Spn-teenwolf-imagines36 Masterlist
Teen Wolf Imagines
Stiles Stilinski:
Do you miss him? 
No. Not without me. (Do you miss him? part two)
You kept it after all this time? (Do you miss him? part three)
You’ll be okay, you’ll be fine, but what about me. (Do you miss him? part four- final)
Protect you.
Where’s Stiles? Where’s my brother?
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Spn-teenwolf-imagines36 Masterlist
Teen Wolf Imagines
Stiles Stilinski:
Do you miss him? 
No. Not without me. (Do you miss him? part two)
You kept it after all this time? (Do you miss him? part three)
You’ll be okay, you’ll be fine, but what about me. (Do you miss him? part four- final)
Protect you.
Where’s Stiles? Where’s my brother?
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Where’s Stiles? Where’s my brother?!
Stiles x younger sister! reader
Hope you enjoy this new series!
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Green lightening etched across the sky, the familiar old blue jeep was parked in front of Beacon Hills High school, galloping of horses echoed around her as she watched her older brother be ripped away from the inside of the jeep and a scream ripped through her throat. 
The sound of her alarm clock tore her from her frightening realistic dream. She let out a groan and turned over in her bed and slammed her hand over her alarm, shutting it up. She turned back over into her pillows to catch a bit more shut eye before her brother, Stiles, busted open her door. “Y/n, come on we have to leave for school in fifteen.” He stated. Y/n grumbled a bit and pulled the blanket over her head. Stiles raised an eyebrow, a devious smirk upon his face as he charged up to her bed and ripped the blanket away from her bed. “Stiles!” she exclaimed, and he let out a laugh, “Fifteen, little sister!” he exclaimed as he walked out the bedroom and shut the door, giving her privacy to get ready. Y/n sat up in her bed, rubbed her eyes, and ran a hand through her messy hair. A sigh left her lips as she thought about her dream, a chill running down her spine, she wouldn’t know what to do without her brother.
Y/n changed out her pajamas of Nike shorts and a simple tank top and into high waisted shorts, a white flowy shirt, an Aztec patterned cardigan, and white converse. She brushed her hair out and did a quick French braid, glancing in the mirror and she was satisfied with her first day of junior year outfit. Picking up her coral Jansport backpack, she raced down the stairs and smiled at her brother and father. “Morning Dad.” She uttered as she placed her backpack on the island and placed a kiss on his cheek, distracting the eldest Stilinski from the morning paper. “Morning sweetheart.” He said, glancing at her and a small smile appeared on his face, “The older you’re getting the more you’re looking like your mother.” He stated as he sat up, and placed his empty mug in the sink, “I have to work late tonight, so it’s up to you both for dinner…it’s up to Y/n for dinner.” He corrected himself, and Stiles looked up from the bowl of cereal he was eating and made a face, “Dad I can cook.” “You can burn the house down.” Noah stated, which caused Y/n to let out a small giggle. Stiles mumbled something under his breath and the sheriff rolled his eyes, “Have a great day at school guys.” He said, pressing a kiss to Y/n temple, and ruffled Stiles’ hair, walking out the house.
Y/n glanced at her brother, humming as she grabbed a mug out the country styled cabinet and poured herself a cup of coffee. Turning around once done, she leaned against the counter and sipped at the caffeinated beverage. “What do you think you’re doing?” Stiles inquired, raising an eyebrow at his sister and she furrowed her brows at him, “Drinking coffee so I can survive the stupidity that I will encounter today.” She replied, and Stiles shook his head, “Man, you need your own friends, you hang out with me too much.” He jokingly mentioned, and she rolled her eyes in response. “Please, I come up with smart-witted comebacks on my own.” She said, smiling at him. Stiles let out a laugh and stood up, placing his bowl in the sink and standing in front of her with a smile on his face, as he took the mug out her hand in one swift motion and poured it out, placing the mug in the sink. “What the hell, Stiles?!” she exclaimed, staring at the empty cup and then back to him, “You don’t need that stuff, kills your brain cells, addictive, and gives you bad breath, which you already have.” He said with a smirk. Y/n glared at him but couldn’t help the smile that creeped on her face. “God Stiles, what would I do without you?” she asked sarcastically as she maneuvered around him and grabbed her backpack, “Crash and burn.” He stated as he grabbed his own backpack and his keys, a laugh escaping both their lips, “Come on, we will be late.” He insisted.
The old blue jeep pulled into a parking spot on the campus that once upon a time, held so much horror. Y/n hopped out the car and accidentally slammed the door, “Hey! Be careful with her, she’s fragile.” Stiles implied, and she rolled her eyes, “No, the car, is ancient.” She stated as she walked away. Stiles, stood there baffled at his sister’s comment, but shook his head as he ran to her, and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “Stiles, this is why I don’t have a boyfriend, please get off of me.” She grumbled, and he smirked, “That’s the point.” Y/n rolled her eyes and shimmied his arm off. Walking up to the doors, they both stood there quietly. “So, this is the last time we will be doing this…” she trailed off and he looked down at her, “Sentimental much?” he asked, and Y/n nodded her head, and looked towards him, “Of course I am, we’ve been doing this for four years, and now you’re a senior and will be gone next year. Without me.” She said, and his expression softened, “Y/n…” but she interrupted him, “Promise me a normal, limited supernatural year.” She grimly spoke and held out her pinkie. He glanced down at the digit and smiled, intertwining his pinkie with hers. “Promise.” “I really don’t know what I’d do without you.” She mumbled, and with that, they both pushed open the door and the sounds of students talking and lockers opening, and closing filled their ears. Y/n confidently took her first few steps into the building but was quickly pulled back as a lacrosse ball flew across the room in front of her. She gasped as Stiles patted her shoulder, “Like I said, crash and burn.” He smirked as he walked off towards his friends. Y/n smiled as he walked away towards his friends and she made her way towards the junior hall of lockers. She quickly found hers and put in the combination and opened it, putting her books in the locker and a picture of her and her brother on the door. It was her good luck charm, he was always there to cheer her on. She sighed and looked around the halls, noticing people, but not the people she socialized with. Luckily for her, the bell rang. She shut her locker and slung her backpack on her shoulder and began to walk to her first class, Art History.
