squeak3ater · 3 months
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Stronger apart: 06/27
I called you and it rained right after
A pleasant day without a trace of ailment
I called you but I overlooked
The first time my mother called.
This evening, the sky’s blending
Charcoal and cobalt blue, dimming
Pink flashes of spontaneity
Yet reproducing the same
Dead grey like clockwork.
Petrichor, overpowered
By burning egg cartons
And random spoilage
Or perhaps the methane fumes
From the fields of fire, everlasting:
In the biggest dumpyard the city’s seen.
I live closer to the airport now
And I remember my mother going away
For work, as work necessitated
To boston, for a month.
I cried, as a child does at 7
And she didn’t come back.
And when she did
There was tension still
I’d say it was better than a birthday gift.
Years. And years.
A domestic trip set off a trajectory unforeseen
And yet all the more necessary.
You don’t fully grow up
Till you kill the child
Murder solemnised my spirit
And married me off to shared baggage.
You wish the best for your kids
And if that doesn’t work
You wish them the best.
Now half of me lives a better life,
For a better half but we’re out of time.
So I wear my clothes and fake my smiles
As I’m getting hooked to SSRIs.
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squeak3ater · 5 months
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Clean slate, cliché: 04/21
The void has perhaps claimed us both
Time has managed to render me cold
Stories apart, secrets untold
Maybe I don’t miss you anymore.
Matching calendars, stress toys
Dream within a dream to hear your voice
But you’re hung up on newer boys
As if I don’t miss you anymore.
Every year’s a brand new day
We ran out of things to say
You and I couldn’t have our way
And still I missed you all the more.
Bitter frost, blistering heat
Everything is the same to me
Forthcoming monsoons call us home
Somehow I trip, there’s blood and gore
My tongue slips, and flesh unfolds
I say I’ll miss you all the more.
Say we’re lost and spinning
In limbo, our hands are sticking
Out for each other
No, in opposite directions
As I’m starting to see your side of things
Growing apart is a better fit
Than holding on and tracing dreams
While we scream I miss you amour.
I would love to believe
And to admit
Everything I want to mean
In a heartbeat
If, if, only if
I was sure
That I’ll never think of you anymore.
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squeak3ater · 6 months
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Warped, without: 03/20
Some days sweeten up come sundown.
And when gold fades to muddy brown,
And pitch black with spots of bronze,
When you take a knife to it while
You stuff your pillow in your face,
You come to see how they all bleed the same.
It’s murky red and melancholic,
No quiet when the day breaks,
Flocks of birds that coo your name,
And I wonder what could go wrong again.
I wish you think of me more often,
Given how forgotten I’m destined to be.
An afterthought, a wish
Or a whisper in your sleep,
But only if it’s meant to be.
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squeak3ater · 7 months
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Begin, Again: 03/08
Light travels faster than sound, so
I hope you’ll read this before I speak a word.
I haven’t grown on you yet
Two months, two weekends
And you shone on me
Bright as a summer afternoon
This biting February
In a hamlet home to both of us.
And what if we were alone
I could still bide this loneliness
Without ash and spirits
If it meant you called me
By a name I might detest
Because it dilutes who I am
And yet your voice would
Make it full of all it could.
Seldom sobriety graces poets
In their moments of madness
Or is it the other way around
If I come to senses come morning
And dwell on the backspace key,
Also guilt that’s hardly newfound.
And like any woman
I’ve laid my eyes on
You too want to be left alone
Or is it me that’s a wrong fit
As it has been these past eons.
I’ll still stick around
Like gum to gum rubber soles
Lint tucked away in folds
Mold growing under floorboards
Until you rip me from my core.
So when eventually
I’m drowning in work
In this universe
Where we don’t work
I’ll think of you alone
And not spare a minute
For anyone else.
And when I leave
I’ll still be attached
Lest you forget
We’re only an hour apart
I’m willing to prove it
Time and time again
I think I was doomed
Right from the start.
The muse has changed
My vices, the same
So let me want
All over again
My dream in slumber
For my numbered days.
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squeak3ater · 7 months
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An essay for an aphorism: 02/22
I’m beholden to
A few bad habits
I put them on display
I say I’ll leave it
Now or then, and
I do it all again.
Spring comes bearing
Unwanted gifts
Like a distant uncle
With self-help books
So show me what is
Too little, too much
And going too far,
A poem that’s yours,
Or a lingering scent.
How about your name
On a shooting star,
Or is it something
That you would resent.
I’ll show my hand
To someone new,
I’ll mount this cross
Too much too few,
As many hits as it’ll take
Make it quick and hit the head.
If only I said what I meant,
I’m tired and famished all the same,
Someone to hold up half the sky
And breach my perfect poker face.
