Hiero- The Next Big Thing for the Witchy and Occult Community
Hiero- The Next Big Thing for the Witchy and Occult Community
Today, we will be discussing our best witchy discovery of 2020. Originally, Hiero was introduced to co-founder Aesh by word of mouth. Our research leads us to Hiero’s social media. A quick look at its twitter, which you can find here, displays a welcoming description.
“Hiero is a new social media platform and community focused on esoteric, metaphysical, and occult wisdom”.
We were…
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5 Real-Life Grimoires
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1. The Sworn Book of Honorius
This 14th century grimoire is a collection of knowledge of several Renaissance magicians. It is comprised of Christian magick, even going so far as to state that one must be a true baptized Christian to successfully perform the magick within its binding. Traditionally, one must also swear an oath of secrecy upon reading it, as the name suggests. Within its cover,…
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An FAQ on the World of Empaths
I was born a natural Empath (it runs in my family) and I have been developing my skill as one for the majority of my life. I hope that sharing my knowledge of what an Empath is and the tips that I've accumulated throughout the years help those who read this article.
What is an Empath?
Empaths are a type of psychic individual who are sensitive to the emotions of those around them. They are able to feel and, depending on the skill or power of the individual, absorb or even project emotions as if they were their own.
Are You Real?
Yes, we are real. Next question, please!
What are some other signs that I might be an Empath?
Here are some signs that you might be an Empath. Please keep in mind that this is not a definitive list and you may or may not experience only some, or even none of these signs as everyone's ability is unique.
You find yourself avoiding large crowds as they are incredibly overwhelming and disorienting for you
You sometimes can’t tell if your emotions are yours or others
Alternatively, you are feeling an emotion that you can not find the source of
People naturally come to you for help or to vent
You feel compelled to help these people
Listening to tragedies or watching sad/gory movies is near impossible for you
Animals generally trust you more often than others
You find that you cry easily
You are attracted to a career or lifestyle that helps others including, but not limited to; nursing, social work, or psychiatry
If I was not born an Empath, can I become one?
Just like with any and all psychic abilities, every human has the ability to develop the skills of an Empath. It, however, takes time, patience, and practice. For easier understanding, let's compare it to learning how to play an instrument. Some are born naturally gifted, some take it up easily, and some take a little more time to learn the needed skills. However, anyone has the ability to learn how to play the guitar, if you have the resources needed. Those resources don't need to be the most expensive private tutors or music schools. Sometimes all you need are some good YouTube videos, a few instructional books, and lots and lots of practice.
What are some things that I can do to help grow my Empathic abilities?
Meditate - Meditation aids in your focus, ability to feel and recognize energy, and boosts your psychic awareness.
Practice with a friend - When you are with a friend, (with their permission), try to get a reading on their feelings and confirm with them if they are right. Are they happy? What do you feel they are happy about? Are they stressed? What could be stressing them out?
Take time to analyze your own feelings - As an Empath, it is important to be able to distinguish your own feelings from others. What are you feeling? Can you determine what is causing you to feel this way? Please note that this gets a bit more complicated if you have mental illness.
Learn shielding - As you grow your Empathic abilities, you will soon come to realize that there are some feelings that you don’t want to absorb or perhaps, there are too many emotions around you. Learn to shield to protect yourself from these things.
Be patient - Almost everybody has the capability to experience and grow their abilities as an Empath. Just like learning an instrument, however, it can take time to master. Trying to force it will just frustrate you and burn you out.
I am an Empath and am having a hard time with it. Do you have some tips to help control my abilities?
Avoid crowds when possible. Tons of people and their influx of emotions will surge your senses.
Look up movie summaries (if you are okay with potential spoilers) before going to see any to know if there is any tragedy or gore.
Try not to get caught in a toxic cycle of seeking out upsetting news, even if it means unplugging your computer.
Mindless games are a great distraction and way to occupy your mind over something else.
Meditation helps with sorting out which emotions are yours and which are not.
Try this grounding ritual: Visualize a light surrounding you. It’s keeping you in and everything out but remains comfortable. Then, imagine roots coming from you. Imagine them going into the ground and holding you in place. Feel how strongly the roots are holding you to the ground. No wind or force can easily push you over.
Learn how to block out emotions. I imagine a bubble around me when I go out. Everyone has different methods.
Keep a journal or at least write somewhere to help you sort things out or to reference to later
REMEMBER: It is not your responsibility/you are not obligated to help everyone. It is impossible and can be detrimental to your health.
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Haunted Series: The Bell Witch Cave
When you hear the words, "Bell Witch Cave," it probably conjures up images from the hit indie horror movie, "The Blair Witch Project." After all, the movie was loosely based on the happenings of the witch said to reside in this real-life cave.
The Bell Witch Cave can be located in Adams, Tennessee, formerly known as Red River.
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What's So Special About This Cave?
As the name implies, the Bell Witch is said to reside in this cave. As we all know, most modern witches are individuals who live mundane lives just like everyone else and have no mission to harm others. "Bell Witch" is the name given to the entity that had cast horror upon the Bell family.
What Happened to the Bell Family?
The ordeal allegedly started in 1817. The Bell family started to hear terrifying things in the night such as rattling chains, whispered hymnals, and knocking on the walls of the house. The children complained of their covers being pulled off of them at night and their pillows being thrown.
The activity turned for the worst when the witch turned their attention mainly to the patriarch of the family, John Bell, and his daughter, Betsy Bell. They experienced physical trauma such as being pushed and getting slapped across the face, even leaving hand prints.
The activity was so infamous that their neighbors and even former president Andrew Jackson had to experience it for themselves. Both had bad experiences, especially one of Andrew Jackson's soldiers who taunted the entity.
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The Bell Witch started to focus their ill-intentions on the daughter, Betsy, when she became engaged to Joshua Gardner. For unknown reasons, the entity was strongly opposed to the marriage. The violence became so unbearable that Betsy broke off the marriage, which provided some relief to the torment.
At the end of it all, it was poor John that received the worst of the attention. The witch would often voice their hatred and intention to kill the man. As time went by, his health severely declined and, upon his death, the being announced to the family that they finally poisoned him, killing him. The family, in fact, did find a vial of unknown liquid in a cabinet. Even in death, John was unable to escape, as the witch was heard joyfully celebrating his death at the funeral.
Oddly enough, despite all of their ill-will, the being was recorded to have saved the life of a boy who got stuck in the cave and gave him a lecture on his recklessness and general caving safety.
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Who Was the Bell Witch?
There is a debate within the paranormal investigative community on the identity of the Bell Witch. However, the more common theories involve a previous neighbor named Kate (the most common theory), a killed slave, and the scorned ex-lover of John Bell.
What Now?
Even at this time of writing, the cave supposedly is still fraught with paranormal activity. It is said that you can still hear their whispers and knocks on the cave walls. Shadows are regularly seen as well. If you are interested in visiting the cave and experiencing this first-hand, click here to get redirected to a website to schedule a tour.
Have you visited? Tell us all about it! 
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Introducing: The Solar Scholars of Magick Coven Database
Want your coven to receive more exposure? If so, I recommend filling out the following form so that we can add it to our new database of covens. This also includes online covens!
Fill out the form here!
