slantybois-blog · 5 years
Working Out Log: Day 5
This is the day. The chosen day.  Well, there seems to be a problem. I decided not to do much today. Also, I lied about last night. I had 6 bananas, and a small bag of bacon bits before going to bed. SOOOOO.  I took each dog for their own walk, then went for a bike ride. The bike ride lasted as long as Metallica’s “King Nothing”. It was also uphill a lot. So, take that as you will.  But, for food.. I had another can of chunky soup from Aldi’s, a half bag of Bacon Bits, 1 banana, and a container of Black Bean Hummus. WITH, 2 biscuits of Breaded chicken from Walmart. And probably a few servings of Cheezits. And half a gallon of 1 percent milk.  I probably ended out on the bad end here. But, I think it wasn’t so much that it’s not recoverable. Which I will be making up over the next few days. Probably before I even go to bed tonight! Hahaha! 
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slantybois-blog · 5 years
Hermione will always be best girl in all fiction ever.
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GET TO KNOW ME MEME: Favorite Female Characters [2/15] » Hermione Granger
“We will fight! We’ll have to, to reach the snake! But let’s not lose sight now of what we’re supposed to be d-doing! We’re the only ones who can end it!”
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slantybois-blog · 5 years
Weight Loss Tracker: Day 4
Hello. It’s your boi. Not so skinny boi.  So, today. I woke up at exactly 10:37 am. Because I am a lazy bastard. Oh well. Gonna look through Tumblr and Reddit while editing a Thumbnail for a video tomorrow.  ONTO THE EXERCISES AND FOOD  After doing 10 sit ups, 10 knee things, 10 leg lifts (Laying flat on the floor and lifting your legs), 10 jumping jacks, and 10 squats, I took the two dogs for the walk before work. For my food, I ate a can of Chunkey Chef’s Cupboard Beef With Country Vegetables Soup, 3 Bananas (Probably 4 as I’m typing this, also after 7 pm), a cup of Salad (Which entails a cup of Iceberg Lettuce, A small serving of Bacon Bits, 3-4 Grape Tomatoes, a covering of Thousand Island Dressing, and a cover of Ketchup), and 5 peanut butter cookie. Things. I dunno. They’re shaped like a Peanut and have Peanut Butter in them. PROBABLY going to have some cheezits on top of my Banana. But, all I had was that, and 2 cups of Milk. No biggie today.  I feel better. When I’m at work (Which I did today), I usually feel pain in my legs and feet pretty quickly into my shift. Today, it didn’t start until AFTER my first break (Around 5:30). So, that’s a plus. AND, Progress. Yippie!  If you think I’m doing too much, too fast, please let me know. If you think I can add stuff to it, please let me know. Please comment. Share. Like. Everything. I enjoy feedback and community my friends. I just enjoy sharing stuff as well! :D
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slantybois-blog · 5 years
Weight Loss Tracker Days 1-3
So, I have once again. Decided to try to lose weight. AND, keep track of it for you guys! That way, you can maybe get some tips, or help me out. Or just watch for shits and/or giggles. I will only be doing this on our Tumblr and our Blog website. So, feel free to check both out. Like. Comment. All that jazz.
I will be keeping track of all I have eaten and digested. On top of that, I will also be keeping track of all I have done via excercise. Please let me know if I am wrong in certain aspects; what diet changes I can do; or work out regime I can adhere to. I am 355 lbs, and 5'9. I AM looking for big results *rather* quickly, but not to the point I will harm myself nor kill myself. But, rather, get to the point my body can WANT to work out on a daily, so I CAN go to Micky D's and enjoy what I want, without worry.
As a rule, I will NOT be consuming things after 7 pm. I usually go to sleep around 1 am, and wake up at 7 am. According to my old Air Force recruiter, you shouldn't consume anything after 6 pm. BUT, he also had me on a training regime, that entitled that I wake up at 4:45 am and go to sleep at 11 pm. So, I adjusted for the time I sleep, and when I GO to sleep, and determined 7 pm is a good cut off. If I am wrong in my adjustment, please let me know. Also, let me know if bananas or fruits are good to consume.Because I like bananas.
Day 1:
I woke up, stretched out each leg for 10 seconds on my couch, and swung my legs back and forth 10 times, by standing near a wall and swinging the leg furtherest from the wall. I then did 10 jumping jacks, 10 sit ups, and 10.. things. I dunno what to call them. It's where you're standing and bring one elbow to the opposite knee, and then continue switching limbs until you're done. I dunno. I did 10 of them.
I then took the big doggo I am staying with for a walk. I don't know the exact distance, but it wasn't too far. Probably about 7 minutes. I then took his little brother for the same distance, and then finished out a 30 minute walk using my time remaining. I was dancing on top of this.