Taking a seat in the middle of the glass, she glanced around the room as students filed in, to see if any of her friends were in the class. She tapped her foot nervously against the floor as suddenly her best friend, Liam came in the classroom. A small smile on her face appeared but quickly faded when she saw him hand in hand with his girlfriend, Hayden. In that moment, she really hated that Stiles dumped her coffee down the drain because this is the stupidity she was going to encounter. Liam looked over at her with a smile and let go of Hayden’s hand, and made his way over to the desk next her, “What’s up, sourpuss, turn that frown upside down.” He said, as he pulled at the corners of her mouth to create a smile. She playfully swatted his hand away, “Good morning Liam…Hayden.” She acknowledged, and he rolled his eyes, “Coffee?” he questioned, “Dumped down the drain.” She answered, and he made a face, patting her back. Hayden took the seat in front of Liam, but kept her hand on top of his, as she turned a bit to join the conversation, “Why did you dump your coffee down the drain?” “I didn’t, Stiles did.” She sighed, glancing at their hands, then back to their faces. “Did you super glue your hands together or something?” she questioned, a hint of sarcasm in her voice, but only people who knew her well enough could detect it. Hayden looked at her and pulled her hand away, turning around as the teacher walked in, beginning to hand out the syllabus. Liam glanced at his best friend and shook his head, “Can’t you be nicer?” “Can’t your girlfriend not be annoying.” She whispered argued back. He rolled his eyes and turned to face the teacher as he began to talk to explain the course outline. Y/n sat quietly in her seat, nibbling on her nails, tapping her foot on the ground as she listened to the clock tick. She noticed out of the corner of her eye something moving outside the first door window. She creased her eyebrows and leaned forward in her chair as she followed the silhouette, until she could make out the outlines of her brother and his best friend walking towards the exit. “You’ve got to be kidding me…” she whispered as she gathered the syllabus and the textbook that was previously handed out and threw them into her backpack. She stood up and put on her backpack quickly, “Ms. Stilinski, where do you think you’re going?” the teacher, Mr. Modlock asked, raised eyebrow. Y/n glanced around nervously, sputtering over her words, until she came up with the worse excuse ever. “Feminine issues.” She stated, and the teacher grimaced, and waved his hand for her to leave, and she nodded, racing out the room, almost knocking over a desk in her mad dash.
Walking out the classroom, she saw her brother and Scott being escorted back into the building by Ms. Martin, who giving them a stern talking to. She stood in the middle of the hallway, arms crossed over her chest and tapping a foot, shaking her head. “Y/n…” Ms. Martin trailed off and Y/n shook her head, “I’ve got this Ms. Martin.” She explained, and Ms. Martin had to hide a smirk as she walked off. That left, Y/n, Stiles, and Scott in the empty, quiet hallway alone. “Morning Scott.” She hissed, her eyes moving between the two of them, and Scott rubbed the back of his neck, “Morning Y/n, how is your first class—” He began, but she shook her head, “Shut it.” “Yeah, shutting it.” He affirmed, and glanced at Stiles, who shifted a bit uncomfortably under his younger sister’s stare. “Look I can explain…” he started, and she raised her eyebrows as if to tell him to continue, which he didn’t expect. He cleared his throat, “I think something is going on around here…something supernatural.” He explained, and Y/n motioned her hand as if to continue, and he shook his head, “There’s nothing else.” He uttered. Y/n pressed her finger into his chest, “You. Promised.” She accented each word to get her point across. He caught her painful jabs in his hand, and sighed, “Limited. I promised to limited supernatural.” He reminded, and she glared at him. She shook her head, “Stiles…you’ve been convinced that something has been going on and guess what there never is. Please, just go back to class, fawn over Lydia and be a normal senior.” She said, her tone almost begging. “I don’t want to have to worry about you this time.” She continued, and his expression softened. “You don’t have to worry, it’s my job to worry about you.” He said and wrapped her in a hug for a moment, then pulled away, placing his hands on her shoulders, “But just this once, and I’ll be back in time to pick you up, okay?” he reaffirmed, and Y/n bit her lip and nodded, she knew there was no stopping him. “Fine, just don’t do anything stupid.” She quaked, and hugged him once more, and he kissed her forehead, “Remember, I love you.” He stated and began to walk away. Y/n watched him, and his best friend leave the building and she couldn’t help but worry.
Y/n couldn’t bear to return to class, so she sat against the lockers and played games on her phone for maybe twenty minutes before the bell for next class rang and she stood up, and pulled out her schedule, and noticed English, and smiled. She loved English, Stiles even payed her to write some of his papers. She made her way to the second story of the building, and walked into English class, seeing none of her friends, but that was okay, this was a class she would pay attention in. She took a seat and listened at the teacher rambled on and on about the course and even assigned their first assignment. Once English ended, she made a quick escape to the library and found a seat at one of the tables, took out her laptop and just began to write for her English assignment. She was at peace, relaxed, her mind finally taken off her older brother during things that put himself in danger, but the peace didn’t last long, when she noticed Liam and Mason walk into the library making their way to sit with her. She shut her laptop and sat back in her chair, “Ditching or free period?” she asked, and Mason sheepishly smiled, “Free period.” And she nodded. Liam looked at her and sighed, a small smirk on his lips “So, feminine issues?” “More like Scott and Stiles issues.” She said with a smile and shook her head, “For once I would love for normalcy around here. For both of them to experience a normal school year.” She expressed, and they both nodded. “Would it help if I said they actually might have something?” Mason hesitantly asked, and she looked up, and pulled her braid over her shoulder, “What is it?” she asked. Mason looked at Liam, just to get permission to tell her, and nodded. “Scott called and there’s this kid, Alex I think, who said these men on horses came from a green lightening storm and shot his parents and they both disappeared, along with the men.” “Wait. Wait a minute…” she mumbled and opened her laptop back up, her face concentrated, “That sounds like something Kira told me about a while back…” she trailed off as she typed away on her laptop. She smiled and turned her computer around, “The ghost riders, also known as the wild hunt.” She informed. Liam and Mason read the article she had pulled up, and she sat back and watched them. Mason pulled his phone out and began to text Scott a link to the article and she raised an eyebrow, “Woah wait, aren’t we just going to go to them?” she asked, looking between the both of them, and Liam looked at her and shook his head, “Stiles said to keep you here until he comes to get you…” he trailed off, and she felt her blood boiling, “You’re joking right?” and he shook his head in reply. She scoffed and sat back, glancing around the room. She couldn’t believe it, well actually she could believe it. “Fine.” She mumbled as the bell rang and she shook her head and grabbed her things and got up, walking to her next class.
