smokeselks · 4 years
Self-care is always a devotional act. Your deities want you to take care of yourself. I've found that sometimes it helps me to do things not because I need to, but because the gods want me to. For example, I know Loki wants to help me better my mental health and Freya wants me to work on loving myself, and self-care not only aids in those things, but it's also a way to show them that I am listening and that I value their assistance. I also want Hel to receive me in my best possible condition, which means taking care of myself now, in the present.
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smokeselks · 4 years
the relationship between me and black clothes is a love story that can’t be explained
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smokeselks · 4 years
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“This country was founded by a group of slave owners who told us that all men are created equal. To my mind, that is what’s known as being stunningly and embarrassingly full of shit.” - George Carlin
…PolitiFact going through history to fact check this guy was like that time CNN went through history to dig up dirt on Bernie, and all they found were videos of him planting trees, and telling kids that racism is bad.
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smokeselks · 4 years
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| Redbubble | Part of our Mystic Collection
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smokeselks · 4 years
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smokeselks · 4 years
Daylight gold or moonlight silver? Candles or perfume? Popsicles or ice cream? Lavender or millenial pink? Calm dusk or brisk dawns? Blue or black ink?
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smokeselks · 4 years
Want to go on a date with someone with a cane and chronic pain?
- Make sure the place where you’re going is accessible!  Your date might opt to use a wheelchair that day, and if they’re using a cane, best to make sure there aren’t a silly number of stairs involved in whatever date you’re considering.
- Call ahead to the place to see if wheelchairs are available to borrow if you’re going somewhere that involves a lot of walking and standing around, like a museum.
- If your date is using a cane, they likely only have one arm to hold things.  Consider bringing their food/drinks to the table along with yours– let them claim a booth while you get the food!
- Be prepared and willing to be someone’s physical support sometimes, especially if your date is having a rough leg day.
- Be prepared for a Plan B Date: it’s so awesome to have a back-up plan for the date if the day comes around and your person is spoonless.  Believe me, it’ll mean a lot.
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smokeselks · 4 years
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June Challenge Prizes - Hel
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smokeselks · 4 years
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Cemetery Statuary, photos by elianemey
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smokeselks · 4 years
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smokeselks · 4 years
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Print Shop
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smokeselks · 4 years
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smokeselks · 4 years
Crystal blue water in South Iceland
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smokeselks · 4 years
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It’s october 👻
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smokeselks · 4 years
Guys, I love you all, but can we PLEASE remember that Kaz actually uses his cane to help him walk? All those damn gorgeous paintings where he just keeps it in his hands or over his shoulder while walking don't make sense. Yes, he can walk without it, but he chooses not to because if he does he is in pain.
Other things to remember:
- The cane is in the hand opposite of the bad leg and is used in sync with the bad leg
- A cane is also helpful while standing, mostly to keep balance and weight off the hurting leg (or other painful areas, depending on the person)
- A cane gives you a huge range of new gestures while it's still functional! Leaning on it, gripping it tightly or lightly, leaning against something else whilst toying with it... It also takes one hand out. So the one reason you'll see a cane user with their cane under the arm is usually because they need both hands for something (In Kaz' Case that could include picking locks or card tricks)
- the handle should be perfect to distribute weight on the cane. Usually it points back. A functional cane usually doesn't have a very small or round handle.
- if you want more specific tipps, just search for "cane user" on tumblr, the first thing that pops up is a comic on how to draw cane users! You're welcome.
Thank you
A fellow cane user.
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smokeselks · 4 years
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Heteromorph Ammonites: When Mother Nature got Creative Ammonites are well known throughout the world and are a prized find for any level of fossil hunter. We are all well acquainted with the spiral shells (homomorphs) that can commonly be found within Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks. However, during the Cretaceous ammonites started to branch out and a series of weird and wonderful shell shapes appeared.
Keep reading
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smokeselks · 4 years
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Fall feelings 🍁
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