solveigory · 3 years
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Amazon’s take on LotR disappointed me so much that I just had to put in extra effort to ink this better. Elrond is a regal and wise elf-lord, not a child *facepalm*
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solveigory · 3 years
bagginshield moments in the hobbit trilogy:
an unexpected journey:
- bilbo was a simp for thorin the second he knocked on his door
- bilbo hearing gandalf and elrond talk about thorin in rivendell and thorin letting him hear
- thorin fully risking his life to save bilbo even tho he thinks he’s a “burden”
- bilbo being so personally hurt by thorin saying what he said, that he decides to leave (dramatic gay™️)
- thorin realizing he actually hurt bilbo and regretting having said anything (guilty gay™️)
- “why did you come back”
- bilbo saying he came back bc he wants to help thorin find a home
- bilbo being the one to intervene in thorin’s fight w azog despite never fighting before and having every excuse to stay on the tree
- he fully jumps an orc???? like twice the size of him???? to save his boyfriend????
- faces AZOG head on bc thorin wasn’t moving
- thorins first question upon waking being about whether bilbo is okay
- trying so hard to be angry at bilbo
- bilbo becoming a burden on thorins HEART rather than his mind
- “i have never been so wrong in all my life. i am sorry i doubted you.”
- the look™️ after the hug
the desolation of smaug:
- thorin and bilbo having the most willpower out of everyone in the group
- constantly joining at each other’s sides
- the look on thorins face when he realizes bilbo isn’t with them anymore
- thorin being the only one to think that bilbo would come for them
- thorin RUNNING to the cell door when bilbo appears
- bilbo looking to thorin when he asks them to trust him
- thorin being the only one who trusts bilbos judgement w the barrels
- “well done, master baggins”
- bilbo vouching for thorins character
- thorin giving him the Look™️ as bilbo speaks on his behalf
- “you have keen eyes, master baggins”
- “thorin, you can’t give up now.”
- thorin coming back as soon as bilbo calls for them
- thorin trying to dehumanize bilbo as much as possible so he “won’t care” as much about his life, being fully incapable of doing so
- bilbos FACE when thorin turns his sword on him
- thorin being able to really easily read bilbo���s expressions, even when he’s blind by greed
- thorin suggesting they all split up and taking bilbo with him
- bilbo not wanting to go with balin, and calling for thorin as he’s pulled away
- bilbo always immediately responding to thorins commands, not hesitating or doubting him for a second
- “keep going bilbo!”
battle of the five armies
- “i’ve tried talking to him, but he won’t listen.”
- the fact that bilbo took to stone because he knew what it would do to thorin, not caring if thorin found out and hated him after because he knew he was helping him
- the way thorin LOOKS at him when he shows him the acorn
- literally the Look™️
- the way bilbo relaxes under That Specific Gaze from thorin
- bilbo being the only one who cares enough to try and reason with thorin
- “you should never underestimate dwarves” ft. the Look™️
- thorin intentionally gives him one of the strongest pieces of armor they have
- “i look absurd,” “it is a gift, a token of our friendship. true friends are hard to come by.”
- never assuming for a SECOND that bilbo would be the one to betray him
- the SYMBOLISM of thorin backing away and them being separated by the other dwarves
- “i’m not afraid of thorin”
- thorins face when he realizes bilbo was the one to betray him
- bilbos voice being the only one thorin hears clearly in his head, the only voice that brings him to sense
- bilbos FACE as he says “thorin” when they finally come to fight
- thorins face when bilbo comes to warn him of the fifth army
- the Look™️
- they exchange one look and bilbo knows that he’s meant to go with thorin
- “i’m glad you’re here”
- “you’re going to live, thorin.”
- bilbo holding his hand
- “plant your tree, watch it grow”
- bilbo begging him to stay alive, whispering to him about the sky and the eagles, desperately saying his name as he dies
- cradling his body
- sobbing next to him
- standing alone at his body during the funeral, unmoving
- trying desperately not to cry, being unable to look at his body
- “i know that’s how you must honor him, but to me he was never that. he was... he was...”
- just nodding, balin knowing exactly what he wants to say but can’t bring himself to
- “who is this person you pledged your loyalty to? thorin oakenshield?”
