We stand with immigrants and refugees! This song teaches a great lesson- that we are ALL human and deserve respect and dignity.  This is the message of our Eco-Village here in Portland.  LOVE WINS!
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Who has forbidden women to engage in private and individual studies? Have they not a rational soul as men do?...I have this inclination to study and if it is evil I am not the one who formed me thus - I was born with it and with it I shall die.
Sister Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
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Finding Our Tribe
Finding a Tribe means defining exactly what aspects you are searching for within others.
Step 1: Define Your Tribe’s Mission:
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Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Eco-Village & Intentional Living Community will create a sustainability-minded (ie: zero-waste, energy efficient, and locally sourced food), drug-free, family-friendly, POC-friendly, interfaith, and LGBTQAI+ centered Eco Village & Intentional Living Community. Our goal is to rejuvenate the earth, raise mindful children, assist our community in preparedness for Natural Disasters caused by climate change, and provide support and encouragement to the LGBTQIA community.  Community Meals will be Whole Foods Plant Based, but all diets are welcomed to the community.  Rainbow Family and Friend Immigrants and Refugees are welcomed, especially if they were persecuted for being LGBTQ in their home country.  
Step 2: Acknowledge Your Tribe’s Limitations:
* Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Eco-Village & Intentional Living Community will be located in North/North East Portland.  WE WILL NOT RELOCATE.  
* All Members must contribute to the group a certain number of hours each week (Undefined at this time).
* Official Meals/Meetings to NOT Exceed 3x/week.  We want to be respectful of everyone’s lives outside of the community as well as nurture relationships by giving them a healthy amount of space.
*Each individual is responsible for their own finances.  (Note: The group hopes to build affordable/free/low-cost housing for LGBTQ community in the future, but does not have said resources at this time.  The group will dedicate hours to helping build tiny homes that wish to join our community.)
* NO SMOKING (OF ANY KIND) IN COMMUNITY SPACES. We care about the overall health of our Community.  
* NO RECREATIONAL DRUGS.  We want to keep this a family-friendly space.  What you do off campus is not our business, as long as you act like a functioning respectful human while on campus.  If anyone shows up to meetings and community meals acting out of order due to being drunk, high, or tripping risks being permanently terminated from the eco-village and community.  This rule has been put into place for the community’s overall safety.
*NOTE: Poly peeps are welcome here ONLY IF there's no trying to peer pressure/convert monogamous couples to be poly. ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY FOR CROSSING PERSONAL BOUNDARIES.
We acknowledge that everyone is human and growing in love & learning.  That is why prior to everyone living as a unit there will be micro-aggression trainings, suicide prevention courses, and much more!  This will be mandatory for all new community members as well.  However, after all trainings have been completed and overt and covert “isms” and “phobias” occur- they will be addressed in a timely manner.  If an error was seen as minor and community votes on educational intervention, but positive change is not seen after the intervention- the community may be forced to vote a community member out for perceived safety reasons. *ZERO TOLERANCE FOR ALL VIOLENCE* Community does not vote in case of violence- automatic dismissal.  
Step 3: OUTREACH to the TRIBE! 
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      * Set Up Email!  
      *Social Media
       *Announcements at various LGBTQ supporting faith communities.
      *Adds, Adds, & More Adds
      *Earthy & Rainbow Festivals
  *Announce Community in Foundation for Intentional Community (www.ic.org) 
        Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Eco-Village and Intentional Living Community is currently in this phase!!!  We are slowly getting our name out there.  Please feel free to check out the following:
1. https://www.ic.org/directory/sor-juana-ines-de-la-cruz-eco-village/
2. https://www.meetup.com/PDX-LGBTQ-Intentional-Living-Community/ 
3. Our Email: [email protected] 
Step 4:  Set Up a Consistent Meeting!
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   Since our community is in the planning stages, it’s important to have monthly if not bi-weekly meetings where we can discuss the most appropriate way to set up our community as well as the various roles that are essential the the success of the community.  Some of these conversations may be “what type of governing system would work best for our particular body of folks”,a meeting to discuss the realities of designs and pricing, meet with other eco-village communities to discuss their successes and failures in attempts to set up a successful community from the start and avoid costly (time or $) mistakes, and describe what boundaries means to each individual.  
This step is great, because it shows who is dedicated to the cause and willing to work towards a more awesome day.
Planning is always the fun part and putting the plan into motion is a dream come to life!
If you are in the Portland area (or plan to move here soon) and this community sounds like the right match for you and your Rainbow (or friendly) family - Feel free to join our Meet Up Page posted above and RSVP for an event or contact us at [email protected] !
                     Consensual HUGS and High Fives Rainbow Fam & Friends!
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