smallhoursphoto · 5 years
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smallhoursphoto · 5 years
Don’t let anything deter you: other people’s misbehavior, your own misperceptions, what people will say, or the feelings of the body that covers you.
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations (12.1)
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smallhoursphoto · 5 years
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smallhoursphoto · 5 years
A supposition is an uncertain belief; analogous to the point in which error coupled with measurable and empirical evidence can hold factually stable, that flaw or erroneous uncertainty. 14-JAN-2019
Myself, Hilary
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smallhoursphoto · 5 years
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smallhoursphoto · 5 years
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An experiment is a question which science poses to Nature, and a measurement is the recording of Nature's answer. — Max Planck 'The Meaning and Limits of Exact Science', Science (30 Sep 1949), 110, No. 2857, 325. Advance reprinting of a chapter from book Max Planck, Scientific Autobiography (1949),
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smallhoursphoto · 5 years
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smallhoursphoto · 5 years
Ondes Gravifiques
  Gravitational tidal waves are a fluctuational ellipsis (material) of aetheric levels; particulate that scatters in wavelengths outward from their source at the speed of light. "They were proposed by Henri Poincaré in 1905 and subsequently predicted in 1916; by Albert Einstein on the basis of his general theory of relativity."
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smallhoursphoto · 5 years
NITROGEN CYCLE: A Biogeochemical  Analysis—Diazotrophic Nitrate
| OUTLINE | Hilary Keller | OBSERVING THE NITROGEN CYCLE | KEYWORDS | Nitrogen-fixing, decomposition, nitrification and denitrification.   Iron is most often found in the Fe(II) state. Mainly iron exist in 2 oxidation states; Fe(II) is known as ferrous while Fe(III) is known as ferric. That said, Iron ("Fe2+"=, ferrous ion) is a necessary trace element used by every single living organism.   "Work previously by Garrels and Thompson, who investigated the anaerobic oxidation rate suggested the rate-controlling mechanism corresponds to the absorption of ferric and ferrous iron on the pyrite surface. The rate oxidation-reduction potentiality of the solution that is independent of the total iron concentration is within a range that could be examined. Their conclusions are valid; however, neither conclusion is correct."    Indirect oxidation occurs by oxidation of pyrite by ferric ions, the ferric ions being generated by bacterial oxidation of ferrous ions in solution. The bacteria oxidize iron in solution to 70 or 80% ferric. This finding is significant to the fertilizer/soil ammonia Ph equilibrium.    "Direct oxidation implies the oxidation of pyrite." Fourteen mols of ferric ion. Undetermined consummation of oxygen to oxidize one mole of pyrite. Rates are thereby calculated in terms of micromoles of pyrite oxidization per/hour = (singular) gram of pyrite.
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smallhoursphoto · 5 years
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smallhoursphoto · 5 years
Christopher Monroe spends his life poking at atoms with light. He arranges them into rings and chains and then massages them with lasers to explore their properties and make basic quantum computers. Last year, he decided to try something seemingly impossible: to create a time crystal.
The name sounds like a prop from Doctor Who, but it has roots in actual physics. Time crystals are hypothetical structures that pulse without requiring any energy — like a ticking clock that never needs winding. The pattern repeats in time in much the same way that the atoms of a crystal repeat in space. The idea was so challenging that when Nobel prizewinning physicist Frank Wilczek proposed the provocative concept1 in 2012, other researchers quickly proved there was no way to create time crystals.
But there was a loophole — and researchers in a separate branch of physics found a way to exploit the gap. Monroe, a physicist at the University of Maryland in College Park, and his team used chains of atoms they had constructed for other purposes to make a version of a time crystal2 (see ‘How to create a time crystal’). “I would say it sort of fell in our laps,” says Monroe.
And a group led by researchers at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, independently fashioned time crystals out of 'dirty’ diamonds3. Both versions, which are published this week in Nature, are considered time crystals, but not how Wilczek originally imagined. “It’s less weird than the first idea, but it’s still fricking weird,” says Norman Yao, a physicist at the University of California, Berkeley, and an author on both papers.
Continue Reading.
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smallhoursphoto · 6 years
All the physical matters are composed of vibration. –Max Planck
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smallhoursphoto · 6 years
Because the world is so full of death and horror, I try again and again to console my heart and pick the flowers that grow in the midst of hell.
Hermann Hesse (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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smallhoursphoto · 7 years
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LIVE DIE REPEAT | Groundhog Day potentiating > Sci-Fi as time > consciously loops; The film utilizes not-too-distant futuristic tech designs — fuel-efficient battle armor and love's determined and driven indestructible will... And one Full Metal Bitch: Rita Vrataski, (Emily Blunt) "The Angel of Verdun," is Edge of Tomorrow's symbol for hope in a world overrun with alien "mimics" intent on taking over the planet. Vrataski, by way of a special power, gains her rep by killing hundreds of mimics and she teams up with William Cage (Tom Cruise) to destroy the alien omega. "Standard quantum mechanics is ‘linear,’ a mathematical property that describes how quantum states are superimposed. There are proofs in the physics literature that if one could find a situation in which quantum mechanics was slightly non-linear, then the door would be opened to nonlocal communication, which would include back-in-time communication… I would think that this would be your best bet. Let the alien’s blood contain nanomachines that make quantum mechanics nonlinear, so that the rest of the scenario could proceed."
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smallhoursphoto · 7 years
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An old notebook of mine of notes I quickly jotted during lunch at work one afternoon situated in the Imaging Operations department of my previous job in Clinical Studies/testing. This was where my head was, and I had no idea why at the time. I’m still fitting together some of the pieces. 
“Can a man who's warm understand a man who's freezing”?  —Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 
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smallhoursphoto · 8 years
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http://www.nicolasamori.com/ ARTIST || Nicola Samorì I've been watching in awe of this artist's work as it grows over the years.
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smallhoursphoto · 8 years
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Found some old book porn on my computer while cleaning. 
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