spaceofbliss-blog · 7 years
What should I expect from a class? 
A Kundalini Yoga class is made up of the following elements:
Tuning In: When we practice Kundalini Yoga, we tune in by chanting ‘Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo’, connecting us to the purity of the infinite teacher living within each of us.
Breath (Pranayama): Breath is life energy itself. When we learn how to breathe consciously, we can calm our minds and master all aspects of our lives.
Kriya: A Kriya is an exact, dynamic combination of postures (asana), breathing and sound – a complete system that balances body, mind and soul, and increases mental clarity and physical vitality.
Meditation: Meditation brings awareness and control of our thoughts. Using mantra (sacred sound currents repeated aloud or silently) and mudra (sacred gestures) we can clear negative patterns and connect with our higher consciousness.
Is there anything I need to do to prepare for a class?
–          Ideally avoid food for 2 or 3 hours before a class. If you need to eat something, have something light like a piece of fruit.
–          Wear loose fitting natural fibre clothing.
–          Long hair should be tied up and out of the way.
–          Have a bottle of water with you and drink plenty.
–          Bring a natural yoga mat and a blanket or shawl to cover yourself whilst relaxing.
What should I wear?
Ideally, loose and comfortable clothing made of natural fibres (e.g. cotton, linen, wool, hemp). As the class progresses you may become warm, so having layers is often useful. Bringing a shawl or blanket will keep you warm in the relaxation and meditation segments of the class.
Why do you practice on sheepskins?
Yogi Bhajan recommended the sheepskin for meditation, as it created insulation between the yogi and the magnetic pull of the Earth. Many people experience deeper states of connection to their Self and the Universe when using a sheep skin as compared to a sticky mat or cushion.
Further, it was traditional for a yogi to use the skin of an animal which had recently died because it was said to be a blessing for that animal, helping to liberate its soul.
Sheep specifically have non-allergenic properties. Wool also regulates body temperature, so it is cool when you are hot, and warm when you are cold.
What is Kundalini?
Kundalini is the whole energy of the cosmos in the individual and beyond the individual. It is the energy of the consciousness. Without the constant flow of that energy, you could not live. Normally you use a small portion of the brain’s potential. When kundalini awakens, one understands the effect and impact of an action at the beginning of a sequence of action and reaction. They have the choice to take an action or not. In other words, a person becomes totally and wholly aware. That is why it is called the yoga of awareness.
Why do you cover your head?
There are many reasons for covering your head – it helps to bring you into focus, and when the hair is coiled on the solar centre on top of the head, it helps to focus your orientation towards the divine, rather than getting attached in the world of maya. Try covering your head and walking around the city sometime – you’ll quickly feel the level of focus it brings.
Yogi Bhajan recommended covering your head with a non-static, natural cloth like cotton, and to keep the hair up. The hair regulates the inflow of sun energy into the body. The kundalini energy is activated by the radiant force of the solar plexus and moves upward in response to the solar energy coming down. This balances the body energy and maintains the total equilibrium. If the hair is uncovered so that it is electrically imbalanced, this natural process of raising the kundalini energy will be impeded.
Why do you wear white? Do I need to wear white to practice?
Yogi Bhajan taught that wearing all white clothing expands our auric radiance by at least one foot. A strong aura gives us a strong and solid identity and projection and negative influences are automatically filtered. Yogi Bhajan also said that wearing white is an exercise in awareness, as it takes more consciousness and care to keep white clothes clean.
Yogi Bhajan stated, “We wanted to develop a very fast, progressive, spiritual and technical method of all the colours, so we have adopted the one colour of the seven colours, which is white. To you, white is just one colour, but to me it is the total balance of seven colours.” You do not have to buy a new wardrobe or wear all white to practice. However, it is a highly recommended form of colour therapy, and if you have comfortable and natural fibre white clothes, it is worth trying out for yourself to feel the effect it has on raising your energy.
I have a health condition – will Kundalini Yoga help?
Kundalini Yoga is preventative, not curative. If you have a serious health condition, it is recommended that you check with your Doctor prior to participating in a class, and you let your teacher know of any illness or injury so that they can make the necessary adjustments.
I am pregnant, is it safe to practice Kundalini Yoga?
