sn0b0rdchik · 6 years
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Body comparisons. 
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sn0b0rdchik · 6 years
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sn0b0rdchik · 7 years
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sn0b0rdchik · 7 years
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sn0b0rdchik · 8 years
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sn0b0rdchik · 8 years
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sn0b0rdchik · 8 years
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“Nothing is worth more than laughter. It is strength to laugh and to abandon oneself, to be light. Tragedy is the most ridiculous thing.” -Frida Kahlo
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sn0b0rdchik · 8 years
In love with this oddball show #Legion #Marvel
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sn0b0rdchik · 8 years
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Klaus Kampert
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sn0b0rdchik · 8 years
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from April’s Fudge Monthly: The Garden of Eden Issue by Jimmy Marble
buy your copy of the issue here
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sn0b0rdchik · 8 years
Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage not weakness.
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sn0b0rdchik · 8 years
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What I Be Project by Steve rosenfield
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sn0b0rdchik · 8 years
okay so all of my relatives are posting about thanksgiving so i’m just going to get some things off my chest. for reference, i myself, am native american.
thanksgiving has a violent, bloody history. it’s terrible. it’s awful. like many things, the meaning of this holiday differs greatly from how it originally started. we are no longer celebrating the slaughtering of innocent natives, we are celebrating the gratitude we have for everyone and everything in our lives. we are sharing love with one another. 
i’ve seen so many posts on twitter, facebook, tumblr, instagram, etc. about native americans and how this holiday is just known for all of the issues that happened to natives in the past. we can’t fix the past but we can fix the present and help shape our future. instead of focusing on all of the terrible things that happened to native people in the past, let’s focus on what’s happening in the present. there are BIG issues concerning indigenous people here in the u.s. and here a just a few:
conditions on reservations are terrible. a little over 15% of nearly 28,000 miles of roads are safe to use. 
gang violence is rising within native american reservations across the country
here’s a project focused on stories from natives that are currently still in gangs or have left them 
drug and alcohol abuse on reservations is higher than the national average 
the suicide rates for native americans is at an all time high and is also higher than any other race in the nation and the generations affected most by depression and suicide is the native american youth
an article talking about factors that lead to depression and suicide in native youth
one in three native american women are sexually assaulted in their lifetime, and three of five native american women experience domestic violence 
the fact that so many of these issues are ignored baffles me. i have so many stories of my relatives becoming one of these statistics and it hurts to watch it continue to happen. there is something gravely wrong with what’s going on in our reservations and we should be focused on what’s happening there than what happened hundreds of years ago (granted that just influenced everything that’s happening to natives now).
i’m currently doing research on how to help natives out with charities. based off of a lot of the stuff i’ve read, there are actually a lot of charity organizations for native americans that are scams so please message me if you know of a good one!! i’ll put one or two down for now and if they happen to be a false charity then go ahead and shoot me a message and i’ll take it down. 
American Indian College Fund
Association on American Indian Affairs
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sn0b0rdchik · 8 years
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sn0b0rdchik · 9 years
They should do a remake..💕
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Gremlins (1984) dir. Joe Dante
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sn0b0rdchik · 9 years
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sn0b0rdchik · 9 years
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