slashersivi · 2 years
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What do andalites do with their arms
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slashersivi · 3 years
I have never wanted to promote an evil organization so badly 😳
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Here are all the designs I made for my The Sharing Merchandise store
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slashersivi · 3 years
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slashersivi · 3 years
This is v good but only has Marco perspective, I feel like there's plenty of times Ax has admired Marco (along with being scared by him lol)
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a cheerful, day-brightening reminder that marco is absolutely the least-straight animorph out of all of them
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slashersivi · 3 years
Dear animorphs tumblr, specifically Ax/Marco fans. It has been a really long time since I was active on here but I come to you seeking assistance. Is there a compilation of shipping Ax/Marco quotes/interactions somewhere? I would like to crosspost to the Facebook group bc I'm tired of hearing "they're just leftovers." And I need like, the deep dives, specifics, etc. I mean, I'll do it myself if I have to but it's a lot of time I don't really have so if some enterprising person has done the legwork already I'd be super grateful to be pointed to it.
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slashersivi · 4 years
Was anyone going to tell me...
The Foxhole Court is NOT about a bunch of privileged whitedude lacrosse players and their college dramas or was I just supposed to read it for myself? :')
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slashersivi · 4 years
Pynch recs needed
I'm specifically looking for fics where they're getting married and Adam is changing his name to Lynch. I have only found one drabble where this happens so far, please tell me more exists or someone will write a nice long one 😭
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slashersivi · 4 years
I never really use tumblr anymore but I just wanted to say I listened to The Raven Cycle audiobooks in 2018 (and CDTH not long after it came out) and while I had issues with some parts of those books I fell completely in love with Pynch and as of a few months ago had a resurgence of my Pynch obsession and started binging fanfiction and like holy shit there's so much good stuff for how relatively small the fandom is, I feel blessed.
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slashersivi · 5 years
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of the last 24 hours, i have spent 4 sleeping and the remaining 20 reading all three captive prince books (and summer palace), so, you know, here we are, i guess
lions & starbursts!
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slashersivi · 5 years
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every day, in every way
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slashersivi · 5 years
Slash in disguise
....how trash am I for shipping Walter and Lance now? Oh lawd age difference of any significance usually is a no for me but they were just... so... cute D:
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slashersivi · 5 years
Note to self, link to the beautiful tweet that got this reaction: https://twitter.com/JohnBoyega/status/1200841672050933760?s=19
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John boyega says fuck disney I WILL talk about finnpoe as much as I please!
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slashersivi · 5 years
Star Wars: Rise of Poly
Spoilers tho mostly it's just my interpretation of the main trio's relationship dynamic
To me, the FinnPoe was strong. I don't really care that Disney felt the need to insert a female love interest for Poe. Well, I care in that it was cowardly, but whatever. The story is what *I* make of it. I can easily read Poe as poly. I see him and Finn in a loving but open relationship where they are each other's primaries. And Rey is obviously openly accepted as part of their family. The "this is my boyfriend Finn, and this is Finn's boyfriend Poe" parks & rec reference actually works pretty well, except that Finn & Rey are best friends instead. And I love that. Poe and Rey are prickly towards each other at times, but in the way of siblings used to bickering but still ultimately respecting and loving each other.
And while I'm not a fan of Reylo, I'm not going to deny it was canon, but Rey had such a strong relationship with Finn & Poe (& Bb8 & Chewie) as her family of choice that when she ultimately loses Ben it wasn't a huge blow to her because she barely had him in the first place. I think she had already faced her feelings and come to accept them but also that it was a complicated and shitty situation with little hope for a happy ending. As an orphan used to loss, she had already braced herself in that regard, and is profoundly grateful for who she still has, the people (and droids) who have been supporting and loving her on this journey.
Anyone else out there feeling that w me? I just loved their embrace at the end and felt like it encapsulated their relationship beautifully. I see them having all the cuddles T~T
P.s. I saw an article floating around that seemed like a relationship analysis of the trio but I avoided it since I hadn't seen the movie yet and now of course I can't find it anywhere so if anyone knows what I'm talking about off that incredibly vague description and could link me I'd appreciate it.
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slashersivi · 5 years
Also trans!Lila would give me life. Nb or transboy I'm not picky.
ADSoM and I'm Poly Trash Now
So I’ve crawled back to tumblr for the first time in awhile, not for the REASONABLE purpose of getting access to loads of Good Omens content, no that would make too much sense…. instead bc I just finished the Darker Shade of Magic trilogy by V.E. Schwab and while there was much that annoyed me about those books it didn’t stop me from shipping because I’d probably have to be dead for that to happen. And obviously I love Rhy/Alucard to pieces (I mean that’s just a given) but what I’d honestly sell my soul for is the Antari triad my god someone give me fixits and AUs, especially nonmagical ones cause uuurrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh their chemistry and bickering and tragedy and fucking bonding has me absolutely dead and crying. Is there anyone here crying with me? What us the ship name so I can look for it?? (Is it polyantari? If not it should be)
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slashersivi · 5 years
ADSoM and I'm Poly Trash Now
So I've crawled back to tumblr for the first time in awhile, not for the REASONABLE purpose of getting access to loads of Good Omens content, no that would make too much sense.... instead bc I just finished the Darker Shade of Magic trilogy by V.E. Schwab and while there was much that annoyed me about those books it didn't stop me from shipping because I'd probably have to be dead for that to happen. And obviously I love Rhy/Alucard to pieces (I mean that's just a given) but what I'd honestly sell my soul for is the Antari triad my god someone give me fixits and AUs, especially nonmagical ones cause uuurrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh their chemistry and bickering and tragedy and fucking bonding has me absolutely dead and crying. Is there anyone here crying with me? What us the ship name so I can look for it?? (Is it polyantari? If not it should be)
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slashersivi · 6 years
I found tha fic
It was The Road Toward by zoicite: https://archiveofourown.org/works/2162 Op:
I haven't been on tumblr in ages & don't even know what tags to use so I may be shouting into a void but I'm looking for a fic that has bucky finding sam while he's on a run and continues to meet up with him but refuses/is scared to see Steve for a long time. I think it's Sam/Steve pairing wise but I could NOT find it going through AO3 even though I'm sure it's there. Can anyone help me??
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slashersivi · 7 years
Grimm findings
I started watching Grimm bc my mom has Amazon Prime and it's something fairly mindless to have on while I do other things. I'm not done w S1 yet but I thought I'd check out what the fandom ships looked like, just out of curiosity. I figured Nick/Monroe would be the biggest, even if I'm not very interested in it myself, but I was quite disappointed that there wasn't a single Hank/Wu fic to be found! Apparently I've found my rarest ship to date, in that I may be the only person who ships it :p
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