Yoga is tremendously beneficial during this sensitive time as a way to take time out from a busy life, connect with your body and the changes it is going through, and connect to the new life growing inside.
There are certain modifications to yoga for pregnant women. Many teachers offer specialist pre-natal yoga classes, and this is recommended from the second trimester. If you are attending a regular kundalini yoga class, please inform your teacher you are pregnant, so he/she can recommend appropriate modifications to exercises.
It is always recommended to listen to your body and rest when necessary, even if the exercise is not finished.
The following exercises should not be done during pregnancy after 120th day, or if a woman has any medical complications:
–          Exercises which apply pressure to the abdominal area (i.e. Bow pose), or which are over-stimulating.
–          Breath of Fire. A light Breath of Fire in the first 3 months is permissible if health permits.
–          Mulbandh
–          Leg lifts (except while lying on the side).
–          Exercising to the point of exhaustion.
–          Exercises which raise the pulse above 140 beats per minute.
–          All inverted postures (i.e. where the hips are higher than the heart – e.g., shoulder stand).
–          Sat Kriya
–          Venus Kriyas
I am not very flexible, can I still practice Kundalini Yoga?
Practising yoga is not simply about the flexibility of the body. Yoga is not competitive. Kundalini Yoga works on an energetic level – it is possible to modify postures, and even to achieve a benefit from visualising the posture (if you are unable to hold it). Everyone has their own limits, and these should be kept in mind when participating in a Kundalini Yoga class. This is part of becoming more conscious  and aware of your own body and its capacity. If you have an injury or medical conditions it is helpful to let your teacher know prior to the class, so he/she can modify exercises appropriately.
With gratitude to KYTA for this information
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spaceofbliss-blog · 7 years
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✨⚡️⚡️EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT!⚡️⚡️✨ #kundaliniyoga #lewes #subud #vitality #bethechange #lovelife #earlymorningpractice #sadhana #shala #anandakanda Www.anandakanda.co.uk https://spaceofbliss.tumblr.com/
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spaceofbliss-blog · 7 years
 It is said that Rishis in Tibet and India, who systematically tested and perfected the precise movements, postures, sounds and breathing patterns that activate different parts of the body and brain to produce specific results, developed the science of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation 50,000-70,000 years ago. Their goal was to develop a comprehensive method for humans to activate their fullest potential, creativity and intuition in order to maintain healthy, vital bodies and to experience and dwell in the ecstasy of God consciousness.
Kundalini Yoga, which incorporates many yogic teachings, was brought to the West and presented to the Public for the first time in 1969 by Yogi Bhajan. Not only was this the first time Kundalini Yoga had ever been taught publicly, this was the first time it had been written down and made available to all who desire to practice.
Kundalini Yoga gives the practitioner the mental power, physical stamina and emotional balance to deal with all of todays ever increasing demands. It will leave you feeling more energized, relaxed and alive! Your awareness will increase, your presence will be more magnetic and you will tap into levels of courage that you did not know you processed.
The benefits of practicing Kundalini Yoga are many: improved health, cleansing on a physical, mental and emotional level, healing and releasing of addictions.  On a subtler level we begin to strengthen our Electromagnetic Field and our Aura.
Yogi Bhajan said, “ A strong, coherent Aura allows us to be more present in our relationships with others and to deal more effectively with our life challenges”.
 What does practicing Kundalini to for the practioner?
·      All our body systems are cleansed activated and balanced which results in an integrated interaction of all physiological and energetic systems. This creates a sense of peace, wholeness and well-being.
·      The electromagnetic voltage of our body/mind is progressively amped up. As a result. Our auric field becomes lighter, clearer, stronger and more magnetic.
·      There is a gradual strengthening of the nervous system and opening of our chakra centres. As a result, we feel more alive, whole, protected and empowered.
·      The increased voltage throughout our body, the activation of the glands to secrete their specialized chemicals, and the strengthening of the auric field have holistic, expansive, and balancing effect on our mind, emotions and body.
·      As the body’s energy channels gradually open, our mind, body and emotions become receptive to and infused with higher frequency Universal Energies.