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Saturn in Aquarius: 2020-2023
Beginning on March 21, Saturn entered the revolutionary sign of Aquarius for a brief month and a half preview and will retrograde back into Capricorn until the end of September. On December 17, it will re-enter Aquarius until March of 2023. Saturn is known as the planet of limitations, boundaries, responsibilities and hard lessons, and up until now has been making its way through the restrictive and authoritarian sign of Capricorn since the beginning of 2018. Though Saturn is the ruler of earthy Capricorn and identifies well with that controlling energy, it doesn’t always do its best work in this sign. Traditionally, Saturn also rules the airy free-flowing sign of Aquarius and tends to be very comfortable in this sign, despite how different they may seem. When Saturn enters this humanitarian sign, it evolves into a higher version of itself, capable of bringing much needed equality and change into the world. How do we know this? Well, let’s take a look at the last few Saturn transits through Aquarius – from 1991 to 1994, and before that, from 1962 to 1964.
Let’s begin with Saturn’s transit through futuristic Aquarius back in 1962. Right off the bat, as Saturn entered the sign, the first automated (unmanned) subway train in New York City began running. Aquarius rules technology and automation, so this stood out to me as a very modern Aquarian development already. Also in 1962, Spacewar! was developed and released as the first computer game, featuring two spaceships fighting it out. Each spaceship was controlled by a player, meaning it was not only the first computer game, but also the first multi-player game for computers. Fitting, as Aquarius rules groups as well as spaceships and technology.
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In the early 1990s, there were also some major technological advancements, specifically related to the internet and computers. In 1991, at the beginning of Saturn’s transit through Aquarius, Apple released the PowerBook, the first modern laptop computer, which was a huge development in the computer world and has influenced our modern computers significantly in their portability and design. The WorldWide Web was technically invented in 1989, while Saturn was transiting Capricorn, and it was exclusively meant for information-sharing between scientists in institutions around the world at that time. However, in April of 1993, after Saturn had entered Aquarius, CERN made the “www” software public, accessible to anyone with a computer. This is significant because Aquarius represents freedom and equality, and though it was still mainly the upper class that could afford computers at the time, this movement away from intellectual elitism essentially opened the internet up for free public use like we have today. In 1992, ViolaWWW was released, and was the first web browser to become popularized by users. It was also the recommended browser by CERN until it was replaced by Mosaic in 1993, the first web browser to display images with text rather than in a new window.
In the upcoming transit of Saturn through Aquarius, we can expect to see even more advanced technology developments. Many people are expecting Artificial Intelligence to really take off in the coming years, as well as 5G technology and space travel on a grander scale. Smart devices and appliances are becoming more readily available and more advanced.
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The future of technology was on the minds of many in the early 1960s, reflected in ABC’s first color animated TV series, The Jetsons, premiering in September of 1962. Not only does Aquarius rule color television and cartoons, but the futuristic utopian vision held by The Jetsons is also very Aquarian in nature. Television also welcomed the eccentric and beloved Addams family in 1964 with ABC’s premiere of The Addams Family. This television classic questioned social norms of the time, specifically the values of the traditional mid-century American family, which were quite conservative at the time. This series became a symbol of the counterculture in television, a typically Aquarian concept. Another incredibly popular futuristic TV show that technically started during Saturn’s transit through Aquarius, Star Trek began filming in November of 1964, during the last couple months of Saturn’s journey through this sign. Star Trek is also notable for this transit due to the fact that it was one of the first television shows to give women, especially black women, prominent and respected roles. The character Lt. Uhura, the ship’s communications officer, was played by Nichelle Nichols, a black actress. At that time, black women typically only appeared in television as servants and maids, so this was a revolutionary change not only in television but in the civil rights movement as well. In fact, when Nichelle Nichols considered quitting the show to pursue a career on Broadway, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. met with Nichelle, convincing her to stay on the show as a part of history.
Television in the early 1990s during Saturn’s next transit through Aquarius was just as influential on culture as the television of the early 1960s. One of the first TV shows that comes to mind when I think of the 90s in television is the classic sitcom Friends. Though this show technically didn’t air until Saturn had moved into Pisces in 1994, the concept of the show resonates very closely with Aquarian themes. For one, the name “Friends” is representative of Aquarius, the sign of friendship and camaraderie. David Crane and Marta Kauffman, the show’s creators, began developing Friends in late 1993 under the early title of Insomnia Cafe, as Saturn made its way through the last 10 degrees of Aquarius. Though it initially had mixed reviews, Friends grew to become one of the most popular and beloved television shows of its time. Another well-loved show of the early 90s, though aimed more towards a younger audience, Bill Nye the Science Guy first aired in 1993, and embraced the forward-thinking Aquarian scientist archetype. Science in general is ruled by Aquarius, sign of innovation and discovery, and this show was designed to teach children about the realities of science and observation. One TV show I thought I should mention here as well is The Real World, which first aired on MTV in 1992, and is credited as being the birth of the “reality TV” genre of television, though it was edited quite often in favor of certain situations and reactions that didn’t quite reflect reality. It received a lot of criticism as well for not ever casting an Asian man in nearly 30 years on television. Reality TV is also very much a Saturn in Aquarius concept, as Saturn rules realism, and Aquarius rules television in general.
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Aquarius is also the ruler of cartoons, as I touched on earlier, so it’s only fitting that I discuss a few cartoons of the early 90s. The trend of “cartoons for adults” was beginning to take off around this time, after The Simpsons paved the way in 1989 with its adult humor and hidden messages about adult life. One of the more “mature” cartoons that comes to mind when thinking of Saturn’s transit through Aquarius in the early 1990s is The Ren & Stimpy Show. This show first aired in 1991, and was quite grotesque in its animation style, featuring detailed animated close-ups with which other shows later followed suit. It was especially adored among college students due to its bizarre animation style and dark yet quirky humor. Another “adult cartoon” that began while Saturn was making its way through Aquarius is Beavis and Butt-Head, which first aired in 1993. This cartoon had mixed reviews and stirred up a lot of controversy with its seemingly idiotic social criticism, but became a staple of early 90s adult television nonetheless. The social criticism in this show is representative of Saturn in Aquarius as well, as Saturn portrays a harsh, critical nature, and Aquarius is a sign of society and social groups. Rocko’s Modern Life was yet another cartoon series that was aimed for young adults rather than children, and achieved moderate success after its initial release in 1993. This show was known for highlighting adult situations through cartoon animation- combining the adult responsibilities and themes of Saturn with the off-beat cartoony Aquarian personality. One last cartoon I’d like to mention in this segment of adult cartoons is Animaniacs, which first aired in 1993, and quickly became a hit with both children under age 11 and adults over 25. The large following among adults even led to one of the earliest Internet fandom cultures, another Aquarian concept.
Television in the coming years will likely circle around again to some of these rebellious Aquarian ideas, and it’s likely that TV will become even more entwined with the Internet over the next few years, as online streaming is more common these days than watching cable TV.
Saturn’s movement through Aquarius was a big part of the civil rights movement of the early 60s as well. The sign of Aquarius is a sign of freedom, equal human rights, and disrupting the status quo, which essentially were a few of the main goals of the movement. In fact, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a 10th house Aquarius Mercury, which is why we remember him best for his “I have a dream” speech, which he delivered August 28, 1963 in Washington D.C. for the 200,000+ people who gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial for the March on Washington. During the time he was writing and revising this speech, Saturn was transiting his Mercury in Aquarius as well. Later in 1963, on October 22, roughly 200,000 students stayed out of school in Chicago to protest segregation of African-American students in schools. This was a major peak of an ongoing battle to desegregate schools across America, again acting out the Aquarian values of equality and social justice.
