slut-4-beetlejuice · 4 years
important beetlejuice psa!!
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slut-4-beetlejuice · 5 years
Beetlejuice: just say my name
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slut-4-beetlejuice · 5 years
I wish beetlejuice was out back in 2012, when I had just lost my mom. Do you know how much that would have helped 11 year old me dealing with the loss of her mother? Or in 2013 when my dad forced a new terrible woman into my life and didnt care that I wasn't over my mom and literally told me, "you only lost a mom. I lost a soulmate, do you know how I must feel? It's been over a year, get over it."
Do you know how much I, as a current 19 year old woman, still relate to Lydia? I literally cry every time I hear Dead Mom and Home.
If anyone says giving lydia and explicitly dead mom is a bad idea, you are wrong and I will fight you. It not only gives more insight into her character and motivations, it helps other little girls out there dealing with the loss of their mothers and having no idea which way home is. I will stand by this discussion until the day I fucking die.
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slut-4-beetlejuice · 5 years
reblog this if you’re a fanfic writer & your motivation to write actually increases when readers actually show interest & give you feedback. even just a reblog or a little comment here and there
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slut-4-beetlejuice · 5 years
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I generated this meme because it is exactly my life right now
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slut-4-beetlejuice · 5 years
I would love some BJ fluff where the reader is a super romantic and sweet person (with a cold and sarcastic exterior) and he’s trying to figure out how to ask her out but he’s not gray and romance and gets the deetz and maitlands to help out
(hey, annon? thank you. i love this request!)
“Ah, sweet Satan I want them to punch me in the face”
That was Beetlejuice’s first thought when he first saw you. You we’re Lydias cousin and had recently moved into the Deetz home. They lived closer to the college you we’re attending, and agreed to let you move in for the time being to avoid having to pay for a dorm. You couldn’t lie, you we’re pretty stoked! Lydia had always been like a little sister to you, and the Deetz had welcomed you with opened arms. It was like it had always been your home.
For the first month or so, Beetlejuice was forced to watch you from afar. Lydia refused to introduce you two because God slash Satan forbid, he scare you away. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t into you though. you seemed like one of those tough as nails types. You wore a leather jacket and had a resting bitch face. He once saw you punch a Jehovah’s witness in the face for telling Lydia her mom was in hell. It was awesome.
But, the more he watched you, the more he stared to notice little things. Like how you would watch those sappy romance movies alone in your room and always cry at the ending. How you had one of the most impressive stuffed animal collections he had ever seen, and how valentine’s day was one of your favorite holidays because you “just liked the concept of love”
He realized that he may have had a crush on you. just maybe. But, it was confirmed after he finally got to meet you. you didn’t even flinch. It wasn’t everyday he found someone that could go toe to toe with him in flirting, and it caught him off guard. In a good way.
“hey Sexy. About time we finally got to meet.” He purred. You smirked, “I agree. I cant believe Lydia would keep such a handsome devil from me.” “I’m more than just a devil baby. I’m the ghost with the most.” “oh, are you now? You might have to show me sometime.” You smirked, walking away.
BJ was fucking smitten, and Lydia was regretting her life choices.
As Beetlejuice started to worm his way into your group, he started to notice more of the little things about you. Like the way your eyes lit up the room when you laughed, how infectious your smile was, and how you told a store with your whole body. It was the little things like that that got to him. You could just smile at him the right way and he’d go wild. It he had a heartbeat, it would go wild when you we’re near. Fuck, he was in love. And he had to admit to himself he was in love, and he had to do something about it. He had to ask you out. But there was a problem. How do you ask out a punk with a heart of gold? Which side do you appeal to?
Time to ask the experts.
“Adam, Barbara, I need your help.” Beetlejuice announced as he entered the attic. Adam sighed, “please, please tell me you didn’t put another racoon in the dishwasher.” “what? No, I told you that was a one time thing.” Beej mumbled. “then why did you do it twice?” Barbara questioned. “because the first time was a test run! Look guys, I need you’re help, it’s about y/n.” he pleaded.
Adam looked worried. “Beej, whatever you’re planning leave them out of it. They’re a nice person, and they don’t need to be caught up in some crazy scheme.” Adam said. Beetlejuice shook his head. “no, it’s not like that…it’s..welll..ugh.:” “you love them.” Barbara observed. “no, I don’t want to prank them, I wanna- wait did you just call me out? You knew I liked them?! Why didn’t you tell me?!” he could have been saved from so many sleepless night if she had just told him how he felt before.