·      These channels then become available to carry the gradual activation of Kundalini – the powerful energy of the soul. This happens as both the pranic energy (the life force generated from the combination of breathing and other techniques) and Kundalini energy increase and is diffused throughout our being.
·      As a result of all of the above, we experience increased creativity, vitality, clarity of mind, emotional balance, radiance, and an awakening of consciousness.
We achieve profound shifts with Kundalini Yoga. We raise our frequency and purify the subconscious. When we vibrate at lower frequencies (with fear, anger and sadness), we engage in self-criticism and have a poor self-image and low self-esteem. With the practice of Kundalini Yoga, the electro-chemical balance of the body increases to bring about a system-wide vibratory frequency that is higher, brighter, more coherent and subtler.  As our frequency increases, it becomes easier for our mind and body systems to let go of tension and relax.
 So how does it work?
 Basic techniques of Kundalini Yoga:
 ·      Postures and angles
·      Rhythmic movement
·      Stretching without straining
·      Pranayama – conscious breathing
·      Bhandas / locks
·      Mantras
·      Deep relaxation
·      Personal and group practice
 Kundalini combines the practice of the following to achieve its goals:
HATHA YOGA – Physical asana
RAJA YOGA – Meditation
MANTRA- Repetition of chanting and sacred sounds
PRANAYAMA – breathing and breath awareness
BHAKTI YOGA – Devotional prayer, meditation and chanting
KARMA YOGA – Service
TANTRIC YOGA – union and balance of the polarities
 Kriyas are a fundamental part of Kundalini- each kriya is a special combination of 1) exercises or postures (asana),
2) Breathing (pranayama),
3) Hand and finger positions (mudras),
4) Spinal alignments called locks (bhandas), and
5) Sacred sounds (mantras) which together and in their prescribed sequence create specific effects.
The Kriyas work simultaneously with all the systems of the body, including the circulatory, pulmonary, endocrine, muscular, immune, nervous, and reproductive systems. The synergy of breathing techniques, postures, rhythmic movements, mantras and attentive awareness produces powerful transformational effects.
 Kundalini yoga is a unified system that operates with a unique dynamic. Its integration of many yogic techniques produces an awakening in consciousness that supersedes the results possible from the individual techniques alone. By regularly practicing Kundalini Yoga, we develop a radiance and depth of awareness very quickly.
Rather than requiring one to renounce worldly affairs, the practice of Kundalini Yoga is geared toward householders, living within society and in a community. Instead of trying to escape the karma of relationships, children, and earning a living, the goal of Kundalini Yoga is to bring dharma, or spiritual living, into all aspects of human life.
Preparing for class:
 Please bring a mat, cushion and blanket if possible (there will be spares available if not). If you would like to increase the effects of the practice then please feel free to wear white loose fitting clothes of natural fabrics and a head cover/ turban.
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spaceofbliss-blog · 8 years
Month 3!! OPERATION RAISE MY VIBRATION Well I did it (bar a slight slip up at a rave in a scout hut and an irish wake), three months of being smoke, sugar and booze free! Here are the pro’s: • ✔️Ive improved my relationship with my kids (understatement) • ✔️Ive figured out what I want to be when I grow up (only took me 41 years!) • ✔️Ive lost weight (without feeling hungry or ping-ponging up and down) • ✔️Ive kicked The Black Dog and his trusty sidekick ‘THE FEAR’ in their narly faces • ✔️Ive cured my insomnia • ✔️My skin tone has transformed and my wrinkles have diminished. Whats not to like? In fact im liking the all new, improved me that Im not going back. If you feel the time has come to give up something that no longer serves you then here are my top tips that worked: ~Ask the Angels. I know this is a bit out there but give it a go...it really works! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yrWCWJDF9LA ~Set your intentions. As it says in the Upanishads "You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny." ~Blog about it...whether anyone was reading my blog or. It didn't really matter..I had outed myself, which meant that I could not sneek into waitrose and chow down on some donuts sneekily! ~Be passionate - get into something you love. Replace the negative with a positive. Be creative. Get fit. LIVE! ~Bolster your detox with Ayuvedic herbs - see my previous blog post ~Treat yourself - spend the money you would have spent on stinky fags or aging booze on delicious potions and lotions -read previous posts for top organic, cruelty free brands. Iam the most addictive and naughty person I know, if I can do it then anyone can!