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In the early 1990s, this theme re-emerged through the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles. A video went public in 1991 of five white Los Angeles police officers severely beating Mr. Rodney King after pulling him over for speeding. The riots began on April 29, 1992 after a trial jury acquitted four of the officers, enraging thousands of Southern Californians who took to the streets in anger. By the end of the riots, in early May, sixty-three people had been killed and thousands more were injured or had been arrested. The 1992 Rodney King riots went on to inspire the folk song “Like a King” from Ben Harper’s debut 1994 album Welcome to the Cruel World, which was released just after Saturn transited into Pisces; therefore, the songs were written and recorded while Saturn was in Aquarius.
In the coming transit of Saturn through Aquarius, we can expect to see another revolutionary movement, particularly watching the Black Lives Matter movement, because the hashtag was born while Saturn was in Scorpio, meaning Saturn in Aquarius will be coming up on a Saturn square for the birth chart of the movement.
Furthermore in music, there were a few major developments in the early 1960s while Saturn was in Aquarius that stood out to me. First, in the early to mid 60s, Joan Baez was beginning to make a name for herself in folk music during the American folk revival. Then in 1962, Peter, Paul & Mary released their debut album, which reached #1 on the US album charts. During the same year, Bob Dylan released his self-titled debut album of cover songs, and later went on to release his first original album The Times They Are a-Changin’ in 1964, towards the end of Saturn’s journey through Aquarius. These politically-charged folk artists all peaked with the folk revival during Saturn’s transit through Aquarius, which makes sense, as folk music is Aquarian in its nature, typically discussing issues of politics, inequality and other “radical” ideas of change. In fact, these artists also all performed “We Shall Overcome” at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s March on Washington in 1963.
Another emerging group that stood out to me from this Aquarian transit was The Beatles. This incredibly successful rock group released their first couple of songs, “Please Please Me” and “Ask Me Why,” in January of 1963. By the next month, their single “Please Please Me” was topping the British rock charts. The Beatles released their debut studio album, Please Please Me, in March 1963, and by May had landed on the top of the UK album charts, staying there for 30 weeks, only to be replaced by their second studio album, With The Beatles. By October of 1963, the media began using the term “Beatlemania” to describe the frenzied behavior exhibited by Beatles fans across the globe. Many of their live performances were accompanied by the sounds of screaming fans and general hysteria. Fanatics, by the way, are also ruled by Aquarius. In February of 1964, The Beatles made their first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show, drawing a record 73.7 million viewers. The crazed audience clearly depicts the “Beatlemania” phenomenon in full swing. But how do The Beatles relate to Saturn’s transit through Aquarius? First off, The Beatles were one of the first mainstream groups to market to the younger generation of teenagers rather than to their parents. This was a big shift in the music industry, as typically it was the older audience with all the spending power, whereas now, young teenage girls were a powerful force in the music market. Though their earlier songs avoided heavier social topics, it became obvious later in their career that The Beatles were a huge part of the birth of counterculture and anti-establishment ideas. In 1964, when the band was informed that a venue they were scheduled to perform at in Florida in the US was segregated, they refused to play unless the audience was integrated. Many more conservative countries refused to allow The Beatles to perform at all, in fear that their progressive counterculture ideas would “infect” their younger population. Even the United States attempted to ban all British acts in 1965, as they saw their emerging rock ‘n’ roll culture as “dangerous” to the youth of the nation. The Beatles were also highly progressive in their music style, and incorporated many new and unusual recording techniques into their albums. This ongoing theme of progressive thinking and “peace and love” apparent in the music of The Beatles is very in line with the nature of Aquarius.
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Later, in the early 1990s, grunge bands were the new emerging music trend. A number of grunge rock bands all released major hit albums around the same time: right around Saturn’s transit through rebellious Aquarius. In 1991, Pearl Jam released their debut album Ten, followed by Nirvana releasing their second album Nevermind, and then Soundgarden with Badmotorfinger– all within a span of two months! All three albums were incredibly successful, and resonated strongly with the Aquarian counterculture and anti-establishment ideas brought out by the earlier generation in the early 1960s. Then in 1992, Alice in Chains released their second studio album, Dirt, which is considered by many to be their best work. Also released in 1992, Stone Temple Pilots debuted with their first studio album, Core, which received mixed reviews, though it went on to win a Grammy in 1994 for Best Hard Rock Performance. Nirvana received a lot of attention and success in the early 90s as well, and Kurt Cobain was dubbed “the voice of a generation” by many. Similar to The Beatles influence on counterculture, Kurt Cobain’s darker lyrical content touched many listeners’ hearts on a deeper level than the earlier hair metal had been able to.
In the next few years in music, we’re likely to see younger emerging artists, similar to Billie Eilish, who has an Aquarius Moon, taking over the scene with some revolutionary new ideas and social commentary in their lyrics.
Though Aquarius is a masculine sign, I’ve also noticed a pattern with emerging feminist movements during these transits due to the focus on equal human rights. The second wave of feminism began picking up speed around 1963, when two major works of feminist writing were published: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath and The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan. Both works were largely critical of the typical role of a female as a domestic housekeeper/mother figure in 1960s society. These works encouraged women to pursue careers that they felt passionately about for the first time. Also in 1963, journalist Gloria Steinem became a prominent figure in feminist culture after going undercover as a Playboy Bunny and revealing the poor treatment and underpayment of the waitresses at the Playboy Club.
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In the early 1990s, during Saturn’s next transit through Aquarius, the third wave of feminism began to emerge. While second-wave feminism dealt primarily with issues surrounding equal opportunities for [predominantly white] women in the workplace, this third wave of feminism dealt with issues regarding intersectional feminism, violence against women and reproductive/sexual freedom. A trend of reclaiming “derogatory” female terms (for example: bitch, slut, whore) began largely with the Riot grrrl movement in punk music, popularized by female-constructed bands like Bikini Kill and Bratmobile, as a way of expressing feminine identity on their own terms.
Feminine power is already on the rise again, with Uranus having moved into feminine Taurus a couple years ago and still having several more years to go on that transit. Women in power will do great things with that power, and more women will come to be in power over the next few years with Saturn in this sign. Whether it be individual political power, or power in numbers, women around the world will come together and rise to power from now until 2023. Another trend I expect to see play out while Saturn transits Aquarius these next few years as well is that of gender revolution. With the gender roles of the past melting away, a revolution is roaring around the corner, and gender queer/LGBTQ+ identifying people will likely score a few big victories in the upcoming Aquarian transit.
Another theme I noticed through Saturn’s transit of Aquarius in the early 1960s was a theme of national independence and freedom. In August of 1962, the colony of Jamaica became independent, freeing Jamaicans from the United Kingdom after 300 years of British rule. In October that same year, Uganda also became independent from the UK. Then, in 1963, Kenya declared independence from the UK as well. Meanwhile, the Dominican Republic and Zanzibar both experienced major revolutions during this time frame in search of freedom. This trend continued in the early 90s, with many countries, including Lithuania, Ukraine, Latvia and Estonia, all declaring their independence from the USSR in 1991.