I rode my bike around the neighborhood once. There's a lot of somewhat steep hills to go up and down on. So, that's always nice.
Every hour on the hour (When not working), I usually get up to stretch or do 10 jumping jacks.
Then, 8 hours. And 15 minutes of work. THAT'S always fun.I work a meat and seafood counter. I finish up seafood frozen mostly, help customers with fresh fish and meat, and if I have time, I help meat department do whatever they need to do. It's not an "active" job, but it keeps me busy.
Now for the food.
1 apple in the morning after all my workouts. 4 bananas (1 when I got home at 10:30pm). 1 serving of Aldi's Cheezits. (Savoritz). 2 cups of Iceberg Lettuce. 12 Grape Tomatoes. 2 servings of bacon bits. 4 oz of Chicken Breast. 1.5 cups of 1% milk. 2 cups of 1% chocolate milk. .75 cups of 2% Milk. 1 Mike's Hard Watermelon Lemonade 11.2 FL oz. 1 Ultra Monster, Green Apple Flavored, and 2 Sparkling Frosts (Sparkling Ice. Aldi Brand), and I add ketchup and thousand island sauce to my Lettuce when eating it.
It's been 3 days since I've had soda. It was a nightmare today. I THOUGHT I could make it through the day without needing caffiene, but I just couldn't. I grabbed the second best thing I could think of. If there are better alternatives, please. Let me know. I really don't wanna be relying on these Ultras too much.
This IS my last Alcoholic beverage for the time being. Will consume on celebrations, or dates.
So, this is the diet and excercise regimes I have decided to undertake. On my days off, I plan on adding 1 cup of Aldi brand Chunky soup to my salad at night, and plan on going on an extra walk during the day, but with every hour on the hour, THAT increases when I don't have work. Day 2: I went to sleep at 2 am and didn't wake up fully until 10. I can make all the excuses I want, but I'm not going to let THAT happen again. I am going to FIGHT until I win. IF, I must switch it so I wake up at 8 instead, I will do so.So far today, I have stretched out my back for 10 seconds, my legs for 10 seconds, and did the swinging thing again for 10 reps each. Then, 10 jumping jacks, 10 cross-armed thingies, and 10 sit ups. Apparently, the small black dog, was sleeping with Grand Master Pibb, so I decided to take both dogs for a walk at the same time. I counted my steps, and it was 350 steps to where we go, and therefore, 700 in total. I finished out a 15 minute walk by myself, by going up hill and meeting a dog who was on the run. OUTLAW. I also worked, once again, for 8 hours and 15 minutes. To supplement this, I had an Ultra Monster before going in. Because, I am NOT going to work without caffiene. Not right now anyway. It was also an impossibly long and hectic day, but at the end, I decided to stick around, and help out a few coworkers as well. I've had the Wife Sandwich (What I shall dub the half sandwich of Salami, Turkey, Ham, and Swiss Cheese my coworker lets me eat), 1 apple, 4 Bananas (2 after 7 pm), a serving of Cheezits (also after 7 pm), 2 cups of Chocolate Milk, 1 Cup of 1 percent Milk, 2 cups of Iceberg Lettuce, 2 Oz of Chicken Breast, 2 servings of Bacon Bits, 6 Grape Tomatoes, and two Sparkling Frosts. Boy, I was SO tempted to have .45 oz of Popcorn Chicken from the Deli today. But, I did NOT. So, Ha. I'm in it for the long haul. I am NOT stopping until I win this time. I promise it to myself, and to you all.  Day 3: Today, I started out perfectly. 30 minute walk without anybody. 10 sit ups. 10 knee things. 10 jumping jacks. 2 bananas. But then, I went to the store to pick up some energy drinks. When I got there.. I was weak. I HAD to have some Black Bean Hummus and .43 lbs of Popcorn Chicken. HAD TO. And that's all I had. One thing of Black Bean Hummus (10 servings of 45 calories each) and 2 Subway Sandwiches. Yeah. Subway Sandwiches. 2 Footlong. Italian Herb and Cheese, Spicy Italian Sandwichies. After 7 pm no less. With Pepper Jack Cheese, Tomatoes, BBQ sauce, Light Mayo, Black Olives AND Red Onions. I figured with everything else I've been doing and the fact I spend an hour raging at Crash Team Racing AND PLAYING Crash Team Racing. That I at least ended the day completely evened out. Granted. I still screwed up. BUT, no more. (Mostly because I have no money). But, I feel great. Working out and walking. Eating healthy again. I feel SO happy lately. It's been 3 days. But I feel amazing. 5 days without soda as well. It's gonna end well. It's gonna end beautifully. I can feel it. Please comment on this LONG ass post. Like. Share. Whatever you wish to do. I'm sorry it's so long. I didn't want to start this until today anyway! Because OCD. 
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