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spaceofbliss-blog · 8 years
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Looking for some inspiration to help you dodge those mince pies & turkey dinners? These books are all you need to help you #eatclean and #quitsugar during the silly season. Loads of yummy recipes for entertaining so you don't have to be totally bah humbug either - check them out..your January self will thank you ☃💋 Ho Ho Ho xxx #raiseyourvibration #raisemyvibration #anandakanda #iquitsugar #detoxkitchen #detox #help #cookbook
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spaceofbliss-blog · 8 years
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Day 75 – OPERATION RAISE MY VIBRATIONS //THE DREAEDED LURGY\\ Deep joy - the snot-face season is well and truly upon us. I must say I was pretty miffed to come down with the dreaded, seeing as I am the most healthy I've ever been but maybe I am up and about quicker than I would have been. Being poorly has probably been the biggest challenge to my detox, as when you feel sorry for yourself you really want some treats. Rather than boshing some toxic 'cold and flu's', downing a hot toddy and cheering myself up with chocolate this time I decided to try something different. I've been experimenting with Ayurvedic treatments and supplements for a while so this seemed the perfect time to draw on that knowledge. I love the Ayurvedic approach as it’s all about finding balance. The theory is that everyone is made up of three Doshas, Pitta, Kapha and Vata, to varying degrees. The aim of the game is to balance them out so you no longer suffer dis-ease. Once you know your primary Dosha or combination then you can begin to treat yourself using food, supplements, tea, massage oils or beauty products. If you would like to discover your dosha take the test here: https://store.chopra.com/dosha-quiz?sso_code=eyJpdiI6IjVZRHFENFVoUjNyU1FQd3UzekU3ekE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiRmZaWlFQSWFyRUpkOXlIQVFXTkVpRkxkM1A1Q0xWNmZZZUJzc1ByM0dxNkZZT2dueU9rNncrODVBYlZEaTg0YWNuQW4zQjRGazhMb2xURTRiSVQ4N1RnOTd0Y3ZjWmRqVWdBTjdGWUVXdUU9IiwibWFjIjoiYzMwZDRlMTc0M2NkYWE3Y2I2OGQ0NzNlODZmYWIyMDBjYTM1OTZjOWYwMjJjOTUwYjM1NjQ0ZThmZjVkNGY5NSJ9 I've been taking a combination of Androgaphis, which is an Ayuvedic version of Echinacea (but way stronger) which stimulates the immune system and Ashgawanda, also known as Indian Ginseng. Ashgawanda has a wide range of health benefits, including its ability to fight against cancer, as well as reduce inflammation, arthritis, asthma, hypertension, stress, and rheumatism. Furthermore, it boosts your supply of antioxidants and regulates the immune system. Not to mention is helps with aging gracefully - bonus! If your illness has been more serious than cold or flu and you've had to have a big operation then you may find your immune system has been massively affected and you’re experiencing horrible side effects including loss of hair. Bhringaraja is a miraculous herb, which not only helps you with low immune issues such as aches and pains, ulcers and giddiness but it’s main purpose, is aiding hair loss. It's bad enough going through a major illness or op without also having to live with self-esteem destroying side effects so I highly recommend these. When you are below par the skin can be hardest hit. Tridosha makes a wonderful cream for dry/maturing skin called Rejuvenate. It's packed full of goodies including the herbs Ajwain and Gokru, which quickly warms and satiates without being too heavy. In addition to Ayurveda I have been trying out different superfoods to bolster me as a vegetarian on a strict detox and I have come across a stand out winner. According to scientific findings Astragalus's benefits are as follows....drumroll please....it acts as an Anti-inflammatory, boosts the immune system, shows or prevents the growth of tumours, protects the cardiovascular system, regulates and prevents Diabetes, contains Antioxidants and Anti-aging capabilities, heals wounds, alleviates symptoms of Chemotherapy & treats colds and flu! And finally I am hugely grateful to my wonderful big sister for the healing basket she dropped over. You can never underestimate the positive effects of sisterly love and girly goodies to get you back on your feet. The Nancy Meiland 'Illumine' candle smelt so divine, all white flowers and Jamaican ginger, that I could almost kid myself that I was not in fact Grotbags lying in her pit but instead a totally glamorous, snoozing beauty. With a killer combination of Eucalyptus, frankincense and Lavender, 'Deep sleep, stress less' by This works, helped with breathing and recuperating. Last and by no means least, Immune boosting tea by Neal’s Yard Remedies, an incredible combination of flowers and herbs which you can literally feel working the minute you drink it. I do hope this post helps any fellow sufferers! HEAL-THY-SELF
