ssirenaamae · 6 months
HER| Park Jimin 박 지민
Based on the song “HER” by Chase Atlantic
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Chapter Four
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4 years later
"How are you feeling today, Dr. Deung?" one of the girls working at the reception asked.
I blew my nose, and sighed, "Better than yesterday. My nose is still kind of blocked, though,"
The girl shook her head, "You should go home and rest. The doctors here will take over and will do just fine!"
Ever since I opened my clinic, I have never missed a day of work, no matter what. The clinic is my baby. I put my blood, sweat, and tears into making it a perfect environment for patients.
I picked the best doctors, the best employees, the best equipment, and the best furniture to make sure it was presentable and perfect. I don't want anything to go wrong here, which is why I never miss a day of work. It's not that I don't trust the doctors; it's just that I've grown attached to this clinic a lot, and so I don't want to leave it at all.
"I know. I believe in them, but I don't want to miss a day of work," I pouted.
The woman chuckled, "You're such a workaholic, Dr. Deung."
I smiled, shaking my head as I gave up on trying to resist any efforts of not working. My employees are talented, and I know they'll do fine without me. I won't be able to focus well while I'm sick, either. So, I guess it's essential for me to skip at least a day of work.
"Fine, I'm going to get moving now. Take care of the clinic for me, will you?" I asked.
The girl smiled, "Of course, doctor! Now, go home and rest!"
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The man got shoved roughly by someone, scoffing over having to deal with this yet another day. He got sick of having to deal with those envious and shrewd men.
The two guys walking with the man that pushed him laughed as they found it amusing. They loved pestering him when they had the chance. They didn't understand how could he be able to suddenly demote their positions at work and take over the top spot when he only joined their company two years ago.
They all resented him, and he knew it. He didn't care, though. All he cared about was the great opportunity he managed to earn. He was happy he was finally able to make his dream job a reality. He wasn't going to let a bunch of petty men ruin that for him.
"By the way, what happened to your bag? You should totally get that fixed, man," one of the men said.
This seemed to halt him in his steps as he turned and faced them with a scowl, "Seriously? You guys are so immature. Do better."
He walked past them as he hurriedly went to the changing room and found his bag ripped to shreds, alongside the stuff inside of it.
He let his anger rise as he threw his now-torn bag across the room. He didn't know it was possible for people to still act so pathetically stupid during this age. This was literally child's play.
He was frustrated. He didn't want his hard work to be tarnished by a bunch of children like them. He didn't go through all of this for nothing...
A man gasped as he suddenly woke up from his dream. He was sweating profusely. His chest was heaving from the events he recalled in his dream.
Indeed, this was a flashback. A flashback he didn't like to be reminded of. His mind, though, had other plans as it enjoyed plaguing him with his past memories.
The memories that he wouldn't like to remember.
He grabbed the cup of water that was on his bedside table and gulped it. He looked at the clock beside him and groaned, hitting his head back on the pillow. It was three in the morning, and he wasn't able to sleep again despite being tired.
He grabbed his phone from the nightstand and attempted to pass time by scrolling mindlessly through social media apps. Still, he wasn't able to sleep again.
He finally acknowledged that he couldn't continue like this. He needed to face his problems.
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The man entered the clinic, looking around at the beautiful interior design. Even though he was aware that he was at a clinic, the scenery there provided him a sense of comfort, oddly enough.
He went to the reception and cleared his throat, "Excuse me; I have an appointment with Dr. Kang."
One of the women at the reception's eyes' widened at the sight of the man. He was truly a sight to see. Coughing, she looked  at him and asked, "Your name, sir?"
As he told her his name, she searched through the system and indeed found his name. There was only a certain problem, though.
"Dr. Kang is currently unavailable, but your appointment will be with Dr. Deung, the owner of the clinic," she informed him.
He couldn't care less who was going to be his doctor. He just wanted to get done with this. He indeed wanted to get help, but he wasn't so keen on going to a psychiatrist. It made him feel like he wasn't sane, which he knew he was.
