series, from the originals to the Bethesda ones, I absolutely adore this series! I love talking to The Master and his many voices, I loved fighting Super Mutant Behemoths and conspiring with Yes Man to conquer New Vegas. Hell I even loved the Fallout 3 DLC's and Consider the New Vegas DLC's to be so good that I would buy them as a stand alone game if I could. However, I am not really feeling hyped about this one. Don't get me wrong when it was announced, I almost broke into tears of joy, but looking through this trailer a few times, I am not feeling what I felt with the trailers for Fallout 3 and New Vegas. For starters I may as well get it out of the way. Yes the graphics do look pretty bad, which isn't a huge problem, They might still have time to make them look better. I know graphics don't make a video game but it does not mean they should be completely disregarded, especially when the last Fallout game looks better than this one (Yes I believe New Vegas looks better than Fallout 4 if the game will have the graphics shown in this trailer). I feel like if it comes out next year, the graphics will look better due to extra time to polish it up and all that good stuff, but if it comes out this year, i don't think the graphics will look that good. Another issue is the colour scheme of the game. It is far too colorful. What I like about the Fallout games is the gritty and depressing atmosphere of the games, from the dusty brown wastelands of the west to the grey rubble of the east. It symbolizes how nuclear war will bring despair to the world and shows that hope for mankind is basically on the edge of disappearing entirely. In this trailer it looks like a cross between Borderlands and Rage, two games I feel Fallout shouldn't be compared to since Fallout is much more superior in my eyes, it just looks to clean and optimistic to me. The colours of the old Fallout games also make the blue Vault suits stand out more, showing them to be pure in a way and once you enter the wasteland the blue starts to disappear into the wastes along with the purity of the characters. Here I don't feel like it has the same effect. Then there is the fucking airship. My God I hate that airship already! It looks so out of place in the Fallout world and looks more like it should be in the universe of Bioshock or something. I am gonna miss when the only things in the sky were crows and Vertibirds. How do they even power something that fucking huge, especially when fossil fuels are practically gone? Ad how hasn't anyone shot it down yet? If it is a factions airship in the game, then how has the other faction NOT shot it down yet, it is a behemoth fucking balloon! And it looks like it is in good condition too! How is something that fucking massive in good condition when Vertibirds and other vehicles look like they have been through hell and back? The buildings and locations themselves for the most part don't look like they have suffered a nuclear apocalypse like they did with the other games. It just looks like it has suffered a zombie apocalypse instead, you know like in The Last of Us. I look at this and it doesn't say nuclear apocalypse to me, which is a huge turn off compared to other Fallout titles, especially since Fallout is meant to be a nuclear apocalypse. Hell, New Vegas was mostly saved from the nukes and still looked like it had suffered nuclear war more than this, Did Boston have someone who was even better than Mr House or something to save them from the bombs? I am also getting the suspicion that we will be able to use vehicles as shown by the BoS member in the Vertibird which I really don't want to see in Fallout 4. The beauty of Fallout games is just walking around, roaming the wasteland and coming across things along those travels, vehicles will just ruin that experience, and yes I know you could drive a car in Fallout 2, but: 1. I still didn't like it when playing Fallout 2 thus never used it 2. Fallout 1 and 2 are far more different than 3, New Vegas and soon to be 4. Luckily this may not be the case and may just be a cinematic piece of the trailer, which is what I am hoping for. Then there is the character talking, which for me, ruins all immersion and personal connections to my Fallout 4 protagonist. The beauty of the personality you can create in Fallout is that it is YOUR character, it is YOU. The fact they don't speak helps make it easier to get in their shoes and become those characters and in turn become more immersed, you feel like you are a part of the BoS or the NCR yourself. If the player talks, then he just becomes an average hero who you just relate to instead of actually feeling that you are your character.and becoming more immersed in the story. Hopefully this is just for the trailer and not for the game itself otherwise, I wouldn't be surprised if we see the dialogue wheel EA gave Mass Effect and Dragon Age. At the end of it all, this trailer has me worried about a game I have waited 5 years for, A game I have been begging for since I completed Fallout New Vegas for the 20th time and a game I want to love like the son I haven't had yet. However, in the midst of all my complaints of the trailer, there are things I actually like, I like how the Deathclaws seem to have evolved, I love the new look of the Protectron even if the Eyebot cameo looked a bit too clean. Hell I even think Boston would be a great place to have a Fallout game in! In then end, I like some bits of it, I am happy Fallout 4 has been announced, but too much of what I have seen has basically left me concerned about the game that we will be getting. I guess I will have to wait until E3 to see the gameplay footage and be convinced into thinking the game is gonna be good like the rest of you.
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skisomaniac · 9 years
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