Barbara shrug. “you had to figure it out yourself.” “ok, but how did you know he loved them?” Adam questioned. Barbara shrugged, “it’s an intuition thing. It’s the way he looks at them. The way he acts around them, his body language, ya know?” “well, could ya tell me how to ask them out, cause I got no fucking clue.” Beetlejuice sighed. “oh Beej, you’re thinking too hard about it.” Barbara smiled, “Y/N isn’t some enigma, just be straight forward and honest. Tell them how you feel and see if they feel the same way. Y/N is the kind of person that would apricate the honesty.” Adam nodded and agreed. “yea, Y/N wouldn’t like the emotional games. Like, they’re an emotional person, but that’s why they wouldn’t want you to beat around the bush. Then no feeling accidentally get hurt, and you both know where you stand without having to question your sanity.” Adam assured him. “bonus points for a romantic gesture.” Barba pointed at him and agreed. “mm, good point, y/n would like something cute and cheesy.” “cute and cheesy? Like what?” Beetlejuice questioned.
Adams eyes lit up. “stand outside their window with a boom box and play “I wanna know what love is” by foreigner! When they come down to see what all the rucks is, give them a rose and ask them to be yours. Its how I asked out Barbara!” he grinned, happy to give advice. “that’s genius.” BJ laughed, “no it’s not!” Barbara chimed it, “its way too cheesy! This isn’t the 80s or a movie, you can’t just do that. You’d be better off giving them a stuffed animal. You want slight cheesy, not double cheese.” “but its so genius.” “don’t do that Beej, its what’s the words the kids are saying these days? Cringy? Cringy. Its cringy Beej, promise me you won’t do that.” “but-“ “promise.” “fine. I promise I wont do that,” BJ sighed.
You yawned as you changed into your Pjs, ready for bed. It had been a long day, and you we’re ready to just crash out for a week. You went over and opened the second story window, smiling at the cool air. You went over to your bed and curled up under your warm covers. You we’re almost asleep when you heard a familiar song drifting into your room. You could have sworn you heard it before, but what was it?
You got up and went over to your window to figure out what it was, looked out the window and oh my god what was he doing?
Beetlejuice stood outside your window, holding a boom box high above his head as “I wanna know what love is” blasted out to you, and he sang every word with all of his soul. He looked like something out of the 80s, right down to the stiped denim jacket and sunglasses at night. Say what you want, he committed to the bit.
The poor neighbors.
“FINE! THEN I’M COMING UP TO YOU!” he yelled up at you. He rested the boom box on his shoulder and started to float up to you. No way this was real. He smiled softly as he saw you. “Y/N, I like you. I like, really really like you. a lot. I might even love you. I think it’s love? I don’t know. I don’t know what love is to be honest. But, I want to. And I want you to show me.” He said sheepishly, producing a dead blackened rose from his pocket and handing it to you. “so…will you be mine?” he asked.
You felt like you had to be dreaming. This was crazy. But you couldn’t help but smile as you took the rose from him. “oh my god BJ!” you laughed, making room for him to enter your room and closing the window. “but, you know, you didn’t have to do all this. If you really wanted to be extra, you could have bought me a stuffed animal or something.” BJ feigned surprise. “See! I tried to tell Barb that, but she insisted this was the way to go!” he said, barely holding back the grin in his lie. You laughed and went and sat next to him on the bed, leaning into him. “I’m so sure” you giggled, leaning into your demon. “so is that a yes?” he asked. “hmm?” “to you being mine? I mean, you let me into your room, and we’re kinda cuddling right now, so, will you go out with me?” you laughed. “I mean, I gueeessss” you teased kissing his cheek. He blushed as pink threaded it’s way through his hair. “awesome.” He laughed.
Who knew asking out the punk with a heart of gold would be so easy?”
 (hey guys! This is my second time writing this, so, lets hope it actually posts this time. Nevertheless, I still had a lot of fun writing it. Fun fact, a Jehovah witness actually told me my dead mom was in hell for not accepting Jehovah once, so writing him getting the punched in the face was so cathartic and self-indulgent. I really like it and I hope you guys too! As always, constructive criticism is always welcomed, and let me know what you think!!)
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slut-4-beetlejuice · 5 years
Fuck y'all. It was an ask and everything and I have no idea how to get it back and as much as I try incant will myself to type it out again. Fuck. This is why I stopped posting to begin with. Or, part of the reason why. I'll try again tomorrow guys I'm so sorry.
Anyways, spoiler alert, it had 80s themes beetlejuice and a cheesy 80s themed ending and fuck man.
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slut-4-beetlejuice · 5 years
I was working on a fic and I was so fucking proud of it and it was so fucking good and then tumblr just fucking ate it. It ate it, it's gone. There was a "messy little error" while I was posting it and POOF it's gone forever now.
@staff fix your fucking app.
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slut-4-beetlejuice · 5 years
I was working on a fic and I was so fucking proud of it and it was so fucking good and then tumblr just fucking ate it. It ate it, it's gone. There was a "messy little error" while I was posting it and POOF it's gone forever now.
@staff fix your fucking app.