"Dr. Deung will be meeting you shortly. For now, you can take a seat," one of the receptionists smiled.
He nodded, taking a seat in the waiting room as he decided to continue admiring the clinic. What grabbed his attention the most were the paintings. They told a story. Every single one of them. The colors in particular were mesmerizing. The details as well were so intricate in the paintings.
They were truly beautiful. He could tell this artist is immensely talented. The paintings were worthy of being displayed at an art gallery or a museum.
"Dr. Deung will be seeing you now. Please follow me," the other receptionist announced.
The man nervously walked behind the receptionist. He didn't know what to expect from this. This was his first time, after all.
The receptionist knocked on the door and opened it. She gestured for the man to enter. He bowed to her and thanked her, entering the room.
"Ah, hello there. Please take a seat and be as comfortable—" the woman got up and smiled before her breath hitched.
She gulped, staring at the man intensely as she murmured, "professor Park?"
If she was surprised, then Park Jimin was even more shocked to see her. He knew that she owned a clinic, but he didn't presume it would be this one. He didn't expect her to be so—grown. She didn't age, yet she looked more mature. She became prettier, too. Her hair was longer and darker. He liked it that way. Despite all of the positive changes, he could still tell she wasn't completely happy with life. He could recognize this look anywhere, especially now.
"Miss Deung? I certainly didn't expect to see you here," he laughed.
After regaining her composure, Kyung-Mi smiled, "Neither have I. Please, take a seat."
She couldn't stop staring at him. He looked the same as he did two years ago.
The only difference is that his hair is now silver instead of black. She was mesmerized by his beauty. He looked ethereal. Yet, his eyes were different. They told a different story. A story of agony and pain.
"So, you opened a clinic? That's very impressive, Miss Deung," Jimin complimented.
Kyung Mi replied, "Yeah, I did. It's been a long ride, but definitely a good one. What about you, sir? How's it going with the university?"
"Please, call me Jimin. No need for the formalities since you're not my student anymore," he said.
She hesitantly nodded, still feeling like Jimin is her professor. It just felt wrong to say his name with no formalities or honorifics. It's even weirder that he could potentially be her patient for a while.
She has to be professional, though. No matter what, he's now her patient. She needs to help him and live up to her clinic's reputation. She needs to do her job well, as usual.
"And to answer your question, I don't work at the university anymore. I left shortly after you graduated. Instead, I became a dancer. Well, I was a dancer," Jimin continued, murmuring the last part.
He was fidgeting in his seat, seemingly uncomfortable discussing this topic. However, he wouldn't have come here if he didn't want to face this issue. She was determined to help him.
"Why did you stop?" She inquired.
He gulped, breathing heavily, "I-uh-I had an injury. Achilles tendinitis, to be exact. Thankfully, the surgery went well, and so did the physical therapy. However, if I injure myself again, I won't be able to dance anymore. My career is at risk as of now, and I can't seem to bring myself to dance again."
He sighed, looking at her again to see her listening intently. She didn't give him a look of pity, nor frowned at him. It made him feel better. Lately, that's all he has been receiving from people. Pity. He loathed it. It made him feel weak and powerless.
But she made him feel normal. She didn't make him feel this way. He stared at her intense gaze as he took it as a sign to keep going, "Ever since then, I would have reoccurring nightmares, or more so flashbacks, about my time spent at the dancing company. My colleagues weren't very fond of me. They resented me for climbing the ranks quickly, even though I was just a newbie. They gave me a difficult time there. It was like high school all over again. I'm still haunted by what they had done."
She nodded with every word he uttered, giving him her utmost attention. In the back of her mind, she was stunned by the information Jimin gave her. She thought that he was still a professor; she was surprised over how things can change greatly over two years.
Her once bright and cheerful professor is now a dull dancer who's dealing with trauma. It pained her to see this. Every patient's story truly pained her, but this one was different since she knew him on a personal level.
