sodaconnoisseur · 7 years
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Mitsuya Grape Cider Verdict : 7/10 Ok, so i tried this after Misto grape soda... which was legendary. The best tasting grape Soda i've tried yet. So given Mitsuya's status and history, i really expected more. This is not bad, but it fell flat on my high expectations. But! You should definitely give it a go for sure. Taste of grape is rather light in this one... the CO2 kinda overpowers the grape taste.
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sodaconnoisseur · 7 years
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Bottles soda from Fuji San.... maybe actually Kawaguchiko. Don't really know. Anyway... Verdict : 6/10 One word... "sprite" or kinda tastes like. I thought it was going to be a sweet drink.. yea it was sweet... i just thought passionfruit kind of sweet, not lemon lime sweet. This is an alright drink. Not too bad, not too good.
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sodaconnoisseur · 7 years
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Peach Nectar So this.... Is not a soda. I got this, thinking it was a peach soda. I've been longing for a nice smooth peach soda for awhile now.. Verdict : 5/10 It's really sweet. Like really, really sweet to the point that i wanted to can the drink after drinking 1/4 of it. I am quite sure that the sweetness isn't natural. It can't be. It's too sweet. Unless Japanese peaches are that sweet. I don't know. But it does say on the can that it's 30% juice. Unfortunately the type of sweetness is suspect. The drink is quite thick too. It's filled with peach pulp.. Mixed together. Gives it a feeling of drinking that thick sugary thing that they put those canned peaches in. Wouldn't recommend this.
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sodaconnoisseur · 7 years
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Mistio Grape Sparkling. Nuff said, Verdict : 11/10 The best sparkling grape drink I've ever tasted in my life. The best. And guess what, I found it in a vending machine on a roadside in Tokyo. FFS... The grape flavour is fantastic, tastes natural and goes really well with the soda. The CO2 bubbles inside are pretty small too. Reminds me of the similar types of feel when you're drinking champagne. This is fantastic, I'll have to hunt these down for another few rounds.
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sodaconnoisseur · 8 years
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Bickford's OLD STYLE Creamy Soda Saw this at a local eatery. Sounds delicious.. Loved the fonts and authentic-ness of the design. Was still suspicious of red colored cream sodas though. Verdict : 5/10 Well it did say that the recipe did come from the 1870s. It's 2016. They'd probably want to do some catch up. The taste is slightly sweet and bitter at the same time, in fact this taste of cream sodas can be found in many brands on this blog... Most of them saying that the recipes date from a long time ago which usually results in less sweetness and more seemingly diluted. I prefer my cream sodas sweeter with a stronger cream taste... Maybe because sweet cream reminds me more of the word 'cream'
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sodaconnoisseur · 8 years
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So I am back! As a 4 year anniversary gift to this blog, I shall slowly play catchup and populate this space with a lot of backlogs. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf sparkling Iced Tea Berries Soda. This must probably be the healthiest soda I’ve ever had. Verdict : 3/10 Flavor, tastes like 1 part berry juice, 2 parts tea, 8 parts water. I thought that it would be tea infused with gas… But instead I got a diluted version of that. So I guess it really was the healthiest soda I’ve ever had.
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sodaconnoisseur · 10 years
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Some Fruit Soda. Sold in Daiso... Verdict : 0/10 Sucks. It doesn't even taste like a drink. Too sweet and too artificial. Such a shame. I really thought that all Japanese products were good. I was so wrong.
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sodaconnoisseur · 11 years
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China Apple Yes. It is called China Apple. Even the mandarin characters above translates to China Apple flavoured Soda. Yes... What a boring name. But hey... Works. Had this since i was young. Happy to say that it still tastes the same after decades. Verdict : 8/10 Great soda, flavour's great, packaging looks great.... CO2 may be a little strong for the average drinkers.. But you'll get used to it. Great for a burping contest. LOL! It's not easy to find good apple sodas.. And no, Apple Cider isn't apple soda.
