spideypparkers · 5 years
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tom holland gq style icons by peterbparkerr
17 icons please like/reblog if you use do not distribute as your own
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spideypparkers · 5 years
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I’m not obsessed with him, just really observant.
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spideypparkers · 5 years
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Tom Holland as Peter Parker in Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
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spideypparkers · 5 years
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MJ protecting Peter and his identity!
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spideypparkers · 5 years
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Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) dir. Jon Watts
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spideypparkers · 5 years
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#let him rest
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) || Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
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spideypparkers · 5 years
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Peter wearing the Dutch football kit 🧡
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spideypparkers · 5 years
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he’s a hero, and he doesn’t deserve this
–but we all know how this story ends
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spideypparkers · 5 years
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mcu meme ≡ [6/7] characters → tony stark
You can take away my house, all my tricks and toys. One thing you can’t take away… I am Iron Man.
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spideypparkers · 5 years
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#have you seen his biceps?
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spideypparkers · 5 years
spider-man: far from home was sooooo good 🥺
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spideypparkers · 5 years
Your writing is so good!!!
thank you!!!
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spideypparkers · 5 years
give us more of the pheromones drabble please we are all desperate
notes— enjoy! i know i haven’t posted in a looooong time, but i was really in the mood to write this tonight. also it’s in peter’s pov!
pairing— peter parker x reader
words— 867
rating— pg-13
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peter had to blink the fog away from his eyes so many times that day it was insane, even to him. ned noticed and had already asked if he was tired (“or something”) a hundred times and was now just giving him worrying looks.
he just felt so weird! he didn’t know what it was exactly but he knew it had to do with you. there you were, just sitting in your usual spot two tables ahead of him in class, and he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. he had to swallow every time your fingers ran through your hair, every time you bit your lip, every time you tapped your foot lightly against the floor.
what the hell was wrong with him? nothing was filling his head except you, and how much he wanted to just press every inch of you against his body and hold you there, bury his nose in your hair and dig his fingertips into your skin. the two of you weren’t even that close! sure, he thought you were pretty—really pretty, actually—and you were really smart and your laugh was like honey, but you didn’t really talk outside of a casual hello whenever your paths crossed.
“dude, you sure you’re good?” ned whispered to him right as the bell rang to signal the end of the period. “you’ve been staring at Y/N forever, dude, it’s like you got blasted with some major heart eyes.”
you were already packed up, swinging your backup over your shoulder and laughing with your friend as the two of you walked out. peter couldn’t stand it, couldn’t stand being so far away from you, to not be within a few feet of you—
“yeah, um—ned, i’ll see you later, i just forgot i’ve got something to do!”
ned called out, “peter, we have class—!” but he was already rushing out the door of the classroom and into the hallway.
for a frenzied song he didn’t know where you’d gone; he’d never really paid any attention to your class schedule outside of the classes you shared together and he knew you weren’t in his next class. but then it was like he caught a whiff of your scent, tugging at him from the left side of the hall and then he spotted you between the straggling students making their ways to their classes.
by the time he caught up to you, he could see you crouched by the bottom of your locker, picking a different textbook than the one you’d had for the previous class and shoving that one into its place. there weren’t many people left in the hallway, most already gone to class in the few minutes left. he really tried to hold it back as you softly shut your locker and started to turn around, but he couldn’t hold it back any longer.
he put his hands up and rested his palms on the cold lockers, startling you enough to make a small sound—which was the most adorable thing he’d ever heard—and you flinched back slightly until you were almost pressed against the lockers. peter had caged you between his arms, your wide eyes staring back at him as he bit the inside of his cheek and tried not to completely smother you.
“peter!” you exclaimed, breathless. “you scared me!”
“sorry, i didn’t mean to—to scare you,” he said, smiling sheepishly. with you so close, his mind was starting to get hazy. he couldn’t concentrate on forming any other words to reassure you, the scent of you driving him crazy.
“are you—are you okay?” you asked, but peter was already too far gone to pay any attention. “did you n—need anything? peter—!”
he stopped listening and leaned into you fully, burying his face into your hair the way he wanted to do since you’d first entered the classroom. it intoxicated him, your scent; it was strongest by your throat and his face automatically gravitated toward the crook of your neck, and he was breathing in heavily, white noise playing in his ears.
your palms were resting on his chest, but not pushing him away. you were pressed against the lockers, your just centimeters away from his, each heavy breath from the both of you making them brush against each other. peter’s hands moved away from the lockers and dragged over to your body, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you flush against his body. he parted his lips and felt you shudder in his arms when his breath caressed the skin of your throat—
“—mr parker! what do you think you’re doing, the both of you?”
the two of you sprung apart at the shrill voice of your teacher, who was making her way over quickly. peter stumbled on his feet for a second, the smell of you still wafting through his body and intoxicating him. he glanced over at you and saw you looking down, biting your lip harshly.
he didn’t hear a single word your teacher said, eyes focused completely on you while she reprimanded the two of you, and just waiting for another opportunity to get you as close as possible.
he wondered what your lips tasted like.
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spideypparkers · 6 years
hey!! do you have any other accounts!?
i do!! i’m not sure if i’m comfy giving the one i’m usually on out tho :((((
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spideypparkers · 6 years
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Return him
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spideypparkers · 6 years
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spideypparkers · 6 years
chris evans didn’t have to go that hard for six minutes and forty five seconds of screen time in infinity war but he did that for us
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