As he was done with his explanation, he sighed, feeling some of his frustration leave his body. Still, that didn't help his mental and emotional state. He just felt glad that he finally spilled his emotions to someone. Someone who just so happens to be a student of his.
She softly smiled at him and said, "Jimin, you're much closer to getting recovered from all of this than you think. It takes a lot of guts to finally face your problems, and you did just that by coming to me today. It won't be an easy journey, and I know you're tired of dealing with all those mishaps; but trust me, it will be worth it in the end. Life tends to hit us hard at times, but we eventually pick ourselves up, don't we? We can still go through another day, don't we? What you have gone through is a lot, that's for sure. Needless to say, I'll make sure I'll be able to help you find yourself again and get through this."
Jimin's eyes slightly watered, looking at her as he took in a big breath, "I trust you, Dr. Deung."
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ssirenaamae · 6 months
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- HER| Park Jimin
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Based on the song “HER” by Chase Atlantic
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- Washing Machine Heart| Jeon Jungkook
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Based on the song “Washing Machine Heart” by Mitski
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- Trust Issues| Park Jimin
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Based on the song “Trust Issues” by Drake (to a certain extent haha)
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- The Knowing| Jeon Jungkook
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Inspired by the song “The Knowing” by The Weeknd
21 notes · View notes
ssirenaamae · 6 months
HER|Park Jimin 박 지민
Based on the song “HER” by Chase Atlantic
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Chapter three
"Should I get jelly colas or gummy bears?" Chung-Ae asked.
With no hesitation, I replied, "Both, obviously."
"Both it is then!" She threw them both on the cart.
Right now, we were shopping for snacks because of our impromptu sleepover. I usually don't keep snacks at home because I get too tempted to eat them instead of important meals—and I'll end up binge eating at night, which I'm not very fond of. Midnight snacks are a big no-no for me.
Nevertheless, it won't hurt to break the rules for just one day.
We almost bought half of the store with us because why not? We bought chips, nachos, ice cream, chocolates, and candy. I mean, who could resist them?
"Did you decide on what movie we will watch?" Chung-Ae questioned, casually opening a bag of chips.
I shook my head, "No, not really. We'll search for something interesting to watch when we get home."
She hums, proceeding to eat some chips. I felt like we forgot something, but I'm not sure what it could be. It's certainly not food, that's for sure.
How could I forget? We went to the drinks aisle, picking a bunch of different beverages. I'll need to donate most of the stuff we bought to the food shelter since I'm sure we won't be able to eat or drink all of this.
"Oh my God, the craziest thing happened—"
Oh, no.
Out of all days, why would he decide to go to the convenience store today? I feel like the universe hates me sometimes.
Chung-Ae's eyes widened, staring at me as I glared back at her. Could she be more obvious about it? I could feel his questioning gaze on me, which made me sigh. I mean, it's practically piercing my back.
I turned around and faced him with a forced smile, "Hello, sir. How are you?"
"I'm good, thanks. I hope you're feeling better than last time," he grinned.
His smile literally melts my heart. The way he's looking at me so politely and yet at the same time concerned is truly affecting me. Chung-Ae must've noticed me immersed in my thoughts, clearing her throat to bring my attention back here.
I coughed, "Um, yeah I'm doing better. It was just a tough day, that's all."
His smile faltered a bit, seeing right through my lie. Nevertheless, he decided to speak about something else, which I'm thankful for.
"I see. I probably caught you at the wrong time, haven't I?" he gestured at our cart piled with multiple snacks, which made me cringe.
It's like we packed everything there that would cause us health issues.
I nervously laughed, "Yeah, well uh we're having a movie night so..."
He turned his attention to Chung-Ae, politely greeting her while she did the same. "Do you take Psychology too?" He asked. I'm pretty sure he knows she doesn't. He's probably trying to be polite and not leave her out of this conversation.
"No, I don't. I work as an interior designer," she said.
He hummed, "That's a lovely job. "
He looked at me, "I won't bother you guys further. Have a lovely Evening."
"You too, sir," I smiled.
