Hi, if you don't mind, could you take a picture of your skeleton tights from the side and maybe back?
Of course! Sorry I replied so late, I just got back from Comikaze! 
a tutorial on how i made these are here!
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If you have any questions let me know! ^v^
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Anybody wanna rp with me? I am super bored and need something to do. I do any ships and will even do OCs (I would almost rather that.) If you'd like to rp with me please IM me or heart this post and I will IM you. Thanks!
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So I know its been a while since I last posted anything but I would love it if ya’ll sent me some prompts!  I will do everything but Smut will be put on my archive of our own (I will share it here though.)
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkXBSJyT2S0)
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That moment when you are scrolling through tumble and you find your own Fan fiction shared by someone else! Honestly I was very surprised but I am pleased it is getting shared on here!
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/1I5JGH3
by Sans_lover
Just a little series for smut
Words: 1690, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Smut
Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Sans (Undertale), Protagonist - Female
Relationships: Sans (Undertale)/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Smut, Biting, Magic, Bone poppping, Punishment
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/1I5JGH3
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Sans would be proud
So I did something that would make sans proud of me today. I was messing around with my boyfriend, we were just being derps and wrestling, well it ended with me being on top and I came up with this brilliant plan. So I started kissing him and just doing the general stuff to turn him on. Well after a while it was clear that it was working so I pushed up his sweatshirt/shirt and started kissing up his tummy to his chest. I kissed his chest in several areas but I bite down, rather harshly, towards thd bottom of his ribs. He obviously yelp slightly as I sat up, smirked at him and I kid you not said "What I've told you before my favourite food is spare Ribs." And the look of disbelief on his face omg
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A Touch of an Angel
Fandom: Steven Universe
Ships: Pearlnet
Rating: T    
Words: 480
Summary: After Garnet meets up with her very own Angel she is stuck living with her until Pearl decides to disappear.  What will happen when they fall in Love?
As she walked through the park Garnet noticed that something didn’t feel right.  She glanced around the park.  Sure it was like nine at night, so it was a little spooky but she didn’t see anything.  She shrugged and started walking again.  She stepped off the path and made her way through the small wooden section of the park.  She loved coming there at night because none of the kids that inhabited it during the day were there.
    She sighed and leaned against the tree.  Pulling out a Cig and putting it in her mouth, lighting it up.  She took a drag and smiled, breathing out the smoke through her nose.  She knew that she needed to quit but damn she just loved on every once in awhile.  She took another drag, resting her head against the tree.
    “You know… those things are going to kill you.”  Garnet looked around, looking for the source of the voice.  She heard a chuckled and glanced up.  She backed away from the tree as she saw a younger woman sitting on one of the branches.  One of her legs were hanging down from the branch while the other propped her up.  Her arms wrapped around her knee.  She was skinnier than most and Garnet would admit she was prettier than most girls in the area.  But the most striking thing about her was the pair of large, snow white wings on her back.  They were currently folded against her back but Garnet could tell each wing had to be at least four feet in length if not more.
    They young angle jumped down from the tree and landed gracefully on the ground below.  She bowed to Garnet, one hand pressed against her chest while the other stuck out in the air to keep her balanced.  She stood up and straight, smiling.
    “I am Pearl.  I am your personal Angel.”  She said as she took a step towards her.
    “My… Angel?  How in sam's heck do I have my own Angel?”  She questioned as she crossed her arms, eyeing the smaller girl.
    “Well you see everybody has an angel.  It is up to the Angel on whether or not their human knows of their existence and I simply chose to let you see me.”  She smiled.  “You should feel honored!  Most humans can go their entire lives without meeting their Angel!”
    “Right.  So why did you pick to show yourself?”  She asked as she rolled her eyes.
    “Well I saw that you were smoking and I simply couldn’t let you ruin your body anymore.”  Garnet rolled her eyes and put the Cigarette out.
“Yeah, yeah whatever so does this mean I will always be able to see you?”  She tilted her head.
“Yes which means I suppose I will be living with you.”
“Oh Great.”  She murmured as she rolled her eyes, walking away.  
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Once They Hatch
Fandom: Steven Universe
Ships: JasPearl
Rating: T
Words: 465
Summary: After Pearl finds out she is pregnant with Jaspers Geode she must tell her what has happened.  Now the two must figure out how to keep Pearl safe until the Geodes are laid.  They also must figure out how to tell the others.