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spaceofbliss-blog · 8 years
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//SUPERMOON IN TAURUS// ♉️🌕🔮 With the full moon in Taurus, we may find our focus on base level issues. We all need basic sustenance for survival plus you may enjoy feeling grounded but watch out for becoming materialistic and lazy. Home is where the heart is but do not become obsessed with money or material status as this will not bring the happiness and contentment you seek. In my part of the world we are all going into hibernation but this moon will make you feel like comfort eating so resist and get your endorphins and heat from doing some exercise. Allow the bright light of this Super Moon to illuminate any negative behavioural patterns - by recognising them you can begin to shift them. Remember nothing changes if nothing changes! Let go of base issues, negative energies or upsets. Holding onto this energy only hurts and hinders you. Think about these emotions as toxins, just as you would not wish to keep poisonous toxins in your body, neither do you want to keep them in your head or your heart. Let go of learnt 'emotions' and connect with present 'feelings' - there is a big difference ...one is a story and the other is real. It's all about being in the now and connecting to the feelings you have at this present moment. How do you feel NOW? In order to let go of outdated, toxic emotions you need to forgive the people involved (yourself included). Send love to everyone and be grateful for any lessons learnt. Full Moon blessings to one and all x #supermoon #taurus #anandakanda #ritual #lightworker #moonritual #naturalmagic #manifest #gratitude #forgiveness
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spaceofbliss-blog · 8 years
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Day 53: Operation Raise My Vibration
New Moon Manifesting Ritual
We are all so obsessed with detoxifying our body that we often neglect to detoxify our mind and spirit too. Working with the moon can help to highlight what we need to release and let go of. Traditionally the moon has generally got a pretty bad rap over the years in our society but it definitely feels like the tide is finally turning. At the moment there is a seismic, zeitgeist shift happening wherein people are becoming more conscious of Her influences - be they challenging or positive. As we are essentially all made of stars (see diagram) it makes complete sense that we would be connected to the galaxy around us and specifically the moon, it being our nearest celestial object. Just like the tides we are subconsciously and physically affected by lunar cycles We are, after all, made up of 60% water!
Working in tune with the moon is a bit like surfing the wave like a pro. In Yasmin Boland’s erudite and incisive book, ‘Moonology’, she shows you how to connect with this most ancient of clocks and go with its flow. Just as the moon waxes and wanes, so we too must let go of that which no longer serves us and draw to us what we need. Following Boland’s guidance, I did my first New Moon manifesting ritual last night. I actually began the process at the last full moon, as this is the time to practice forgiveness. The idea is that in letting go of old hurts you in turn detoxify. Boland states, “when you forgive, you release karma and when you do that, you exit the situation. And because nature abhors a vacuum, you need to replace what you’re releasing” you then fill this void with gratitude. I can already tell that this process is going to be very challenging for me and is going to take a lot of practice!
To begin the ritual I cleansed the space with Star Child ‘Moon’ incense. This product is jam packed with pure, natural herbs, flowers, gums and resins - not forgetting good old-fashioned Magic. Be warned that it’s pretty full on and your space will smell like an ancient church, so go easy!
Next I set up my moon alter. In her classic book, ‘Natural Magic’, Doreen Valiente suggests having a white flower present whenever you are doing moon work.I also included my statue of Saraswati as she is traditionally connected to the moon. I did a brief but beautiful kundalini practice with my new obsession, Guru Sagat to get me in a calm and focused state.
