songcall · 4 years
i wanna write but like. mOTIvATION anD INSPIRATIOn. Sobs
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songcall · 4 years
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I just did this as a poorly drawn gag. LOL. I wasn’t gonna post this, but then I thought ‘well why not wth’. 
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songcall · 4 years
I saw this and for some reason it inspired way more than I thought it would. LOL. Esashi, Ishihara, and Ichiyanagi - trying to see if they can do this. 
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Can your OC touch their tongue to their nose?
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songcall · 4 years
But -
I really just want to be social and make friends and blab about characters- 
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songcall · 4 years
Ichiyanagi Hibana [KNB OC]
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BOOM. aNoThEr OnE. Aomine never stood a chance. This one was actually specifically asked to be uploaded by a friend so- . ;w; hdegwdbhwjde. I just really love her okay. 
Name: Ichiyanagi Hibana (Last name, First name)
Age: 16
Birthday: June 9th  || Gemini
Height: 5′ 5
School: Tōō Academy || First Year
Clubs/Committees: N/A
Occupation(s): Student 
Personality: Ichiyanagi (Often prefers Ichiya for time’s sake), is a relatively bubbly and outgoing person. She’s talkative, and always up to date on the latest news. Her demeanor with new people can be questionable, depending on first impressions. Sometimes she can become a touch snarky and rude, as she’s definitely not opposed to letting people know how she feels about a situation.For the most part, she’s very open to new friendships, and can almost seem overenthusiastic. In cases when confronted with something she’s not interested in, she becomes preoccupied and bored, letting it be known that she’s not interested in the least. This behavior can honestly change on a whim, but typically directly relates to how much respect and affection she has for a person. Many of her old friends would have her undivided attention, despite talking about something she knew so little that she couldn’t even understand it. 
Ichiya is obsessed with cute things, and will often get so excited over things along those lines that she will gush for hours. She definitely can carry a conversation by herself, even with minimal input from the other person. She tends to get offended easily, and though her default would be to immediately throw a fit, she’s been working on assessing and appropriately handling her emotions so that she can think before she acts or speaks. It doesn’t always work, but... hey, there’s progress..(?)
Backstory/Story: Ichiya had always been a little of a problem child, though the problem was much worse when she was a young child. She was given anything she ever wanted, as well as a lot of attention from her father, effectively turning into quite the spoiled brat. She demanded attention from her peers, and when she didn’t get what she wanted, she resorted to being rude and mean to force it out of them. This behavior stayed relatively constant, only changing in the manner that it became more covert as she grew. With her mother remarried after her parents split, Ichiya became turbulent, but was forced to be more well-behaved at home with her father not present to condone her bad behavior.
Come middle school, she had befriended two girls that each shared the struggles of a chaotic background and home situation, introducing her to a wider perspective and scope of people. Though they were practically a small-scale gang, what with all the members they assembled and their somewhat questionable activities, the group satiated her craving for rebellion, and helped her vent out her anger, stress, and frustration. 
Her mother and step father, voiced concerns over her behavior, deciding to try and remedy the problem by reaching out to the parents of her friends to get them involved. As a result, the gang was disbanded, and the three ring leaders now all attend different schools. Without her friends and followers, and having her fill on large-scale rebellion, Ichiya began to slowly cool down. After attending  Tōō with her step sister, Sasai Miu, the most pressing problems for her became her grades and conduct. 
Her sister, a part of the school’s student council, decided to try getting her assistance, by asking her friend and council member Imayoshi to try helping her. Reluctantly, Imayoshi agreed, and began with simple tutoring and attempts at keeping her near to keep her out of trouble - varying degrees of success... mostly failures. During practice, he kept her on the sidelines, where Ichiya would be preoccupied with her phone -instead of her homework-, and socializing or occasionally watching. She trailed Aomine out when the coast was clear, considering it seemed he was also ditching his responsibilities, and adapted his rooftop space as her hideaway. 
They could talk, and she was satisfied with someone that didn’t immediately judge her behavior, as well as him satisfied with someone similarly not chastising him for skipping out on practice. Due to one of her friends from middle school, Kuroda Yoruko, having an interest in basketball, Ichiya asks Aomine to teach her after noting his place with the team.  She persistently pesters him until he agrees, though she reasons that she only needs to know enough to bluff out her friend, should they meet up again. This continues almost in the form of lessons like a routine, and when Aomine resumes practice, they continue playing on the off time. It becomes therapeutic for Ichiya as well, and gives her something to focus her attention into, helping her to be overall more relaxed and less volatile. 