Pearl looked down at her stomach nervously, a hand pressing against her stomach.  How would she let this happen?  How was she going to let Jasper know?  Oh god Jasper is going to freak out!  And oh god Garnet will throw a fit!  How was she suppose to fight gem beasts when there was a geodes forming in her?  She ran a hand through her hair as she sighed.  And it was Jasper of all gems.  She let that brute have one intimate moment with her and she gets pregnant!
She heard the loud footsteps of Jasper approaching and she cringed.  Jasper came up behind her and wrapped her arms around Pearl, a smirk playing at her lips.  She nuzzled the others neck and started kissing at her neck.  This was one of the reasons she hated her.  She thought it was perfectly okay to show such intimate things around people.  She turned and pushed her away, arms crossing over her chest.
“Jasper listen, We have something we need to talk about.”  She sighed.  “Jasper… I have Geodes… and they are yours.”  Jasper’s eyes widen as she looked down at the smaller Gem.  There was no way she could be.  She’s a Pearl.  She was made to protect and that is all, there is no way she was made with the carrying gene.  
“I don’t believe you.”  She growled as she took a step closer to the gem, placing her massive hands on her shoulders.  “You’re a Pearl and a defective one!  There is no way you have the carrying gene!”  She glared down at the other.  Pearl sighed and grabbed her hand, moving it down to her stomach.  Even though she wasn’t very far ahead Jasper could still feel the Geodes that were forming.
“Do you believe me now?  What are we going to do?  If Garnet found out she will be furious!  How can I fight when I am heavy with Geodes?”  She rubbed her face.  “And don’t suggest we find a way to get rid of them because I am not.”  Jasper growled.
“Of course I wouldn’t suggest that!”  She let out a huff and ran her hands through her hair.  “Okay… Well we obviously can’t keep this a secret… Someone is bound to find out.”  She sighed and shook her head.  “This isn’t the first time I’ve sired so I am no stranger to this.  You will not be allowed to go on battles.  We need to get you mineral supplements. “  
“But Jasper I need to fight for this world!  I promised Rose that I wou-”
“If Rose was here.”  She interrupted.  “She wouldn’t allow you to fight either.  You are not fighting and that is final you got that?”  She glared at the gem.  Pearl gulped and nodded.
“Yes Jasper…” 
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One Last Love
Fandom: Steven Universe
Pairings: PearlRose, Pearlnet
Rating: T
Words: 616
Summary: After Rose gives up her physical form for Steven Garnet finds out that Pearl is Pregnant with Roses Gemlings and offers to Help take care of them.
Pearl looked down at the little human that was in her arms.  She couldn’t believe that this little bundle, this meek little human, was once Rose Quartz, Her Rose Quartz.  She hated Greg for doing this to Rose, for making her give up her physical form for… this thing.  She glared down at Steven as he slept.  All she wanted was to abandon him, give him back to Greg and have nothing to do with him, but she promised Rose that she wouldn’t.  She set him back in his crib and placed her hand on her own swelling stomach, maybe if she would have known…
    “Rose I have something to tell you…” Pearl said as she walked up to the Pink hair Gem.  Rose turned and smiled at her, her own hand pressed against her stomach.
    “I have some big news!”  She said as she smiled more.  “I am pregnant with Greg’s child!  We are having a child!”  Rose’s smiled dropped when she saw the look on Pearls face.  “What’s wrong Pearl?” She asked as she placed her hands on her shoulder.
    “Oh nothing…” She said as she forced a smile.  
    “Okay… So what did you want to tell me.” She asked as placed her hand back on her stomach.
    “Oh uh… Garnet just said something but I don’t remember…” She smiled and shrugged.  “Well I gotta go…”   She quickly turned away and started walking, pressing her hand to her stomach as she fought back Tears.
    She shook her head, and sighed.  How was she suppose to take care of gemlings by herself?  She turned and was greeted by Garnet who was standing by the door, her arms cross.  Pearls face flushed as her hands dropped from her stomach, it was only a little noticeable at the moment but there is definitely a small bump there.
    “Oh Garnet… I didn’t see you there.”  She laughed nervously as walked past her to leave the room.  Garnet grabbed her arm gently and stopped her in her tracks.
