Being so thin and scrawny, people would assume you were a sad excuse for a bean pole. A body so meager you couldn't bear to eat more than a few bites of toast for a sad excuse of a meal.
Until I found you, a poor starving foal. Taking you in and letting you relax on the sofa, as I grab a small snack for you to graze on.
Little did you know, a girl like me has a big appetite.
Laid before you was a cacophony, of decadent treats, sweets, booze, and all the dense sugary calories your body could stomache and more.
Slowly, I began pampering you. Rubbing your tiny little belly as I held slices of cake to your lips. Watching as you sheepishly started eating on a piece that was larger than your head. Only to be forced to guzzle down heavy cream as a pallet cleanser.
Only after one piece, you'd feel your belly bulging from the sheer size of the desert. Yet, gnawing hunger would still loom in the back of your mind, thanks to a special ingredient I so lovingly put into your creamshake.
From there it would all be a blur of heavy delight. Stuffing your face full of thick cake, sickly sweet pies, angel delights, and gallons of heavy dairy. All swelling into your over packed organs.
Your body, keeping up with the aid of supplements, working as your arms puffed out, your legs growing denser and heartier with every morsel that passed your lips. Your delicious man boobs flushing out as your belly tries desperately to disperse all the garbage I'm funneling into you.
But its struggling to keep up, as the crowning jewel of your body has become the monstrous fold of belly that has crushed your thighs, bulging out as stretch marks litter it's bulbous mound edging from your groaning belly button onto the deep folds of your forming love handles.
So grand, so heavy as I pushed more cream into you. A deep whine running your choked mouth as your grotesque tummy gurgles begging for more.
You've gone from scrawny to morbid~ trapped from running away as the sofa bows beneath you.
You're mine now. A fat, plush cow that's all mine to play with.
Imagine that.
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I used to be a slim male. I gained some weight for a year (not fat yet, but soft everywhere), and today, for the first time I ate something alone in the goal to fatten myself alone secretly at home. I know I was fattening my body, it was not a simple stuffing to stuff myself, I wanted to fatten my rolls, my ass, my breast, and I do it, and I like it. It was my first stuffing to fatten up, I'm getting fat certainly, I'll do it again because I like this feeling and I like to be wrapped in my fat. I wanted to know if other people like to do the same things on internet and I found your blog. I 'm become a piggy too, I'd like to be fattened by a feeder and being obedient.
It's a wonderful thing, taking the first big step into realizing your ultimate goal in life.
Being a morbidly obese sex toy.
So many others have fallen into pure hedonism, not regretting a single fat filled bite, until it's too late for them to escape.
So be sure, this is what you want, and then eat.
Eat until your body physically can't handle any more lard being shoved down your begging gullet.
Scarf down pure butter and sugar until your stomach is fit to burst and keep it that way until your fat ass is pinned to the king sized mattress beneath you.
You have such a long way to go, so enjoy it while you can still move, and Never stop gorging.
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My only purpose in life is to get fatter and needier be glorifing obesity everyday as I get fed and filled with the most calorie dense foods and creams . Be a pleasure tool for my feeder and nothing more .. as my health deteriorates and have constant chest pains be sufficated by my mountain of lard to be filled and milked like a good fat hog should . Regress so I only oink out of need and lust to be touched and cum
How adorable, piglet. So desperate to get your fill and become little more than a fat filled toy for your doting master.
It would be cute if it wasn't so pitiful. Wasting away your whole life, shoviling the greasiest garbage you can down that swaddled lard filled throat of yours. Eating your way into an early grave just to have that little choked chub of yours gratified. Even when we both know you'll be far too fat to ever reach between your own rolls, with those sausage fingers of yours darling.
So please, be my guest and never stop stuffing yourself, and maybe one day I'll oblige you into a double XL coffin.
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You’re basically begging for someone to kidnap you and turn you into a lifeless blob. How does finally taking off the restraints and weaning you off the sedatives once there’s no hope in you ever moving on your own again sound? Letting you go only when your legs are too heavy to pick up so there’s no chance in you ever making it up those stairs. You were meant to be someone’s hog, drugged, fattened to helplessness, and fucked until exhaustion.
CW// Kidnapping
This is dark, like, really dark, but gosh, I love it. Someone literally stealing me from a life of activity and potential to be their forcibly basement dwelling uberblob blubberfuck. Sure, they'd use whatever they would need to capture me, but they wouldn't need much to convince me to stay in that utterly helpless, intoxicatingly hopeless space. Perhaps a restraint breaks early. I wouldn't say anything. Why would I? It sounds wonderful
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I want to make you feel the weight I pile onto your frame.
Feel how tight your clothes are getting until your completely burst out of them.
Feel how out of shape you are getting when you walk.
When you walk up stairs.
When you attempt to do any physical activity.
I want you to feel your belly push against restaurant booths.
Be told you’re too fat to ride an amusement park ride.
To see your face when your hips press against a doorway for the first time.
When you grow too fat for your car.
Too fat to leave your house.
Then, you’ll be completely mine.
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Confession time...
Please re-blog this if it is okay to anonymously confess a fantasy to you.
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Mmmh~ I just can't help but think..
You would look so much cuter, drowned in flab Darling. ❤️
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Working on a few things hahaha.
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I think you bunch would just love it. ❤️ 🐖 🐄
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This man is built like a fold of pancakes, a shame he could only scarf down 23 orders at IHOP. Though it looks a little flat, I'm sure he can handle the sheet cake I got to surprise him with.
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A doodle to celebrate 400 followers, he looks like he could use another biscuit 🍪🍪🍪
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Oh wonderful~ nearly 400 of you fat cows are enjoying my little works. Thank you all. To celebrate I may just post some doodles of mine for you obese blobs to enjoy.
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Fat boys being forcibly stuffed till their rolls grace the floor? .... Yesssss
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i posted it on dA so ...uh. YEAH
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A blob of a creature, so consumed with fat he can hardly wiggle. What a perfect man <💘😍
Paul attempted to move for me after a large session of eating.
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.......I'm dying over this... ❤️ ❤️ 🔥 💦
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First 4 parts of a Bennett sequence commission
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Extra points for being so fat the only way out is to eat until the doorframe burst, or their stomach does!
Stance on stuckage?
Seriously one of my favorite things 🖤
Fat bodies forcing their corpulent selves into WAY too tight spaces then suddenly becoming incapable of budging gets me so fucking hot.
Extra points for being force fed and fucked while stuck 😈
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my fantasy would be casually meeting a feeder and slowly spiraling in to fatness until I'm to fat to even reach myself
A wonderful fantasy darling, but why wait? Start eating your fat little heart out now? Why spiral when you could simply begin your own track into the bowels of pure bliss and hedonism?
Cakes, cookies, greasy burgers and takeout. Gorge yourself into that luscious blob of a creature you wish to become.
And then, maybe, just maybe when your body is so laden with lard that your grubby little digits can't so much as wiggle, and your legs are so atrophied with cellulite they can no longer shift.
I might consider you a little cow, worthy to stuff full of disgusting foods till you're about to burst.
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