favorite olympians in no particular order:
katie ledecky
simone biles
imane khelif (fuck you transphobes, also she isn't even trans???)
pommel horse guy
turkish hitman
muffin man
"pole vaulting dreams shattered by penis"
ukranian high jump women
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Hrngggg guys it hasn’t progressed much since the last update. We are hanging out again like usual. However
He took me thrifting again, then we went out for dinner and since I was gonna pay for my meal with $12 of quarters, he offered to cover my share 🤭
Then I paid for gelato. He told me that he was “watching his sugars” and asked me if I would wanna share a cup with him ‼️ I said yes and we had strawberry and lime gelato which was heavenly. While we were walking to go get a seat near the lake to watch the sunset there was a sidewalk painted to look like the yellow brick road from the wizard of oz, so he tightened his back on his shoulder and took my hand and we skipped down to the end of it giggling 🤭 he was acting wayyyy different that day than anytime else and it was a good different, like maybe something clicked for him and he might like me back now (I must continue to fight off the delusions)
But also at the ren fair he asked me to sit closer to him at the joust bc I was sitting in front of him and he wanted me to sit next to him 🤭 he could’ve asked anybody else any of our other friends to sit close to him but he asked me ‼️
Im also the one he texts saying that he “wishes I was there with him” or that “he misses” me when he’s white girl wasted, silly girl sloshed, you get the picture.
I don’t know what to make of any of this besides the fact that I need him carnally, I need to match his freak so bad it makes me look so down bad.
Okayyyyy goodnight guys love ya I hope he likes me back but imma try and make moves next time I see him :3 (aka we both take a shot and then we confess our feelings to each other)
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Good evening. My detestable Zoomer child just called my beloved Pound Symbol (#) a "Hashtag". Any Suggestions on how I could punish such insolence? I've already Obliterated all of her favourite toys.
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I don’t think this is true 100% of the time but it does seem like a good portion the time.
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I had a vision. They're sister albums to me
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if you are the type of person to tell a girl to stop driving around with an adult sized plastic skeleton strapped into the backseat of her car do not imagine even for one second that you could ever score a girl who would drive around with an adult sized plastic skeleton in the backseat of her car
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everybody say thank you mikey way
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so how is everyone feeling
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Hrngggg guys it hasn’t progressed much since the last update. We are hanging out again like usual. However
He took me thrifting again, then we went out for dinner and since I was gonna pay for my meal with $12 of quarters, he offered to cover my share 🤭
Then I paid for gelato. He told me that he was “watching his sugars” and asked me if I would wanna share a cup with him ‼️ I said yes and we had strawberry and lime gelato which was heavenly. While we were walking to go get a seat near the lake to watch the sunset there was a sidewalk painted to look like the yellow brick road from the wizard of oz, so he tightened his back on his shoulder and took my hand and we skipped down to the end of it giggling 🤭 he was acting wayyyy different that day than anytime else and it was a good different, like maybe something clicked for him and he might like me back now (I must continue to fight off the delusions)
But also at the ren fair he asked me to sit closer to him at the joust bc I was sitting in front of him and he wanted me to sit next to him 🤭 he could’ve asked anybody else any of our other friends to sit close to him but he asked me ‼️
Im also the one he texts saying that he “wishes I was there with him” or that “he misses” me when he’s white girl wasted, silly girl sloshed, you get the picture.
I don’t know what to make of any of this besides the fact that I need him carnally, I need to match his freak so bad it makes me look so down bad.
Okayyyyy goodnight guys love ya I hope he likes me back but imma try and make moves next time I see him :3 (aka we both take a shot and then we confess our feelings to each other)
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I sent him a message at like 10:30pm on Snapchat, this is what I said :
“Hey, sorry if what I said at your grad party made you uncomfortable, that was the last thing I wanted to do. I would still like to be friends and hang out like we used to no matter what your answer is, just please give me an answer eventually. Like we could go get coffee and talk abt what we’ve done this summer and stuff idk. I don’t particularly like feelings of anticipation and uncertainty, if there’s no definite end to it. Just lmk what you’re thinking pls, no matter what your answer is, I promise it won’t hurt or upset me more than having no answer at all. Sorry for this being kinda long I just dunno how to put it any simpler.