Right as he left, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Chung-Ae snorted, shaking her head at how helpless I am. I seriously need to get a hold of myself. This can't go on any longer.
As I scrolled through the list of movies to watch on tv, I heard the front door open which alarmed me. Chung-Ae is here with me, so I know it's not her. Did someone break in?
Grabbing my charger, I shakily walked towards the door, ready to whip whoever dared to break into my house—that is until I heard a familiar voice, which made me sigh out of relief.
"Kyung-Mi, where are you?" My mom called out.
"I'm in the living room, mom!" I shouted.
Mom entered the living room, throwing her bag across the room, not caring where it lands. Her eyes lazily traveled to me and she raised her brows. She stared at my hand that was holding the charger like some sort of weapon and snorted, "Did you think someone broke into the house? Never mind that—did you actually think a charger would do anything?"
I scratched my head, "Well, that was the only thing near me that I could find which could serve as a weapon, so..."
She sighed, extending her arms as I ran to her and hugged her tightly. It's been a while since I've seen my mom. I wish I could live with her again, but I need to be independent. I know that if I move back into my mom's house, I'll be so dependent on her again. That's probably the last thing she wants.
My mom has been a big part of my life and still is. I truly couldn't live without her.
"Oh my God, is my mind playing tricks on me, or did I just hear Nara's voice?" Chung-Ae squealed. She ran from the kitchen and indeed saw my mom standing beside me.
"Nara! It's been so long!" Chung-Ae hugged my mom.
"Yeah, well, things have been hectic at the company," she laughed.
After the jump scare I received from my mom, we caught up a bit with her. Chung-Ae and mom talked about work struggles; meanwhile, I searched for a movie to watch for us three.
"Yeah, like can you believe her? The nerve she has," Chung-Ae scoffed.
My mom laughed, listening to Chung-Ae talking about her coworker animatedly.
I couldn't help but wonder what would mom's reaction be if I told her about professor Park. Would she be disappointed? Would she accept it?
My mother did marry early, after all, and had me at the age of 20. There was an age gap between her and my father, but it wasn't so huge. Still, her experience wasn't that great. It left her being a single mother to a child when she was just young and clueless.
Since then, my mom has been wary of relationships. Wary of men. It was an irrational fear of hers, which is understandable considering the emotional trauma she went through.
I know if I brought this up to her she would freak out. Knowing that her one and only daughter had fallen for her professor. She tried to educate me on how to find the right man for myself and learn through her mistakes, but I did the exact opposite. I'm deliberately hurting myself by liking him. If only professor Park wasn't so great, I wouldn't have liked him as much as I do now.
"Anyway, you should visit us more often. It's getting boring not having you around," Chung-Ae's voice snapped me out of my daze.
Mom sighed, promising her that she'll try to come here whenever she was free. She then looked at me and grabbed my hand, squeezing it while smiling at me. I felt myself relax at her touch.
She always knew when I was feeling down. She's my mom, after all. I don't know what would I do without her.
For that, I will never disappoint her.
A few months later
Today was finally graduation day. It felt so—surreal.
I had my makeup professionally done, but it wasn't anything major. It was just a soft glam look. I had my hair professionally done too, giving my pin-straight hair some volume and curls.
Chung-Ae helped with my graduation dress shopping. The dress we picked out looked so much better on me than I had anticipated.
I must say, I looked really nice. I felt confident for once. It was rare nowadays to feel confident, but I hope things will change in the future.
Anyway, I wore the graduation robe alongside my hat and looked at myself through the mirror in one of the University's bathrooms.
I finally graduated.
It truly hit me once I saw myself in the robe. Not going to lie, I'm kind of nervous about being an actual adult. I'm going to have to work to earn a living, and I'll be fully independent.
But I'm excited to finally face the real world.
I left the bathroom and went to the auditorium, standing in line waiting for my name to be called. I could see Chung-Ae and mom sitting next to each other, waiting for my name to be called out.
