soarsfree · 11 months
It’s so dumb but I can’t help but focus on Mac fixing the glass in this scene.
My dude saw that it was slightly off and decided he couldn’t have it.
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soarsfree · 11 months
gay people are so cool. i wish Philadelphia was a real place.
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soarsfree · 11 months
dennis is so teenage girl coded, he understands the horrors.
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soarsfree · 11 months
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me when somebody reminds me that iasip isn’t actually a groundbreaking slow burn queer explorative romantic tragedy, but is in fact a middle american sitcom
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soarsfree · 11 months
sunny episode where dee starts dating women and mac gets up in arms abt it bc being gay is 'his thing' and it snowballs into a being gay competition. in the end dennis wins. nobody even knew he was competing
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soarsfree · 11 months
I love how Mac and Dennis are always like “eww u stink Charlie u smell so bad u smell dead and rotting” and then they sleep like this
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Like guys make up your mind. Is he the grossest person ever or do you want his heartbeat to lull you to sleep?
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soarsfree · 11 months
charlie kelly is really the dude ever made. I've never seen another character in any media exude the same weirdness he does. It's not a bad weirdness it's just charlies type of weirdness. he thinks he has seen ghouls.he has bitten santa claus in the neck. he tortured a random guy because he thought it was a leprechaun. he's a musical savant. he looks like a butch lesbian whenever he has a tank top on. he really likes cats. he's somehow a genius at managing the worst bar in philadelphia. he likes magnets. he's the prettiest mf ever. he has been wearing the same green jacket for 18 years straight. he didn't even know pineapples were a thing. he eats stickers all the time. there's a good chance he's covered in grime.he was immediately ready to kill himself when mac's dad was released from prison before considering any other option. he faked his own death with a shitty video where he and his boy best friend do a thelma and louise reference. denim chicken. he has hallucinations. he can't write in english but can both write and speak irish. he is everything to me.
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soarsfree · 11 months
i just KNOWW that the gang dances to thrift shop by macklemore and dee does that “wut wut wut” in the beginning in her high pitched nasally voice and they all know the words and they definitely at one point filmed a music video to it on that one singular tape they recycle and there’s a clip of charlie wearing the duster during the lyric about the big ass coat because he wanted to wear it and the rest of the gang said it looked biggest on him so it made the most sense for the lyric. ok goodnight
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soarsfree · 11 months
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every steddie fic ever
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soarsfree · 11 months
Steddie fic idea:
Someone recorded one or a few of Corroded Coffin's songs and put it on cassette tape. (It could be live show, but the sound would have to be really clear)
In a shuffle, the tape gets played at a party Steve goes to...and he is enamored. He ends up paying the guy who played it $5 for the tape, and the song becomes his favorite.
All Steve has of the song is the one mixed tape. Nobody he talks to knows where the song came from. The record store was no help. (He is, of course, asking all the wrong people)
Steve is also very afraid that he will overplay the tape and break it.
Out of all the Tears for Fears, Abba, Bruce Springsteen, etc out there, *this* is the song that could save him from Vecna...but he doesn't even know what it is really called or who made it.
How funny is it that Eddie Munson wrote that song about some hot jock that he had a crush on...
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soarsfree · 11 months
Nancy : Why is Dustin crying?
Steve : I am having Max be mean to him.
Nancy: What?? Why??
Steve: He got a D in Spanish and then cheated.
Nancy : Well, you can't use Max for that, discipline your child yourself.
Robin : Nance, max got straight A's , she needs to be rewarded too.
Eddie : it's a win-win.
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soarsfree · 11 months
Duffer Brothers : We're going to make a character that is so bland-
Joe Quinn : Funky little queer boy. Does a little jig. Weirdo. Joe Keery looks great with his top off. D&D. Nerd. Good with kids. Rings.
Duffer Brothers : Wait, no, he's supposed to have a rivalry with Steve like Billy did and-
Joe Quinn : No. They're in a gay relationship now. That's his boyfriend. Big boy.
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soarsfree · 11 months
Hopper accidentally becomes the biggest ally in Hawkins out of hatred for Mike Wheeler. El wants to date Max? Perfect, Mike is terrified of Max. El wants to date Max and Lucas? Even better, more people to keep Mike away. Will comes out to Joyce and Hop? Hopper is immediately studying up on gay culture and flagging so he can find him a Hop ApprovedTM boyfriend. He sees that nice boy Gareth cuff his jeans one time and starts inviting him to family dinner. Mike seems annoyed that Steve is spending more time with Munson? A pamphlet titled “Accepting your Bisexuality” finds its way into Steve’s jacket pocket. Hopper has never seen Mike as furious as the day Steve and Munson arrive at dinner holding hands. It’s a good day. Hopper isn’t sure how Nancy dating the Buckley girl will annoy Mike, but he’s willing to give it a shot.
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soarsfree · 11 months
Steve and Dustin are sitting around talking about how Dustin had tried to keep a demodog as a pet.
Dustin: I bet Eddie would have let me keep it.
Eddie: The fuck I would! No son of mine is keeping a cat killer as a pet!
Dustin: Well, it's a good thing I'm not your son.
Eddie: Just for that. . .
Eddie drove off and didn't come back for a while. He returned with a bunch of papers.
Eddie: Sign here and here. . .
Dustin: What are these? Wait, did my mom sign these?
Eddie: Just sign them, shrimp.
Dustin shrugged and signed the papers, handing them back to Eddie.
Steve: Eddie?
Eddie: Can't talk now Stevie, got papers to deliver.
A month or so later. . . After Eddie had completely forgotten about it, mostly because he didn't think they would approve it. . . . He's lounging at Steve's place when Steve gets a call. Steve left to answer it. When he came back into the room, his hands were on his hips, and he was scowling.
Steve: Eddie?! Did you legally adopt Dustin as a joke?
Eddie: They approved them?! *shrieks* What's wrong with our legal system?! Don't they know who I am?!
Steve: Seriously? . . . Wait, why did Claudia sign the papers?
Eddie: That is also a very good question. *smirks* Bet she didn't think I'd actually turn them in. I did tell her it was a joke. She loves the bit where we're Dustin's dads. Absolutely tickles her.
Steve: For fuck's sake.
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soarsfree · 3 years
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Odin: You have a sister.
Thor, turns to Loki: *mouthing* You?
Loki: *shakes head*
Thor: Who is she, father? I never knew I had a sister.
[ID: Me telling my mom meme format. On the left, a crying girl is looking to the right. She is captioned “Odin telling Thor he has a sister.” On the left, a woman is sitting on the couch with a blanket with a very distinct expression on her face. She is captioned “Thor trying his hardest not to say he already has a sister and out Loki as genderfluid. End ID]
I’d like to note that I know how this meme is inaccurate. In Marvel Comics and Norse mythology, Hela is Loki’s daughter. In Norse mythology, Loki is not Odin’s son. In the MCU, Loki is not genderfluid. If you mixed them right this meme is hilarious though.
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soarsfree · 3 years
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soarsfree · 3 years
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