Take your time and stuff, idk if I’m like being pushy or something, I’ve never done this before so I apologize :/.”
I just can’t take the pain of waiting anymore on something that might not come to fruition or keep up hope on somebody that doesn’t feel the same way. I’m literally gonna explode.
If he doesn’t reply by this time tomorrow I’m going to send it on text messages sk he at least can open it to see what I said without it showing he looked at it. But I really just want any fucking answer from him on what I should be doing with my time and energy. I can’t keep waiting on his reply when he won’t wait for mine.
I have to stay silly guys imma literally go insane if I don’t get an answer from him by tomorrow night. If there’s any higher power out there, please help me with this one, I’m trying my best.
Now I’m gonna go to bed so I can stop the thoughts of this situation and maybe I’ll have a cry; if I can call tears to my eyes and oust the bad feelings from my body. Idk if I can rn I’m so emotionally tired that crying sounds too hard, maybe just internally crying will fix me idk. I’m sort of rambling rn but it’s been almost an hour since I sent the message and he hasn’t looked at it. I’m gonna give him the bennefit of the doubt and say that he’s asleep rn at 11:25 at night, he did just get back from Georgia today so it’s probable.
Ok goodnight, I’ll keep you all updated on what happens if anything does ever 🫠
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The video that was originally uploaded to My Chemical Romance's twitter, instagram, and website on January 10th 2020 does not have sound, but this version with sound was uploaded by the instagram account WMAS (Warner Music Artist Services) and then taken down soon after.
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This leak originally featured in a social media post in 2020. More information here.
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Guys it’s now July, it’s been almost 2 weeks since I told him how I feel. However he just got back from his trip to Greece today so like maybe now once he’s rested he will tell me anything?
At this point I just want some sort of acknowledgement of my feelings and maybe closure. I really hope that no matter what him and I can still be friends :( I don’t want to lose him as a friend because he’s cool and I didn’t always have feelings for him, like I got feelings for him In like February, and that’s like months after the Christmas party he had invited me to at his place in December. Like aughhhh
Somebody please give advice if you have any on the subject, how long is too long for an answer about romantical feelings and stuff of the sort? Like I feel if he didn’t like me in the slightest he would have already told me no so idk. I might be delusional and insane, but at least I got to see pretty fireworks at a local lake (even though I wasn’t able to watch them with him from his dock on the same lake, but maybe next year?)
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I hope that I haven’t made him uncomfortable. I really just hope that he will give it to me straight (or gay idc it’s pride month and I’m a faggot so ) about whether or not we can be a thing. We both haven’t ever had a relationship before but like I really hope he can be part of more of my firsts, and hopefully not my first rejection. He’s already my first major crush; the first high school party I was invited too, the first guy my parents asked me if we were dating, the first guy to make my body ache with how intensly I care for him. God if anything I would really like if not for a relationship, then to stay good friends and have it not be awkward between us like a gaping wound. I prolly need some sleep my everything aches with yearning for a reply, and I hope that everything turns out okay for me even if it hurts in the moment.
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So today I sent him a message on snap : “hey, I would still like to be friends with you no matter what the decision is. You’re a cool person and I would hate to lose a good friend over a couple of late night words.”
He replies : “No it’s just that I have never been in a relationship.”
My reply : “I haven’t either :/ whatever you decide on will be cool. Take your time”
And now its been a good almost 2 hours and at like the 1 hour mark when he opened it he kept typing stuff then deleting it. Idk but he’s thinking hard over there. I really hope I’m not making him uncomfortable or pushing him away. And advice on how to continue living until he responds to me????
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Guys I made my move tonight. June 22nd, 2024. I grew a pair, big fucking brass ones. And here’s what happened :
Me : Hey dude, I’m just gonna be straightforward with you bc I’m not good with words, I have a crush on you. You don’t have to respond right now at all I totally understand, and I accept the fact that you might not feel the same way about me. But take your time I just wanted to let you know before you go on this trip
Him : Ok. I did ask out (guy I sorta know) but he rejected me. I’m winedrunk right now so I will get back to you tomorrow around like 1 when I wake up
Me : ok cool, I just wanted to let you know my feelings before you leave on this trip, I’ve never done this before so sorry if it’s awkward.
And then we said our pleasantries and goodbyes. I drove my fried home and then I went home.
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