Sasai Miu: Ichiya’s step sister. They got off on a rocky foot, and even now their relationship typically is one built on comedic jabs and refusal to honestly state their attachment to each other (Honestly, just Ichiya). Ichiya typically pokes with and teases Sasai for her naive and innocent demeanor, hammering in that with her stature as well, no one would ever guess that Sasai was the older of the two of them. Even though Sasai wants the best for Ichiya, and the latter will often reject her attempts at expressing love for her sister, Ichiya actually cares deeply for her step sister. She looks at Sasai as one of the few people that never gave up on her, nor tried to outright change who she was. For that reason, she is actually intensely protective over Sasai. 
Kuroda Yoruko: One of her close friends from middle school. Both of them related to each other regarding their turbulent home lives. They met initially due to an argument, one which they state out of embarrassment that they simply can’t remember the details of. It immediately turned ugly, and was interrupted by Yuda Ren, who later became their other friend. Though tension stayed between them for a time, they developed a mutual respect and a sort of kinship. By the end of their time in middle school, they were practically inseparable, though it didn’t have the chance to last into high school, as they were all separated. Kuroda’s parents, who are less involved with her life, didn’t actively move her away as the others’ did. She is attending Seirin, meaning she and Ichiya have the opportunity to catch up, and just simply haven’t yet had the opportunity. They still text often, and call when they can. Kuroda’s interest in basketball stuck out as a big point, enough for Ichiya to want to surprise her by learning a little. 
Yuda Ren: Not what you’d expect from your typical image of a borderline-middle-school-gang-leader with a turbulent home life. Yuda was academically excellent and typically well-mannered, coming from a fortunate background. She had a surprisingly confrontational personality, lining her charisma with snark and rudeness. Her contrast to Ichiya and Kuroda helped diversify their group and create a surprisingly balanced union. Yuda acted more as the mother figure, mediating between them when necessary, but actually genuinely enjoying their company. She found it a breath of fresh air that they weren’t immediately judgmental, and that she could be more relaxed with them. Her parents were incredibly disapproving however, and rather than just being sent to a different school, she was sent outside of Tokyo to attend Yosen. It’s a lot harder for Ichiya and Yuda to keep in contact outside of phone calls and texts, but Ichiya fears that too long of it will cause them to grow apart. 
Imayoshi Shoichi: He was put in charge of assisting her by Sasai’s request. Ichiya didn’t initially have much of an opinion on him, though she was disappointed that she couldn’t convince him to just do her work for her. She overall has more respect for him because of his standings with Sasai. Sasai highly respects him, and Ichiya is certain that ‘mutual respect’ isn’t the only way to describe their relationship standings. Save for Aomine, and later Momoi, she gets to know Imayoshi the best out of the Tōō team. 
Momoi Satsuki: She didn’t really get the opportunity to know her well in the beginning, especially because she ditched the practices a lot. She had assumed that Momoi’s demeanor would put her off, and that they wouldn’t get along, but much to her surprise, Ichiya admired the amount of spunk Momoi possessed on top of her more girly attitude. The two hit it off before too long, and sometimes would completely leave Aomine out of their plans to hang out together instead. It still drives him crazy. 
Hashida Kaiyo: Hashida was more of Momoi’s business than Ichiya, so considering the two had their issues, Ichiya stayed out of it. after Hashida and Momoi managed to repair their differences, they occasionally began to hang out together along with a few others, though it was a tough effort to eventually pull them together. Ichiya and Hashida get along rather well, though more than Momoi, Hashida fuels Ichiya’s need for the darker side of socialization, and is never short on gossip. 
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songcall · 4 years
Athletics and athletes as a whole require a lot of attention, because the sport they play is already demanding. Just by signing up, players are putting themselves in harm's way, and the chance of injury is moderate. Preventative measures and attentiveness can reduce those chances, but not everyone is as careful or watchful as they should be.
