snookies-turtle-helmet Β· 13 days
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I made an Angel Generator last night! I'm currently working on a better one (and an eventual demon generator tbh) but I thought it'd be fun to share the old version! And also that I'd get a kick out of seeing peoples' interpretations of their angels.
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It assigns a body type, size and what its skin is made out of, among other things. Also (somewhat) custom palettes! I picked every fucking shade myself and painstakingly pasted their hexcodes into this thang. Enjoy!
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snookies-turtle-helmet Β· 21 days
I feel like I'm losing the ability to love. I know it isn't always a warm embrace but a stiff rebuke sometimes too but I feel myself pulling away from the affairs of people more and more. I don't belong, nor will I ever and I feel like the constant wanting to die is only worsening it. What do I do?
It feels like Earth is Hell and my body is a prison cell. The more I dig, the less coherent information I find about anything.
I wish I could be the naΓ―ve 5-year-old me that didn't care what they said and was compassionate towards all.
we should be far more concerned that our theology is loving than if it is logical, pragmatic, or even "correct."
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snookies-turtle-helmet Β· 21 days
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snookies-turtle-helmet Β· 28 days
Sounds about right! 🀣
Raphael: *Reading a letter*
Michael: Well, what does it say?
Raphael: It’s a confession letter. It turns out Gabriel killed my pet rock.
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snookies-turtle-helmet Β· 28 days
Memory is fuzzy...
How was the funeral?
Raphael: *Reading a letter*
Michael: Well, what does it say?
Raphael: It’s a confession letter. It turns out Gabriel killed my pet rock.
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snookies-turtle-helmet Β· 28 days
I actually picture this happening...
Raphael: *Reading a letter*
Michael: Well, what does it say?
Raphael: It’s a confession letter. It turns out Gabriel killed my pet rock.
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snookies-turtle-helmet Β· 28 days
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Raphael πŸŒ™
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snookies-turtle-helmet Β· 28 days
When you wake up, see the mister-sses just chilling and just being like: 😌
And then ye olde kokoro goes doki FUCKIN' DOKI.
πŸ’œ + πŸ’š = πŸŽ†
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snookies-turtle-helmet Β· 1 month
Have you tried coconut oil, shea butter, or vaseline? You just need a really, REALLY thin layer like you would apply to a tattoo and then you gently rub it in. Tea tree oil also comes to mind but a really tiny amount. (I hate greasy lotion hands too!!!)
I suffer through putting cream on my hands cuz they're dry af from soap AND MY KNUCKLES STILL CRACK AND BLEED I GIVE UP FUCK EVERYTHING
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snookies-turtle-helmet Β· 2 months
Best parts are parks where you're told to keep off the grass and collecting rainwater can land you in prison. People see plastic asses and a permanent creepy grin as beautiful while the beauty of nature is descrated to do so.
I'd say we're not just fucked, but in Hell's worst snuff film. At least we can get some comic reflief in places and laugh but soon that will be criminalized too.
The automobile is a curse upon our civilization. A demon pact that saps our souls with each use, yet remains the price of entry for much of society. America is a terrible place, and has inflicted untold harm upon the world at large, and as recompense Americans are shackled to mechanical beasts that only know conflagration as a method of ambulation, and also we have to spend fucking thirty minutes finding a place to park and then walk two miles anyway
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snookies-turtle-helmet Β· 2 months
Who likes math?
Negative Γ— Negative = Positive
Negative x Positive = Negative
Positive x Positive = Positive
Positive x Negative = Negative
Positive x Positive x Negative = Negative
Picture Time!
πŸ’” x πŸ’” = ❀
πŸ’” x ❀ = πŸ’”
❀ x ❀ = ❀
❀ x πŸ’” = πŸ’”
❀ x ❀ x πŸ’” = πŸ’”
Here's a joke: how much leaven does it take to make the whole loaf bitter?
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snookies-turtle-helmet Β· 2 months
Want to talk about someone who truly spoke what it's all about?
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
-Jimi Hendrix
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snookies-turtle-helmet Β· 2 months
Have you ever seen a cat and automatically pictured the perfect voiceover for it?
My sister's muffin of a cat looks like he'd sound like a mafia boss plotting an ass-whoopin!
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snookies-turtle-helmet Β· 2 months
Any negativity in this blog earns me an automatic "NO" stick from the bros.
I assure you, all is forgiven from past parties, I have been properly bludgeoned, and wish to share the light of internet-based crack comedy.
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snookies-turtle-helmet Β· 2 months
When your hilarious roomates openly share the secret on how to play Extreme Poetry for Neanderthals.
Everyone gets a "YES" and "NO" stick.
See tags for exceptions:
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snookies-turtle-helmet Β· 2 months
"I have 3 hate and no love. Why can't I have no hate and 3 love?"
-Homer Simpson to Ned Flanders
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snookies-turtle-helmet Β· 2 months
Why does Strife in Darksiders use two pistols? Demons are fire-based lifeforms so wouldn't a super soaker suffice?
Fill that crap with holy water and BOOM!
(And I think War is the himbo!!!)
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