ssilverhand · 7 months
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ssilverhand · 7 months
can your oc cook?
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ssilverhand · 7 months
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New Lore Dropped: Sometime post The Sun ending, V and So Mi take in a brand new cat
He's a little bit of a menace :)
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ssilverhand · 7 months
SilverV Week
Hey @silverv-week , I’ve been excited for silverv weekend for a while and have something to share! I really wanted to write something based on the prompts but didn’t get to it since I was hyper focused on a different project in which I’m translating Cyberpunk into Elizabethan/Shakespearean English (to the best of my abilities; I love Shakespeare but am not a scholar or anything).
Warning, this isn't overly polished and is still kinda only partially edited, so it's likely that not all of the phrases sound fully Elizabethan. I rewrote part of Johnny and V’s conversation in the Tower ending (with a few more outward declarations of love so that it would constitute as SilverV), so here there be spoilers!
Johnny: I am fain to see fair Night ere my skyward leave— marry, she is a fair nunnery.
V: I needs say farewell. Pray you, open the door?
Weiss: Be not afeared— eternity is a foreign word and thy leave shall be short.
V: I am not a man who casts lots. [aside to Weiss] Pray you, open the door.
(the cart door opens)
Johnny: Lo, ‘tis fair Night, slumbering at thy feet. Marry, she is smaller than she once was— or thou hast grown.
V: Thy ruse is disquieting. I am undeserving of much, but above all, I am undeserving of thy love.
Johnny: Thou knowest I’m an ever fixéd man— My ruse will thus remain so steadfast as An anchor’d barque by golden-dusted shores. As thou hast slavéd as a watchman’s dog I pray thee, wear thy pride upon thy brow A diadem of triumph o’er Thanatos.
V: Dost thou yet love me? Thy bidding is crushed by mine own hand.
Johnny: Aye– With thee I spake beside the quarry– thus Our peace was sown for evermore and naught Of all my promises hath changéd since. Once I dreamt of mirthful things which hath Been cloven since; and yet, above all else, Th’ dreams I held for those I loved Were crumbl’d more than aught else I held dear. My bidding is to lend my soul this rest, Or else to stay with thee till we needs part, For I am fill’d with mirth that thou wast this: He who remainest my life’s final friend.
V: May I still call thee friend when thou art slain by mine own hand? O, that I weren’t a murderer!
Johnny: Aye, V– in sooth, thou art my dearest friend, And such that ‘murd’rer’ is a foreign word. Our tales end ever seal’d in a stroud, With caskets graven with my name or thine. I forthwith choose the stroud which bears my name, For verily thy body is thine own.
V: I am loathe to see thee die.
Johnny: I know thy heart— ‘tis for thine own good.
V: I ponder a world where we are strangers.
Johnny: On my word, the rapier would have pierced thy brain and turned thee into a grave man. And, hadst thou survived the foil, thou would have been an even graver man sans my counseling.
V: There is yet sooth in a jest– thou art my savior.
Johnny: The Relic was thine anchor, but valor and will was thy true saviour. Our journey was most star-alignéd.
V: Thy reserve is unbefitting of our circumstance.
Johnny: Once I didst hide my weapon in th’ cheverel sheath of Hades– I am an adept of death.
V: Put aside thy jests.
Johnny: ‘twas e’ery day I felt death pressed to my back– insomuch that I spent my days entrapped in a dance with it. But, sooth– ne’er have I felt such peace than I do now.
V: I have brushed fingers with th’ broad welkin as well. ‘Tis a gast thing.
Johnny: I am afeared for thee— as I am a gravéd man, eyes palled cannot see thee, nor can they see the world. But, sooth— I would be ever more gasted wert thou to be palled in place of me.
Dr. Lorenzo: you are afeared. I will give you this elixir— you must be well-brainéd ere the Relic is removed.
Johnny: all so soon asleep, lambkin.
V: all so soon…
Johnny: give me thine oath, sweeting.
V: were mine ears with cotton stuff’d, still would I swear upon the holy writ with both hands.
Johnny: Thus, lend thyself this mercy: Find thee bliss, Water fresh, and ale gold, and vales green. Sheathe thy rapier, fill thy hands with softer things, Thy mouth with laughter and thine ears with hymns. But this above all else: be faithful to Thyself as shepherd’s dog, unto thyself So true that one may gaze upon thee and Proclaim, ‘Sure as stars doth glister, thou art V.’
V: Johnny… I…
J: Good night, sweet Vincent, and dream thou so sweetly that thou may never wish to wake. The sun falleth on a mirthful day.
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ssilverhand · 7 months
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ssilverhand · 7 months
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ssilverhand · 7 months
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CYBERTINDER — Inspired by @cyberpunkgame Valentine's Day post!
You know I had to. PSD and PNG!
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ssilverhand · 7 months
im bore. does anyone want to shoot each other until one of us hits something vital
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ssilverhand · 7 months
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he truly lives up here rent free
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ssilverhand · 7 months
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whiskey 🧡
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ssilverhand · 7 months
What if you had a white whale to hunt but god said faggot! You will get a bachelors degree
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ssilverhand · 7 months
i Don’t have any fetishes im just creative
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ssilverhand · 7 months
So i went to Takemura's hideout...
And while it is destroyed, there were some fun things to see that might shed some light on him as a person, his character Sure not all of these might be his, BUT im inclined to believe they are considering how the place was decorated, albeit hastily and maybe somewhat half-assed, with some japanese imagery Lets start with the kitchen
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Tubs of protein powders, a tea cannister and a suspicious amount of tinned beef along with what looked like A LOT of pickled eggs, tea pot and cup and dirty dishes alongside a cooking station It seems he still tries to cook good food despite crashing in a severely run down place
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A shard on the best restaurants in NC, not surprising, and a shard on japanese spirits, in particularly the bakeneko he tells us about on the rooftop
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Over in the "living room" there's some vinyls, and i wonder if this is the music he likes, or if this was him trying out new things
and uh...a pipe ig, hm
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Going over to the bedroom area, there were some wooden panels to spruce the place up a bit, aswell as what looked like a mural Sure, these might have already been here, but im somewhat inclined to think he placed all that there himself to make it nicer, and perhaps more like "home" or the environment hes used to
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The bed is tidy, with only one pillow ON the bed (the other is on the floor next to it), theres an incense burner and some wooden wall panels and a nice painting to decorate
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Weights, which is not that surprising, the man's in phenominal shape
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Some peculiar magazines... His? Left there? Considering how tidy he is, i doubt they were there and he just left them lying around rather than picking them up
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The desk area has other magazines, some empty ni-cola cans and takeaway boxes The shelf holds comics and books, and the wardrobes/lockers next to it has neatly folded clothes
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Alright now...on the shelves with the comics and books, theres cigarette packs too, and when we move to the bathroom it checks out, theres cigarette butts in the toilet I guess our handsome silver fox is a smoker, oh well
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Also in the bathroom is a washing machine, cleaning products, and a tidy sink area Sure he lives in a decrepit place, but at least he's neat and cleans his clothes
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Theres also a suspicious amount of blood on the floor, including a bloody rag and fork on the toilet seat, pills (painkillers?) and gauze, did he dig out some bullets at some point?
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Nice little details about our favourite 'Saka scum i think
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ssilverhand · 7 months
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i was bored
[template by Vesna]
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ssilverhand · 7 months
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remastered this one for my johnny plush orders
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ssilverhand · 7 months
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ssilverhand · 7 months
sorry for being a lovestruck faggot I promise it will happen again
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