When my name was finally called out, I couldn't help but grin like a child as I headed up the stage. I shook the hands of the professors and took a picture with my certificate.
I left the stage as I received my certificate while feeling that I'm finally free. I'm no longer going to stress out over midterms, or exams ever again in my life.
As I went to take a seat beside my other colleagues, I saw Professor Park standing at the corner of the auditorium, clapping.
He mouthed to me "congratulations".
After the ceremony was done, I went to Chung-Ae and mom, receiving endless amounts of hugs and praises from them. I then looked back to the corner of the auditorium and saw that he was still there. I couldn't help but go to him, which left Chung-Ae and mom in a state of confusion. They didn't know where was I going, but I couldn't care. I had only one thing in mind, and that was closure.
I beckoned professor park to follow me to the hall, which made him perplexed. As we stood in the hallway, I took a big breath and bowed to professor Park which made him panic.
"Ms. Deung, please—"
"Thank you, Professor, for everything!" I cut him off. I stood up and saw his panicked face, which would have made me laugh if I wasn't so serious.
"Thank you for being a great role model to me, for consoling me, and for being so understanding. I couldn't be thankful for you enough. I probably wouldn't be where I am today without your help. I hope that I could somehow help you the same way you helped me, but it's not possible. So for that, I will be forever grateful for your help, sir." I said, feeling some tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
Professor Park smiled a soft smile and grabbed his handkerchief as he dried the tears that I didn't know I had shed.
"First of all, my help isn't what got you here in the first place. It's you, Ms. Deung. If you weren't as smart and amazing, my help would have meant nothing. You need to give yourself more credit, okay? And please, don't thank me for all of this. I'll gladly do it all over again because you deserve all of it," Professor Park said, patting my face gently to dry it off.
He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "Now, go celebrate. You won't get to repeat your graduation day, so make it count!"
I nodded to professor Park, bidding him goodbye one last time before leaving him to go to mom and Chung-Ae.
This chapter of my life is finally closed and done.
Lol I wrote this chapter while I'm sick, so I apologize for any grammatical mistakes.
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ssirenaamae · 6 months
HER| Park Jimin 박 지민
Based on the song “HER” by Chase Atlantic
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Chapter two
A week has passed by rather uneventfully. I don't know who the hell said that college life is fun, but they sure lied.
I'm already dreading this day—mainly because I have psychology as my first lecture to attend. This means I get to see him first thing in the morning.
I still can't get over what happened last week. I can't stop thinking about it. About him. I can't even act on it.
He doesn't know how frustrated I get by him. He doesn't how much he affects me. 
If only he wasn't my teacher—
"Good morning, professor," a random student greeted Professor.
I didn't even realize he arrived here. Wow, my mind is totally occupied by him...
Right as he greeted her back, he cleared his throat, "Right, let's continue yesterday's lecture, shall we?"
He momentarily looks at me, which made me flinch because I knew he caught me staring at him.
I instantly looked away and opened my notebook to begin writing notes for today.
"And that will be it for today. I hope you guys have a nice day," Professor Park said.
Chatter filled the air as everyone began to leave the room. Right as I was about to leave, a voice stopped me from going any further.
"Ms. Deung, I need to speak to you for a moment."
I gulped, turning around to find his mesmerizing brown eyes already staring at me.
I cleared my throat, "Is there something wrong, professor?"
He smiled at me, "No, nothing's wrong. I just wanted to tell you that I sent out your research to a publisher and they loved it."
My eyes grew wide open as I gasped, "What? No way! Is this a joke?”
He shook his head and smiled, confirming that it’s real, “Wow…”
I bowed and smiled as I fidgeted “I don't know what to say. Thank you, sir."
He waved his hand, "Please, don't even thank me. You deserve it."
I cleared my throat, "Right—well, thanks again, sir. Until the next lecture then."
Professor Park stood up, "Actually that's not the only reason why I called you here."
He began moving towards me, which made me take a step back automatically. Call it reflex, if you will.
He leaned against his desk, crossing his arms. He stared at the ground, which I assume was because he was thinking about something. Who knows?
