songlordsbug · 14 days
There's a girl in our program named Renesmee. She's a sweet kid and mostly goes by Esme but boy am I glad she's not in my class. I'm the one who noticed and identified the name and... it's been like a year and I still have to check my face when I call her name.
Also everyone going on about "weird" names clearly don't know about the religious names of a few centuries ago.
You’re clearly not old enough to have children if you’re thinking of naming them after anime characters or some shit
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songlordsbug · 21 days
Anyone interested in the penultimate but Spanish should check out Que Hora Es -> a telenovela set to the most basic spanish; if I remember correctly there was some very dramatic counting to ten XD
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My latest @guardian books cartoon.
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songlordsbug · 2 months
I had no interest in working with STEM until it changed to STEAM. The A for art is CRITICAL. That's where the soul comes in. Science without art gives you all of the above stuff. Art puts people back in the picture and inspires caring.
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songlordsbug · 2 months
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songlordsbug · 2 months
Yeah see everyone was screaming and clutching their pearls and going on about how Biden wasn't doing anything so he must be supporting it. And all I could think was every time. Every. Damn. Time. It turns out Biden was working behind the scenes to arrange a fix that will actually do more than make platitudes. I've just been shrugging and going wait and see. I waited! Now we're seeing! The thing is Biden needs a CJ Cregg, it's the lack of PR on all the stuff he's gotten done that is causing problems.
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songlordsbug · 2 months
Okay but THORIN son of MORIA!!!?!
His whole thing is EREBOR!
Like yeah he got oakenshield from the failed fight to reclaim moria but that was his dad and grandad's idea.
Ya boy just wants to go home to his lonely mountain!
They bury him as the king under the mountain... of erebor!
...anyway a Tolkien cinematic universe would be terrifying. Tho I do think the ridiculous could have included an Aragorn: The Strider Years
i don’t really care for lord of the rings all that much but bombadil civil war still makes me lose my mind
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songlordsbug · 2 months
I've started trying to teach my students that there's no point to honesty without kindness. Whenever I hear the phrase "I'm just being honest" I'm like hoo boy time to start making a point.
If nothing else, I do my best to make sure every student I spend time with has Mama Thumper's rule beaten into their heads. "If you don’t have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all"
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My ex was "brutally" honest which is the same thing as being mean
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songlordsbug · 4 months
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Who needs a bed when you have spoons?
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songlordsbug · 4 months
Kay so time to make fountains with special wish basins- you throw your coin into that basin and it's easy to get to and easy to collect/empty and leaves the rest of the fountain alone and undamaged
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the goddess sulis minerva accepts apple pay these days huh
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songlordsbug · 4 months
A gives no fucks garbage monster crossed with lives happily in deadly environments with stilts. It would be unstoppable. And go everywhere and anywhere it wanted.
It annoys me unreasonably when you want to ask people "what bird and what mammal would make the worst gryphon" as a fun thought exercise, and people with no joy and no imagination always interpret it as "a gryphon that sucks, is physically impossible, and would hate being alive", and - being predictable and lacking in imagination - always, always answer with "a hummingbird and a blue whale lol".
Like come on. Why do you have to suck the fun out of everything. Why not use a fraction of imagination and delightful whimsy. Imagine the combination of a mouse and a sparrow. That creature would be merciless, burtal, absolutely determined to get into your trash and has the power of both wings and hands to do its will. Or a crow and a cat - that thing is smart enough to fuck with people and not afraid to do it. Imagine the ungodly shriek of the noble fox-seagull, also determined to get into your trash.
A gryphon that is a combination of a kangaroo and a cassowary. The only proof we have of a loving god is the fact that those things do not exist. If hell is real, it's full of them. That thing can't fly, but it will run you down, it will kill you, and you will look stupid the whole entire time you're dying.
Why would the first thing that pops into your mind at the words "the worst gryphon" automatically be "a gryphon that hates being alive". Can you not picture a gryphon that fucking loves being alive, and has both the power and the will to make it everyone else's problem.
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songlordsbug · 5 months
I think the problem is that "writers" is used as a catchall term to mean people involved in the making of this media behind the scenes/plot wise. (Not the actors costumers sound effects which we can experience.) Is this a correct grouping? No, as pointed out above.
