#sivi watches stuff
iheartchv · 10 months
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Sure thing 😊 (he's so cute, I agree ❤ also I'm sorry if it feels rushed, I still have IRL stuff going on that is mentally draining, but I am trying to find ways to destress; I'm not fully ready to come back to being on tumblr like I used to)
🐇Usagi x Y/N imagine/HC🐇
You meet Usagi for the first time during Christmas time when the Turtles and Splinter invited their friends over for Christmas dinner
Leo had introduced you to him
"Oh, so you're the Y/N talked about?"
"It's an honor to meet you."
"Leonardo-san is lucky to have a friend like you to take care of him."
You blushed at his compliments, thanking him.
Honestly, Usagi wasn't hard to get along with
He was similar to Leo, having honor and right morals
As you got to talk to him, you wanted to be around him more
When it was time to leave, Usagi was such a gentleman:
He took your hands and and gave the back of them ... and your fingers a kiss... something he learned about etiquette from Donnie
However that didn't stop your heart from beating hard and your cheeks warm with blush
Next time he came back to visit, you showed him around New York, in the city you lived in (in a disguise of course)
There was so much to do, and see, but so litttle time
Whatever you did with Usagi, he loved every minute of it
You took him to your favorite spot
It was a place to think, meditate, be with yourself and your thoughts. And it was high enough from anyone interrupting you
Usagi watched the sunset with you
"I liked spending some time with you today"
"I wished there was more time... I don't want today to end..."
You would look over at him every now and then to see him stare out at the horizon
You looked away when you seen his eyes meet yours
However you don't catch the small smile that crossed his face a few times...
As he too looked back at you as you looked ahead at the warm colored sky
Before he entered the portal back to Second Earth, you gave him a hug
And he hugged you back
It felt nice
Made you feel so warm and fuzzy inside
"Till we meet again... Y/N."
He said with a smile
And the way he said your name made your heart skip a beat
That night, you couldn't stop thinking about him...
When sleep finally took hold of you, you relived the memories of the day along with a few thoughts of your subconscious mingled in...
You dreamed that you gave him a sweet soft kiss instead of hugging him
And that he gave you one back
Morning rays broke through your window, waking you from dream land
However the dream stayed in the back of your mind, and you would be daydreaming
When was Usagi coming back...?
Hope this will satisfy for now 😁😊🐇💙
Tag list:
@turtle-babe83 @tmntspidergirl-deactivated20230 @leosgirl82 @angelcatlowyn @annaliaandtheturtles @pheradream-15 @cowabunga-doll @bluesakurablossom @darksaphire2002 @foreignbrunette @greenprincess @half-shell-bo @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @moonlightflower21 @narwals14 @nikitaboeve @nittleboo @raphaelsrightarm @southernblossoms @thelostandforgottenangel @white-masked-beauty @roxosupreme @kawaiibunga @captain-kinda-trash @yumefuusen @sivy-chan-blog @artsolarsash @crazedtmnt @raisin-shell @sacredwarrior88 @leosgirl82 @egg-on-the-run @ashleighclark98 @dilucsflame33 @tkappi @happymoonangel @allybutton @android-cap-007 @androidships007 @turtallyawesome @doctorelleth @crazysarah-98 @phd-in-fuckery @angelicdavinci
Let me know if you'd like to be/don't wanna be tagged💖
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magicgills · 1 year
I've talked before offline about how there's that one specific kind of high school/middle school mean girl who's into alt and fandom stuff and think she can't be a mean girl just because she's not "popular", whatever her idea of popular even is. Think like Janis Ian from Mean Girls but if she watched Mean Girls and thought the Burn Book would be a fun thing to recreate. I met many variations of this girl in school, and they were some of the cruelest people I've ever encountered.
This site is filled with this specific kind of person, except with even less confidence and emotional/social capability that they can only torment people online for their little power trips. And because they are complete losers, they refuse to see the harm in their actions. They little take a page out of the books of 2010 teen movie villains by making their fucking polls and laughing at vulnerable individuals for being "annoying" or for calling them out on their shit. They literally advertise how pathetic and desperate they are at every turn but unfortunately their actions still have harmful and palpable effects other people, so of course why should they stop?