- the Look™️
- “he... he was my friend.”
- bilbo baggins kept that map, thorins map, the for the rest of his life, for it was all he had left of a lost love
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solveigory · 3 years
“As far as words go, ‘crying’ is louder and ‘weeping’ is wetter. When people explain the difference between the two to English-language learners they say that weeping is more formal, can sound archaic in everyday speech. You can hear this in their past tenses—the plainness of ‘cried’, the velvet cloak of ‘wept’. I remember arguing once with a teacher who insisted ‘dreamt’ was incorrect, dreamed the only proper option. She was wrong, of course, in both philological and moral ways, and ever since I’ve felt a peculiar attachment to the t’s of the past: weep, wept, sleep, slept, leave, left. There’s a finality there, a quiet completion, of which ’d’ has never dreamt.”
— Heather Christle, from The Crying Book
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solveigory · 3 years
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not to be too negative but, downgrade of the century
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solveigory · 3 years
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father and son.
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solveigory · 3 years
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solveigory · 3 years
It's Valentine's Day and Rynny is important.
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⁽ᴵᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃⁿʸ ʰᵉᵃᵈᶜᵃⁿᵒⁿˢ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᶜᵒᵘᵖˡᵉ⸴ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ˢᵉⁿᵈ ᵗʰᵉᵐ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵉ‧⁾
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solveigory · 3 years
headcanon that ryan follows buster & family to the moon theater and asks to join
however his singing needs work. and guess who walks in at the perfect time? johnny. so, after the initial surprise of seeing each other, moon asks johnny to help ryan with his singing and they bond through their shared love for both singing and dancing
obviously, johnny is elated to help teach his former dance partner, and is eager to start right away. the two get close fairly easily, and ryan is quickly accepted into the group. however, after a while, johnny and ryan’s friendship spawns some complicated feelings among the two
johnny falls in love first but ryan realizes first. johnny just thinks that these feelings he’s having are natural with someone you’re close to - while ryan, although falling in love later, realizes almost immediately that he’s crushing on his best friend
the two end up asking nooshy about these feelings 1 by 1. johnny asks what they are and ryan asks if he should act on them; nooshy immediately connects the dots and starts playing cupid, getting the others to help as well. eventually it gets to the point where they become blushing messes when someone even mentions the other
so now they’ve started avoiding each other. eventually the others realize and nooshy conspires to get them back together with a group outing to a carnival (with meena, alfonso, porsha, ash, ryan, johnny and herself). after meeting up and hanging out for a while, johnny sees meena and alfonso being all lovey dovey and is like. i want that
thats when it clicks for johnny. he imagines himself and ryan holding hands, hugging, you name it; and he can’t get his mind off of it. he eventually wanders off for a bit in an attempt to clear his mind and starts singing some love song in an empty skate park. the group sends ryan to find him
ryan knows where johnny is already, but when he hears singing, he’s drawn in. eventually, ryan ends up singing along, and johnny doesn’t notice until he opens his eyes and sees ryan next to him. startled, he tries to play it cool (failing miserably) and ryan sees through it easy
the sun’s setting. ryan asks why johnny left so suddenly, and johnny ends up ranting to ryan about these feelings he has and what he’s realized. ryan, feeling the same, empathizes with johnny (at this point they both know the other’s in love but johnny doesn’t know that ryan is in love with HIM and vice versa)
after talking for about 30 minutes, johnny (obliviously) asks ryan who his feelings are for. ryan gets tired of having to deal with keeping it from johnny and outright tells him
“i’m in love with you, johnny.” a million things start running through johnny’s mind.
(he’s in love with me? what will the others say? what will my dad think?) johnny is a wreck at this point, and the only word he can get out is “me?” he turns to look at ryan and realizes this is exactly what he wanted. for a moment he’s silent. then johnny gathers his courage and responds -
“…i think i’m in love with you too.”
it feels almost natural for johnny to say that, and for a moment it feels like a giant weight is lifted off his back - until he realizes what he’s said. “i mean, you know, i’ve been thinking about it and it’s okay if you don’t want to do anything but-”
ryan stops him quickly by standing up and holding out his hand, looking at johnny so lovingly. johnny hesitantly takes it and they walk back to the group hand in hand. now porsha, who came searching for the two (they were taking ages to return!), informs the group about it and tells them to stay chill
the group ends up coming back together and getting on a ferris wheel; at the top, the boys share a kiss. it’s dark by then, so the gang leaves after that. the two fall asleep together during the car ride and nooshy snaps a picture or two of them before waking them up when they’ve made it home
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solveigory · 3 years
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//I’m sorry but his reactions to Darius’s first rehearsal with Meena is killing me.