She walked to her next class alone and found a seat in the back and waited for Mr. Klein, the history teacher to enter. She sat quietly and fumbled on the phone as she waited, but quickly was torn away when Liam once again sat next to her. She rolled her eyes and tried to ignore him, but his staring was too much, and she turned to him, “What?” she hissed. He flinched slightly at her tone, “Don’t be mad at them.” “I’m not.” She uttered, and Liam rolled his eyes. “Yeah, okay. If this is what it really is, then this is the safest place, with us.” He explained, and she shrugged her shoulders and sighed, and went to reply but suddenly stopped when she saw a blond man walk in. “Hello everyone, welcome to World History I am Mr. Douglas.” “Where’s Mr. Klein?” a student asked, and the man straightened his tie, “Mr. Klein moved away last minute, and I will be taking over for him.” Mr. Douglas spoke. Mr. Douglas stared right at Y/n for a few moments before moving behind his desk and pulling out a piece of paper, “Shall we get on with attendance?”
The rest of the day went on as smoothly as possible, she couldn’t keep her mind off her brother and his stupid decisions. Finally, the bell rang for dismissal at 3:00pm, and she quickly made her way to the parking lot and stood on the sidewalk and looked for the familiar old blue jeep, but it wasn’t there. She raised an eyebrow and pulled out her phone, and tried calling Stiles, but it seemed the call kept dropping. She groaned and tucked her phone in her pocket and crossed her arms over her chest and waited for what seemed like forever. She watched as the parking lot went from full to almost empty and she was the only one there, sitting on the sidewalk. “Y/n?” she heard a familiar female voice, and she turned and saw the friendly red head. “Hey Lydia.” She mentioned but glanced back at the entrance waiting to spot the jeep. Lydia followed her gaze and sighed, “Waiting for someone? Need a ride home?” she asked, and Y/n shrugged her shoulders. “I’m waiting for Stiles, if that answers both your questions.” She said, but she came off harsher than she meant too. “Sorry, I’m just worried.” She mumbled, and Lydia nodded, and took a seat next to her on the sidewalk. “It’s okay, I get worried too.” She said, and Y/n glanced at her, “You do?” she asked, and Lydia smiled, “Of course I do, we’ve been through too much not to worry.” Y/n nodded in agreement but didn’t say anything. “Look, he always comes home, doesn’t he?” Lydia asked, and Y/n nodded, “Yeah…” she uttered, and Lydia smiled, “That’s right. So, don’t worry, he’ll come sooner than later. But for now, I know Mason and Hayden are watching the lacrosse team practice, so why don’t you go join them.” She suggested, and she glanced back at the entrance and sighed, getting up and walking away before turning a bit, “Thanks Lydia.” She mumbled, and Lydia smiled, “It’s no problem, I’m always here if you need me.” She reaffirmed, and Y/n nodded, walking off to the lacrosse field.
Y/n went to the lacrosse field but felt herself just going in the motions as she sat on the bleachers with Mason and Hayden, but she blocked them out. It was weird sitting there and not seeing her brother on the field with his best friend, kind of sucking at it, but she knew she would be sitting on the sidewalk still if Lydia didn’t come talk to her. Minutes turned into hours, and suddenly practice was ending and the sun almost down all the way, the moons shadow casting some light on the field. She felt a tap on her shoulder, and she looked up seeing Hayden “Come on, we’re going to meet Liam at the locker rooms.” She said, and Y/n nodded, getting up and following the two.
She glanced at her phone as they walked back into the building to see if Stiles texted her, and he didn’t. She felt nervous, sick almost as she stopped outside the locker room. She watched as Liam walked out and glanced at him, “Stiles hasn’t called or texted, has Scott?” she asked, and Liam nodded tilted his head. “Who?” he questioned, and Y/n let out a small dry chuckle, “Okay, stop pulling my leg, have you heard from Scott or Stiles?” she asked again, and he nodded a bit, “Scott, yeah, but who’s Stiles?” She felt the smile fade off her face, but before she replied Hayden looked at her up and down and shook her head, “Are you feeling okay Y/n?” she asked, and Y/n took a few steps back and nodded, “Yeah…Yeah no I’m not.” She stated, shaking her head, “I’m going to find Stiles.” She stated. She turned around and went to walk away when out of the corner of her eye she saw a thick string of green lightening, and her heart fell into her stomach. “Oh god…” she trailed off pulling out her phone and turning back towards the group, panic evident on her face. “Y/n, what’s wrong?” Liam asked, breaking away from Hayden and taking a few steps towards her and she took a step back and shook her head, “I haven’t seen or heard from Stiles since this morning. Call Scott, somebody call Scott and my dad!” she exclaimed, absently taking her hair out the braid and running a hand through her hair. Mason quickly got on the phone and did what she asked, as Liam lead her to a stairway and made her sit down and Hayden lingered to the side, watching the scene unfold. Mason got off the phone and ran to them, “They are already on their way here, someone found a dead body.” He shared, and Y/n looked at him, “Who?” Mason was quiet, and looked confused, “Mason, who was the dead body?!” she demanded, and he jumped, “A janitor.” He informed, and she sat back and ran a hand through her hair.
Mason and Hayden had left to go examine the body and Liam stayed with Y/n, an arm wrapped around her shoulder protectively as he watched as Scott ran up and looked at the two. Y/n shot up and quickly asked, “Where’s Stiles?” Scott looked at her confused and she shook her head as tears flooded her eyes, “Scott, my brother Stiles, where is he?” she brokenly asked again. Instead of waiting for a reply she took off, following the sounds of thunder from the outside. She stopped for a moment when the lights flickered, and she was alone in the hallway, the thunder turned into distant galloping of horses. She took off towards the sound, stumbling over her own two feet as she made her way outside. “Stiles?!” she called out, the wind picking up. She noticed the jeep, and a sigh of relief left her lips, but as soon as she made her way towards it, she was frozen in place as she watched five ghost riders circle the jeep. “Stiles?” she whispered, tears leaking down her cheeks. She watched as one of them raised then guns and aimed it at him and he was ripped from the inside of the old blue jeep and a scream ripped through her throat. She felt a sharp pain in her head as she dropped to the ground, screaming in pain, as she shut her eyes and fell unconscious.
When she opened her eyes, it was day light again and the pain had numbed over. Had she been there all night? She got up and the jeep was gone, but people were there on campus walking into the building. She looked around before walking into the building and finding Scott and Lydia talking. She took slow steps, as they looked at her Scott with a smile on his face, “Hey, what happened? You’re wearing the same thing as yesterday.” He pointed out and she looked down at her outfit and then back to him. “Where’s Stiles?” she asked, looking at both of them watching them grow confused. “Where’s my brother?”
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Spn-teenwolf-imagines36 Masterlist
Teen Wolf Imagines
Stiles Stilinski:
Do you miss him? 
No. Not without me. (Do you miss him? part two)
You kept it after all this time? (Do you miss him? part three)
You’ll be okay, you’ll be fine, but what about me. (Do you miss him? part four- final)
Protect you.
Where’s Stiles? Where’s my brother?