It’s likely that we will see many more uprisings and movements towards independence, including the United States’ Pluto return in 2022/2023, which is expected to be a revolutionary moment for the history of the country.
These are the kinds of themes we are likely to see re-emerging until March 2023, while Saturn roams through free-spirited Aquarius. Technological innovations are going to be increasingly involved with our lives, as the internet of things develops further. Television will trend towards witty humor and social criticism, as it did the previous few times Saturn was in Aquarius. Civil rights movements will be center-stage, writing more groundbreaking history into our textbooks, while the future leans towards figures who are genderqueer, females, diverse, and/or of color, rather than in favor of the cis-gender/heterosexual white male. Mainstream music will take on its own social commentary within the industry. Independence of the individual as well as the nation will be stressed in the coming years. Saturn feels confident in this sign, and we should too, moving forward into Saturn’s “Age of Aquarius” with hope for a better future.
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Regarding Discord
It has come to our attention that there has been a Discord server going by the name of “Scholars of Magic” promoting themselves on Tumblr. Please be aware that the Solar Scholars of Magick are not affiliated with such channel. Simply put, if you are not an official member who has gone through the application process via the application provided on our blog, you will not have access to our Discord channel. 
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10 Things that EVERYONE Needs to Know Before Starting the Craft
1. Wicca and Witchcraft are Not the Same Thing
This is a pet-peeve of mine when people use those words interchangeably. So, what’s the difference? To put it simply, Wicca is a religion, while witchcraft is a practice. It’s like saying that prayer and Christianity are the same thing. Wicca is a relatively new invention, being created in the late 1950’s by Gerald Gardner after he spent a lot of time in Asia and became enthralled with their spirituality, which he merged with various occult practices that he came across in his travels. Witchcraft, on the other hand, is defined, at least by this author, as the act of manipulating the energy around you to achieve a goal. You can be either or you can be both, but they are not mutually exclusive.
2. Witchcraft Does Not Need to Kill Your Bank Account
If you follow many big-name witch influencers, more than likely, you will get caught up in the aesthetic of hundreds of beautiful crystals, perfect altars, sculpted candles, and much more elaborate and expensive things. Now, I want to make it clear, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but it is not always feasible to have (or afford) everything required to fit that aesthetic. Rough, unpolished crystals will work just as good as the one you saw that was professionally polished and carved into the shape of a skull. You can get candles at thrift shops, not just at the website that sells specifically anointed candles for every specific intention. Remember, it is not the tool that makes the witch, but the witch that makes the tool!
3. Know the Difference Between a Coven and A Cult
While it is not necessary, there are definitely some benefits that come with finding a coven that welcomes you with open arems. So, first off, what is a coven?
A coven is a group of like-minded witches that help each other out magickally and hold a special bond or connection. They will often perform rituals together. Please keep in mind that there is a difference between a coven and a cult.
A coven is rewarding, full of (usually) great people and potential friends, while a cult is dangerous, toxic, and filled with people who often prey on the vulnerable or unaware.
Here are some potential warning signs of a cult:
They encourage you to cut off ties with your friends and family.
They try their best to make you dependent on them.
They pressure you into engaging in sexual/criminal/drug activities.
You feel as if it is dangerous to leave.
The “leader” equates themselves to a deity or is a “my word is law” type.
You feel as if you are walking on eggshells around them.
There is some “divine” goal that you must behave a very specific way in order to reach.
Those who manage to escape are demonized and/or are made into examples.
If you suspect that you or a loved one are in a dangerous situation, please contact the appropriate authorities.
4. Witchcraft Can Become Mundane
Pop culture has a bad habit of sensationalizing witchcraft. As cool as it looks, witchcraft isn’t all lightning fingers and demon-slaying. You most likely won’t become a soldier of a magickal war, facing down an ancient evil that was recently released. Sorry, I didn’t mean to burst your bubble!
That being said, witchcraft is extremely rewarding and can be as fun as you make it!
Just like with any other art, it requires discipline! It requires study, practice, and essential tasks (or as they are often fondly called, witchy chores). Some of these “chores” include cleansing, charging, decorating, meditation, and more. Unfortunately, as we all know, these tasks may feel tedious, but they are often very necessary. Again, it is as fun as you make it, and you will be less likely to burn out/hate performing the tasks if you view them as the essential tasks they are rather than unnecessary chores.
5. Learn As Much of the Basics That You Can
As much as we want to immediately jump into more flashy things such as astral projection and elaborate spells or hexes, you must learn the basics first. Why? Because, without a strong grasp of the basics, your magickal work can be unstable and reap results that you may not have intended, including ones that cause harm to you or those around you. To quote a cliche, you must learn to crawl before you can walk.
Here are some basics that I recommend you begin with:
The history of witchcraft
The elements of a spell
Color/stone/common herb correspondences
Different types of the craft
6. Elitism Exists and it’s Bullsh*t
Unfortunately, no matter what community you are in, there will always be a few bad apples, but I will be referring specifically to elitists. Elitists in the witchcraft community tend to preach that their way is the only true way to be a witch, that you must have the most expensive of tools, or that witches who come from a family of witches are better than those who do not. If there is one thing that I want you to take from this article, it’s that, no matter what anyone says, you will NEVER be any less of a witch because of your bloodline, ethnicity, skin color, religion, spiritual practice, or socio-economic status!
7. You Don’t Need to Choose Between Religion and the Craft
One of the most common reasons of being apprehensive towards starting your journey through the craft that I see is a fear of retaliation within your own religion. For example, a lot of Christian witches will initially be afraid of going to hell for their practices. As someone who grew up in the Bible Belt of the Southern United States (poor Awen still lives there), I can definitely relate to this feeling. However, I, as well as several other religious witches, can say that you can have both. You do not need to drop one to have the other. In my eyes, your relationship with your god(s) is between them and you and is nobody else’s business.
To make things a little easier, however, I recommend sliding into the craft slowly. Dip your toe in the proverbial water. Try starting by engaging in activities that aren’t necessarily tied to witchcraft such as meditating, grounding, growing plants, or even just collecting pretty rocks. I also recommend reaching out to practicing witches within your faith for advice. It also may be a good idea to truly research religions of interest and make sure that your religion is a good match for you. It is okay to realize that the religion you were raised to be in, like being raised to be in a particular political party, does not have to be your religion. If it is and it causes you and others around you no harm, then I am truly happy for you and support you.
8. Learn to Listen to Your Intuition/”Gut”
We tend to have a 6th sense for danger or the presence of another being. You may recognize this feeling when you can feel that someone is watching you. Our instincts are built into us to keep us alive. Personally, following my gut has saved my life more than once. In one particular incident, my gut told me to stop at a crosswalk despite not seeing any nearby cars and the sign telling me to walk. Seconds later, a truck sped by, running the red light at full speed.
If you feel that a spell has taken a turn towards the unwanted, find a stopping point and seal it away. Feel as if a deity is calling you? Take the time to research them and their calling cards. However, please take the time to learn the difference between a negative gut feeling and general nervousness, as it does feel different.
9. Learn the Difference Between Good and Bad Resources
Misinformaion and toxic ideologies can be dangerous when it comes to witchcraft. You can read extensively about the difference between the two in my previous post about it here.
