spu-boujee · 5 years
Hey! I go to SPU and live in Emerson rn, are you okay with me messaging you?
Yes of course!!
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spu-boujee · 7 years
hey! i don't know why I've perpetuated this stereotype on spu, but to me it seems like people there are a bit... stiff? I don't know ,like they are too worried about grades and everything to let loose and have fun. I'm applying there nonetheless, I just wanted to know what your general perception of people on campus is?
hello! thanks for sending in a question! in reply to people seeming a bit stiff, i have noticed that as well! i think it’s in part because this is a christian university- there are expectations that come with that! but nonetheless, i can assure you that you will find people who are not like this. i can assure you that there are all sorts of people at this school; loose and stiff people, atheists and christians, and everything else in between.
but as for my general perception of the people here, there are all sorts of different people. i assure you, you will find your people. i was afraid at first about not finding my people but i can testify that i have found many people that i consider my close friends here. it takes time but you will find them!
hope this answers your question!
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spu-boujee · 7 years
dorm stereotypes
an updated collection. i remember applying to seattle pacific and having absolutely no idea which hall to apply for. every other school has themed halls and this school is no exception, although it is more subtle. although stereotypes are untrue for the most part, there is still a grain of truth to them. 
disclaimer: i’m by no means trying to perpetuate these stereotypes- this is a list of the things each hall is known for. if you don’t feel like a hall’s stereotype fits you but you still want to dorm there- go for it! there are so many different types of people in each hall and you’ll find your people, i promise. hope this helps!
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i know arnett really well. it’s a beautiful residence hall. when you walk in there, it feels more like a hotel than a dorm hall, which is definitely not a bad thing. most rooms in arnett connect to a shared bathroom with a neighboring room. although this sounds luxurious, it also means that it gives you no reason to really leave your room. this is where the problem comes in. 
i don’t know if it’s because it’s the newest residence hall or because of the format of the whole hall, but the majority of arnett residents can agree on this - there is a lack of community in arnett. this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t dorm here though- if you want to build your community there, go for it!!
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the biggest dorm hall. this entails it being the loudest one since most students live here. this also means you will make friends easily because the majority of freshmen live here! ashton is also referred to as the “party dorm” most of the time but i doubt any real parties have taken place there.
there is always something going on in ashton. the boys’ floors are known for being particularly rowdy. there are 3 boy floors and 9 girl floors. the hill is also something to watch out when living here. ashton is situated at the top of a hill that all residents have to walk up every day. 
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hill is known as the family and community-oriented dorm. there is always something going on in the lobby. the atmosphere is very familiar and comfortable. there is also the most equal ratio of girls and boys. 3rd, 4th, and 5th have brother-sister floors meaning that floor has both a girl side and a boys side. most floors at spu don’t have this. if you want to find a good community, there is a big chance you’ll find it in hill.
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emerson is another suite-style hall. it’s slightly bigger than arnett. the layout is most conducive for community. there are tons of lounges and nooks to study and hang out in. these lounges definitely promote community. 
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moyer is the smallest hall. it’s also the oldest one. moyer has lots of history because of its age. moyer gets a lot of flack for being the “weird” dorm but that seems very unfounded. i’ve met some kind individuals in moyer. i can also tell that even though they have less people, their hall is very close. also, moyer is located near tiffany loop and is close to pretty much all of the buildings on campus so this is a plus.
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spu-boujee · 7 years
Have you ever wondered what going to SPU is like?
Ask a question, I’ll answer. I’ve got all the juice ;)
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