On my recent Moon inspired quest, I came across a deliciously, witchy and super-cool brand ‘Mama Moon Candles’. As Mama Moon explains, candles are a vital part of your ritual because they contain all the elements – so you are honouring the four directions. I lit my 'Mama Moon Sandalwood Moon Ritual Candle’. This exquisite, handmade candle really sets the tone, its super nurturing and evocative, plus it has the benefits of encouraging high levels of consciousness, perfect for releasing and manifesting.  For the ultimate, high priestess feeling I also anointed myself with 'Mama Moon Super Abundance Magic Potion’. Your sense of smell is one of your quickest gateways to an improved sense of wellbeing and self-esteem and I defy anyone not to feel like a total Moon Goddess when you are wearing this elixir! The best bit is that all ‘Mama Moon’ products come in a beautiful, velvet pouch (complete with gold Wicca star) which is perfect for storing those Tarot cards!
 Boland’s clear, concise and eloquent guidance (which I’m not going to share as you really need this book in your life!) is so straightforward that even a child could follow it and mine did. I encouraged all the members of my family to draw pictures of people they were grateful for and things that they would like in their life and I added it to my altar. 
Just like shavasana, the most important part of the ritual is the mediation. 
If you’d like to know which phase the moon is in where you are then www.timeanddate.com is an invaluable resource.
New Moon Blessings to one and all.
...now make a wish!
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spaceofbliss-blog · 8 years
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With the new moon on its way this feels like the perfect time to tear off a new sheet, start new ventures, undertake challenges and embrace life! If this all sounds way too happy-Clappy and you are blocked - fear not, I have the perfect answer for both. Lord Ganesh is the diety to call upon to be your obstacle breaker (especially if this obstacle is you!) or to bless your new venture/house/job.
1: create a little alter to focus upon - you can include mango, pineapple or any sweet fruit (Ganesh has a sweet tooth), an image of Ganesh, some flowers etc. 2. Ignite your sense of smell with incense. I always use Mother India’s incense as it’s the finest quality incense EVER and totally addictive plus it has the added benefit of giving a percentage of its profits to the neediest in India - good karma! 3. Write down on paper what you wish to be unblocked or blessed by Ganesh. Hand it over! 4. Burn the paper - symbolically letting it go 5. Chant the following mantra ‘Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha’ 108 times. This mantra will bestow the chanter with clarity of thought, inner guidance and renewed energy. Bingo! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X57WrTghhF8
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spaceofbliss-blog · 8 years
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Day 35: Operation Raise My Vibration Beauty Edit The skin is the largest organ in the body and keeping it in tip top condition affects how we feel energetically and look chronologically. Everything that the skin encounters affects our entire body, so for example apparently if you rub garlic on your foot you can taste it in your mouth, I’m taking the experts word for this as its a bit weird. Anyway the point of this is that we can positively affect our largest organ in a plethora of ways. Firstly we have the basics which we all know but most of us ignore because they are frankly booorinnnng…detox, sleep and drink shed loads of water. Once we’ve done the spring cleaning we can start with the fun stuff. Dry skin brushing is imperative as it unclogs the pores allowing all the toxins that you are expelling to be released. Sweat it out - hit the gym, the sheets or the sauna! And finally we get to my favourite guilty pleasure…potions and lotions! I’ve always been a massive fan of beauty products but in the past I’ve relied entirely on them and expected miracles. I’m loving this new guilt free feeling of having done the hard work first, so now I’m giving these gorgeous and often expensive products the best chance to work their magic. Here are my top tip, five star, can’t live without beauty products to assist you in your detox journey.
My go-to body beauty brand to assist the skin in cleaning out toxic laden pores is Urban-Veda. This fab brand is based on ancient Ayurvedic wisdom, high quality sustainable ingredients which are not tested on animals. The purifying range uses cold-pressed pure Neem and refreshing essential oils, which combine to help remove impurities and prevent congestion. The body scrub is a stand out winner. You can try all of this range here, trust me they didn’t win all these awards for nothing! http://www.urbanveda.co.uk/body-care/exfoliate/purifying-complete-discovery-set
Neals yard - I discovered that Neals Yard Products really do work when I was four months into my first pregnancy and big as a house. I already had stretch marks and was getting really concerned. I was given NYR Mothers Balm and not only did the stretch marks I already had disappear but I did not get any more (even though I ended up being 9 stone heavier than I started!). In short I’m a believer and so I swear by the following essential products.. Rose facial oil for the daytime. This beautiful oil gives the skin a silk like quality and smells divine. I love the white tea toning eye gel and it miraculously shrinks my puffy bags. As the wild rose beauty balm is quite heavy this only really works at night but my god does it work! I would recommend this balm to anyone who has dry, sun or smoke damaged skin.
