skzchan · 4 years
i second this
okay i straight up just stumbled upon your blog and you have successfully combined my two favorite things in the entire world and i am eternally grateful
I did it for the skz99 nation
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skzchan · 4 years
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skzchan · 4 years
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Jisung wearing a bucket hat ♡
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skzchan · 4 years
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I will never let these photos die
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skzchan · 4 years
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skzchan · 4 years
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[20200516] Jae’s twitter update
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skzchan · 4 years
Magician: I will grant you any wish.
Felix: I wish “soup” was spelled “soop.”
Magician: no
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skzchan · 4 years
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channie’s room ep. 56
+ bonus ♡: 
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skzchan · 4 years
jisung: hey chan hyung i can play piano really fast
jisung: check this out
jisung: *presses random notes on piano*
chan: you're not even playing it correctly
jisung: but i still play fast tho
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skzchan · 5 years
im hyunjin
kevin: what makes you happy?
hyunjin: [pulls out his album full of stray kids pictures] funny question actually
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skzchan · 5 years
seungmin: the world population is 7,810,521,683 people, just in case someone started feeling too important
felix: 7,810,521,682 people and woojin hyung
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skzchan · 6 years
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hyunjin  stray kids mama awards 18
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skzchan · 6 years
stray kids rookie kings!
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2018′s Top K-Pop Stars
You love K-pop so much we needed two K-pop categories. This year we have 21 newcomers from six different groups.
Keep reading
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skzchan · 6 years
Chapter 11: Epilogue
Chapter Eleven Soundtrack: I Like Me Better - Lauv
Word Count: 434
Pairing/Ship: Changlix - Lee Felix and Seo Changbin
Genre: Fluff, Angst, AU
Warnings: Some Harsh Language
Felix straightened the tie around his boyfriend’s neck. It had been three years since him and Changbin started dating and they were now both graduated from high school and working. Changbin had been working at an auto shop to provide from him and Felix since he graduated and bought an apartment for him and Felix to live in together. Felix was working as a receptionist at an entertainment company called Prince Entertainment Records.
 “Binnie, why didn’t you just tell me you wanted to audition at Prince when I first got the job there? Hell, why didn’t you tell me you rapped?” Felix tightened the tie. Changbin shrugged.
 “I don’t know it just didn’t come up.” Changbin looked down at the outfit he was sporting. A tie, dress shirt, hoodie, leather jacket, and black skinny jeans adorned his thin, but toned figure.
 “Didn’t come up!” Felix threw his arms up in frustration, “It didn’t even occur to you that you could’ve mentioned it when I dedicated and sang a whole damn song to you at my graduation?!” Changbin could tell Felix was unimpressed. He slid his hand around his boyfriend’s small waist.
 “Would it make you feel better if I dedicated a whole album to you if I pass the auditions and get into Prince?” Changbin offered. He had planned to dedicate an album to Felix anyway, but at this point, he figured there was no point in keeping secret anymore. Since Felix had found out about Changbin auditioning, he was all over Changbin about his music and why he hadn’t told him about it earlier.
 “Lix, baby. I’m sorry I kept my music from you. I wanted to surprise by dedicating my first album to you on my debut if I made it. And if I didn’t I didn’t want to disappoint you.” Changbin sighed back hugging Felix. He pulled Felix closer to his body and Felix’s hands met Changbin’s at his waist. Felix sighed, turning himself around to face Changbin, while still in his embrace. He put his arms around Changbin’s neck, pulling their faces closer together.
 “Binnie, baby. You could never disappoint me.” Felix kissed his boyfriend, then rubbed their noses together.
 “Gosh, fuck, I love you so much, Lix.” Changbin kissed Felix again and the younger boy chuckled.
 “Gosh, fuck, I love you so much too, Binnie,” Felix replied, mocking Changbin, but meaning it honestly.
 “Now, show the world how fucking amazing you are! Go get ‘em, babe!” Felix said sending Changbin off with a slap to the ass. And Changbin walked out the door to take over the rapping industry.
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skzchan · 6 years
Chapter 10: Together At Last
Chapter Ten Soundtrack: Can’t Help Myself - Eric Nam
Word Count: 400 Pairing/Ship: Changlix - Lee Felix and Seo Changbin Genre: Fluff, Angst, AU Warnings: BoyxBoy Kissing
“Lix, baby.” Changbin ran into Felix’s room, where Lucian, Heather, and Chan were surrounding a still crying Felix. He was shaking and sniffling and his bed covers were up to his chin. Changbin could feel tears threatening to fall at any time. Changbin shook his head and crawled onto the bed towards where Felix was hiding himself.