10. It’s Okay If the Craft is Not for You
If you decide to try out the craft and later feel as if it isn’t clicking… that’s okay. The initial decision to explore is not one for life. Just like how certain sports, hobbies, music, et cetera are not for everybody, witchcraft is not for everybody. Anyone who decides to judge you for that is wrong and not worth your time.
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Cosmic Love: An Astrologer’s Notes on Eclipses
Solar and lunar eclipses are spectacular events for those who enjoy watching the sky, but did you know that they also act as major triggers for life events? Essentially, a solar eclipse is a maxed-out new moon, while a lunar eclipse is a maxed-out full moon. For those of you who are familiar with the phases of the moon and their meanings, this means that a solar eclipse would signify a big new beginning, and a lunar eclipse would signify a majorly emotional ending.
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Eclipses can trigger a huge number of happenings, good and bad. You can get an idea of what exactly will happen by looking at the house and sign placement of the eclipse and what it activates in your chart. Speaking of which, only eclipses that aspect your natal chart directly will impact you significantly. We all may feel the intensity of these astrological events but only those who have an aspected planet or point can truly feel the weight of the eclipse, in particular those with an aspected Sun, Midheaven, Ascendant, or Moon, as they are the most significant.
If you don’t already, begin tracking eclipses, specifically those that make close aspects to a natal planet or point, and see if anything happens around that time. Events may occur on the exact day of the eclipse, or they may be dragged out. For a solar eclipse, you can expect to feel the energy of the eclipse about 3 to 6 months beforehand, and it may last for well over a year afterwards, especially if the eclipse aspects one of the more important placements noted above. For a lunar eclipse, there’s a slightly shorter time frame of about 2 months before and after the eclipse for major events to take place. However, you may feel the effects of a lunar eclipse well beyond 2 months after the eclipse took place.
Eclipses run in cycles like the planets do, and they go through one family of signs at a time, based on the qualities (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable). It takes about 7-8 years before a sign family will repeat itself, and roughly 19 years for an exact degree of a sign to repeat itself. This means that in the course of a year, there can be anywhere from four to six eclipses in the same sign family, with the potential to affect you significantly if any of these signs are emphasized in your natal chart.
Now let’s get into some examples of eclipse-triggered events. I’ve collected research on a handful of different people’s charts during different eclipses and they’ve all been affected in different ways. To start, I’ll use my family as an example.
On July 27th of 2018, there was a lunar eclipse at 4 degrees Aquarius, exactly conjunct to my brother’s natal Uranus. This triggered a major health crisis for my brother, as well as an emotional crisis as well. On the night of the eclipse, he was admitted to the hospital with severely high blood pressure and was going into kidney failure. Now, keep in mind that my brother was only 20 at the time – much too young to be dealing with these kinds of health problems! Mars was conjunct to the lunar eclipse as well, and transiting Uranus was making a square to his natal Uranus, further aggravating his condition. Uranus rules the nervous system, and the nervous system controls the blood pressure. Mars rules the blood, and Uranus was in Taurus, ruled by Venus, which rules the kidneys. All the stress on these planets from the lunar eclipse triggered my brother’s high blood pressure, which runs in our family on both sides. And because Uranus was involved, activating his 4th house of home and family, he felt a deep need for personal freedom as well. At the time, he was living with our parents and having many arguments with them. He had been planning to move out for a while, but this lunar eclipse solidified his decision with all the stress it caused him at home with our parents. Four days later, he was released from the hospital and the doctors had prescribed him medication for his blood pressure that he will be taking likely the rest of his life. This is the nature of an eclipse (causing life-changing events) and with Uranus involved, it was very unexpected and abrupt.
Rewind to a solar eclipse in March of 2006 in Aries, this one activating my mom’s natal Mars in her 12th house of hidden enemies. This was right around when my parents were fighting a lot and just before they got a divorce. This solar eclipse triggered many arguments between my parents, some even a bit violent. This event is pretty self-explanatory, with Mars being the most aggressive planet in its own sign, placed in the 12th house. This would translate to an abundance of anger and excessive arguments with a man in the native’s life, which is exactly what happened. My dad became an enemy to my mom, an enemy that she didn’t expect to discover when she married him. This eclipse also loosely activated my mom’s Neptune in her 7th house of marriage, dissolving the marriage over the next few years in court. On the other side of the story, the same eclipse activated my dad’s natal Pluto in Virgo in his 8th house of shared resources. Natally, Pluto here would point to a partner who is obsessed with money, and before the divorce, this might not have been the case, but after the eclipse triggered my dad’s natal Pluto, the fighting ended up being primarily over finances and child support. This eclipse triggered a series of court battles between my parents obsessively fighting over money. My dad ended up having to pay my mom a large amount of money in child support over a span of about 5 years. This same solar eclipse in March of 2006 also triggered my natal Sun by opposition, indicating the loss of a male figure in my life. This manifested for me as a temporary loss of my father, as he moved out and I saw him less often.
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In my own experience, I’ve dealt with many significant eclipses. However, one stands out more than the rest. In November of 2013, I had just started school at University, when I met another student through a ride share group. This student seemed to be just another freshman guy starting school and didn’t pose any threat to me when we met. However, the eclipse on November 3rd that year triggered my Midheaven and Mars, bringing a major change in my life. Later that month, the student invited me to a party and I went. Being a college party, we were drinking and socializing, but as the night progressed, he started acting more and more possessive of me. I had barely known him a week or two, but he was acting like I was his property. He kept tipping my cup back, forcing drinks down my throat, and as a result, I lost consciousness later on in the night. He dragged me upstairs onto a bed and proceeded to climb on top of me to assault me. What’s interesting about this eclipse though, is that it was a solar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio, which rules obsessive behavior, taboos, and sex. Activating my Mars and Midheaven in my 11th house, this translates to me as a life-changing physical event (sexual assault) occurring in a social setting or related to a new acquaintance (11th house). Saturn was also involved with this eclipse, conjunct the eclipse by 2 degrees. Saturn implies a long-term effect, and in my case, I received an ongoing diagnosis of PTSD, and my depression was magnified during that year after the incident, as Saturn can cause major depression also.
I’ve observed my friend’s charts and their life events related to eclipses as well. In June of 2012, there was a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, directly triggering one of my friend’s natal Mercury and Uranus. On the other end, the Sun was also activating his Chiron. This was the day his brother died in a car accident when he was hit by a drunk driver. Mercury rules siblings and Uranus rules unexpected events and accidents. As you can imagine, Pluto was transiting his 8th house, activating his North Node in a trine and his South Node in a sextile as well.
Someone I knew even was imprisoned after a series of eclipses activated his natal Sun and Moon in Libra as well as his Mercury in Scorpio. It was deserved- think justice- as Libra is a fair-minded air sign and rules judges. Uranus was also involved in the eclipse, conjunct the Sun, indicating a loss of freedom. Pluto was squaring his Sun exactly at the time too.
On a more positive note, eclipses can trigger very positive changes as well! In another friend’s chart, I’ve seen a solar eclipse activate her Venus in her 1st house (Leo) in a conjunction by 2 degrees and her Midheaven exactly by trine in her 9th house (Aries). She was rewarded with a new job teaching young children in China- this is her Midheaven being activated in the 9th house of distant travels, and the eclipse is coming from her 1st house of Leo, the sign of children. She even made a significant connection to one of the students who made a noticeable first impression on her second day there. The student ended up being one of her best students!
