sollencia · 6 years
The drone under your Christmas tree can’t fly high until registered with the FAA - NPR
According to the Consumer Technology Association, shoppers will buy almost 1.6 million drones this holiday season.  However, if these drones weigh more than 0.55 pounds, the gadgets will have to be registered with the Federal Aviation Administration. - NPR 
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sollencia · 6 years
Why robots are replacing humans in the world’s mines - NBC News
From self-driving trucks to robotic drills and robot assistants that work alongside humans, automation is bringing a new measure of safety, while also boosting efficiency, in mines. - NBC News 
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sollencia · 6 years
FDA approves gene therapy to fix mutations that can lead to blindness - Los Angeles Times
The Food and Drug Administration has approved a gene therapy that treats a genetic disease that can lead to blindness.  The approval marks the first time a gene therapy has been approved for use in the US to treat a disease other than cancer. - Los Angeles Times
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sollencia · 7 years
Ship sets record for earliest crossing of Northwest Passage - SFGate
The Finnish icebreaker MSV Nordica has set a new record for the earliest transit of the Northwest Passage. - SFGate
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sollencia · 7 years
Solar eclipse will reveal mysteries of the sun - CBS News
The first total solar eclipse to cross the United States from coast to coast in 99 years is set to occur on August 21, 2017. It is expected to reveal mysteries of the sun. - CBS News
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sollencia · 7 years
World’s first floating wind farm emerges off the coast of Scotland - BBC News
The world’s first floating wind farm has emerged off the northeast coast of Scotland. - BBC News
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sollencia · 7 years
Researchers find potential cure for Zika in discontinued antibiotic - RT
Researchers have discovered that a compound in a discontinued antibiotic counters the symptoms of Zika. - RT
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sollencia · 7 years
Watch: NASA videos take you on a tour of Pluto and its largest moon Charon - CBS News
A look at two videos from NASA that will take you on a tour of Pluto and its largest moon Charon. - CBS News
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sollencia · 7 years
Inside China’s cashless revolution - Bloomberg
Around the developing world, QR codes are beating out brand-name payment services among those that are keen to go cashless and China offers a useful model for this transformation. - Bloomberg
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sollencia · 7 years
Ancient underwater forest found off the coast of Alabama - BBC News
An ancient forest, with trees 60 feet underwater, has been found off the coast of Alabama. Scientists believe the trees were on dry land during an ice age 60,000 years ago when sea levels were lower. - BBC News
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sollencia · 7 years
US museum finds cases of 2-century-old wine in its cellar - SFGate
A museum in New Jersey has found almost 3 full cases of wine that dates back to 1796. - SFGate
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sollencia · 7 years
The world’s 20 most popular museums in 2016 - CNN
A look at the world’s 20 most popular museums in 2016. - CNN
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sollencia · 7 years
Qatar Airways wins ‘Airline of the Year’ award - CNNMoney
Qatar Airways has won Skytrax’s Airline of the Year award for the fourth time since 2011. - CNNMoney
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sollencia · 7 years
NASA telescope finds 10 more planets that could have life - ABC News
NASA’s Kepler telescope has found 10 new exoplanets that could potentially have life on them. - ABC News
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sollencia · 7 years
Air pollution in the US: Google Street View cars can map pollution levels - Intl. Business Times
Google Street View vehicles, equipped with a “fast-response pollution measurement platform,” were able to map pollution levels and cover ground that stationary instruments could not cover or measure. - Intl. Business Times
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sollencia · 7 years
Super hot planet that is bigger than Jupiter might be disappearing - CNET
KELT-9b, which is an exoplanet that is bigger than Jupiter and only about 2,000 degrees cooler than our sun, might be disappearing. - CNET
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sollencia · 7 years
Researchers have been able to generate cartilage tissue by printing stem cells using a 3D-bioprinter - ScienceDaily
A team of researchers has been able to generate cartilage tissue by printing stem cells with a 3D-bioprinter.  The researchers printed the stem cells into a structure, and after printing, they were able to influence the cells to multiply and differentiate to form cartilage cells in the printed structure. - ScienceDaily
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