    “Pearl… How long do you plan on keeping this a secret Pearl?  You might be able to hide this from amethyst and Greg but not me.”  She took of her glasses as she looked down at her.  “You can’t do this by yourself… Please let us help you.”  Pearls eyes watered as she stared down at the ground, hands balling into fists.
    “I wouldn’t be by myself if HE didn’t take her away…” She sniffled as she rubbed her eyes, glaring at the floor.
    “C’mon Pearl, you know she loved him and you know she loved you.  She gave up her physical form so we can have Steven…” He glanced over at the sleeping child.  “I know you can’t look at him without seeing her… I can’t look at him without seeing her, none of us can but Pearl you have to accept that she is gone.  He must Protect him.”  She placed her hand on Pearls stomach. “And we must protect them.  What you have Pearl is wonderful and I know if Rose would have known she would have wanted to be in their life.”  Garnet sighed.  “But she will still be with them Pearl.  She is Steven.”  Pearl glanced over at him and made a face.  
    “He will never be Rose.” She stormed out of the room as Garnet sighed, walking over to the crib as she looked down at Steven.
    “Oh Rose… If you only knew…”  As she sighed as Steven opened his eyes.  He smiled and gurgled at her as he raised his hands, waving them at her.  She smiled and leaned down picking him up.  “But if this is what you wanted you made the right choice.”
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Dinner for Two
He hated the fact that Sollux was always playing his video games.  All Karkat wanted to do was sit around and cuddle with him, maybe watch a shitty romcom, but whenever he brought it up Sollux would say he was too busy.  Well Karkat was sick of it, so he decided to get his attention the only way he knew he could.  With his body.
    That whole day Karkat was nervous.  He got up early and got his hair cut the way that Sollux loved.  He then went over to the adult store and spent several hours picking out an outfit that would drive him crazy, thankfully the store clerk there was very helpful otherwise he would have been there forever.  He then stopped by the local grocery store and picked up dinner.
    Once he was home and check up on Sollux and sure enough he was on his game.  Karkat huffed with annoyance as he walked to the kitchen.  He put the food away and went up to their room.  He started putting his outfit on.  He had picked out a nice Lacy, see through black panties, and a yellow see through lingerie.  He also picked out Yellow and black stockings.  He glanced at the mirror and his face instantly flushed.  He thought he looked ridiculous and almost changed out of it.
    But he already spent all that money on it.  He took a deep breath and marched into the kitchen.  He crawled onto the table, and laid out on the table.
    “OH SOLLUX, DINNER IS READY~” He called out his heart racing.  He heard footsteps as Sollux paused his game and headed towards the Kitchen, stopping dead in his tracks when he saw Karkat.
    “Holy 2hiit kk…” He said as he took several step towards him, nearly crawling on top of him before Karkat had the chance to speak.
    “HOLD ON SOLLUX. WE NEED TO TALK. EVERYTIME I TRY TO CUDDLE WITH YOU, YOU ALWAYS TELL ME YOU ARE TOO BUSY.  SO IF YOU WANT THIS.” As he said this he ran his hands over his body.  “YOU HAVE TO FIND TIME FOR ME.”  Sollux quickly agreed before he picked Karkat up and carried him off to the bedroom.
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Alright so I am finally caught up in my prompts. (I have it so two stories will be posted a day, once at 9 am and at 9pm so they will be posted within the next few days.) So if y’all have prompts send them my way.
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Commission Stuff
So I know I said I was only doing Commissions now but I have decided to change it a bit.  Instead of charging for all requests I will only charge for NSFW really smutty stuff.  So If y’all want very smutty Stories I will charge for that but otherwise I will still take other prompts.  Thanks!
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Noodles and Grub Sauce
Honestly he didn’t know why he bothered going over to Gamzees.  He knew that all they would end up doing is eating pies, or just Gamze eating the pie since Tavros knows better, and fuck in the horn pile.  That’s all that they ever did, although Tav really wasn’t complaining.  He just wish Gamzee could be more romantic, but he was always so stoned off his ass that he could hardly tell a bulge from a nook.
    Tavros sighed and knocked on the door.  His hands rested nervously on his lap as he heard Gamzee approach the door, he had stepped on at least three horns.  He opened the door and smiled down at the other troll.  He quickly leaned down and picked him up, much to Tavros’ surprise.  He carried the Brown blood into his house and gently set him on the couch before he went back for the others wheelchair.