"I've noticed that you've been rather down, lately. Is everything alright, or are things still rough?" he asked, looking at me in concern.
No, I'm not okay, and it's all because of you.
"Thanks for your concern, sir, but I'm okay. I’ve just been stressed; that’s all," I forced a smile.
I know he wasn't buying it because he stared at me for a while—narrowing his eyes at me as if I were some sort of code he was trying to decipher. I mean, he's a psychology professor, after all. He knows when any one of us is lying.
"Alright. If there is anything, though, feel free to talk to me, okay? Or even talk to guidance counselor."
Why do you make it so hard for me to get over you, Park Jimin? It's like he's not even trying! If only he knew how much I liked him. If only he knew the measures I'd take to keep him safe. If only...
"Okay. Thanks, professor."
I quickly bid him goodbye and soon left the room. I felt suffocated there. I truly can't wait for graduation to come. Maybe it will be easier to get over him?
Who am kidding? It probably won't.
There's nothing I can do about it at the end of the day, though. All I can do is just sulk—but he still won't like me. Signing, I continued walking to my next lecture, reminiscing over some memories I had with professor Park.
After the girl left, Jimin frowned. He knew that she was lying. He hoped that she would get better though. Whenever he would see her down, he would always remember this one time he found her crying on the floor about something during his first day as a professor.
He went up to her and asked if she was okay. He remembered how she flinched, looking up slowly to find him crouched so he could face her.
She whispered that she was okay, but he knew that wasn't the case. He sat beside her and tousled his hair, telling her to try him. Before he knew it, she spilled everything to him.
He listened to her attentively. He was very patient with her. He commented every chance he got and comforted her greatly.
She smiled, asking him why was he being so nice to her. He truly didn't know though. Maybe he found her interesting. Though, on some level, he knew why he helped her.
He shrugged and told her to not worry about it. Even though it was silly, he managed to make her let out a soft giggle. He somehow found himself smiling over it.
It was truly adorable.
He didn't know why, but he wanted to help this girl. Maybe it was the teacher in him.
Though, those small encounters with her didn't stop there
He met her several times at a convenience store near the university. They'd speak for a while, and discuss a bunch of random things. He noticed how she would always get those gummy candy packets and a bunch of chocolates with her every time she went there alongside her usual groceries. She would always light up at the sight of candy.
It was pretty funny
Aside from those encounters, they'd always seem to run into each other on campus somehow. He found himself looking forward to seeing his favorite student every now and then.
He just felt for her. Ever since that day he saw her cry, he would try to help her in every way possible. Minor or somewhat major. She trusted him so much that she would often confide in him as if he were her guidance counselor.
He dealt with his fair share of problems. He knows what it's like. That's why he's always helping her.
Little did he know that she started gaining feelings for him since then.
"Remind me again why you're working when you know damn well you don't need this money?" Chung-Ae inquired.
I smiled, cleaning a table as the diner closed a while ago, "One of my friends in psychology needed someone to fill in their spot at work for a week, so I did them the favor. I kind of enjoyed it since I liked how I earned money for my work. It was fulfilling. It’s also extra pocket money, and they have a shortage in staff. If they only had one spot left, I wouldn’t have taken it as someone would deserve it more than me. So that’s about it, really. That’s why I decided to work here part-time."
"Okay, but if I was crapping money like you, I wouldn't work," Chung-Ae grumbled.
I just laughed and continued cleaning the table. I might indeed be wealthy, but sometimes a person can be bored. So why not work when you can earn more money than you already have? Plus, I love the owners of this diner and I want to help them. It's not just for the money.
I'm also trying to be independent too. I can't depend on my mom's money forever. I need to learn what's it like living in the real world. I know it's very cheesy, but I'm just terrified of my future—therefore, I'm taking any means to get me prepared.
"Ugh, I'm bored. Can I stay over today?" Chung-Ae sighed.
"Sure! How about we buy some snacks from the convenience store for a movie night?" I asked.