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Hey everyone! Glad you enjoyed my latest imagine, I know it was shorter than the rest but the feedback has been amazing. So, I want to start a new series, it is another Stiles x little sister one, but I've had this idea since last summer and just getting the idea all together. It's going to revolve around season 6a, but the younger sister, remembers Stiles and She is sent to Eichen House. I don't want to give to much away, but if y'all want me to write it, let me know! I want to hear feedback on the idea. Thanks everyone!
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 Stiles x Little sister! reader
Request: Hey! I love your writing! I was wondering if you could another stiles x sister imagine? Maybe where you’re upset about your mom or something or have a really bad nightmare and wake up screaming and he comforts you? @hunterbunter123
Thank you for the request! I took inspiration from both your ideas.
Dream in Italics.
          Fog surrounded your feet as you walked through the graveyard, the familiar black dress with ruffles on the sleeves tightly hugged your cold frame. Chills ran down your spine as your feet dragged on and on towards somewhere you haven’t visited in years, Your mothers grave. You couldn’t stop yourself as much as you wanted to, you felt as if you tried, the earth would fall from beneath you. The outfit you wore was the same one you sported at her funeral. It was like the sound of waves and you looked up and there you were, standing in the sunlight holding your brothers hand as a preacher read a verse of the bible to the crowd. “Here lies Claudia Stilinski, loving mother to Stiles and y/n and wife to Noah Stilinski, may she rest in peace.” He declared, as the casket was slowly lowered into the ground. “Mom?” you whispered.
         Suddenly, there you were at her grave alone, and everything was dark. It was quiet, to quiet for your liking. You rubbed your arms with your hands to warm up, glancing around and in the distance towards the woods, you saw a shadow figure racing, if you would’ve looked a second later you would’ve missed It. “Stiles?” you called out, your arms dropping to your sides as you took a few steps away from the grave and looked towards the woods again, and the figure was much larger, staring at you. Your eyes widened as you went to take of running, but a hand wrapped around your ankle, dragging you to the ground. You let out a scream as you were being tugged towards the newly opening hole where your mothers grave should be.
         Stiles was comfortably asleep in his bed, when he was awaken by faint cries of help coming from your room. He slowly sat up and glanced at his clock, seeing it was 3:33 am and he groaned turning over and tried falling to sleep, until your cries turned into screams of terror. He shot up and raced out of his room, and into your room. He swung open the door and looked at your failing body, hands clawing at the blanket as if you was trying to pull yourself somewhere. Stiles ran to your side, and pulled your hands into his so you wouldn’t hurt herself. “Y/n, Wake up!” he exclaimed, instantly your eyes shot open, and you let out another scream, and he pulled you into his arms as you cried and screamed.
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Happy Birthday, Tyler Posey (October 18th, 1991)
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My biggest question for 6x20...
If Scott's biggest fear was failing everyone, especially Alison... Why👏 wasn't 👏 Alison 👏 Argent 👏 brought 👏 back 👏
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Hey! I really love your writing! I was wondering if you could do another stiles x sister imagine? Maybe where your upset about your mom or something or have a really bad nightmare and wake up screaming and he comforts you? Thanks so much and have a great day!:)
Yeah, totally! I'll get working on it! ❤️😊😊
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Protect you.
Stiles Little sister! reader x pack
I know I just did a Stiles sister imagine, but I got this idea as I was falling asleep and I had to write it. Hope you enjoy!
please request!!
italics are flash backs
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You knew it was to late too call him, you had begged and begged Scott, Lydia, and Malia to let you call your older brother for help, but now it seemed no mater if you called him or not, you were all going to die. Scott had made it a point to everyone to keep you out of the loop to stop you from calling Stiles, but once you arrived to Scotts house with a cut on the back of your hand with raised eyebrow, they knew they couldn’t hide it anymore.
The pack huddled around the table of the McCall house, discussing plans, but there was an elephant in the room, y/n. “You know if she finds out, she is going to tell Stiles.” Malia pointed out and Scott sighed, looking down at the table and nodding “Which is why we aren’t telling her. Not only will she tell Stiles, she could become a target.” “But Gerard only wants to kill supernatural beings.” Liam spoke. Lydia nodded her head, “Yeah but, Gerard knows how to use weaknesses against us, and she is a weakness for almost all of us. He used Allison to get what he wanted from Scott, he knows y/n is like a sister to Scott and one of your best friends along with the rest of us, so he knows we will do anything for her, including sacrifice ourselves for her.” “Yeah, but she’s human, she’s innocent, he wouldn't--” Mason began, but Scott interrupted “You don’t know Gerard like we do.” he stated, looking up at his friends and stood up straight, rubbing his hands together, “The plan is to keep as much of this under wraps from her. Mason, Liam, and Corey you watch her at school, I don’t want her talking to Nolan or Gabe, they will back her into a corner which you won’t be able to get her out of. She does not find out anything, day goes on as usual, got it?” Scott stated, and the three boys nodded.
The plan was underway, and for a day or two it was fine. Sure Liam and Corey got some stares, but it wasn’t to noticeable, and when you’d ask, Liam would quickly mock it up to lacrosse. In Biology, Mason noticed some other students with cuts on their hands, and he bumped Corey’s shoulder. “What do you think that is from?” he asked his boyfriend and Corey shrugged, “Not sure, ask.” he mumbled as he scribbled notes in his notebook. “Psst!” Mason directed towards another student, “What happed to everyone’s hand?” the student looked at him and smirked slightly, “Nolan, Gabe, and Aaron are testing how fast people are healing in the library to see if they are like Dunbar.” he said, and turned his attention back to the board. Mason instantly turned cold, and turned towards his boyfriend, who wore a similar expression, obviously hearing. Looking at his best friend who sat in front of him, and watched as he clenched his fist and breathed heavily in anger.
Once the bell rang, the three wrangled outside the classroom as students began to fill the hall. “Okay, y/n was in history she has free period now and I know for a fact she has a history paper due and she wanted to work on it, so she would go to the library to do that, right?”  Mason asked and Liam nodded, his anger evident upon his face. “You guys head towards her locker, I’m going to go to the library to see if I can catch her before they do.” Liam said, and the three nodded heading in their separate directions. Liam raced his way through the school as fast as he could, skidding around people, tripping on his own two feet just to get to you. Of course a few teachers yelled at him for running, so he stopped for a few paces, waited till he was out of sight and took off running again. Finally spotting your backpack right outside the entrance, reaching to open the door, skidding as fast as he could, his body slammed the door closed.
