i wonder how much people actually understand how much i mean it when i say i want to die
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i wanna scream i hate this so badly why can’t i just ducking die and get this shit over with
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Thé awkward moment when it’s been so long since you’ve felt like yourself that feeling like your self feels weird and scary
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i hate you with everything in me but i can’t stop myself from missing you.
every time i hear your voice i wish you were talking to me.
your touch makes me want to die because it’s done such terrible things but i want nothing more than a hug from you that lasts forever
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They will always miss you when their own life gets boring
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Can't deal with these mixed signals... like, are we friends or not??
One moment you're telling me everything about yourself like we're bonding, and the next moment you're weirded out like I'm just some oversharing stranger
One moment you're coming to me for support and I'm being your shoulder to cry on, and the next moment you're acting like I should just keep my problems to myself
One moment you're inviting me to help you with some cool thing you're working on, the next moment you're looking at me like I'm crazy or selfish for thinking you could help me with something I'm into
Like wtf, make up your mind, are we even friends?? Why do you keep changing — oh... wait... I get it. There's no changing at all, is there? I see the pattern now 😔
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Sometimes you just burn out. Sometimes you just stop pleasing others, because you've been doing it for too long and you 've had enough. Then you realize, by doing so, you feel free and happy. Because you have to let go. The narcissists, the selfish, the ones who don' t care about you.
Is it simple? No. It never is. You get used to tip toeing around people because you don't want to accidentally hurt them. Because they get offended over the smallest things, like they would purposely want to be hurt. You can never be yourself, because it would weird them out. You give, give, give yet you never seem to receive. And you're trying. Trying to help. Trying to be good. And you're tired.
Then you stop sharing bits about your life, after all, they don't care. It's so hard to believe that once you belonged there. To them. It's embarrassing... Yes, realization hit harder than your martial art teacher in fifth grade. When you think of what could have been if you'd still cherished that fake thing, you feel something similar to anxiety. They'd have drag you down. To them. Because to them it's comfortable. But to you... It never was.
So you move on. You find new friends. Ones who understand you, ones you respect you. You can be honest. It's weird. They don't get hurt if you disagree? What is this? You feel joy. Because you finally show your true self. And you know what? It's pure extasy, so much happiness and gratefulnes.
They lift you when you feel down, they really mean what they say, they might be different than you, their interests, personality, lifestyle. Sometimes you argue. Sometimes you get hurt. But in the end, your love helps you overcome all hardships.
You have less people around you. But all of them of quality.
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I can feel it dragging me down again. I can’t breathe, and no matter how hard I fight I keep sinking. I don’t recognize myself anymore. This person isn’t me.
They say it is easier the second time, but they lied. When you know what’s coming it only gets worse
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One of the worst parts about getting better is when you slip. When you are finally fine and then you aren’t. You do the exact opposite of what you should do and you can slowly feel your energy start to drain. When suddenly everything you used to love becomes a chore again and it doesn’t bring anything to you. When you know that any day now you are going to shut off from your friends again. But this time is worse because you know what is happening.
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my dad still hasn’t come back from getting the milk. jokes on him because I’m lactose intolerant.
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Ladynoir fluff gone wrong.
Sure, everything seems fine when you first start dating, and then the marriage comes. Yeah, we probably should have told our parents about that. Or at least revealed our identities to each other so we could get married in our civilian forms. Well, too late now. :)
So, next step. How to make sure your parents don’t kill you when you first tell them how you are pregnant with a guy you don’t know.
In my defense, I technically don’t know his name.
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can you guys, like, chill down
some people like the sentimonster adrien and others don’t
so what? no one will ever agree on anything anyways
and saying that people who like the sentimonseter theory are trying to invalidate adrien’s abuse???
i’ve grown up in a mentally abusive house and know several people who have as well and i still like the theory
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Miraculous Crack
so i just randomly thought of an au where adrien is the same age but hasn’t gone to school
but for some reason he knows nino
so he snuck away from home and ran into nino and they are like ‘bro, i haven’t seen you in years’ and then they just walk around paris
and then reporters catch them walking on camera and make a news story on how they are in love
the next day adrien and nino are talking about it on the phone. and adrien is like ‘there is fanfiction of us already’
and then alya barges in on them when adrien is reading part of the story out loud. and it happens to be a love confession
“oh my dear nino...”
alya: wtf
nino: i can explain
adrien, not noticing alya is there: i have known since i first saw you that you were the one for me. i cannot bear to be without you
alya: you have three seconds to explain or they will never find your body
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