smileyibo · 6 years
Tomorrow????? ANOTHER day?????!!!!?,?!????????????((??(?!)))!(;;()$$$;::?)$&,:;??‘mlnfdsjkkmfdxsbnkgdssaavytesvjjhrefghjjjkjtfghj im good thNks
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smileyibo · 6 years
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Do you have a girlfriend?
Nope, thanks for reminding me ~
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smileyibo · 7 years
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this is the Mojo Post, reblog to Have Mojo, Baby
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smileyibo · 7 years
Hi all, my mother's fiancé passed away unexpectedly last weekend. He was the only income between the two of them and had no insurance, so my mom is in a tough spot with bills and funeral expenses. She also totaled her car the next day so she now has no vehicle to get to and from a job. This money will literally keep her going for the next few weeks. Please share with your friends and family and keep us in your prayers, and donate if you can. ANYTHING helps!! ❤️
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smileyibo · 7 years
Hi all ❤️ if I could ask a favor, my family is going through a very difficult time. My mom's fiancé passed away this weekend and the day after she was in an accident which totaled her car. We do not have enough money for funeral expenses, a new car, and my mother's bills over the next few months. We created a gofundme to try and help with some of the expenses and if you have anything to spare, it would mean the world to us if you could donate, ANY amount helps and if you can't please share with your friends and family to get the word out there and just keep us in your prayers. Thank you for your outpouring of love we have already received. Here is the link below! https://www.gofundme.com/help-my-mom-after-her-loss
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smileyibo · 7 years
My family is experiencing a very difficult time so if you have a minute can you please check out this gofundme created for us! Reblog please and spread the word, any and all help is appreciated ❤️
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smileyibo · 7 years
My mom has had the roughest weekend of her life. Her fiance suddenly passed away, and she wrecked and totalled her car the following day. If you have a second, please check out the gofundme created for her. ANY amount can help, so please do what you can! https://www.gofundme.com/help-my-mom-after-her-loss
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smileyibo · 7 years
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95.2.10; the day the heavens sent us an angel. you grew up to be a talented, witty, charming gentleman with a giant heart and an infectious, beautiful laugh. no one else radiates warmth and happiness quite like you. thank you for always making my days brighter; i’m so glad to be able to be alive at the right time to be able to experience everything with you and support you whole-heartedly as a Swing. i hope this next year is filled with laughter and joy and all the blessings that you more than deserve. thank you for being born. i love you with my entire heart, my sunshine. 💖
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smileyibo · 7 years
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fabulousILL | do not edit
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smileyibo · 7 years
I'm super terrible at thinking of interesting questions so I just wanted to say hi and that I think you're great and you make me laugh a lot even when I'm super down so thanks for all that you do :)
Thank you! That’s nice of you to say!
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smileyibo · 8 years
[V LIVE] [MV]스누퍼(SNUPER) _ It's raining
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smileyibo · 8 years
You can watch videos on V LIVE.
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smileyibo · 8 years
You can watch videos on V LIVE.
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smileyibo · 8 years
You can watch videos on V LIVE.
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smileyibo · 8 years
You can watch videos on V LIVE.
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smileyibo · 8 years
You can watch videos on V LIVE.
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smileyibo · 8 years
You can watch videos on V LIVE.
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