“H-Hey y/n, whatcha doing?” he asked, huffing and puffing, groaning in pain from the door. “Hey...” you trailed off. Confused, you cocked a small smile, but remained confused, “I need a few more resources for my paper, going to check out some books.” “Why don’t we ditch and go to the public library instead?” he said, smiling at you, but you tilted your head, growing more and more confused “Excuse me what?” you mumbled, shaking your head and sighing, placing your hand back on the handle and Liam instantly placed his over yours, “You can’t go in there.” he said, and you stared at him, and glared, “Liam--” “No listen to me, you can’t go in there.” “Why not?” you asked quickly growing annoyed. Liam couldn't come up with a reason, and you stared at him for a moment before humming in response and swinging the door open.
“Y/n, no!” he exclaimed, but it was to late. Aaron and Nolan took hold of Liam, pinning him against the wall, as Gabe grabbed your hand. You let out a shriek in surprise, and tried pulling away, “Sorry sweetheart, gotta make sure you’re not one of them. This might hurt a little.” Gabe said as he took the knife and sliced the top of your hand. You gasped and instantly punched him in the face. He backed away holding his nose, “What the hell?!” he growled. “Don’t call me sweetheart ever again you sociopath!” You exclaimed, and you watched as Nolan and Aaron let go of Liam, and he scrambled to follow you out. Once you were out and the door was closed, you groaned in pain, looking at both your hands, one covered with blood the other one starting to bruise from the force of the punch. Liam ripped a piece of his shirt and began to wrap your hand, “That was pretty badass...” he said with a small smirk, but once he noticed your confused, and somewhat fearful expression, he placed two fingers under your chin to make you look at him. “Hey...” he tried to say gently, but you interrupted  “What the hell is going on here?!” you yelled, ripping your hand away, staring at him. “I want an explanation! And than you, I know it was badass, but I want to know what the hell is going on in this town!” you yelled, and Liam flinched and nodded, “To keep it short and simple, they were testing to see how fast you healed because they are hunters...Hunters trained by Gerard.”  Once you heard his name your expression turned cold, “Bring me to Scott.”
You arrived at Scotts house, anger written on your face. Once Liam parked the car you quickly jumped out and raced inside the house. Whipping your head side to side, you noticed Lydia, Scott, and Malia all crowed behind the kitchen island. Scott looked up at the sound of the door opening and a smile stretched across his face, “Hey--” “Don’t you hey me! Have you lost your damn mind?!” You yelled and his face softened. Liam followed in, his hands stuffed in his pockets  as he looked down ashamed. “What happened?” Scott asked and Liam sighed, “Nolan and Gabe were testing people in the library, I tried to stop her, but she’s more like Stiles than I thought.” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. Scott bit his lip and sighed turning his attention back to you, “We were going to tell you I swear, but we had to figure everything out first.” He said, and you glared up at him, tense air filling the room. “Liar.” you claimed, and his eyes widened, “What?” “Your eyebrow twitches when you lie Scott, you've been friends with Stiles since you were four, I know you well enough to know your quirks.” You said, and he went to protest, but Malia stood up.
“You’re right, he is lying.” She said, walking over to the two of you, and you looked at Scott than back at Malia, you could see him begging her not to tell you, but she didn't listen. “We didn’t tell you because we didn’t want you to call Stiles and tell him.” she said and your eyes widened as you turned your attention to Scott again, “You didn’t call Stiles?!” you yelled and he jumped slightly. You let out a sarcastic laugh and pointed at him, “You, you Scott McCall, are out of your damn mind if you think you can do this alone.” You said as you took a few steps away and pulled your phone out your pocket. “What are you doing?” Scott asked, “What does it look like? I’m using my brain unlike you and calling Stiles.” you claimed, and Scott ripped the phone away before you had the chance, “No. we have everything under control.” he said and you raised your cut hand, “Doesn’t look like it Scotty boy!” you exclaimed, and he took both your hands and examined them, “ Why is one bruised?” he asked and you looked away, mumbling, “It’s fine” under your breath. Scott sighed, and turned to Liam, “She punched Gabe when he cut her hand.” Liam admitted, and you glared at him as Scott turned his attention back to you, dropping your hands “You punched him?!” he exclaimed and you nodded. Scott sighed and sat on the couch. “Okay, listen, Malia and I are going out tomorrow to figure somethings out, you are going to stay with Lydia.” he said and you groaned, but Lydia smirked, coming up and hugging you sideways, “Oh come on it will be fun! We can go to the movies, mani,  pedis all that good stuff.” you looked at her, and though her smile did warm your heart a bit, you were still angry at Scott for not telling you or Stiles. “Fine but the minute everything goes south, I’m calling Stiles.” you stated and Scott nodded slightly handing your phone back.
You spent the night at Scotts house, he felt a little weary about you being at home by yourself since you punched Gabe. The next morning you woke up and heard Lydia calling for Scott, but he was already gone. You raced down the stairs after getting dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, converse, and one of Stiles’ flannels tied around your waist. “Lydia, are you read-- Woah, sour wolf here.”  You said, noticing Peters presence, a slight smirk on your face. “Every time I see you, miniature Stiles, I think there’s no way you could be more agitating than your brother, but I’m always proven wrong.” He said with a sarcastic smile and you returned the expression. “As I was saying, Lydia are you ready to go?” you asked and she sighed, “Something came up, y/n...” She trailed off, and you nodded, a smile plastered on your face, “It’s okay, go on, I’ll stay here.” “Are you sure?” she asked, and you nodded, “Yeah, it may be better that way.” you said and she smiled, “Okay don’t hesitate to call if you need anything.” and you nodded in agreement, watching her and Peter walk out the house. Once you heard the car engine roar away, you ripped out your phone, pulled up your contact list, and your thumb hovered over Stiles’ contact. ‘Once everything goes south, I’m calling...Scott agreed’ you thought to yourself, and you bit your lip as you pressed his name and placed the phone to your ear. “Hey this is Stiles Stilinski, you have reached my voicemail, leave your name and I’ll call you back when it’s most convenient for me.” You heard and you shut your eyes and groaned, leaving a message, “Hey Stiles...I need you to call me back as soon as you can, something is happening...something bad and I don't have time to explain on voicemail so please call me.” you spoke and hung up.