 “Baby, I’m here. It’s okay. No one will ever hurt you again.” Changbin reassured the sobbing, younger boy. Changbin positioned himself under the cover beside Felix at a good hugging angle and grabbed the frail boy in his arms.
 “Changbin,” Felix let tears stream down his face, you could hear in his voice that he’d been crying for hours, “I di-didn’t ch-cheat.”
 “I know, baby. I know.” Changbin placed a gentle kiss on Felix’ forehead as he pulled the smaller boy closer to his body. He wrapped his arms farther around Felix and swayed slowly, rocking Felix in hope to calm him. By now, the room had emptied and Changbin had Felix all to himself, though if he knew his friends, they were eavesdropping just outside Felix’s door.
 “Lix,” Changbin spoke softly, gaining Felix’s gaze, “Will you be my boyfriend?” Felix smiled through his tears.
 “Of course.” Felix’s voice was raspy from crying for hours. Changbin smiled and pulled Felix down on top of him as he laid down on Felix’s bed. Felix shuffled himself up so his face was hovering over Changbin’s. One of Felix’s hand made it’s way up to Changbin’s cheek and the other was guiding Changbin’s arms around his waist. Felix placed his soft lips on the older boy’s, entrancing him in a kiss. The two boys’ lips moved in sync, following the other movements. Changbin bit at Felix bottom lips and Felix opened his mouth, giving way to Changbin’s tongue. Their tongue’s moved together for a while until Felix broke the kiss to gasp for air.
 “I’ve never kiss anyone like that, hyung.” Felix breathily admitted to Changbin, who gave the boy on top of him a big, genuine smile.
 “You can just call me Bin.” Changbin offered Felix.
 “What about Binnie?” Felix asked, pushing it slightly, but of course, Changbin gave in as soon as Felix brought out the puppy dog eyes.
 “I love you, Lix.” Changbin placed a soft kiss on the younger’s lips once again.
 “I love you too, Binnie.” Felix did the same.
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skzchan · 6 years
Chapter 9: An Explanation
Word Count: 456
Pairing/Ship: Changlix - Lee Felix and Seo Changbin
Genre: Fluff, Angst, AU
Warnings: Some Harsh Language, Some Violence
Changbin turned around to face Lucian.
 “What do you want, Lu? Because if it’s about that asshole I don’t want to hear it.” The hurt could be heard in Changbin’s voice as he spoke, his head hung and shaking back and forth.
 “You might want to reconsider after you hear what we have to say,” Lucian suggested, his hurting friend. Changbin sighed.
 “Felix was cheating. He was being harassed.” As soon as the words left Lucian’s mouth, Changbin was standing.
 “He what?!” Changbin yelled, anger boiling through his veins. He hoped he heard Lucian wrong.
 “He was getting harassed… By Lawrence.” Lucian put emphasis on the word that made Changbin’s toes curl. Someone hurt Felix. Someone had hurt his Felix.
 “And probably because that bitch Cecile told him to. Bin, she probably wants your Felix to herself.” Heather played off of Changbin’s anger, riling him up to set a bitch straight. Changbin’s fists were curled so tight he’d begun digging cuts in his palms cause by his fingernails.
 “No one touches my Felix,” Changbin growled. Lucian held up Changbin’s bike keys in front of him. Heather had taken Changbin’s keys and brought his bike with her and Lucian. Changbin grabbed his keys and ran as fast as he could to the parking lot of the abandoned zoo. He didn’t even bother to put on his helmet. He sped off like lightning towards the school.
“I’m gonna fuck that bitch up!” Changbin screamed before he entered the school, stomping to the last period class he knew Felix shared with Cecile. He entered the classroom.
 “Ma’am, may I speak to Cecile.” Changbin smiled sweetly at the teacher, then his glare traced the classroom until he found Cecile. He had noticed that Felix wasn’t in class, but he couldn’t focus too much on it now, he had to teach Cecile a lesson.
 “I suppose. But make it quick.” The teacher sighed, motioning Cecile out of the class. Changbin led Cecile out to the hall.
 “Changbin, did Felix cheat on you?” Cecile put on a fake sympathy act. Changbin curled his fist once again. He lifted it up and clocked Cecile right in the nose.
 “AHHHHH! MY NOSE!” Cecile screamed in pain, but more so in horror that Changbin broke her nose, affecting her ‘effortlessly good looks’.
 “Stay away from my Felix. Or next time a punch to the face will be the least of your worries.” Changbin hissed his threat. The classroom door swung open and the teacher came rushes towards them, a flock of students followed behind.
 “To the principal’s office NOW!” The teacher pointed at Changbin, who had already started making his way down the hall. Of course, Changbin knew he was suspended, but he didn’t care.
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skzchan · 6 years
[6:16 am] chan shifts over in bed and wraps himself around you
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