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solveigory · 3 years
johnny headcanons (cuz i cannot keep these to myself)
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(watch him dance 👀)
- johnny used to spend a whole lot of time with his mum—she was a music prodigy and had an amazing singing voice.
- she also played the piano, so back when they lived in Wales, she’d teach him to play.
- after his mom died from cancer, he hadn’t been able to lay a finger on the piano keys because it hurt to think of her.
- johnny learned to skate for his mum because back when she was sick his tricks were one of the things that made her smile.
- he’s been skateboarding since he was seven, so he basically knows all the skateboarding tricks you could think of.
- when he was thirteen, he stole one of his dad’s cigarettes and tried smoking—he hated how it felt like it was choking him and never tried it again, scared that if he did it again it would make him unable to sing.
- johnny, since he was young, was a massive clay calloway fan; some of his songs were his mom’s favorite, so whenever he feels alone and in doubt he sits back and let the music play on his phone.
- music was johnny’s way to escape reality.
- whenever he felt like he couldn’t take it, he left the garage to an abandoned warehouse and he’d sing his heart out alone for hours and hours.
- after his mom died while in Wales, his dad and his gang moved to the States and they moved around a lot.
- johnny was never really bullied at school because of his friendly demeanor, but he never really got to make any close friends because he moved around too much to stay long.
- johnny and nooshy are gamer buddies.
- they gather at johnny’s place every weekend in the afternoon to play video games.
- when he loses he gets grumpy (yes, he pouts).
johnny: this isn’t fair, you got three more ko’s while you made me go get the snacks.
nooshy: it’s called misdirection, big guy. :)
johnny: i’m not playing. >:( *proceeds to play*
- he has music playlists created in his spotify for every single mood he’s feeling.
- believe it or not, johnny’s into reading (anything besides nonfiction, really).
- when he reads, he wears glasses.
- oh holy hecc, does it make him look distinguished.
- johnny writes his own songs from time to time.
- nowadays, johnny, ryan and nooshy just come together from time to time to do free-form dancing.
- johnny is oblivious to everything.
ryan: i was thinking we could be more than just friends.
johnny: oh, sure! so like, best friends?
ryan: no, more than that—
johnny: best best friends?
ryan: no, even more.
johnny: mega best friends?
ryan: i give up.
- yes, we all know he’s a lovely bi mess. 
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solveigory · 3 years
ok here's just some of the amazing animated details i wanna point out that i find fascinating-
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buster clamping his mouth shut before he hits the water
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the wrinkle of his shirt, deflated bowtie, and breathing after the little dance
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the little added touches of him adjusting/pulling on his bowtie
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the reflections on the space helmet
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how buster was so rattled he was visibly trembling and near hyperventilating
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making sure his clothes are tidy
this movie is gorgeous and more people should be talking about it ❤️
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solveigory · 3 years
YouTuber, Posts this:
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YouTuber, also posts this:
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solveigory · 3 years
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solveigory · 3 years
made this vid for my friend to summarize "sing 2"
she hates me fr
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solveigory · 3 years
Ryan wear eyeshadow? I MEAN—
Look at these tigers with their eyes closed, look at their upper eyelid, there is more white than black, the black is only in the contours of its eyes.
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Apparently his entire upper eyelid is black or rather dark brown.
Tigers have black around the eyes, but not so much on the eyelids.
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Look at this difference between outlining an eye and putting shadow on the eyes.
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So, he wears makeup?
(It's a shitty theory, maybe they just wanted to put all black on his eyelid because yes and that's it , but I don't know, if someone wants to say the opposite of this, I'm willing to listen to their arguments)
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solveigory · 3 years
when buster does the tongue thing it's just really cute ok (´ε` )♡
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solveigory · 3 years
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