So we need a different term. I have not chosen to learn much about tv/movie/game media making so I'm not positive which would be appropriate but here's some possibilities and suggestions: execs, showrunners?, director/producers?, the Censors, the People Who Make Decisions, the moneygrubbers, the idiots who think they're in charge, the Tails wagging this Dog, the corporations, and many more
I'm kind of feeling fond of moneygrubbers myself.
I find it concerning that so many people think of their favorite media as "my special thing that I'm tentatively trusting the writers to make" and not "the writers' special thing that they are sharing with me."
It seems so often that people think of writers, especially TV writers, as this hostile force that wants to twirl their mustaches while they ruin your blorbos, instead of as people who are making their own art that they want to have fun with in their own way, frequently struggling against the interference of censorship and arbitrary cancellations.
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songlordsbug · 6 months
But in real life there's always some person who's world famous for weird reasons- I mean we have a guy who's famous for being 'the science guy' and yet instead of being famous for a science discovery Bill is a famous teacher.
It's about platform- Sherlock got world famous after Watson started writing his stories and publishing them. I was going to make a whole analogy about modern day equivalencies and a dedicated blogger and then I remembered that Sherlock the show did that.
The thing they goofed was that John's blog was a solo act. Watson's stories were published by The Strand- a popular magazine. John needed to be getting featured by Buzzfeed or something.
Other weird celebrities off the top of my head:
-Harry Houdini who could... get out of weird bondage situations and disprove seances
-Gordon Ramsey who is famous for... yelling at people about food and cooking
-The Kardashians who... yeah I don't even know what or how they got famous
-Ea Nasir who is famous for... having lots of angry messages about being a cheat
-Marie Kondo who is famous for... cleaning
Looked at side by side with these, it seems totally reasonable for us to turn a well platformed very skilled detective into someone world famous.
my favorite thing about the mystery genre is that we all accept the concept of "world famous detective" without hesitation even though that is absolutely not a real category of celebrity
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songlordsbug · 6 months
And this is why I did not comment on a single sandman fic about the difference between vacuum and the oxygen to carbon dioxide cycle. Did it drive me crazy every time a fic implied that dream breathed himself into a vacuum? Absolutely. Did I tell any of the writers? No! Not even one!
Because I enjoyed the whump and the angst and the rescue and the comfort and that was the point of the fic. Instead I whinged to some RL friends and moved on.
I just saw a Tik Tok that said writers on AO3 are not looking for constructive criticism in their reviews. I have no audience on this platform so I have to know if this is true? I've always left my pros and cons when reading a fic and now I'm concerned that the authors didn't like that.
Yeah writers are Not looking for criticism, constructive or otherwise. Unless they specifically ask for it, it’s considered rude and honestly a bit hurtful. In the least bitchy way possible, don’t do that. It’s unwanted.
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songlordsbug · 8 months
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songlordsbug · 9 months
I'm losing my mind! Does no one else remember the dnd story about the fighter who accidentally seduces the orc? I know it got turned into a comic at some point.
Have actually just gone thru all the replies and reblogs on this post and failed to find it
...I didn't find the dnd one about the time traveling party that became some of the gods- including the paladin who took the role of the evil god whose followers killed his family either
What's with the dnd hate?
Love how tumblr has its own folk stories. Yeah the God of Arepo we’ve all heard the story and we all still cry about it. Yeah that one about the woman locked up for centuries finally getting free. That one about the witch who would marry anyone who could get her house key from her cat and it’s revealed she IS the cat after the narrator befriends the cat.
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songlordsbug · 10 months
Colma- where the dead people go!
I'm fairly certain that going past Colma on the freeway during my childhood is why I have a bit of a horror of being buried. It's not a normal cemetery with all it's many and varied plots. It's rows and rows of orderly white tombstones and endless lawn. They look kinda like teeth.
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songlordsbug · 11 months
"Nice is different than GOOD"
-Little Red, Into The Woods
One of my favorite tropes is character with a nasty toxic personality who tries very hard to do the right thing anyway
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