You held your phone close to your chest as you took deep breaths and paced around the foyer of Scotts house, but a sudden sound caught your attention. A car door slamming close. “She’s in there.” you heard a voice that sounded familiar, it made your blood run cold. Gabe. You backed away from the door slowly, as you quietly grabbed your bag and phone, racing up the staircase as fast as you could before he busted up in the house and did something. You made your way into Scott’s room and shut the door behind you, locking it as you backed against his bed. First, you called Scott...he didn’t answer, then you tried Lydia, she didn't answer either...You tried Malia, sent to voicemail. Cursing to yourself, you glanced around the room, trying to find a place to hide, but no where was good enough. You glanced at the window...this could possibly be your worst idea ever, but it was your only option to escape whatever was coming for you. You opened the window as quietly as possible and threw your bag down and watched it land on the ground a story below you. You stared at the ground for a moment, shutting your eyes tightly as you swung your legs over the edge and sat there. Breathing deeply, you were trying to brace yourself for the pain you would feel if you landed the wrong way, but now wasn't the time to second guess yourself because, as you were about to just hide in the closet, the doorknob began to jiggle. You glanced back down at the ground, took a deep breath, shut your eyes and jumped, but you never felt the hard impact of the ground. Instead, you felt strong arms catch you.
Opening your eyes, you glanced up at who had caught you, and behold it was Peter Hale. He smirked down at you as he placed you on your feet, whispering, “I still have a heart you know.” You nodded your head and grabbed your bag as he grabbed your hand, running with you to the car, pushing you in the backseat, then hopping into the front and driving off before being noticed and caught. You sat back and let out the breath you had been holding for so long. “What just happened?” you asked, “You seemed to have pissed off the wrong person.” Peter said. “How did you know they were coming?” you inquired and Lydia sighed, “A feeling...” she mumbled, and you looked up at her, fear racing in your mind. “A feeling that someone was going to die?” you asked and she nodded, looking down, but then turning to face you, “But hey, it might’ve not had been you, so everything’s okay.” she said, a fake smile peering upon her face.
The day dragged on and on, and the moon was peering out from the clouds, you remained silent in the back seat while Lydia and Peter tried to figure out where Scott and Malia were. Pulling up to a shipping unit, the two elders unbuckled and demanded you stay in the car until they got back. You listened, and stayed in your seat. What Lydia had told you shook you to the core. She felt someone was going to die in the house...you against hunters...it had to be you, and you couldn’t shake the feeling that it wasn't over. You pulled out your phone to see if Stiles called you back...he didn't. You sighed and slumped in your seat, drumming on your knees with your thumbs until something in the corner of your eye caught your attention. Two or three black SUVs pulled up and you knew what was about to happen. “Son of a bitch...” you whispered, as you jumped out the car and made your way towards the pack and watched as they all frantically argued with each other. “Guys!” you exclaimed, running towards them, “Hunters, they’re here!” you yelled and before you even had a chance to catch your breath gunshots rang out in the parking lot.
You all watched as Deucalion dropped to the ground with probably over twenty bullets in his chest. “Run!” Scott yelled, and you felt a pair of arms wrap around you and pull you behind a trash can. You stayed as still as possible hearing the bullets bouncing off the metal trash can, not wanting to risk getting injured. You glanced around watching everyone take cover, looking at Scott something came out from behind him. The familiar blue jeep rolled up, and you gasped as you saw your brother. “Stiles!” You exclaimed as you pushed yourself to your feet, and with a leap of faith started running towards the jeep, but you suddenly stopped feeling a sharp pain in your abdomen. “No!” you heard someone scream as you fell to your knees, clutching your stomach. The gunfire had stopped and all the hunters were crowding into their cars and sped away.
Stiles jumped out the jeep, and ran to you, tears streaming down his face as he knelt down in front of you to hold you up, holding his hand to your wound. “Hey, hey, hey...y/n, hey, you’re going to be okay.” he whispered, untying the flannel from around your waist and placing over the gunshot wound that was spewing blood. A small weak smile appeared upon your lips, “You came...” “Of course I came, you think you were going to do this without me.” he said, taking in your form, trying to hold you up on your knees, but all you wanted to do was lay down. “Stiles...” you whispered weakly your voice cracking as tears began to stream down your face. Stiles shook his head, “ No, you’re okay...nothing a little stitch can’t fix up.” he said to you, holding your face in a firm grasp to keep you looking at him, “Y/n, you’re going to be okay.” he said, his voice shaking. Your knees began to shake as you grew weaker and you slumped forward into his chest. “Easy, easy...” he mumbled as he laid you down in his lap, pushing your hair out your face. Blood started to form on your lips as you took in sharp, deep, wheezing breaths, “Stiles, I feel so cold...” you whispered, and he looked down at you, shaking his head, “Scott go get a jacket from my car.” he said, and Lydia stepped up, knelt down and looked at her boyfriend, “Not that kind of cold Stiles...” She said, taking his free hand and placing it in your hand and he gasped, a sob escaping his lips. “No, you’re not going to die! I promised mom I would protect you. I am not letting you die!” he said, shaking his head, holding you tightly. “Stiles you did protect me...” you whispered, groaning in pain as you squeezed his hand tightly, “I punched one of the hunters...” you said and he laughed softly, looking down at you, “Why did you do that?” “Because I have an awesome big brother who showed me how to protect myself.” you said, and smiled up at him. Stiles let a few more tears escape his eyes, and he held you tighter as he knew you were nearing death. “Tell dad I love him...” you mumbled and Stiles nodded. Your breathing began to speed up as you looked up at him, and nodding slightly with a weak smile, as your grip on his hand began to loosen, your eyes began to close, but you were trying to hold on as long as possible. Stiles sucked in a deep breath, “It’s okay, it’s okay...” he whispered kissing the top of your forehead, as he watched you take your final breaths, “I’m proud of us..” you were able to whisper as you finally let your body go, turning ice cold and your breathing completely stopping.
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You’ll be okay, You’ll be fine, but what about me.
Part Four to do you miss him.-- Final Part
Stiles x Stiles younger sister! reader x Isaac.
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You stared at him. You just stared at him with disbelief. Isaac looked up at you, his signature smirk striking you. “Are you going to say something, or..” He said, and you snapped back to reality. “W-What?” you said, your voice cracking. “I said--” He started to say again, until he took in your expression and stopped himself, looking down, his smirk fading.  “How did you?” You asked, your voice quiet and small. “Through the window...” he said “Like you used too...” You felt a smile try to creep onto your face, but you wouldn’t allow it. Stiles scoffed, shaking his head, “Okay and your werewolf ass can go straight back out of it, into the car and back to France.” He said, placing a hand on your shoulder to pull you behind him, “Stiles...” you whispered, shaking his hand off, but Stiles shook his head, “Y/n, no. I’m not letting him do this to you, not again. I’m not going to stand by and let him smooth talk his way back into your life, when he ruined it the first time. He wasn’t there to pick up the pieces, I was, not him! There’s no way in hell, I can’t, no... I won’t watch you destroy--” “Stiles stop!” you exclaimed, looking at your older brother, tears threating to spill, “Please...” you whispered.