Esashi Fuyuko to Kuroko Tetsuya  [KNB OC]
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songcall · 4 years
Okay but this just really touched my soul. ;-; <3 I want to chat and vibe with people about fandom OCs sm. And it’s so great when they get get passionate about them. 
shoutout to people with ocs
that are either for fandom or purely original projects. you just spend so many hours constructing them from essentially dirt. shoutout to people with ocs who have them go through a million changed names and a million changed backstories, and still don’t feel like they’re up to the developmental standards that they should be…but they’re still loved by you regardless. shout out to people with ocs who want to share them with others, but are too anxious to tell information about them out of fear of judgment or laughter. And shout out to these same people who’re obviously adoring their creations but feel scared as shit to express the love out of your friend’s potential annoyance. shout out to people who make their ocs align with themselves in surname or quirks or just giving them those softer, hidden traits that also make you, you. to the peeps who feel so disappointed with their creations because again, they don’t feel good enough or accurate enough compared to other ocs. Nothing is perfect on the first draft, but they’re getting closer to perfected imperfection. to the creators who will write paragraphs about those brain children, paragraphs and concepts that have been building up for months only to be greeted with no response or simple replies such as, ‘oh.’ or to people who actually pay attention to them, and ask the BIG QUESTIONS and you’re just internally screaming and have to put on this cool act. shout out to people who spend hours thinking about how they sound like. (listening to voice clips for HOURS just thinking about your characters) What songs can apply to their personality and lifestyle…how they apply to them specifically.  shout out to big-brained creators who have a hundred and one characters and are greeted with, ‘isn’t that enough?’ when you talk about the concept of making a new one. If shows can have a vast cast of more than a ten to twenty characters, you can have your own vast cast too.  this post is just for people who feel so uneasy being so deeply involved and enthused in their creations. as if, there should be a limit on this type of love.  fandom ocs get stepped over and judged on sight, non-fandom ocs really get stepped over. But all that work and construction is valid and shows in your explanatory essay of their favorite genre. 
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songcall · 4 years
me rn send help
Imagine your parents like: Wow you’re up early.
And you just stare, but you’re thinking in your head: Wow. That’s a funny way to say ‘I never slept’. 
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songcall · 4 years
Ishihara Hitomi [KNB OC]
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BOOM BAM POW - HERE’S ANOTHER. I wasn’t going to go for Furihata next, but I felt super compelled to draw her, so I ended up kind of accidentally up going forward with her. 
;w; I do really like her though, and I hope you guys do too <3
Name: Ishihara Hitomi (Last name, First name)
Age: 16
Birthday: March 2nd || Pisces
Height: 5′ 0
School: Seirin || First Year
Clubs/Committees: Art Club, Showcase Club
Occupation(s): Student || Artist
Personality: Ishihara tends to be a little spacey. She falls into daydreams and idle thoughts, and will sometimes detach from reality, usually mulling over ideas for her artwork and inspiration. She sometimes will go into these states for quite some time, only to suddenly re-emerge with an idea and begin furiously scribbling something down on paper if she can’t immediately go to a canvas or workspace. She is creative and thoughtful, though sometimes her inability to connect with reality leaves her short-spoken with people or quick to leave a conversation. When caught at a good time, she’s kind and willing to converse, though she’s still not particularly good at leading the conversation if it isn’t related to one of her interests, but she will definitely try. She’s soft spoken, and may come off as quiet or timid, and while that isn’t necessarily the case, she can sometimes become timid if the circumstance becomes tense, as she’s actually a touch sensitive. 
Her artistic side is her eccentric side. She tries new things and will often end up energized by the thought of creating a piece even better than the last. She becomes much more outspoken, and caught in a certain adrenaline and intense focus. She can occasionally speak very bluntly when trying to get her point regarding her art across, After she winds down, she’s sometimes comically exhausted, and can barely form words, so will only facial expressions and gestures. 
Backstory/Story: Ishihara was a young prodigious artist. Her talent was found from an early age, and proudly, her parents encouraged her goals. She’s entered a many of art shows and displays her work in local galleries, occasionally even being paid for pieces for magazines or book covers. She’s still only really well known to people the artistic niche, but has been making strives to improve. Though her parents push for it, Ishihara isn’t very concerned about fame or money, only wanting to create pieces that she is proud of showing off. 
She joined the school’s art club, and after gathering up a few members and a sponsor, she organized the Showcase Club. While the initial intention was to push her ability to the next level, she managed to get some other aspiring artists involved, some of which joining to get some advice from her. This club is built on the idea of forming a themed collection that will be judged by the end of the trimester, and organized to be displayed at a school art show. 
In the beginning she struggled with the focus of her collection, but after some pacing and marinating, she became inspired by the zero-to-hero story of the basketball team. She decided to make them the focus of her art, and began to watch their practices and their games. Unfortunately knowing that they were being watched for artistic purposes stripped away the organic part of them and.... a lot of them started to pose for the reference pictures, and such, or suggest ideas (which of course she quickly shut down or blocked out)... So getting what she wanted out of them was a little difficult, and would require more time and effort, but she was determined. 