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sodaconnoisseur · 11 years
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Redondo Peach Soda. Sometimes in life, a decent peach soda comes around. Blu-ishly coloured, i knew that i was in for a treat (was somewhat right). The first sip was simply great. Nothing to complain about. However... The flavour kinda feels out of place after a few sips.. Verdict : 7/10 Great soda, but it somehow doesn't prolong the need to enjoy it. I felt like finishing this bottle quickly and get this over with... Maybe it was some chemical reaction? Don't know don't wanna know. But i must say, the blue colour seemed delicious.
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sodaconnoisseur · 11 years
An obscure melon once cultivated by Buddhist monks in China to sweeten tea could give the $8 billion U.S. diet soda industry a shot at winning back consumers concerned about artificial ingredients. You won't find monk fruit in any of the soft drinks at your local convenience store. When "someone figures this out and gets a taste that is low-calorie and natural, it could really be a silver bullet that catapults that company ahead," said Ali Dibadj, an analyst at Bernstein who follows the soft drink industry. Once a booming sector, diet soda has become a laggard.
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sodaconnoisseur · 11 years
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Eggnog Fizz... I thought that eggnog tasted like egg cream. I was so wrong. Well its sour and sweet in a way? A very weird experience that i didn't really want to remember... Verdict : 3/10 Not BAD. Not good either for my taste..... It kinda reminds me of the weird sopranos soda earlier. Could it be the egg was expired? But then again the whole thing tasted of rum... So yeah weird... Really weird. Especially weird when the CO2 runs out... Nothing to filter out the weird taste.
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sodaconnoisseur · 11 years
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Day's Pineapple Soda. So apparently Day's has been making sodas since 1946... And so did lots of brands. I am starting to wonder if this is a sales gimmick or an actual founding year. Anyways, who cares about it. Day's probably makes one of the best pineapple sodas I've ever tasted. Awesome, great, fruity. This was the last one in the fridge i could find near Winsor Castle. Verdict : 10/10 This one gets full score. The perfect pineapple soda so far. Great taste, great mixture. The fruity sensation is really awesome, feels like drinking pineapple candy. Makes you feel like when you're a kid all over again the moment your tastebuds absorbs the soda. It is an experience that's worth it.
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sodaconnoisseur · 11 years
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Empire Bottling Works Banana Soda Banana soda indeed. At first it don't taste like one. You really gotta wait and let your tastebuds adjust to the artificial flavoring. Then finally, you get weirdly banana flavoured soda. Verdict : 5/10 Average soda... Taste is okay. Isn't too great. But it is drinkable... Banana flavouring has always been kinda weird. Somehow chemists are having problems replicating it... And then they decide to just work with a WIP version. Unfortunately nothing gets past the soda connoisseur. Give this a try... It's definitely better than banana beer.
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sodaconnoisseur · 11 years
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Barr : Cherryade One word, yuck. Cherry flavour tastes sooooo artificial it turns your day upside down on the first sip. Horrible. Barr, please just stick to irn bru? Verdict : 0/10 Don't go near this. It is 39p for a damned good reason. I thought that i was going to get diabetes after going through a quarter of the can.
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sodaconnoisseur · 11 years
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Manhattan Special Vanilla Cream. Certainly one of the best vanilla sodas around. Vanilla taste is strong and pairs up really well with the CO2. Something interesting though.... I saw black bits in the soda, most probably crushed vanilla pods. It usually settles right at the bottom so just watch out for that. Verdict : 10/10 This gets full marks.. nuff said, just get one and try it!
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sodaconnoisseur · 11 years
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Angry Birds: Amazon So firstly, i could be wrong.... But I am quite sure that it is some sort of kiwi-pear hybrid soda. Whatever is it, it's not as nice as the rest that I've tried and it feels very artificial. Very. Another disappointment after the piggie one. Verdict : 4/10 Drinkable, but not Good.
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sodaconnoisseur · 11 years
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Harry Potter Butter Beer. FINALLY. I got to try this... That small cup is going to cost you. But you can make one yourself too... That beer over there, that's ice cream soda/vanilla soda/cream soda, that foam on top, is probably butterscotch ice cream, half melted and stirred into a "foam". Or you could use honeycomb ice creams.. Either way, thats basically it. So if you don't have a chance to try it, DIY! Verdict : 10/10 I like it. Of course it's fattening.... But it is definitely an interesting blend. The ice cream was pretty sweet which kind of unsweetens your soda.. But that's alright.
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