Sometimes there can be large amounts of money involved when a solar eclipse activates specific houses. One friend of mine inherited $100,000 from his grandmother when she passed, right around the time of a lunar eclipse that activated his natal Saturn (grandparents) in his 2nd house of finance, from the 11th house of large amounts of money. The Sun was activating his 5th house of fun and pleasures, so as a result, he went on a major drug/alcohol/stripper binge (Neptune was squaring his natal Moon at the time as well) where he encountered many fake friends who used him for his money. The 11th house is friends and acquaintances as well as huge dream amounts of cash, and his 11th house falls in Scorpio, so there was definitely manipulative behavior involved.
There are many other kinds of events that eclipses can trigger as well. Depending on the planets, houses, and signs involved, there may be marriages, engagements, pregnancies, divorces, promotions, traveling, moving homes, major health issues or improvements, surgeries, educational developments, major accomplishments… The list goes on! Just think big, though, as that seems to be the theme with eclipses. During my research, I asked each of my friends what the most significant time or moment in their life was, and almost every single one of them had an eclipse as their first answer. They recalled the exact month and year, some even the date, and it came immediately to mind. When I went to check the dates of that year’s eclipses and compare them to their natal charts, sure enough, there was an eclipse activating something in their chart.
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So next time you hear of or get to witness an eclipse, no matter where it is in the world (as these cosmic events affect all of us), think to yourself what in your life might change or be disrupted. What might evolve or take action? Or even better, consult your natal chart and try to figure out exactly what will happen, guided by your intuition!
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Coronavirus, Quarantines, and Magick
I think we all knew that this blog post was coming. It’s almost impossible to avoid it, considering COVID-19 has seized world-wide attention. However, we are not here to give a science lesson or medical advice. We are here to discuss the potential relationship between Magick and Coronavirus.
I’ll make it easy enough for you- there is no relationship between Magick and Coronavirus. There is no spell, ritual, ward, or sigil that will be enough to protect you or others from the virus. Instead, “mundane” things such as washing your hands and staying home are the best ways to avoid it. Now, there is no shame or harm in using magick to supplement these proven preventative methods.
Fear is the number one reaction to this epidemic and, disgustingly, there are witches that are taking advantage of that, selling spells, promising to prevent you or loved ones from contracting it, or even providing divination to determine your risk level. Don’t be that witch.
Instead, be the witch that takes advantage of the quarantine by bringing some magick into your home.
Cleanse your house. When was the last time that you gave your living area a good cleansing? Not just your working area either, but also your living room, attic, bedroom, et cetera. There are various methods of cleansing, but the following are the more common:
Take this chance to study a new area of the craft. There is always going to be more that you can learn, no matter how long you’ve been practicing. Go to the Internet and just explore.
Redecorate your altar. The seasons are changing at the time of writing this article, so it’s time to add a more “spring” vibe to your alter.
Meditate. Meditation helps our psychic awareness, focus, and problem-solving abilities. You should meditate at least three times a week, though some even suggest once a day. However, in our fast-paced lives, it can be hard to find time to truly meditate. Well, here we go. There’s plenty of time now.
Astral Project. This is an advanced skill with which not even this author is adept. To astral project is to remove your consciousness and awareness from your body in order to travel without your physical body. Sometimes, you get to even travel to different planes of existence. Getting cabin fever? This is your answer. For those who wish to learn, co-founder Awen is willing to teach (they actually have a video series here and will soon be writing a blog series on the matter).
Sage/myrrh/palo santo/cleansing herb or wood of choice cleansing (burning ethically-sourced sage/palo santo*/cleanser of choice and filling the area with its smoke)
Cleansing water (sprinkling blessed/sacred water* around the house or putting it in a spray bottle and spritzing it)
Clapping or bell-ringing (makes stagnant energy move- an especially good idea in corners where energy can get stuck)
White light cleansing (visualizing a white light radiating throughout the space and cleansing the energy- this can be aided by a clear quartz or any crystal or spirit of choice)
Mundane cleaning (using visualization while physically cleaning the house, such as vacuuming, doing laundry, et cetera)
*Ethically-sourced palo santo often shows marks of decay, as it should be harvested after it has fallen from the tree rather than taken from a living tree.
*Blessed/sacred water can be created by leaving water in sunlight or moonlight for a day or night, charging it with clear-quartz or another non-toxic, water-safe crystal (just in case it comes into contact with your skin or you breathe in vapors!), or any sanctifying measure of your choice.
Share with us in the comments how you are spending this quarantine!
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Coronavirus, Quarantines, and Magick
I think we all knew that this blog post was coming. It’s almost impossible to avoid it, considering COVID-19 has seized world-wide attention. However, we are not here to give a science lesson or medical advice. We are here to discuss the potential relationship between Magick and Coronavirus.
I’ll make it easy enough for you- there is no relationship between Magick and Coronavirus. There is no…
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7 Feelings that Most Witches Can Relate To
1. Feeling shame when you forget about a holiday (again)
Let’s be honest; it happens to us at least once. Life gets busy and before you know it, you see posts on Twitter, saying, “Blessed Ostara!” while you are in the breakroom, scarfing down bagel bites while simultaneously trying your damnedest to get marinara sauce off your white shirt. What happens next can only be compared to the 5 stages of grief:
Denial: Maybe everyone was just posting stuff early. Maybe they’re in a timezone waaaayyy ahead of yours. You didn’t see anything posted about it yesterday, so there’s no need to look at a calendar, because you didn’t forget about the holiday.
Anger: It’s not your fault, it’s society’s fault. It’s not like there’s tons of advertisements about it in the media. No, everyone is hung up on Easter. The lack of accurate representation pisses you off and you’re prepared to scream from the top of your lungs about your beliefs.
Bargaining: Okay, so maybe you initially forgot about it, but you can totally make up for it. You still have time in the day to go to the store and buy some ingredients to make a quick meal as an offering. Wiping that stain off your shirt can kinda represent creating a clean-slate, can’t it?
Depression: You are legit the worst witch in the world. What kind of witch doesn’t even remember the major holidays. No amount of salvaging the day will erase the fact that you forgot about it in the first place.
Acceptance: Missing the occasional (or every) holiday isn’t something worth beating yourself up for, especially since they traditionally span three days or a week anyways. Even non-witches will forget about mainstream holidays. Besides, there’s always next year if you absolutely can’t do anything this week.
