snowcrocus · 4 years
esta mañana recibí un mensaje muy bonito en una meditación y se los quiero compartir. es un recordatorio de que Dios siempre está contigo y con todo, 24/7, y de que a veces uno está en un estado emocional negativo y uno cree que es por esto o aquello externo que te está pasando y en realidad ese estado emocional negativo es porque no te estás permitiendo confiar en Dios que siempre está contigo, porque en lo que llevas tu atención a confiar en Dios/en el Universo las emociones negativas se disipan y entra la paz.
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snowcrocus · 4 years
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snowcrocus · 4 years
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snowcrocus · 4 years
Your Source will never ask you to stay in what for you feels like an unhealthy/abusive environment and ask you to heal it/them, fix it/them, change it/them, bring them something. Source will not burden you like this.
It will always guide you towards your wellbeing and to a better and better emotional place, it will guide you out of the worry you may feel for others and into the clarity, you will feel that you have a good life to look forward to, and that the overall direction of your life is always improving. You don't look back when you follow Source guidance, you constantly look forward for what you're going to receive, it feels so good that all you want to do is follow it and receive from it and have Source accompanying you forever.
Source connection is something else from what you might be used to
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snowcrocus · 4 years
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Time for Tea
Train between Peshawar and Lahore (1983)
ph. Steve McCurry
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snowcrocus · 4 years
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snowcrocus · 4 years
"are you influenced by Source or are you influenced by something else?" Abraham
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snowcrocus · 4 years
So cuuute 😍
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snowcrocus · 4 years
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Obvious but not so obvious
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snowcrocus · 4 years
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snowcrocus · 4 years
I received this visualization/meditation this morning, it's a polar sunny day with -28 C outside and I feel like I'm a penguin 🐧
You are in a boat going downstream on a river, everything around you, yourself and the river was created by a non-physical force that is translated for you as all-knowing wellbeing of everything. You have/are a consciousness same as everything else around you, and you also have an intellect.
How do you feel during the ride?
What my higher perspective showed me is that I am looking around and I am very very confused about this whole creation and I need not to be this confused
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snowcrocus · 4 years
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snowcrocus · 4 years
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snowcrocus · 4 years
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Terns and Turbines by Carry Akroyd
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snowcrocus · 4 years
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snowcrocus · 4 years
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snowcrocus · 4 years
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Only you can receive it and allow it within you
It will not come from the outside, the outside is a mirror.
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