I just write this in the hopes that younger, impressionable people on this site are given the tools to see through this behavior and do their part to stop or stay out of it instead of contributing to it in the name of "internet fun". And above that while I'll miss Sivi's presence on here, I hope that her stepping away from this situation will help her mental health and that she will be able to find another safe outlet for her thoughts and creativity. I absolutely hate that she had to deactivate because of something like this.
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rahuljais02 · 2 years
Here is how you can improve your Fiction novel writing skill
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Writing can be a tough task. So, to write on a particular genre, you have to be very focused.
Writing a fiction novel is a marvelous demonstration. To weave various muddled strings of character into a united whole takes uncommon inventive mastery.
So what strategies should you use to improve your fiction writing? What's the one thing that will make your fiction worth reading multiple times?
Begin with a plan: Some mind-blowing fiction books are basically a consequence of representing the request, Consider the possibility that. Starting a work of fiction requires just a little seed to get you going. Beginning without an overabundance of stuff can help with starting things off.
Create a convincing plot: Believable characters have human blemishes like people. Whether or not the real characters aren't humans, they feel like authentic people with their own lives and distinctive viewpoints. The motivations for their exercises appear to be alright, and their progression follows how their curve has been set up. A good story has intriguing central characters, ones you can connect with, and ones you can pull for.
Utilize regular discourse: It is refined through a large number of approaches. As a creator, you ought to figure out some way to hone your powers of insight and watch people interact. An assessment can show up in a combination of ways, from examining various makers to watching movies. Sharp insight capacities and individual experience will help guide you through this piece of fiction. Read SIVI and SATTY: AND THE RUDRA SENA a fiction novel by an Indian author, to get the correct method of discourse conveyance.
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slashersivi · 7 years
Pick a base
Danny "Aiming for a Homerun" Williams
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ganymedesclock · 2 years
Sivi 13, 22, 36, Tema 37, 60, 87, Garu 29, 40, 75?
13. What do they do for fun?
Sivi is one of those people one would accuse of being married to the job, but actually, she does thread the needle of "some of it is actually stuff she enjoys doing and does on her downtime without urgency."
She's a real sucker for a good tea party. Or parlor games. She's not strictly a god of knowledge, but intellectual challenges certainly appeal to her. Give her a slide puzzle and she will be immediately interested.
22. What is their least favorite thing about their personality?
She's easily one of the most inflexible and judgmental of her family, and these traits- especially where they tie to her temper- frustrate her constantly. As a god of justice, it matters immensely to her that things are not simply peaceful and orderly, but fair and good. At the end of the day, she feels obligated to weigh the needs of the many against the needs of the few, but it always leaves a bitter taste in her mouth- because a truly noble system wouldn't be throwing those few away at all.
At the same time, though, she hates being in that position of the one who has to man the lever of the trolley problem enough that she wouldn't wish it on anyone else.
The thing about being the god of judges, is that at the end of the day, you have to weigh your own heart on the scales just as much as anyone else's.
36. What is their sense of humor like? Give an example of a joke they would find humorous.
Jokes that are kind of like puzzles- intricate wordplay or a long setup that lulls you into a false sense of security. So on the one hand, her sense of humor is very refined and elegant- on the other hand she'd absolutely make an undignified little snort at the archetypal brick joke.
37. How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Do they say it without meaning it?
She's more likely to not say it when she means it than she is to say it when she doesn't. Tema is a very sweet earnest kid growing up too fast because she thinks this is what the people around her need. On the one hand, she's extremely sentimental, and probably says it a lot, especially to close confidants like animal companions or her siblings.
On the other, she feels like she should be acting more serious and responsible, like a god should be, and it's very, very important that gods don't play favorites- just look at the kind of things Aeon gets up to and how much trouble they make.
Garu is trying to keep her from growing up too fast too soon, though. He as much as Sivi knows full well that growing up fast didn't do either of them a lick of good- and unlike Sivi, he doesn't have a reputation to keep up as the responsible god. So he tends to occasionally, lovingly, sabotage Tema's Serious Adult attitude.
60. Describe the way they sleep.
Sleep is one of the times Tema betrays her actual lack of maturity. She tends to wad up wherever it's soft, burying her face against pillows, blankets, moss, friendly sheep... She's a deep sleeper. Even if gods don't age as quickly as humans do, a young god's body still has a lot of raw changes it's going through, so she's definitely up and about and lively right up until she crashes and then she's just, down for the count until you get her back.