I try to sing
I wax and wane
My words are starting
To fade again
I miss her touch
Forget her face
Rinse and repeat
In a fugue state.
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squeak3ater · 8 months
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The loved and the limp: 01/23
I drag myself across states
To see 25 years of togetherness.
Arranged, chosen;
Some differences persist,
Some relations fray,
Others co-exist.
I see families together
And happy reminiscing
One woman moved to tears,
I watched with a hollow heart
Others kept their sights clear.
It could’ve been me
In my friends’ stead;
I can’t count their years though
It’s too late to ask him that
A secret that is better kept.
I saw a fight, same old same old
I was drunk, my high was squashed
They wouldn’t listen to me
I felt like a helpless child again.
I’ve done things I shouldn’t have rather
I didn’t think I’d stick to my father
Time springs on you unexpected
People change and along we’re swept.
I probably won’t have kids
Or something of a 25th
I’ll scramble my eggs
And toss the basket they’re in
Because happiness only comes from within?
That’s unlikely, so I’ll drink a fifth.
I’m sorry for letting anyone down,
It’s exhausting seeing a crying dog
And nobody stepping up to put it down.
I make my way back, anxious and uncertain
Let down a friend, and another after
Life goes on like a broken record
And if true love exists,
It’s likely pathological.
So I pop two pills, I’ll find my place
To while away my numbered days.
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squeak3ater · 9 months
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Presents under shedded trees: 12/24
It was a Christmas eve miracle
You hadn’t aged a day
I fit my Levi’s 28
You weren’t alien to drinking
And my streak was just beginning.
I came bearing gifts, some I held
Onto for a year, and forever
All ‘cause you’d show up
Seeing you was reason enough.
Something old, get over it
Someone new, get on with it
My love’s borrowed,
Come morrow I’ll return it.
And my heart is blue,
I’ve eyes for you,
My teeth, your skin
I pine for you
But if that’s what you want
I’m all smiles for you.
I hope you call in time despite
This never being the same again.
The 4 of them and 2 of us,
How’s it Christmas if it doesn’t suck.
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squeak3ater · 11 months
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Love in the time of common cold and covid: 11/13
Love perseveres
Or dies a dog’s death
It’s a fickle thing to fret about.
My love for mountains
Fights an uphill battle
With strep throat,
And homesickness.
My changing outfits receive
Unbecoming glares
From my dwindling storage.
My love for a jacket
Makes me never wear it
In the first place.
My love for lights and
How I sleep in pitch black
And how I missed the decor
Ironically this festival
Of sound and lights
Has bred for me rancour.
I avoid home like the plague.
I settle again in a foreign place.
My north star, my anchor
My maiden, I thank her
For showing me how much
I could still bother to love,
And how without her
I became amorphous,
Like some twisted prophecy
I beckoned myself.
She was ushered in
As monsoons died
And I was waiting
Since summertime
Spanning years,
Going back in time,
Should this dream end
I should be fine.
Love manoeuvres,
Or crashes into
An oncoming car
It dies but a dog’s death.
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squeak3ater · 1 year
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Meds have failed me: 10/01
I need a change of meds perhaps
They’ve bottled me up well
Just as the website said they would
And they’ve harnessed what I thought
A tide, an ebb , a disarray of chemicals.
The doctor will teach me next year
A subject mostly slept on, like how
I’ve slept through this year and half.
The hospital is a stone’s throw away
Sure it needs some pitching power
But I’ve a trusty single thumper
And that’ll get me there.
The blistering heat gone
The nonsensical torrents drying out
It is easier to just do a pop in now
But I feel like it’s fine
I feel like this is as good as it can get.
I trusted life to be sweet, so
Saccharine it was for two years almost
And it can’t be that great again
If I just tweaked some chemicals, so
I say perhaps these doldrums
Are the pinnacle of medical science.
Maybe something to get me to study
But what if it gives me a voice in the head
What about something that knocks me out
And I never happen to be awake again
And morph into an all-seeing mute
Watching life happen to him
As if I’m radically different from it now.
Therapy is medical science to me
Because if it were social science
It would try harder than to nod along
As I listed everything I hate about
My current existence and sorry surroundings.
And take a detour before telling me
That I can suck it up or fuck right off.
I’m not an isolated system
But I seek help so lay it on me
I don’t ask what you would do
If your family went up in flames
Or they detached, died a slow death
Because, sure, this is about me.
It’s all about me they say
When I’m a speck of dust
In this whirlwind, this hurricane.
Ebb and flow, I dally and lo
I’m moping around in my own mess.
My mind is a prison
And they sold me the iron
And it’s my fault I didn’t
Milk lemonade out of it.
So I swallow my meds
Because shrinks won’t help
I’m walling away what bothers me.