2. Trying not to destroy your bank account on a really cool crystal
For most witches, the fascination with what are essentially pretty rocks predates their official delve into the craft. When we do delve, however, that love (pretty much an obsession at this point) amplifies. So, when we go by that crystal kiosk in the mall, it becomes all too hard to resist buying that $50 bonsai tree with leaves of tiny jade shards. Sometimes it’s a jade tree, sometimes it’s a large amethyst geode, and sometimes it’s a hand-crafted obsidian dagger with an ornate elk-antler handle. However, the little voice in the back of your head desperately screams out that this money can be better used on food or on hoarding toilet paper (excuse our memeing). Who wins the argument? Hell if I know. *tries to sneakily slide card across the counter*
3. Not being sure which *witchy* aesthetic you want to represent
There are so many different aesthetics that you see witches portray on social media such as Instagram, Twitter, and even Tumblr. There are so many, and they’re all so damn cute, so finding one to truly commit to is about as difficult as choosing your starter in the first Pokemon game. (Charmander is the right answer to that decision, by the way). Those aesthetics include, but are not limited to:
The “traditional” witch- This aesthetic is typically described as Goth, witchy, or spooky. It can entail black lipstick, straight pitch-black hair, spider-web stockings, and platform boots that go up to your knees or thighs. There is nothing wrong with following this aesthetic. Go for it and relish in the fact that you can easily crush your enemies under your 5-inch platforms. And the fact that you are able to walk in them while normies just can’t seem to quite grasp the skill.
The plant witch- These witches will wear lots of greens and often have floral or tree tattoos. Their social media is usually saturated with pictures of their green children. Their hands are more often than not coated in a thin layer of dirt, especially under their nails. They yearn for their own greenhouse or maybe just a really nice sunroom.
The bohemian witch- These witches fulfill an aesthetic similar to the hippie movement of the mid-1900’s. You can usually find them wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothes, and, more often than not, barefoot. Their Instagram is typically full of yoga poses and soap that they just hand-crafted.
The closet witch– Because these witches are not open (or are actively hiding) their craft, it is not easy to spot one. You have to look closer to see the signs. Such signs will usually be in the form of crystal and/or symbolic jewelry.
Pro-tip: You don’t have to fulfill a certain aesthetic. The aesthetic is never what makes a witch a true witch. So go nuts and wear what you want to wear. Your personal style is your aesthetic.
4. Getting Roasted by Your Own Tarot Cards/Runes/Divination Method
We usually consult our cards when we need answers. However, sometimes, we already know the answers and are just in denial. In these times, we consult our trusty tarot cards to find the real answer, since the one in our heads is obviously not the right one. It can feel like a slap in the face whenever we do a reading, hoping/praying for a different answer, and receiving what we already knew or facts we wished we hadn’t discovered. In these situations, it can mean that something unpleasant is the result of our own actions or that we have to do something unpleasant in the near future. The cards do not care about your feelings. The cards care about giving you the answers you need and helping you.
5. Forgetting About the Jar That You Put Outside to Collect Rainwater
It’s supposed to be simple. You wait until it rains, you grab a jar, you put it outside, and, once it finishes raining, you bring it back in. But, no, it never ends up this simple. It all seems to go wrong at step 4. After we put the jar out, more often than not, we go on about our day and the jar leaves our mind… usually for a few days. By that time, however, the water has either been evaporated or it has been contaminated with dirt, pollen, or even bugs. Just like with forgetting holidays, we tell ourselves that we won’t forget next time, but you don’t need to consult your cards in order to know that, unless you set an alarm on your phone, the cycle will only repeat itself.
6. Being Overwhelmed in the Beginning
Witchcraft is such a broad, broad term. When you say that you’re going to “practice witchcraft,” it can mean a multitude of things. You could be performing a spell, praying to your gods, drawing sigils, astral projecting, divining, and much, much more. You quickly discover this when you start your journey into the craft and it becomes overwhelming. We are in an age where vast amounts of information is at our fingertips at any moment. You find yourself asking, “Where do I begin?” We tell ourselves, “Let’s find a guide!” Then, we see that there are hundreds of “beginner” guides to the craft in bookstores and thousands online. It’s stressful and there’s a pressure of picking one that had the “right” version of things. In the end, you just have to make a leap of faith and pick one that feels right to you. Build your craft from things that pique your interest. Or, like me, you can close your eyes and grab one off the shelf and go with that.
7. Being Exasperated with Incorrect Portrayals of Witches/Paganism/Magick
You’re just hanging out with someone or a group, or you’re just chilling by yourself, innocently checking out something claiming to be about witches or paganism or magick- or even those books or movies about Ouija boards and/or malignant spirits- and as you’re watching, you notice some things are wrong. Very wrong. In fact, if the people in this had any knowledge at all of magick or paganism, they wouldn’t be in this unfortunate circumstance to begin wi- hey, don’t go without closing the ritual prope- at least the salt is still lini- hey, don’t do tha– I don’t even care anymore, they had no respect or reason to even do this in the first place. If people look to these things as what practicing magick is like (there are some very ignorant people out there), then they are getting a lot of misinformation and downright insulting stereotypes and stigmas ingrained in their minds. No, not all spirits are bad and trying to kill you, maybe if you’d show some respect, Karen, things wouldn’t try to kill you or possess you or whatever the fuck is going on here.
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Hi there I’ve not long started looking into practicing magick and I don’t really know where to start do you have any advice?
Hi there!
I advise starting with improving your ability to sense energies via meditation as well as practicing visualization and learning common correspondences. Our page here covers the first thing you should learn pretty well.
Blessed Be!
Aesh Stormphoenix
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Chakra Series: Sacral/Svadhishthana
Merry meet, doves! Awen is back, this time with their certification in Crystal Reiki Master Level! However, I still only have a Level II in Usui, but that will change within six months. This week, we’re going to talk about our second chakra of the main seven, our sacral, or svadhishthana. The primary color associated with this chakra is orange or vermillion, but colors close to that are also acceptable. Svadhishthana is responsible for our first lumbar vertebra- imbalance causes lower back pain- and adrenal gland. Of course, it is also responsible for our sacral nerve, feeling, sexual expression, creativity, joy, enthusiasm, confidence, independence, sense of identity, fertility, self-esteem, health, happiness, karma, and personal desires.
Blockages and imbalance in svadhishthana cause issues in relationships, promote violence, and give more power to addictions. Physical ailments said to stem from this chakra are colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, bladder tumors, malabsorption diseases in the small intestine, and too much cortisol. Other issues associated with blockages are controlling behaviors, overprotectiveness, jealousy, anger, and perhaps even an inability to receive love. More problems associated with svadhishthana are lack or loss of identity, low self-worth, oversensitive ego, territorialism, and food and self-image obsessions. Whew, I just threw a ton of issues at you- but fear not, you have the power to remedy these.*
The Indian deities associated with this chakra are Vishnu and Rakini, and svadhishthana is associated with the Element of water. Know of any deities from other pantheons? Feel free to comment who you know or feel is associated with svadhishthana! Let’s build community!
Crystals associated with svadhishthana are blue jasper, carnelian, citrine, fire opal, hematite, mica, moonstone, mother-of-pearl, orange calcite, orange carnelian, rainbow moonstone, red jasper, selenite, silver, topaz, and white opal. Anything vermillion or orangish will do- it is perfectly fine to use any crystal that you feel will do the job.
Colors associated with svadhishthana are orange, silver, and vermillion.
Flowers, fragrances, herbs, and oils associated with svadhishthana are champaca, cherry, eucalyptus, jasmine, lemon, lemon verbena, myrrh, poppy, rose, sandalwood, and ylang-ylang.