Whilst sticking around, she developed somewhat bizarre relationships with the player, ‘bizarre’ mainly due to her weird way of communicating. 
Furihata Kouki: Their relationship seemed to sprout without much warning to most, as it usually came from free time spent outside of school and practice. She claimed that she wanted many references of him, as he seemed to be ‘one of the biggest zeroes’ and that fit with her ideal ‘zero to hero’ theme. Though it was a blower, she didn’t mean it in such a harsh way. Either way, the time spent with her gathering her references, but also picking up more ideas for her personal pieces caused the two to spend a little extra time with one another. He gave a few suggestions she actually heeded, able to find a few of the local stores in some pretty scenic areas, and some ideal aesthetic places, like near a few of the old railroad tracks. This became a light routine, and after they managed to start holding fluid conversations, the two really became close nearing into the Winter Cup season.
Kagami Taiga: She at least appreciates that he never tried to strike a pose for her. Now, if only he had much less in the way of suggestions to make regarding her iteration of his form. Just for those suggestions, she felt tempted to swap his body with Kuroko’s, but refrained for the sake of her image. She doesn’t dislike him, but she’s gotten to the point where she actually intends to speak bluntly to him, which typically causes him to get riled up. 
Kuroko Tetsuya: She appreciates his appreciation.He calmly and quietly asks his questions, and accepts her answer. He had no problem remaining natural, as half of the time he didn’t even expect her to see him. These two hold conversation regularly, but also respect each other’s need for alone time to think, or just be by themselves. Pretty solid friendship. 
Koganei Shinji: She probably verbally attacks him the most. From poses to ridiculous suggestions, and even completely invading her workspace to sneak peeks at her work -which is one of her pet peeves. Although in the long run they get along well, she tends to be used to just calmly directing her frustration onto him. 
Mitobe Rinnosuke: Probably the most well-behaved one, and she appreciates it. She seems to have some sort of strange mutual understanding of him, claiming that it comes from attention to detail. They don’t really know if she’s bluffing or not, but she seems to converse with him well enough, despite him saying nothing, so it’s believable. 
Kiyoshi Teppei: She had a fascination with him from the start. She consistently was intrigued by the large span of his hands and his ability to grip the basketball. She seems to have a sort of inspiration spanning specifically from his size, similar to Murasakibara. 
Hyuuga Junpei: She mainly appreciates he and Riko’s ability to reign in the team. It lets her get back to her work in peace. It’s more of a respect than anything. 
Murasakibara Atsushi: She doesn’t much address other teams and their players, but after seeing the sheer intimidating height and size of this male she couldn’t help but approach him for questions and to get a better look. She is completely fascinated by his unnatural body for his age, and seems to light up with curiosity, as she often states that she had no idea someone his height could really exist. She sort of goes out of her way to attempt to befriend him, yielding mixed results. Sometimes he’s fine with it, and other times he doesn’t quite have the patience to listen to her go on for ages. Overall it’s a decent friendship(?), just with questionable levels of depth. 
[Maybe more stuffs. ;w; Gotta see what I do with this]
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songcall · 4 years
Esashi Fuyuko [KNB OC]
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This is a really old, rough version and I need to redraw her and- HGH. -- Okay so. As my first post on the shipping blog (since I definitely was gonna only do KNB) is a KNB girly shipped with Kagami to get the ball rolling, so - have a ball: 
Name: Esashi Fuyuko (Last name, First name)
Age: 16
Birthday: February 10th || Aquarius
Height: 5′ 3
School: Seirin || First Year
Clubs/Committees: Health Committee 
Occupation(s): Student
Personality: Esashi Fuyuko is a very work-focused girl. She dedicates a lot of time to her studies, and takes her academics and goals very seriously. Although she can sometimes seem mean -by how stern she comes off-, she’s nurturing and kind in cases that don’t warrant her otherwise input. She is a worrier, and when faced with the idea that someone has been hurt in any way -mental, emotional, physical, etc.-, or could be, she consistently attempts to get involved or get alternative help involved to remedy the situation. She’s thorough, organized, and careful, but she sometimes lacks the ability to exercise the perspective necessary to understand more emotional situations. 
Backstory/Story: Prior to attending Seirin, Esashi did some back and forth, asking questions and checking in, so that she could have the opportunity to shadow the nurse. She has dreams of being a doctor, and felt that it would be a necessary first step in getting the experience necessary for her future in the workforce. With her request approved, Esashi began checking through the school’s public history with injury. It was a pretty broad search, and of course she could only find the injuries that were made note of publicly, such as athletic incidents. 