87. What is something they regret?
A part of Tema really wonders what would've happened if she'd stood up for Aeon back when they were born- if it would've gotten both of them lost, or if it'd have changed everything. At the time, she was scared and confused, and mostly just hung back and watched- which, it took her a long time to realize that the way she felt, was a lot of how Aeon felt.
29. How would they describe their own personality?
Garu's self-descriptions tend... polarized. Either the most glamorous lies about his illustrious reputation and stellar attitudes, or wry self-deprecating jokes, and things that manage to thread a line between both of them.
He's virtually never really objective or matter-of-fact about himself, and when he is, it comes down more to capabilities, hard limits, and things he perceives as practical rules of survival. It's always easier to describe himself as what he's not- or what he doesn't want to try to be- than what he actually is. As a result, he comes off as either insufferably arrogant or deeply self-loathing or both at once.
40. Who do they trust most? Is that trust mutual?
He trusts Sivi to be exactly the kind of person she always is. Really, that's something he could say about a lot of the gods- he has fairly keen insights into how each of his siblings operate, being the one who's often tasked with keeping a personal eye on them, but Sivi in particular is not surprising- whether or not that means she's supporting him is another question.
As far as people he'd never expect to turn on him, probably Tema, who very much regards him the same way.
75. If given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
It would start with doodling, move on to writing in cipher, start crosshatching or making other repetitive motion patterns and then eventually he'd start chewing on the pencil.
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intriga-hounds · 4 years
reflections on bazalai at 6 months of age...
first of all, i am loving this puppy. as i’m typing this, however, he is being extremely unhelpful by licking the keyboard and resting his neck on my arms in all manner of ways. 
but seriously, he’s everything i really really wanted: food motivated, affectionate, sociable, happy-go-lucky, sweet, and non-combative. while he is quite aloof with strangers, he is extraordinarily loving toward everyone in the house and warms up to newcomers easily. he is very respectful of sivi’s boundaries. though sivi unexpectedly and wholeheartedly adores him, when he loses his patience and puts his foot (paw?) down, baz backs off immediately, which was one of the most important factors for me. 
some things i think eloise really brought to the table: good bone/substance, a stronger rear, better ears, more moderate croup, super social temperament, food motivation, confidence, obviously her borzoi heritage
some things i think sivi really brought to the table: a more refined, silken-like head, more coat, speed, a to-die-for expression, small size, tail length
some things i think they both offered: intelligence, affectionate personalities, nice fronts, overall structure/conformation, low COIs
favorite things about bazzle’s structure: i do love his head/expression (i think this is an improvement from both parents), his rear is stronger than sivi’s, nice long second thigh, lovely front and rear angles, nice width of front, better bone and more masculine than sivi without being coarse, much more moderate croup (and just more moderate overall), beautifully long tail, lovely topline!!! some people got in my ear when he was 8 weeks and made me feel like he wasn’t a nice puppy, but he’s seriously lovely. i love to watch him prance around the park. i’m really liking his movement so far. 
things i’d still want to improve on in the future if i get further involved with breeding: obviously the ears lol, they are rosed but i’d like them higher, finer, and tighter. i’d like to continue improving on the rear, as his hocks turn in just a bit more than i’d like. i don’t know how his coat will turn out, but i’d probably look for a bitch with a thicker coat. 
as for temperament/performance, i’d want to keep adding to that confident, social personality. he’s much better than sivi, but still not my ideal. i’d also like more drive and speed, not that his are bad at all, just that it could be better! and goodness, i’d like to move away from being so dog-oriented. baz, sivi, and eloise are all VERY into other dogs and that can be frustrating when training. i’m also looking out for super annoying boy behaviors like excessive marking and challenging other male dogs. sivi does them, but it’s too early to tell how baz will be. i’d prefer boys who can think a little more clearly.
anyway i’m very pleased. i am a total newbie at all this stuff, so this is mainly me trying to sort my thoughts, track my progress, and learn more. maybe i will look back on this in a couple of years and laugh at myself. maybe i will still have all the same goals and thoughts--though i doubt this, considering i still don’t really know what i’m looking at when it comes to conformation. 
but i’d like to post this so i don’t forget where i am right now in this moment. 
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unctions · 5 years
i'm no longer watching sivi, but i AM snuggling my own sweet child. thanks for followin me this week, enjoy 2019, and stick around for the good stuff: bad memes and my cat.