When my hair’s gone
And I’m through my degrees
You’ll find me under the shade of some tree.
I look forward to getting some sleep.
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squeak3ater · 1 year
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Letters for V: 08/26
In this week of downpour
I’m carrying a letter
It has no address
No date numbered
Because we don’t make
False promises.
It’s cased in a clear bag
Shoved in my backpack
With my meds, my plushie
My keys my notebook and
Other things I’m afraid of losing.
If I give it
I don’t get to keep it
Once it’s gifted
It’s no longer mine
It carries a trace
Of my humour and scent
Like some creepy ghost
Too shy to admit
That it’s haunting someone
Because you know
It’s not that serious.
I catch this train
Time and again
Because it feels forever
Till we speak of the same.
August is yours to remember
It’s mine to wait for
My loss to miss it once again.
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squeak3ater · 1 year
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July rained well: 07/31
Inches away from a heart attack
Minding the gap
Making sure I don’t lose a digit
Before I touch the weight rack.
Secondhand courage
Dying engines
Clotted arteries
A wheezing liver
A weighted lung
Secondhand spirit
Elbow grease cos
Who showers daily.
Broken roads
Near misses
Splashes of warm water
An ever-beating sun
You’d think earth
Split up on hell’s command
To swallow an anomaly
A bastard child of
Ambition and a lack of options,
This place I call second home.
Same meds same time
Killing time like clockwork
Well languishing must feel
Better than falling apart
For what it’s worth
What if I amount to nothing
Will asking for help
Be worth it then.
And many such other
Conundrums is it?
Plague me at the end
Of the month
A poem drops in
Unnoticed and
Nobody gets to read it before.
It falls out of the sky
And out of my mouth
I’ve swallowed whole
Night skies trying
Trying to think of
Something else to say.
Nothing comes to mind
Except wailing
Quiet wailing
In this emptiness.
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squeak3ater · 1 year
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Summer swansong: 06/19
I’ve circled around to June.
Dirty pink skies,
Blurry lights and
A blacked out moon.
This night I ramble on
Feels like an evening in winter;
The kind that’s almost dead,
Soon to be remembered,
Late to be missed yet.
Muddy patches between
Tiny stretches of concrete,
3000rpm and nascent whirring
Of a small single, well on its way.
Bank right, lean left
Swerve right, lean left
Puff, breathe, exhale,
Cough blood, refrain.
Ultraviolet silver linings,
Speckled band of clouds
Spell a shroud of mystery;
Is the sky a portal to abyss,
Limitless, or just a puddle,
Dirty grey watercolour,
Blood and scum,
Bricks and mortar,
Something other than itself.
I’m a child of destiny,
My roaring 20s died in silence,
Never born, never here,
Twenty two now seems severe.
I’m still not done yet
Being 19 all over again.
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squeak3ater · 1 year
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The summer I’d cherish: 05/23
I circle back to you
You in your lavender top
In your early twenties
Three days I couldn’t stand
To stretch out over 6 months.
I think I like you better
In streetlights, when it’s dark out
The sun takes its leave
By the time I come home
And it gets no darker
Not that I’d notice
I’m in no hurry
And it always feels rushed.
This summer could
Be mine to cherish
And could’ve been one
I wouldn’t have seen.
But you say it’s no fun
To be hammered alone
I can’t stay sober
If I stay on my own.
My rose quartz
My four leaf clover
I long for night
But our horizon hangs lower
I promise you I’m holding on
Maybe I stopped this curtain call
But we did it together I guess
I prayed to god, you hoped for best.
I tell myself how
There’s still time
For you I’ll live
Till I’m 25.
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squeak3ater · 1 year
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Undone shoes, worn-out soles: 04/19
Different year
A larger, tortuous rooftop
Two corridors, and
An empty space betwixt.
Different people,
Their sunken, similar faces,
A façade, now layered
With varied shades of red.
My pockmarked face,
Its fading glow,
Sun-dried tears
Trace a newer flow.
Not much changed
As it was then
The rooftops when
They seemed as one.
I can hold my liquor
And cradle a stick.
I changed for the better
And crumbled as the bricks
Which might’ve fell
From this storied six.
I’ve lied but twice
When honest, was jinxed.
Fences stand naked,
Rusted gate uprooted,
Streetlights traded for
A single orange glow,
Comforting, ominous
I see it two-faced,
Trust what’s in store,
I call it misplaced.
This year around
Sleep has eluded me
All the same in this single bed.
The older one
Well far, far away
I can’t sleep in that again.
Walls turn colours,
Once baby pink
Now powder blue.
Trees now grow
Where grass never did,
I remember it wrong
Perhaps I blinked,
Perhaps this dream
Was never lived.