Chung-Ae squealed, clapping her hands, "Let's do that!"
(I don't know if it's even possible to have a minor in psychology while majoring in medicine, but for the sake of the plot, let's just act as if it's possible)
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ssirenaamae · 6 months
HER| Park Jimin 박 지민
Based on the song “HER” by Chase Atlantic
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Chapter one
"Sometimes, I wish you were a man, Kyung-Mi," Chung-Ae sighed.
"I'm not even going to question what goes on in your mind at this point, Chung-Ae," I laughed as I continued to wipe one of the tables of the diner.
She tends to say the most random things ever. Her mind sure is something. Not going to lie, I'm kind of jealous.
"I'm serious! Men these days are just pure trash. Sure, there might be good guys out here somewhere—but so far all the ones I've met are just horrible. You have all the great qualities one looks for in a partner!" She whined.
I mean, she does have a point about it being tough to find some good partners these days. I've only been in like two relationships, but they weren't anything memorable or serious. At the same time, I wouldn't even count them as a relationship if they were in middle school though.
I was about to date a few guys back in high school, but they all either were messing with me, or it just didn't work out.
I guess I have terrible luck when it comes to men. Maybe I even have terrible qualities which leads me to still be single today, but Chung-Ae says other ways.
"You do have a point," I huffed.
After cleaning the final table in the diner, I take off my apron and smile in satisfaction. Today sure was a long day at the diner.
"Do you underestand, though?! Kyung-Mi, I don't want to end up alone and miserable. I need a man, and fast!" Chung-Ae complained.
"Honestly speaking—I feel the same way," I finally gave in and threw myself at one of the couches and groaned.
We both looked at each other and frowned. We can't stay in this depressing mood forever.
Who am I kidding, though? We're very pessimistic, so we'll probably keep on torturing ourselves about it.
"We have got to do something about this," Chung-Ae said.
"I think we should just let ourselves go with the flow," I replied.
"What? And leave ourselves single with 30 cats? No, thanks," she scoffed.
God, is she tiring sometimes...
If we keep on speaking about this topic, we'll probably ball our eyes out at this point. To be honest, I'm not really in the mood to wipe Chung-Ae's snot off her face—or listen to a sad playlist together.
"If I buy us dinner, will you shut up about this?"
"No way! I'm not that cheap, love," she huffed proudly.
I rolled my eyes, "Okay, I'm buying us dinner for a whole week. How about that?"
It grew silent for a moment.
"You have got yourself a deal."
"So then I looked this girl in the eye and told her to piss off and—you are not even listening to me!" Chung-Ae screeched.
"Well, you know I zone out a lot. So, technically, it isn't my fault. It's genetics!" I justified.
"What does genetics have to—I can't even believe you're in medical school at this point," she facepalmed.
"I couldn't believe it either at first—trust me," I said.
I remember quite vividly how I had imposter syndrome. I was terribly convinced that they must've had a mix-up with me and another student. It was so stressful. Luckily enough, I managed to do well over the past few years at school.
Medical school is not for the faint-hearted. I probably should've known that before entering. Then again, some people think it's not that bad. I don't know if they're too smart or if I'm just stupid.
Chung-Ae, on the other hand, already graduated and is now working as an interior designer. I, on the other hand, am in my last year in medical school.
"Anyway, how many months do you have left before you officially graduate?" Chung-Ae asked as she munched on her bruschetta.
"3 months. Our graduation ceremony will be done after it in 2 months, "I answered as I was cutting the steak into bite-sized pieces for Chung-ae. She doesn't know how to use a knife that well, so I try to help at times.
"And you wonder why I said I wish you were a man," Chung-Ae mumbled as she watched me cut her steak for her.
"Anyway, you just have five months left?! God, I can't wait for you to work too so we both complain about our coworkers or—"
Chung-Ae started coughing and banged on her chest in an attempt to stop coughing. As I was about to go and help her, same thing with the waiter, she gestured for us a thumbs up. Unknowingly, we both exhaled a huge breath we'd been holding in.