    Tavros was still in shock.  Normally Gamzee just pushed him into the house, he never carried Tavros unless it was up a flight of stairs.  As Gamzee entered the room he smiled at the brown blood.
    “Aw BrO yOu LoOk So MoThErFuCkInG cUtE wHeN yOuRe ShOcKeD.” He exclaimed as he leaned forward, gently pressing his lips against Tavs.  When he pulled away Tavros was blushing.
    “uH,,, wELL YOU NORMALLY DON’T DO THAT KIND OF STUFF FOR ME UH GAM.” He explained as he nervously rubbed his arms.  “yOU NORMALLY DON’T UH CARRY ME.” Gamzee smile broaden.
    “WeLl MoThErFuCkEr ToDaY iS mOtHeRfUcKiNg SpEcIaL.  ToDaY iS tHe AnNiVeRsArY oF wHeN wE aLl Up StArTeD dAtInG.” Tavros eyes widen as he remembered.  It has been exactly one sweep since they made things official, and he could hardly believe it. “So I aM gOiNg To TrEaT yOu LiKe A mOtHeRfUcKiNg PrInCeSs.”  On that note he left the room and headed towards the kitchen.  Tavros sat there in wonder.  Man he had such a great boyfriend.
    After a few minutes Gamzee returned with a plate of food that was pie!  He had two plates of noodles smothered in grub sauce.  He set the plates down and went back into the kitchen, returning with two fancy wine glasses and a bottle of Red Faygo.  Tavros could help but laugh as Gamzee filled the glasses with the Faygo, but that was something he adored about him.   Gamzee handed him a glass and sat down next to him, picking up on of the plates and setting it on his lap.
    “I HoPe yOu aLl uP AnD MoThErFuCkInG LiKe tHiS BrO, i sPeNt aLl dAy mAkInG It.” He explained as he dug his fork into his own food.  Tavros smiled and took his own plate, taking small bites of it as he watched his boyfriend shovel the food into his mouth. He reached over and wiped of bit of sauce off of Gamzee's cheek.
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So since I am moving soon I am going to need a little Extra cash since I am most likely going to be unable to find a Job right away.  So I am opening up a writing Commission. (For the people who already sent me prompts I do plan of finishing them.)
*Abusive Relationships
*Detailed sex scenes
I am pretty much willing to writing anything you want as long as you give me as much detail as you can.  I will do original stories and fanfictions.  I will do AUs, genderbent, crossovers, OC and character from the fandom.  I will even do self insert if that is what you want.
-Drabble: (250-500 Words) $2-$3
-Short One-shot (500-1000 Words) $4-$5
-Long One-shot (1000-5000) $5-$10
Multi Chapter or Longer One-shots $10-$20
My Email Address: [email protected]
Example work: A New Start
So what I will do is after I get a commission, either through Tumblr or my Email, I will write the first part of the story and send it to you, if you like it then you will pay me then, through PayPal.  If you don’t like it or change your mind about wanting a commission the process will stop there.  Once finished I will inform you and ask you how you want it shared. (I.E just with you or for the world to see)
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Not So Bad
    Eridan was never the one for cuddling after sex, even when he was with Feferi.  He just didn’t see the point of it.  After sex both partners were generally sweat and hot and why would they want to press their bodies together?  He thought it was absolutely gross.  Sollux on the other hand adored cuddling after sex.  He loved the feeling of the others body pressed into his.  So of course after the first time they had sex there was a conflict.
    “C’mon ed, cuddle me.” Sollux whined as he glared at his partner, who had his back turned to him.
    “No Sol. It is gross. Wwe both are swweaty and should probably take a showwer.” Eridan sighed as he glanced back at the gemini.  Sollux was pouting as he gave the other puppy eyes.
    “But iit2 niice two cuddle… plea2e for me?” He asked as he scooted closer to Eridan.  Even though he was reluctant he eventually agreed, much to Sollux’ delight.  He wrapped his arms around the yellow blood and pulled him close, making a face as his sweat got on him.
    “Gross…” He complained as Sollux nuzzled close, wrapping his arms around the others chest.  Eridan sighed.  He guess this wasn’t too bad but he really did wish that they at least showered before cuddling.  He knew though that if they would take a shower together no one would be getting clean.