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slut-4-beetlejuice · 5 years
Hey guys, so I got home from work really late tonight and wont have time to work on an ask, so, instead have some sparkly beetlejuice stickers i made last night. Personally, I really like Lydia
(*cough* i also do commissions and hand make stickers dm for info *cough cough cough*)
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slut-4-beetlejuice · 5 years
Beetlejuice is sad because he can feel the baby kick like his girlfriend can so when he finally feels the baby kick his hand he freaks out with love
(Daddyjuice for the win)
You were almost ready to pop.
8 months in and you could almost see the baby when it kicked. You, quite frankly, we're a little sick of it. Taking a nap was a lot harder with a small demon (?) Violently kicking your guts.
Beej on the other hand couldn't get enough of it. He'd always have a happy little freak out when he saw the baby move, or you told him about a kick. He'd always rush to try to feel, but, he never failed to miss it. It was like the baby didn't want him to know it moved. It always bummed you out seeing how sad it made him. He would go from neon pink and green hair, to blue with purple threads, and it seemed like his whole body would deflate.
"I dont get it babes" he mumbled one night, laying his head on your tummy, "why dont they wanna say hi to me?" You sighed and pet his hair. "I dont think it's that love. Maybe they're just shy?" "But they said hi to Barbara and lydia!!" "Maybe they just have a type?"
Beetlejuice groaned and shook his head. "I never wanted to be kicked this bad in my entire life...or death." and, almost as if summoned, he felt it. One solid kick to the noggin. It would have knocked the sense back into him if he had it to begin with.
And as if by magic, his whole mood changed. He went from sad blue boy to the beautiful pinks of love, and the neon greens of excitement.
You had never seen a man so happy to be kicked in the head. You couldn't help but giggle and share his excitement. "See?! I told you they wanted to say hi! They were just say!"
"Well, hello to you to my little demon!!" He gushed to your belly, smiling ear to ear. "Oh man, daddy cant wait to meet you! You're gonna kick so much ass! Hehehe, get it?" You hadn't seen him this happy since you told him you were pregnant. He looked at you with love in his eyes and a smile that wouldn't quit. "I fuckin love out family babes" you grinned back at him. A warm feeling spreading through your chest at the thought of having a family. "I do to love. I do to."
Who would have thought so much happiness could come from a kick to the head?
(Hey, so, I know this one is shorter and more drabble-y but it's high key the kinda cute easy shit that I needed right now and I had a lot of fun writing this. I hope you guys like it!! As always, criticism is welcome!)
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slut-4-beetlejuice · 5 years
If I may ask for another request? More soft BJ! BJ being given his first birthday party (probably the next up and coming Friday the 13th.). Star gazing with BJ! Watching him kick ass at carnival/arcade games and always ones up the other couples by getting you the BEST prizes! Oh or BJ nervously about to confess that he’s in love with reader but everything goes straight to hell and the moment is ruined only for the reader to comfort Bj and confess. Idk I’m just spit balling here...
Ok I'm trying to bring my blog back from the dead, and before we get into this infeel I owe you guys an explanation.
I was going through a rough time emotionally and I didn't really have it in me to put any of my "emotional battery" into being creative. But, I'm doing better now. Much better. And, I'm going to try and start posting regularly again! And cleaning out my inbox. I hope I didn't let any of you down, and I hope you all like this! (Also, please bear with me while I try to get a grasp on this character again)
So, Beej never really had a birthday. He couldn't even tell you what it was if he tried, it had been so long and he never really celebrated it. When you asked how he kept track of how old he was, his only response was "bold of you to assume I keep track" so, that was really no help. So, you decided to take matters into your own hands.
You chose Noveber 13th. A friday. In most years it was a friday the 13th. It felt fitting for your bug man. On the 12th you stayed up late, putting up decorations and baking a cake. But, it didnt stop there. The "13 Festival" was going on, something your town did every Friday the 13th. And you bet your beautiful ass you were gonna take him. People would be dressed up as monsters, zombies, spooks and haunts anyways, so he would for right in.
Coming down the stairs that morning, Beetlejuice would be lying if he said he wasn't a little miffed that you weren't there when he woke up. He'd be lying even more if he said the sudden and jarring sound of noise makers and his entire found family yelling "SURPRISE!" didnt scare the shit out of him.
"GHOST ZOMBIE JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" he jumped, "what the fuck is goin on?" He asked, the slept throughly shocked out of him.
"Its your brithday!" You laughed at him, blowing your kazoo at him, "were celebrating! Like the decor? I made it myself!" You beamed, proud of your work. He nodded, looking around, "I mean, it's great babes, but..its not my birthday." "How do you know that?" "....ya know, ya got me there." He smiled, coming down to kiss your forehead.