You turned your attention back to Isaac, taking in each feature of his face, for the first time in a long time. Clearing your throat, you shook your head to try to handle your emotions, finally speaking. “To answer your first question. Yeah, I did keep it after all this time.” You said, watching the small smile creep upon his face. “I was hoping you did. Thought you would’ve burned it or something.” “She should have.” “Stiles!” Scott said, pulling his best friend back towards the door frame, understanding he needed to stay close anyway. After a brief moment of silence, you spoke, “It was all I had left, it still smelt like you.” You said, your voice growing quiet, as his head snapped up towards you.
“Why are you here, Isaac?” you asked, and he sighed “I’m here for you...” he claimed and you bit your lip, “You left me...” “Y/n, I had to leave to protect you.” “Bullshit, you left because of Alison.” You stated, your voice cold. Isaac gulped, you could see the tears in his eyes, but you wouldn’t let him crumble into your arms again. Not again. “I never told you that.” he said and you rolled your eyes, “You didn't have to.” Silence fell among the two of you again, all that was heard was the sound of how heavy you were breathing. “If you would’ve been honest in the first place and not so vague, maybe, just maybe this would be different.” You said and he sighed, crumpling up the shirt and placing it back in your drawer. “Alison died, Y/n, I was sad--” “And I wasn’t? You weren’t the only one grieving Isaac.” you snapped at him and his eyes suddenly glowed yellow, then quickly shifted back.
You stared at him for a moment, “You’re angry?” you asked, and he nodded, his fist curling at his sides, and in that moment it triggered you. He had no right to be angry. You did. “I didn’t say I was the only one grieving.” He said, slight growl in his voice, and your eyes widened, “Doesn’t give you the right to get up and leave, Isaac! Scott was grieving and did he up and leave?!” you shouted, and Isaac looked at you. “I get you’re hurt--” he began to say, but a broken sob escaped past your lips. You shook your head, rubbing your face with your hands “No, I’m not hurt. I’m heart broken, there’s a difference Lahey.”
“Y/n...” he trailed off, beginning to walk to you, but stopped once you took a step back, hurt flashing in his eyes. Noticing, you shook your head, “No. You have no right to be hurt, Isaac.” you said, tears clouding your vision, threating to spill. “Just let me hold you, like we used to.” He said, taking another step forward, but you repeated your actions, stepping back. “You lost that right when you left me here.” you growled, but your voice broke and another cry tore through your throat. “You didn’t hurt me Isaac, you broke my heart! You came in here and said you were leaving and that was it!” You exclaimed, breathing heavily.
“You...you came into my life and changed it. You came into my life and made me aware, made me into a person I never thought I would be. Before you, I was Stiles’ little sister, but then I met you and you showed me I was so much more than that. You showed me what it was like to be in love and what it was like to be loved, and yet you still came in on that cold, cloudy day and you walked into my room and ripped my heart out with your bare hands and broke it in half. You held my hand as you told me you were leaving and for hours I could feel your touch lingering, and once it was gone I didn’t have anything left. You left me here broken and alone and you’re about to do it again when you leave here tonight. And you know what, you’ll be okay, you’ll be fine, but what about me?!”
You took a deep breath as you finished off your ramble, tears streaming down your face, your chest rising at a slow pace and you took deep shallow breaths to stay calm, but you were past calm. You let your cries echo in the room, as all your words cut him like a knife. “I hate you.” you said, and he looked up at you and shook his head, “No...No, you don’t.” he whispered, “I should. I should hate you. But I can’t because I love you Isaac. I still love you. And  I shouldn’t because you broke my heart...and I still can’t hate you.” You said, you voice returning to its quiet broken voice, the one that broke your brothers heart to hear. Isaac slowly approached you once more, instead of backing up, you turned your head “I think you should go.” you whispered. He looked down at you, tears falling from his eyes as well, but he nodded, giving you a small peck on the cheek, walking towards the door, “Hey Isaac...” you said, turning around to face him, and his head snapped towards you, a slight glimpse of hope in his eyes. You took a deep breath and shook your head, “Don’t come back.” you whispered, and he looked down and nodded slightly, disappearing from your door, down the stairs and out the door.
You jumped as you heard the door slam, the car engine start, and the sound of tires riding along the road. The house was silent, Stiles and Scott stared at you from the doorway. Stiles slowly started to make his way towards you, “Y/n...” he trailed off, and you looked up at him, your breathing began to quicken, tears flooding down your eyes as whimpers escaped your lips, and your knees began to buckle. Before you could even had the chance to fall, Stiles raced to you, holding you up in his arms as you broke down into full on sobs. “Scott follow him. make sure he doesn't come back.” he exclaimed to his best friend, and almost as fast as lightening, he was gone too. Stiles help you in his arms, swaying side to side, “Shh...It’s okay I got you...” he whispered into your ear, pressing a kiss to your temple, rubbing your back, “I got you, I got you.” he whispered into your ear, holding you as tight as possible, letting you cry and scream into his shirt. “It’s okay, you’ll be okay...” He whispered, placing another kiss to your temple, and holding in his protective embrace.
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You kept it after all this time?
Part three to ‘do you miss him?’ Stiles x younger sister! reader
Request for part four!
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“No.” he said, shaking his head. You went to speak, but he stopped you, “Not without me.”
Clutching the printed list in your hand, you were deadly silent. How could he be back in Beacon Hills after that night...after he left you in your room to break, and now you were going after him, to save his life. Stiles glanced at you from the drivers seat, “Hey,” he mumbled, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder, “We will find him, alright? Let’s just go pick up Scott so he can help, hopefully he still has a little bit of his scent...and if he’s not dead.” he stated, mumbling the last part, but you heard him. You heard him loud and clear.
Driving up to Scotts house, Stiles jumped out and you followed, almost racing to get inside the house. “Scott?!” you exclaimed up the staircase, seeing his disheveled hair, as he groggily walked to the top. “Y/n? What’s...What’s wrong?” he mumbled, until he saw Stiles follow in behind you, his hands in his pockets. “What happened?” Scott asked, and Stiles bit his lip, “Lydia cracked the third code...” he claimed, and reached for your hand to take the list out of your hand,, but you had a death grip on it, the only proof that he was here. Stiles raised an eyebrow, and softly unleashed your fingers from the paper. You barely noticed, you stayed quiet, your breathing heavy as Scott came down the stairs stopping at the two of you. “Well?” he asked, ripping the paper out of Stiles’ hand, the sound of the paper being ripped on accident grasped your attention. You let out a breath, and started at the paper, Scott cocked an eyebrow, looking at you, then to Stiles. Stiles sighed heavily, “Isaac’s on the list.” Stiles said, watching your reaction, seeing you shudder slightly.