For this reason, come the start of the school year, Esashi already had a full list of things she wished to accomplished. She started by attempting to reach out to the coaches of the athletic teams, introducing herself and making an attempt to assess the team and establish a level of comfort so that members wouldn’t feel so wary about coming to the infirmary with their problems. While this light interaction did her well for the most part, it seemed it only caused a little issue between she and Riko. Though it wasn’t intended, it was chalked up to Esashi’s fault, as she came off a bit more passive-aggressive after seeing that 1. Riko, as the coach, was a student like her, and 2. knowing about the injuries that occurred with Kiyoshi the previous year - which she was determined seemed to result from negligence. 
Already with a strange, mixed reputation among the school for her most straightforward and somewhat coarse behavior, Esashi was approached with a bit of cautious. Most were surprised to find that upon meeting her, she was far less serious and direct than described. Regardless, she had no care for her reputation aside from whether or not it would put people off from coming to the infirmary, and coupled with her academics, doing her job assisting the nurse was her only real focus. She meets Kagami and Kuroko on separate occasions, Kuroko -who wanted to comply with her suggestion of keeping the infirmary closely involved with the athletics teams-, through him coming to get his head injury checked after the Kaijo practice match, and Kagami, -sent by Riko, who didn’t want to deal with any trouble or nagging from Esashi on the matter-, through him wanting a basic check on his legs after the same match. 
Throughout the season(s), Esashi spends her time studying, assisting the nurse with keeping tools/instruments clean and very basic first aid, and later, attending Seirin’s basketball games. 
Riko Aida: They started off on rocky footing after Esashi came off rather passive aggressively regarding Kiyoshi’s injuries and effectively touched a sore spot with Riko in the process. Although to maintain the health of the players they started a strained partnership, they were eventually able to work through their differences and genuinely get along. Even though they’ve probably passed the ‘acquaintanceship’ mark, Esashi still refers to her as ‘Aida-san’. 
Kuroko Tetsuya: Esashi befriended Kuroko first. He was polite, even-tempered, and effectively won her compassion as a friend. The two of them are capable of holding civilized conversations, and thanks to him, Esashi was able to understand the strange determination that forces some athletics players to take such risks.. She is inspired by his love of the game, and with him as an early mediator, she is able to forge a relationship with Kagami. 
Kagami Taiga: His hot-heated and undoubtedly reckless style of play not only baffled but infuriated Esashi in the beginning. She couldn’t understand for the life of her, why someone would go out of their way to play with caution to the wind, even at the risk of injury. She couldn’t understand his love of the game over his self-preservation, and each time he wound up injured, the question was only posed more, and understood less. This put a strain on their acquaintanceship, and slowly created a theme of her lecturing him for his actions, while he tried and failed to explain his perspective. Thanks to Kuroko’s mediation, Kagami and Esashi were able to come to an understanding of one another, which led to her taking Kagami’s ambitions into consideration. 
She still lectures him for his lack of foresight as it relates to his health, but she becomes a touch less strict due to having insight on his reasons. This stabilizes the two’s friendship, and beyond their initial issues, they find that they actually get along quite well when not arguing over his injuries. She begins attending games, claiming at first that either ‘she came to see the team’ or ‘she came to see Kuroko’, but before long, her reasoning settles on ‘wanting to see this ambition he boasts first hand’, which was the true reason all along. Their ‘relationship’ goes unspoken for a while, leaving the team to speculate until they both simply come clean -in a completely unsatisfying, casual way, as if it were common knowledge. 
Mitobe Rinnosuke: *This is literally her favorite, She will tell anyone that this is her favorite, and no one will dare doubt that this is her favorite. They don’t even spend much time together, and there doesn’t seem to be any coherent reasoning behind this claim aside from her just blatantly saying it. Speculation says it’s because he’s the least talkative. 
Seirin Basketball Team: The rest of the team she has a pretty neutral relationship with. She will talk with them no problem, but holds no particular close friendship nor aversion to any of them. 
*May Add More Relationships, but she hasn’t had too many planned interactions with people outside of Seirin.*
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songcall · 4 years
This is my space
This is my safe space
I’m finally ready to start doing this again. The same, but different.
;-; Where I can just be freeeeeee and completely lack structure if I want to!
Just sharing OCs. Talking about and loving on other peoples’ OCs. Maybe RPing. Writing some stories. having some fun. making some art. and SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
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