Aurelia probiotic skincare This award winning, organic and frankly off the dial amazing beauty brand is my new favourite. Everyone is crazy about it and I can see why. The high quality ingredients used start to work immediately and even after a few days the skins luminosity is vastly improved. You can try all of their award winners in their limited edition ‘Ultimate Natural Beauty Bible Winners 'and see for yourself. My 'can’t live withouts’ are the 'Miracle Cleanser’, Cell Revitalise Day Moisturiser and Cell Repair Night Oil. The latter smells so blissful that I can’t wait for bedtime. Zzzzz
In summary if you’ve given up fags, sugar and booze then you have totally earned a beauty splurge. Simple maths. Enjoy!
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spaceofbliss-blog · 8 years
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Day 29: I'm getting clarity on my relationship to the substances I use to change how I feel...sugar for boredom, cigarettes for stress and alcohol for shyness plus all of the above if I really need to push down feelings that I am not prepared to deal with. This behaviour has been serving me, to varying degrees of success and destruction, since I was about 13 so it's understandable that I would be feeling slightly uncountable right now. I'm swinging between the highs of experiencing real grounded feelings and the lows of downright depression. The good news is that I've found some things that are helping me to make friends with my brain and navigate these choppy waters. Firstly finding my breath...the best way to get grounded and calm is through the body and this is achieved via the breath. I highly recommend Layne Redmond. This pranayama workout miraculously grounds you & makes you feel high simultaneously. Magic! https://www.amazon.com/Chakra-Breathing-Meditations-Guided-Practices/dp/1591790948/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1475749095&sr=8-4&keywords=Layne+Redmond I love the idea of meditation but my reality is more sitting about wondering if the oven has been left on and my endless to do list...I'm very much a beginner..so I love mantra. It focuses the mind and stops the chatter, whilst changing you on a cellar level. Mantra really is something you should experience rather than read about...so just try it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OvDrLb45_ZQ https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLRWosuiyftWEeks-H_W6o8JfcvPzE6qkP&v=YE9rDozyCOg I've been told that 21 days is a magical amount of time, in which a shift in your behaviourally patterns can happen. The Chopra centre does a 21 day meditation challenge, it's a series of 10 minute guided mediations which ease you into a practice of mediation and begin the process of stilling the mind. As I have rubbish attention span I loved the idea of a manageable and finite amount of days and time...I tired it and now I have a meditation practice in place. https://chopracentermeditation.com/?sso_code=eyJpdiI6IlpuWDVpTFVoQlFxRGNDT29YQ0phYmc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiVE42QTZKRVwvdUhmQzk5dXBDWFJyRUpDZzBFUm51VVpoSzNQZ0VEcDhmblBoU3lueGF3ZmpncGZSbkNwbVVmUHlkbGFRU01xMTdaaUVMOUxuaG5XaTFPaGRvV1JvSVVRUUg5QVQ4Z1V3bzA4PSIsIm1hYyI6ImYwZmI5MTU5YWQ3MjE3YTRlOWJjZDg4NzlhODc4ZDM2ZTBjMmJjNjc2YTA5MzQwM2RiNjY3NmFjODA4ZDQ3OWUifQ%3D%3D My all-time favourite guided meditations are by the ever inspiring David Jii. Not to gush too much but he is pretty much the physical manifestation of love & he helps me massively. http://davidji.com Finally I've been a card carrying insomniac for years but I have definitely noticed a huge Improvement since I started this detox, however the night time is always the right time for my monkey mind to throw a party so I still need some extra help and I've found it in the hypnotist, Glenn Harrold. I love him because he sounds like a South London Delboy...I'm never sure if he's going to sell me a dodger Ford Fiesta or send me to sleep! If you too find the dulcet tones of a LA babe a bit toe curling then give him a shot as he works. http://www.glennharrold.com #glennharrold #mantra #davidjii #21days #mediation #chopracentre #chopra #layneredmond
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spaceofbliss-blog · 8 years
