snaccidental-blog · 6 years
3. Ooh Snap; Caramel Pretzel
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Size - 44g
Calories - 160
Protein - 15g
Fat - 6g
Sugar - 4g
Oh gosh it’s a rice krispy bar. I couldn’t really tell when I bought it, but when I opened the packet and saw little crispy bits, I could not have been more excited.
The texture is completely divine and very different to the majority of other protein bars on the market. It’s crunchy and crisp, with a lovely smooth feeling from the coating on the bottom. You get added crunch from this flavour as well due to the pretzel chunks scattered throughout.
The caramel flavour on this one is really pleasant, tasting as good as any sugar laden expensive caramel sweet I’ve had elsewhere. The bar itself is not overtly sweet however, with the crispy bits and the slightly salty pretzel chunks leaving a nicely balanced bar that leans slightly more sweet than savoury.
I would definitely eat this again, and indeed felt sad when I finished it, albeit pleasantly full, as the calorie and protein content makes for a good snack. It also has a fairly decent level of fibre in it. The sugar is slightly higher than some other brands, so it may not be for everyone, but 4g is still significantly lower than most rice krispy treats!
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snaccidental-blog · 6 years
2. Dr Zak’s; Salted Caramel Cookie
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Size - 60g
Calories - 211
Protein - 15g
Fat - 5.6g
Sugar - 2.4g
Fibre - 1.0g
The smell of this on opening is a really true caramel. Salted caramel is by far one of my favourite flavours, so I went into this with excitement and enthusiasm.
And that’s as good as it got. The first bite gave an overwhelmingly salty flavour, with the sweetness an aftertaste that was rather synthetic.
From a texture perspective, this is rather cakey compared to a cookie texture. I can imagine creating a nice gooey, crunchy cookie is a challenge when you’re trying to limit the fat and sugar. It was quite a dry texture, and did leave a strange feeling at the back of my throat.
I can count the amount of cookies I’ve not finished on about three fingers and this was one of them. I was sad at the dryness of the cookie. Perhaps if I’d had this with a glass of milk, this review would taste very different, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case.
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snaccidental-blog · 6 years
1. Barebells; Coconut-Choco
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Size - 55g
Calories - 199
Protein - 20g
Fat - 7.7g
Sugar - 1.6g
Fibre - 4.7g
My first impression on opening this was ‘This smells exactly like a Bounty.’ My second was ‘Now I have coconut everywhere’.
The texture of this is really pleasant, similar to a Milky Way but a touch chewier, which I liked and gave good mouth feel. Despite the low sugar content, it’s got a perfect sweetness, but not overly synthetic. The coconut flavour is subtle here, so not quite the Bounty like explosion I was hoping for from the first smell, but it’s definitely pleasant. There are some soya crunchy pieces in the bar as well, but I struggled to really ‘feel them’ and am not entirely sure what they added to the experience.
Despite covering myself in coconut, I’d rate this bar pretty highly and would definitely eat it again. It’s very simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a winner.
These retail at about £2.00 and are easily purchasable from a variety of online stores. Currently they have 4 flavours which all sound rather delicious.
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