You played some old rock and roll and hung out with the family. The party was pretty lowkey, but beej like it that way. Everyone was there, Barbara, Adam, Lydia, De, hell even Charles, Charles fricking deets was there and he just wished him a happy birthday. Fucking wild. The cake had black and white stripes in it. Even more fucking wild. And his amazing SO made it, which was less wild but only because they were amazing and could literally do anything, including warm this cold dead heart.
After everyone left, beej was more than happy to call it a night. You on the other hand, were not. "I got one more surprise for you babe" you smiled, "is it vodka?" "No, what? No." "Oh..." "no silly, it's the 13th Festival." "Oh yea! Isnt it that thing where you breathers celebrate it being unlucky?" "Yes! And, I was wondering if you wanted to go?" "Will there be funnel cake?" "Yes." "Why are we still here? Let's GO!"
You laughed as you walked with him. He was getting more and more excited about this, about being among the breathers. It had been forever since he had last been to a festival. Literally.
He wasn't all that big into the rides. They were giant death machines and he was worried about you getting hurt. You tried to explain to him that that fear was irrational and you'd be fine, but he wasn't having that.
Now the games on the other hand...
Beetlejuice had a natural talent for those games. Darts? A natural. Hoop toss? Fucking nailed it. Basketball? A gosh dang pro. And, even if it was his birthday, the prizes went to you.
"Here ya go babes!" He said proudly, handing you a stuffed Cerberus, "one cutie pup for a cutie face" he grinned as you giggled with glee. Then, a squeal much louder than yours rung out next to you. You two turned to see another couple, the presumed boyfriend handing the presumed girlfriend a significantly larger Jason doll.
"Aww, that's so cute" you said with a smile. Beej on the other hand, narrowed his eyes. He would not be one upped on his birthday.
"Can I get 4 more darts please? Actually, 8" he said, handing over 2 dollars and getting the darts. "Beej?" "Yes babes?" He said, taking aim, "what are you doing?" He threw the dart and popped the first balloon. Then pointed at the giant Cthulu stuffie. "Winning you that."
"Darling, you dont have to-" "oh I know" another balloon popped, "I want too." 6 balloons later, you were trying to figure out how to get this giant cthulu into the car.
On the ride home, you couldn't help but notice how beautiful the sunset was. You couldn't help but take a detour. "Huh? Hey babes, where we goin?" He asked as he noticed the change in route. "Trust me" you smile.
By the time you reached your destination, the moon was up and the stars were bright. Beetlejuice got the idea quick. He smiled, reaching into the back seat and grabbing a blanket. "I like the way you think sexy" he grinned, laying it out. You grabbed your Cthulu for extra comfort, cuddling with him on the stuffed lovecraftian god.
He smiled as he looked at you looking at the stars. Is this what birthdays were all about? If he knew that he would have had one aged ago. He kissed your forehead. "Thanks babes." "For what?" "The best birthday ever." You blushed. "Any time Beej." "I love you Y/N" "I love you too Lawrance"
Ok, so, this was kinda rushed and a bit sloppy but listen...as the first thing I've written in like, a month I'm super happy with it, and I hope you guys are too. I hope you guys like it, and as always feedback is always welcome! I hope to get at least one of these out a night until my inbox is cleaned, and then hopefully more after that. Let me know what you think guys!
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slut-4-beetlejuice · 5 years
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My king
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slut-4-beetlejuice · 5 years
Reblog if you want me to send you a random picture of Alex Brightman in your sub box
I will send a picture to everyone who reblogs
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slut-4-beetlejuice · 5 years
Ok but
Just imagine just laying down with beetlejuice, and him cuddling you and calling you beautiful and perfect and just giving you the Big Love Eyes™️. Hes cold, but the room is hot so it evens out and your favorite movie it on and hes just all heart eyes and puppy love
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slut-4-beetlejuice · 5 years
you ok???
Well, I guess I should address this now. Ummm...not, reaaallyy??
Real talk, last year I lost someone very close to me around this time. I didn't think it would effect me this much, but...here we are. That on top of work and school, I'm kinda falling apart, Haha.
But!! Good news is I should be getting a break at around the end of January!! And I'll be back then! I promise to clean out that inbox and post some of the things I've been working on! Thanks for sticking around
Sorry for keeping you in the dark guys, and for going ghots. I just...didnt think anyone cared.
Thanks guys. I love you guys. I'll be back soon, I promise 🙂🖤💚🖤💚
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slut-4-beetlejuice · 5 years
Listen if you’re a minor and you interact with anything smutty or thirsty on my blog (heck even on your own blog) I WILL BLOCK YOU. 
I’m REALLY OLD. I have a good 11/12 years on even the oldest minors, I’m NOT comfortable with kids cheering for smut and thirst. 
I get it, you’re going through puberty. 90% of what you’re feeling is anger and thirst. I was there! 
DON’T CARE. DON’T BE HORNY AT AN ADULT. Any adult that responds positively to you being thirsty is a BAD PERSON. 
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