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blogs I appreciated in 2k17
I’ve been meaning to do this for a hot second but I am tired and lazy!!! but here we go okay first of all I LOVE YOU ALL dogblr is frankly amazing and I’ve really enjoyed getting more involved in the community over the past year. Here are some of my favorite people and dogs that I just loved watching in 2017! If you don’t already follow them you should go do it cause they’re awesome. OKAY HERE WE GO
@aquestionablemutt - Dude you and Roma are fantastic. She’s perfect in all the ways. You have so much patience w/ her and clearly love her sooo much and it makes my heart happy!
@spartathesheltie - Ur fluffs are my favorite fluffs!!!! okay you just have the one but Luna counts too deal with it! Sparta has made me want a little FCI Sheltie and I never thought I’d want any kind of small dog so that’s your fault too. Also you as a person are awesome and I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you better this year!
@elliottheamericanbulldog - UMMM Elliot is so hecking cute!!! Her and Carl are relationship goals bye. She’s such a character I can’t handle it. Also April is just a sentient and grumpy wrinkle? Which is just. Amazing.
@vilescorpio - TIBSSSSS/KIBBBSSSS I LOVE HIM SO MUCH OMFG him and Tori are clones (so like if you like Tori you’ll love tibs) and it’s the best thing in the universe. And Viles is hilarious and super smart and amazing and really fun to talk to.
@loki-lo - GURL okay I’m so glad I randomly messaged you about puppy excitement when it wasn’t even a for sure thing! It was so nice to have someone else be as excited as me about it and now the puppy is here and you’re still epic! Plus Loki always has the best hair? Her Halloween color was spot (haha) on.
@silver-sivien - Sivi is a prince!!! the most handsome prince!!! Growing grayer and wise by the day! Not to mention Sivi’s mom, freaking hilarious and you do so much with your animals holy fuddggeee! Your rats are the cutest and I LOVE hearing about their habitats and enrichment. It’s made me want to get over my weirdness w/ their human hands and get some rat babies! Not to mention all you do with Sivi. Hearing about you guys doing classes and going to dog parks and shows has really inspired me to start doing more stuff again!
@lifewithduma - honestly you pulled me into the dogblr community and now I’m stuck here forever!! First of all Duma is one of the cutest ever. You are so welcoming to people and fun to talk to and just. You give dogblr a good name my friend! 
shoutouts to @ofcarnivora, @maisietheyellowlab, @lambdalupi, @powerfulexistance, @cosmodoop, @achoirofcritters, @poodlemonium, @perfectdogs, @mango-pup, @winston-the-bordercollie, I’m too tired to write about you guys now (why do I always do this kinda stuff at 12am??) but you’ve all made an impact on me over the past year in awesome ways and I’ve loved talking to you all and seeing your dogs alllllll over my dash!!! 
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eedisgirlfriend · 5 years
to do tomorrow:
- breakfast! - swedish! - commentary on first draft - write own BA thesis (1-2 pages!) - clean kitchen - make dinner - more swedish or more writing - do some fun thing - prepare for next week! and the big swedish exam :0
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iheartchv · 2 years
💚Christmas Kisses❤
Dont know if I was going to have any time, so I quickly put something together for @turtle-babe83 s #tmnt stocking stuffers event c:
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You and (Leo/Raph/Donnie/Mikey) had been together for a long time. Its been one crazy journey, but you loved every single moment. From the unexpected capture by the baddies to the predictable ways of your lover, you wouldn't trade it for anything in the whole world. You've gained another family, as well as your own, and your family had finally became open minded about the ninja turtle you have made a life with.
Tonight, on Christmas Eve, the lair was full as it's ever been. You stood on the middle of the living room watching with Splinter by your side. You watched as your child mingled with your younger cousins and the turtles got to talk with humans besides April and Casey, who also dropped by. The old rat's eyes twinkled with how lively it was.
"It brings me great joy to see all these smiling faces..." Your turtle beau came up to stand by the other side of you, gently pulling you to him by the hip. "Including yours, my son. You chose well picking Y/N as a partner."
He thanked his father and master. He turned to look at you, catching your gaze. "And I thank you, my love, for loving me and always believing in me when no one else would." He dropped a kiss in your hair. "You've given me more gifts than I can ever count, and I will treasure them forever."