Scott’s expression went straight to confused. “But the list only contains supernatural beings living in Beacon Hills.” Scott said and Stiles nodded his head, “Which means Isaac is back.” Scott finished before looking at you. Stiles grabbed your hand rubbing your knuckles to keep you calm. “We need your help to find him.” Stiles said, and Scott shook his head, “I...I don’t...” He tried to say, rubbing the back of his neck, and you shook your head, “No...No Scott you have to help...you have to help me.” you said, your voice turning into a whisper as tears clouded your vision. Scott sighed and, looked down biting his lip, then back at the two of you, “I don’t have his scent anymore.” he said, his voice gentle. He was afraid that his words would hurt you in some kind of way. The room fell silent, as the two boys stared at each other, you shut your eyes and breathed in deeply. “Bring me home.” you uttered and Stiles looked at you, taking in your pained expression, he nodded. “I’ll come with, if that’s okay.” Scott said and Stiles nodded.
You climbed into the back seat as Stiles and Scott climbed into the front and Stiles drove off, the car engulfed in silence. The drive wasn't long, once he pulled into the driveway, and they both got out, you followed with your hands stuffed in your pockets as you raced into the house as fast as you could, wanting to be alone. Stiles and Scott stayed outside for a few moments, taking in the night air. “I don't know what to do, man.” Stiles spoke as he watched you disappear into the house, and Scott sighed, “I don’t either, I don’t get why he’s back or--” he began to stay but froze in place, noticing a familiar car parked in front of the house. “Stiles, did your dad get a new car?” Scott asked, cocking an eyebrow. Stiles followed his gaze and shook his head, “No...” he trailed off, before glancing back at his best friend, his eyes widening slowly. “Oh god.” he muttered, before both boys took off into the house.
“Y/n?!” Stiles yelled as he busted through the front door and up the stairs, freezing as he stopped at your door frame, seeing his younger sister frozen in place, a tall young man standing at her dresser, holding something in his hand, the number fourteen slightly visible in the moonlight peaking through the blinds. Stiles slowly began to walk into your room, stopping behind you as the man looked up, yellow eyes glowing for a moment, before he cleared his throat, looking back at you, “You kept it after all this time?”
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Hey guys! So I have been brain storming stuff about part three, but I can't decide if I want that to be the end or if I should do a part four. Let me know in the comments below!
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Listen, I understand why Dylan is a “special guest star” but how are you going to take him out of the credits when him and posey ARE teen wolf. This show would not be the same with out him or stiles. I’m like actually upset over this.
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How the FUCK is Dylan O'Brien a "special guest star"?!?
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Mr. Stilinski looking FINE in 6B
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No. Not without me.
Part two to ‘Do you miss him?’
flash backs in italics
Stiles x Younger sister! reader
  Finally, everything seemed to be falling into place. You were beginning to talk to your dad and Stiles more, getting out your room, trying hard to get your grades up, year and you were a sophomore. For once in almost a year, things were going good. But it wasn’t long before shit hit the fan once more.
The Deadpool.
You were sitting in your room at your desk when Stiles barged in. “Have you not heard of privacy?” you asked as your twirled around in your desk chair to face him with a smile, Stiles chuckled, sitting on the edge of your bed, drumming his thumbs on his thighs. “What are you doing?” he asked, peering at your laptop, “Oh nothing, just studying for coaches test on Monday.” you said, turning back around to face your laptop, scrolling through the notes on your document. Stiles groaned, getting up and shutting your laptop, “Stiles!” you exclaimed.
He smirked and shook his head “It’s Friday, come on Scott, Lydia, Kira, Malia and I are having a party at Lydia’s lake house. Just the seven of us.” he said, and you looked up at him, raising an eyebrow, “Seven? Six is all of us, including me” he leaned down and got uncomfortably close to your ear, “Seven, including that boy Liam, that I know you’ve been crushing on…” he said with a smirk. You hummed to yourself and slowly pushed your chair back to glance at him, “You mean the boy you and Scott tied up in his bathroom?” you copied his smug smirk and he rolled his eyes, “You coming or not?” he asked, and you nodded humming to yourself, grabbing your bag and following him to his jeep. The seven of you turned into what seemed like more than hundred when the whole entire freshmen class showed up. “Stiles, you told me a small get together!” You exclaimed with your arms crossed over your chest. “Listen y/n, I need to go help Malia, Scott and Kira are with Liam. Go hang out and get to know people, you deserve it, and hey, have a drink even. I won’ t tell dad.” he told you, his voice growing louder as the volume of the speakers did as well. You huffed as the both of you parted ways. Quickly, you found Lydia and instantly stayed by her side.
Little did you know that hanging with Lydia for the rest of the night would possibly be your biggest mistake. You were there when she discovered that sound proof room. You were there when she unlocked the first code to get the first part of the list. And you were not leaving her side as she tried her hardest to figure out the rest. after figuring out the second code, you were so close to getting the rest of the list. Stiles worried about you. He watched you become obsessive with the Deadpool, but one thing that stood out to him was watching you study the list, as if you were looking for someone’s name…His name.
Sties walked into your room, once again without knocking and ripped the paper out of your hand. “Stop.” he stated and you raised your eyebrow at him, remaining silent. “I know what you’re doing, and I’m not letting you fall back into old habits over…over Isaac!” he exclaimed, almost instantly regretting it. Your expression turned cold, as if the sound of his name turned you into ice. It actually did. You stood up and snatched the paper out his hand, “You have no idea what you are talking about.” you growled at him, walking around him and slipping on your shoes. “I’m meeting Lydia at the sheriffs station, she thinks she found the third code, are you coming?” you asked, your voice sounding so broken, but at the same time strong. Stiles nodded his head, “Yeah, I’ll get the keys.”
You and Stiles sped off to the sheriffs station, arriving in record breaking time. Before Stiles could even turn the car off, you had already swung open the door and ran inside. Meeting in your fathers office, Stiles smiled at Lydia and took a spot behind you. “Are you ready?” Lydia asked. and you bit your lip, nodding. From there on everything moved in slow motion. The way her fingers moved across the keyboard, the way the names began the flicker across the screen, the way the world stopped spinning when his name flickered on the black screen. All of a sudden the world seemed to speed up in time. “If his name is on the list, that means he is back in Beacon Hills…” you whispered, backing up slightly. “I have to find him…I have to–” you began to rant, your hands flying to your hair, as if on instinct. Stiles grabbed your hands to stop you from pulling your hair out. “No.” he said, shaking his head. You went to speak, but he stopped you, “Not without me.”
*there will be a part three, don't worry, baby boy Isaac will be coming shortly ☺️
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