Now that we’ve learned some basic facts about svadhishthana together, let’s allow ourselves a moment to connect and understand this chakra on a deeper level. Let’s find our comfortable poses by sitting or lying down- whatever will allow us to rest for a little while without strain on the physical body. We want to treat the body kindly for holding our souls for us. We also just really don’t want the body to distract us. Let’s breathe together. We’ll start slowly counting the inhale and feel/see the universal light being drawn in:
Let us slowly count our exhale and feel/see the light carrying out negativity:
Incredible. Let’s do this until we feel calm and relaxed. When we feel like we’ve settled into a meditative state, let’s think of and perhaps visualize each breath drawing down the Hara line and into svadhishthana. How’s svadhishthana feeling or looking? Draw upon your natural “clair” and do not fret about those you do not possess. All will come with practice. For now, let us use our naturally obtained gifts. Each inhale carries healing universal and earthly energy into the chakra, balancing and cleansing it, while each exhale carries the negativity out to be cleansed and recycled. Let’s keep meditating together until our chakra feels clean and right. Knowing when our chakras are balanced and cleansed occurs in different ways, so know that not everyone will understand it in the same manner. Our experiences are unique. How inspiring!
I know not who needs to read this, but the universe tells me to write to you that you are precious and you are loved. Thank you for existing and willing yourself to continue to exist. May you find your path to happiness.You’re amazing. Once we feel that it is right, we will softly and slowly return our awareness, little by little, using our senses. We’ll open our eyes last. Thank you for spending this moment with me.
As a reminder from the previous post, I do have a Playlist on my YouTube channel for those who prefer audio.
In the next Chakra Series post, we will discover our solar plexus chakra, or manipura. Thank you for spending your energy with me.
*Disclaimer: If you are experiencing chronic/persistent pain (especially if meditation and Reiki has not made it vanish entirely), please seek medical assistance from a medical professional. Your mental and physical health is incredibly important and should not be taken lightly or regarded as deserved punishment. Your health and life matters to us. Please do not regard our posts as medical advice, as we are not medical professionals.
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Review: Goodly Spellbook- Olde Spells for Modern Problems by Dixie Deerman and Steve Rasmussen
When I first bought this book, I mostly bought it because of its volume and low price. At the Barnes and Nobles that I bought it from, I got it for $17. In some (other) stores, you can get it for even lower. However, this book is worth so much more than it costs!
A lot of “spell books” at stores are merely a book-size list of spells usually categorized by common means and those categories are…
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4 Ways to Juggle Adult Life With Your Craft
As the years go by, teenagers who experiment with witchcraft grow into adults. Some of these adults keep with the craft and find a lifestyle that really speaks to them. But, as we grow into adulthood, life (and our responsibilities) change. All of a sudden, we have jobs, relationships, finances, and more. At the end of the day, this means that life becomes busy. So busy, in fact, that sometimes our craft becomes lost and it become hard to find time between it all.
Miss your craft? Here are some tips to help you find your magick again!
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1. All the Small Things, True Care Truth Brings
Magick doesn’t always need to include elaborate, skyclad rituals. There are tons of small, magick-filled actions that you can easily incorporate into your life on the fly.
A simple cleansing. You can clean more than your physical body in the shower. Imagine the soap taking the dark sludge of negative energy with it down the drain.
Charm your perfume as a quick and easy glamour. You can also do this to your make-up as well! Glamours are essentially real-life shape-shifting and/or invisibility spells. Here’s a quick glamour, if you don’t know where to begin:
A rose quartz crystal
An amethyst crystal
10 (preferably small) regular quartz crystals
A black candle
Find a flat surface.
Place the candle down and place the rose quartz in front of the candle and the amethyst behind the candle.
Place 5 of the regular quartz crystals to the left of the candle and the other 5 to the right. The crystals should form a circle around the candle.
Light the candle and chant, “By my will, I shall control perception of me.”
Wait until the candle burns out.
Place the amethyst, rose quartz, and 1 of the quartz crystals either in your bottle/cap of perfume or in a baggy near where you get ready for the day. This will need to be charged once a week!
Take 5 minutes each day to say your thanks/prayer to your gods. This doesn’t need to be spoken out loud. You could even think it while on the bus!
Coordinate the colors of your outfit with your intent for the day. For example, wear blue to help with a stressful event, yellow if you want it to be a happy day full of good communication, green if you are asking for a raise, et cetera. Colors hold power!
As an easy offering to your gods, make a playlist dedicated to them.
2. Going Incognito
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Sometimes, we want to proudly display our witchiness. However, with the stigma behind witches, sometimes we want to be recognizable to other witches, but not to the mundane.*
Wear crystal necklaces. While the popularity of this is growing, every time I see someone wearing a crystal necklace, I wonder.
Wear clothing with your deity’s image or symbol(s) on it. Not only is this noticible to other witches, but this is also a wonderful and easy way to worship said deity.
Try out rune/sigil nail art. To others who are not familiar, they will appear as simply abstract art.
Magickal symbol tattoos. The same logic as the last point applies to this one.
Find a community of witches near you! Having a community means that there is a space where you don’t have to hide who you are. Back in the so-called olden days, we could use a website called Witch’s Vox, but at the time of writing this article, it is going away soon. Instead, it is easy to find a community by looking for your local pagan society, Facebook groups, or other social media. You can even find a community online! Websites good for that include Reddit, Tumblr, and the Amino app.
3. Baby Shield Me One More Time!
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No matter how busy, actually, especially if you’re busy, shielding is a very important task. If you are an empath, one could argue that it’s absolutely necessary. By shielding, I do not mean walking around with an actual shield. It means using your magick to protect yourself from unwanted negative energy. Sometimes this energy comes in the form of the stress from those around you, too many emotions or energy from a crowd around you, and even a magickal (usually psychic) attack. This writer’s favorite way of shielding is to imagine a golden, shimmering, impenetrable bubble.
4. You’re Stressed? Have You Tried Yoga?
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A little stress is good for you! It’s what kept our species alive by telling us, “Hey, you should worry about this for your survival,” such as for finding reliable food and water and guarding against predators. However, there is a line (that is different for every person, dog, cat, and hedgehog), where it becomes unhealthy. Too much stress can impact your sleep and eating habits, your mental health, your productiveness, and even your physical health. If your stress is so bad that it is severely impacting your quality of life, you should consider speaking to a medical professional. So, as you read the tips below, remember, magick should be a supplement to medical help, not a substitution!
Carry a rose quartz with you. This crystal is known for its strong properties of calming and confidence. Alternatively, selenite will continually cleanse and shield your aura from negativity and/or harm.
Burn a blue candle/wear blue clothing. Once again, we reach the idea that colors are powerful! Blue is the most common color used for calming. Try burning one while meditating!
Meditating is probably one of the most irritating thing that people suggest when you say you are stress, but it really has the potential to help alongside professional help. The point of meditation is to work on controlling your state of mind. It is also a wonderful way to reach a solution to a particular problem that has been stressing you out.
Cleanse your working and living area. Chances are, your stress has caused the area to be saturated with negative energy. The more you stress, the more negative energy seeps from you, which causes more stress, becoming a vicious cycle.
Ever heard of Fung Shui? It is defined as a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (qi), and whose favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into account when siting and designing buildings. Basically, it means that the way you organize your furniture has an impact on how energy flows around you.
Have any personal favorites for how you incorporate your craft into your adult life? Share them in the comments below!
*The Solar Scholars of Magick are not comparing the attitudes of people towards witches to those attitudes towards religious and ethnic minorites.
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