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squeak3ater · 2 years
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Like Clockwork: 03/24
It’s spring again
And you’re still huddled
By a smouldering flame
A hint of orange buried in ash.
Was it an axis, where
You came for communion,
But the season is past now.
The chain broken,
The flank left open,
Everyone is free to leave
And so they did.
There’s unburnt charcoal still
With traces of malt and rye
Did it feed the fire further
Did it sap the fatigue
Or make time bide sooner?
When did you resort to this.
Won’t you tell me why
You resort to this burning
Once over and time again.
How long has it been winter
Four months? Or four years
And you still keep counting.
Do you not remember the seasons
The same as the rest of us.
The climate is tropical, stagnant
And it’s cool when it rains
It’s cold when it hails,
And it crashes down hard,
Tinkers with shade
And defiles what gives shelter.
Do you swear it’s spring again?
I only shiver at the crack of dawn
When I drift in and out of sleep
With nothing to cover myself with
As the sheets are stacked pretty
And I’m tired of washing them now.
You’ve had your turn of seasons
And your bones rattled throughout
Whose fault is it now
That the sun never rained on you right
If it burned you on a cloudy day
Or missed you once a high-noon.
Well it’s almost summer again,
Maybe the shade, this cave
Will be cooler than outside,
If the wind never picks up
What’s the point.
Why brave the elements
For a heatstroke and blistered feet.
Look no further, stop searching
You’re miles away from the nearest sea.
It’s still spring outside
You have a weekend at least
But you’re out there somewhere
With no fire to tend to
No molasses to melt
Or filter and ferment.
An empty bottle to spin
All alone, and if you smash it,
You lose your only friend,
But you find a way out.
Wait a week or two, won’t you.
Maybe this time it’ll really be spring,
And you’ll find shelter
Between two spells.
You’ll share it with your
Someone else.
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squeak3ater · 2 years
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Clotted Ink: 02/19
Each standstill drop of a fairy light
And the glow it casts on my bed
Unmade, undone, before I crawl in
And even when I lie in dark.
Each drop of coffee I drink
When it burns my tongue and
I miss the afternoon sun
And sawdust shining through it stark.
Every puppy I cradle
Every kitten that shies from me
The ones that look up to me
Wait for their picture taken
Or succumb to my pets
And if they let me pick them up.
Anyone else I’ve fancied since
I push it upon myself and wince
And crawl away and hold myself
I might’ve done it all in jest.
Every pair of eyes I see
I drown in your familiar brown.
Every puff, every sip
Every thought of making a trip
Every step of taming an engine
Every caress of passing wind.
Each time I steel my nerves
And move towards the driver seat
I try to make it feel like home
And hope that you’d be nested with me.
I’ve longed for long to share something
And for us to rebuild our longing
I wish there’s more I had wished for than
To lose myself in the smoke we’d breathe.
I’ve lived past my silver lining
I stand stoking my final fire
The darkness doesn’t encumber me
The woods that I’ve been bequeathed
I’ve yet to see all of its ire.
Live however you want to be
Live longer for the sake of me
And I’ll live shackled to my truth
That you live in every fibre of my being.
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squeak3ater · 2 years
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Pondering upon a single bed : 01/31
Unwashed face,
And my unmade bed.
1500 to 5;
I stay groggy
And bide my time.
One of these days
I’ll scrub my face clean,
Remove the unnecessary
Pretences and unfamiliarities.
And I’ll use a scrubber,
Thick and with steel wool
Hidden in its lattices.
Even out the pits and mounds
Till it glows like it once did.
I’ll put away my comforter.
Change the sheets, maybe
Pick one that fits perfectly;
No wider than it need be
And dust it every morning.
Sweep my side once a week,
Give the carpet a good beating
And plant my feet on it gently.
Spring will come late in
This here hamlet.
I miss my ghost town
Of a home bi-weekly,
Where the smoke billows
And lingers on the streets.
What use have I
For clear blue skies,
If I can’t see jet trails
Once in a while.
I’d rather have the smog,
The near desolate haze,
Swan songs at 3 AM,
And the pink of dusk
Which went to dogs.
Not a close brush with chance,
But entangled for two,
Where did the time go,
I grew up a bit late.
Loosened the reins
On this mouth of mine,
I took to the razor
And my youth was dead.
Hollowed cheeks,
Yet a persistent jowl
And filled out eyelids,
A resting scowl.
A spine laid bare
And left untouched
A grip half-made
And all undone.
My family forgets
How I look when I smile,
So they take to pictures
They haven’t yet hung.
I stifle my chuckles,
And bite my tongue.
I count the joys
Of being alive,
And the benefits of being
An unborn child.
Smooth sunken face
And tidied up bed.
2200 to 7,
I await my death.
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