You blushed and gave his lips a quick peck. "I love you, (Leonardo/Raphael/Donatello/Michelangelo). Forever and always and for all time." you replied with your vows you made at the wedding ceremony that seemed to have happened like it was yesterday.
"Forever, always, and for all time." he said back as he pulled you in for a kiss filled with all his love and compassion he never seemed to extinguish.
Tag list:
If you'd like to be tagged for ninja turtle stuff, let me know c:
@turtle-babe83 @tmntspidergirl @leosgirl82 @angelcatlowyn @annaliaandtheturtles @pheradream15 @exovapor @cowabunga-doll @bluesakurablossom @crazedauthor @darksaphire2002 @foreignbrunette @greenprincess @half-shell-bo @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @moonlightflower21 @narwals14 @nikitaboeve @nittleboo @raphaelsrightarm @southernblossoms @thelostandforgottenangel @white-masked-beauty @roxosupreme @kawaiibunga @captain-kinda-trash @angelicdavinci @thelaundrybitch @yumefuusen @sivy-chan-blog @artsolarsash @turtlebeaa @crazedtmnt @raisin-shell @sacredwarrior88 @leosgirl82 @egg-on-the-run @ashleighclark98 @dilucsflame33
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rahuljais02 · 2 years
How can I improve fiction writing skills?
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Here are some tips to get improvement in writing fiction.
So what methodologies to use to develop your writing skills? What's the one thing that will cause your fiction to work on ten times?
Start with a plan: Some incredible fiction books are essentially a result of posing the inquiry, What if? Beginning another work of fiction requires only seed to get you moving. Starting without an excess of stuff can assist with kicking things off.
Write a compelling plot: Credible characters have human imperfections like individuals. Regardless of whether the actual characters aren't human, they feel like genuine individuals with their own lives and mark of perspectives. The inspirations for their activities seem OK, and their advancement follows how their bend has been set up. A decent story has interesting fundamental characters, ones you can relate to, and ones you can pull for.
Use natural dialogues: It is refined through a wide range of approaches. As an author, you should figure out how to sharpen your powers of perception and watch individuals how they interface. An examination can arrive in an assortment of structures, from perusing different creators to watching motion pictures. Sharp perception abilities and individual experience will assist with directing you through this part of fiction composing. Read SIVI & SATTY: AND THE RUDRA SENA to get the right way of dialogue delivery.
Keep your story move forward: Continue to compose and stress over the moment subtleties during the modification interaction. Devoting explicit measures of time will assist you with getting the venture completed as soon as possible.
Good pacing: A decent story adjusts various speeds for various minutes inside its account. A story experiencing slow pacing and too little activity will exhaust the peruser. A lot of interest will wear a peruser out and overpower them with movement. It is particularly valid for brief tale scholars, who have a restricted word build-up to recount a story.
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slashersivi · 7 years
And you'd probably commandeer my unicorn.
Danny "Friendship is Magic" Williams
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slashersivi · 7 years
Grimm findings
I started watching Grimm bc my mom has Amazon Prime and it's something fairly mindless to have on while I do other things. I'm not done w S1 yet but I thought I'd check out what the fandom ships looked like, just out of curiosity. I figured Nick/Monroe would be the biggest, even if I'm not very interested in it myself, but I was quite disappointed that there wasn't a single Hank/Wu fic to be found! Apparently I've found my rarest ship to date, in that I may be the only person who ships it :p
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slashersivi · 7 years
Chicken salad
I don't know how I feel about that episode. Very mixed feelings. The combination of het-affirmation and queerbait may be too strong.
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slashersivi · 7 years
All right, y'all convinced me, I started on S7 god I love this stupid show, IT'S SO DUMB BUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH FREAKIN PARKOUR AND GLOBAL NUCLEAR PLANT MELTDOWNS AND AWARDS FROM THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND AYFKM tho right now I'm pretty mad the ep Steve is kidnapped is one Scott Caan missed gdi
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slashersivi · 7 years
Help again, McDanno fans
I'm on ep 10 of S7 and Danny getting hung up on Spencer touching his sister's lower back has made me want screencaps of Steve touching Danny's lower back (or vice versa) from PREVIOUS episodes,cause I know they exist - can anyone tag me to a set or something??
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