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Day 21- One of the main things I'm noticing from OPERATION RMV is the effect its having on the kids. As my boys have no inclination to get busy in the kitchen they are having to put up and shut up with whatever I give them...to varying degrees of satisfaction...Lentil pie went down quite badly for example. However I am happy to report that I have found these fantastic 'Hemp Protein Bars' which are perfect for that post school, pre football match fix. I must admit that when I saw the ingredients, even I was doubtful but they are YUM. My 7 year old is a vegetarian and I do worry that he is getting all the nutrients he needs so I do a little victory dance when he scoffs these superfood-filled goodies. Unfortunately for me I have to strictly monitor myself around these, as the dates act as a trigger for my sugar addiction...I realised this as I was chomping into my third one but i will certainly be substituting these for my cadburys fix once the three months are up.#raisemyvibration #raiseyourvibration #thegreenkitchen #hempproteinbar #iquitsugar #anandakanda
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spaceofbliss-blog · 8 years
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Day 11- Happy to report that I'm feeling less heffalump and more Goddess. I've dusted off the yoga mat and am back in my happy place. If you, like me, live in the middle of nowhere but fancy doing a Kundalini Class and cannot find one, then your best bet is to practice with one of these experts in the comfort of your own home. Maya Fiennes 'Journey through the chakras' is a great place to start. Shes's an excellent communicator with a brilliant soundtrack which she composed herself. Carolyn Cowan is a force of nature on a mission to help recovering addicts like herself to overcome their addictions through the practice of kundalini. If you are struggling with that money in your back then Carolyn is your woman. Finally the much loved and revered Gurmukh. This amazing teacher was one of Yogi Bajan's first students in the 60's and is one if America's most influential teachers. The great news is that you can do her classes if you sign up for Gaia.com. This is my new favourite thing. It's so much more than yoga classes as you can explore everything from healthy living to metsphisics. It's a kind of Netflix for hippies. My heaven. #kundalini #mayafiennes
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spaceofbliss-blog · 8 years
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What do you want to achieve? Where do you want to go? What do you want to be? Throw the dart of intention into the future and you will follow it! #upanishads #wisewords#gratitude#yesyoucan #iquit #anandakanda
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spaceofbliss-blog · 8 years
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I know the green smoothie is a total Instagram cliche but this one is a bit different. It's Sarah Wilson's 'Green gut-healing brew', the perfect antidote to all those lentils & chick peas (if you know what I mean - wink wink)! This smoothie is savoury but still pretty delicious and refreshing without bloating you out. #detoxhacks #sarahwilson #greensmoothie #anandakanda #raiseyourvibration #raisemyvibration
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spaceofbliss-blog · 8 years
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Day 5 - even though, miraculously, I've not had any cravings for cigarettes or alcohol (its all about asking the Angels - trust me!) I must admit the sugar detox is getting to me. I've bought the following supplements to hopefully help me on my mission. As I don't eat meat Floravital is a no brainer - replacing much needed iron. Chromium is believed to regulate blood sugar levels and diminish cravings, which is great when used in conjunction with magnesium for regulating hormones. Finally Psyllium Husks - oh how I love these! When I was pregnant with my eldest I doubled in weight and when I was pregnant with my youngest I went from 7.5 stone to 17 stone!! As you can imagine this was quite a shock to everyone including my husband who weighed about 9.5 stones. It was very hard to loose the weight after giving birth and I didn't want to rush it but it was my trusty Psyllium husk that helped me do it. You mix it with a smoothie, juice or just water and get it down you as quick as possible. It works by swelling in your tummy and making you feel full & then it gives you a DIY colonic. Bingo. #iquit #iquitsugar #anandakanda #raiseyourvibration #raisemyvibration #supplements #detoxhacks
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spaceofbliss-blog · 8 years
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Red lentil, chickpea and chilli soup. This soup needs to be eaten alone as you will want to lick the bowl. It is so good that it tastes like it should be bad for and even though all the ingredients are super healthy it does not sacrifice anything on taste. The Hubbie gave it 9.5/10. You'll have to excuse me as I think is have some soup on my nose! http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/333614/red-lentil-chickpea-and-chilli-soup
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