sonoftheavenger · 7 years
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sonoftheavenger · 7 years
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" My father gave me my first bow at 7. I shot my first target at 9 years old. Trained with Shield till I was 18. I became the Raven the day I became unstoppable. I'm not an Avenger. I'm not my father. " Nathaniel Pietro Barton, third child and second son of Clint and Laura Barton, now 24 years old, skilled in martial arts, archery like his father and much more. Yet if you know his secret, you know that Nathaniel goes by something very different – 'The Raven' - Nathan at a young age was taught how to fight by his 'aunt' Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow later on his father began to teach him how to work with a bow and arrow until finally at the age of 9 years old he shot his first arrow and hit a bullseye. After that day, he never once missed a target as he grew up, he trained in his backyard with the skills Natasha showed him mixed with his father's and soon behind his back he began to work with S.H.E.I.L.D to improve on his intelligence as if he were to become an agent. The boy excelled higher than expected and when he got what he wanted he left the department of S.H.E.I.L.D. A year after he left, he came across Kingship City, a beautiful city full of hope and happiness, a place he thought he could stay for a while. Kingship City wasn't all that it promised to be from the looks of it and soon enough the Raven was born. Taking down the corrupt and helping restore order back into the city, Nathan became something different than what his father was, a vigilante some would call, a hero the rest would say. Either way he was bringing order back, his way.
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