    “2ee thii2 ii2n’t two bad now ii2 iit?” Sollux asked as he glanced up at Eridan, gently kissing at the others gills.
    “Wwell… I guess not.” He murmured as his face flush.  “But Sol don’t kiss there unless you plan on finishing what you’re going to start.” He warned as his earfins flutter.  Sollux chuckled and settled back, head resting on his chest.
    “Alriight II won’t play wiith them.  II am two tiired for a round two.”  He claimed as a yawn left him.
    “Get some sleep nerd.” Eridan said as he rolled his eyes.  He nuzzled into his hair, letting out a small sigh.
((Okay so I wanted to get this out as soon as I could since I have fallen behind again so it is a little rushed, anyway suggested by Anon who wanted Erisol.))
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Please Read
I know this is a fanfiction Blog but this is something important to me.  I know its been a big thing lately about how they are teaching sex ed and that kind of stuff earlier in school and a lot of people are pissed about it.  Well I think it is a wonderful idea to teach it early... When I was in either second or third grade I was tricked into sex by a close friend of mine, he was either in fourth or fifth grade.  I didn’t know what sex was but he told me it would be fun and feel good so I agreed...
After the first time he wanted to do it more and more and I was just so confused...He kept telling me it was our secret and that no one else could know...  After I finally had sex ed, a year or two later, and I found out what it was I was so... I don’t even know how to word it... Embarrassed, ashamed... I could tell anybody.  Who would want a girl that was foolish enough to get tricked into something like that?
Well ever since then I have had low self esteem about myself.  All I see myself as is a piece of meat, not even worth saving... when I was sexually harassed in school and on the bus I didn’t do anything to stop it because I felt, and still feel, I wasn’t worth it.  I spent years letting someone Sexual assault, and nearly rape, me because I made a mistake because I didn’t know what something was.
And please, don’t think I wrote this for pity because I didn’t.  I have accepted what had happen, I only write this because I don’t want other girls and boys to turn out how I did.  Please if you are a parent reading this and you have a young child at least talked to them about it.  I don’t blame my mother for this.  She taught me everything that would normally be taught to someone that aged.  I was just never taught to say no to friends.
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A lesson in Love
Dave sat in the classroom, bored out of his mind.  He hated the fact that Bro was making him go to this boring school.  He could learn so much more if he would just stay home.  The only reason Bro is even making him go was so he could bring in different girls to screw.  He huffed in annoyance as she thought about the different fluzies he brought home at any given moment.  The classroom door opened and he glanced over, eyes widening slightly behind his shades as he saw the black hair, blue eye, buck tooth nerd walk in.
John looked around nervously as he walked into the room, praying that he finally found the right class.  Everybody in the room ignored him besides a blond boy that sat by the window.  John tilted his head in wonder as he watched the blond child.  He wore sunglasses in the room even though John was very sure that was against the school rules.  He eventually tore his gaze away when he heard a cough from behind.  He looked back and realized that he was blocking the teacher from entering the room.  He stepped in and quickly took a seat in the nearest desk.  
“Hello Students.  I am Mr. Signless and I’ll be your Ethics teacher.”  The tall male smiled at them.  “Now how about we just jump into the subject shall we?”
John glanced over at the blond as the teacher started writing notes up on the board and caught him staring at him.  He quickly looked back down at his notebook and wrote down what the teacher was saying, effectively ignoring Dave, which annoyed him.  Dave could already tell that he liked John, and when a Strider liked something, he was going to get it.  John ignored him the whole class.
The class went by quickly and as the bell rang everybody flew out of their seats and out into the hall.  Everybody besides John and Dave.  John started to pack up his things as Dave made his way over to him.
“Hey.” Dave said as he leaned against the wall that was near the desk.  John looked up and flashed him a nervous smile.
“Hello.” He said as he finished packing up his things.
“I’m Dave.” He flashed John one of his winning smiles as he leaned close.  “And you’re kinda cute~” He purred.  John’s face flushed as he quickly grabbed his backpack and threw it over his shoulder.
“Well that was very sweet of ya but I gotta go to my next class so… bye!” He said quickly before hurrying out the door.  Dave smirked as he watched him hurry down the hall.  Oh he just loved a good chase. ((I’ll probably end up making this into a multiple chapter one but who knows.  It was requested by an Anon)) 
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