"Miss, are you alright? Was there something in the food?" The waiter nervously asked.
She shook her head, "No, there's nothing with the food. It's all good, thank you."
After the waiter left, I looked at her with my brows raised. She gestured for me to wait a minute as she was drinking water.
"Isn't that your professor right there? Park Mijin was it?" She whisper-shouted.
As I looked in the direction she pointed at, my breath hitched as I saw professor Park with a woman, conversing over something.
Was he on a date?
I gulped, "Yeah, um that's him yeah."
I couldn't help but stare at them as my heart was beating so hard. The way he was smiling at her made my lips twitch.
"Kyung-Mi..." Chung-Ae wiped my face, which confused me as I didn't know that I was crying.
I thanked her and took the tissues from her, attempting to stop the tears from running down my face.
"God, what's wrong with me? Why am I even crying," I laughed, attempting to lighten the mood.
That didn't work though as Chung-Ae held my hands and rubbed them, looking at me sympathetically. We sit in silence like this for a few minutes as the restaurant's atmosphere filled in the quietness.
I can't believe I cried in public. I mean, I know people didn't notice, nor do they care; however, I'm still embarrassed.
If I cry, I usually cry at home or at Chung-Ae's house. I always try to restrain myself in public—though I guess this doesn't apply to what happened right now.
I wish I wasn't so sensitive sometimes.
"I'm sorry. I know you like him a lot," Chung-Ae broke the silence.
"Yeah, well—he's my professor, so it's not like something was going to happen anyway," I sniffled, still looking at the table rather than at her.
"It's his loss anyway," she tried to cheer me up.
I smiled slightly, mouthing a small thank you as I tried to recollect myself.
I know it's so inappropriate to like my teacher, but he has been an important figure in my life since last year. He treated me so well too. I've never been treated with this much care and respect.
He never crossed any boundaries, though. I'm just the idiot who falls for any guy who gives her the slightest attention. Even more of an idiot to fall for my professor.
But can you blame me though? He's smart, sophisticated, mature, gorgeous, kind, sweet, and caring. It's like he's flawless.
If only things were different, then maybe...
"Kyung-Mi, come on, let's go," Chung-As called out to me.
I furrowed my brows, "But, aren't I supposed to pay for dinner?"
"I did, so no worries. You can treat me to dinner later," She smiled.
This girl.
I picked up my bag and began to head out. Before leaving, I couldn't help but stare at them momentarily before I left.
Unbeknownst to me, he managed to catch a glimpse of me before I left.
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ssirenaamae · 6 months
HER| Park Jimin 박 지민
Based on the song “HER” by Chase Atlantic
Intro + Playlist:
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───
H E R | P A R K J I M I N
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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───
In which a young man recovers from his past.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : H E R p l a y l i s t
HER- Chase Atlantic
Akuma no Ko- Ai Higuchi
I'll never break your heart- Backstreet Boys
Dimple- BTS
Black Swan- BTS
The Truth Untold- BTS
Filter- BTS (Jimin)
Blue & Grey- BTS
Serendipity- BTS (Jimin)
Just One Day- BTS
SLIDE- Chase Atlantic
CALL ME BACK- Chase Atlantic
K- Cigarettes After Sex
Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby- Cigarettes After Sex
Don't Cry- Gun N' Roses
A Pearl- Mitski
Nobody- Mitski
Void- The Neighbourhood
The Beach- The Neighbourhood
Wonderwall- Oasis
Vulnerable- Selena Gomez
Dark Red- Steve Lacy
Faith- The Weeknd
Nothing Compares- The Weeknd
As You Are- The Weeknd
Nothing Without You- The Weeknd
Twenty Eight- The Weeknd
A playlist full of angst and fluff
(literally though lmao)
19 notes · View notes
ssirenaamae · 6 months
HER| Park Jimin 박 지민
Based on the song “HER” by Chase Atlantic
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"I'm getting feelings that I didn't before,"
Deung Kyung-Mi had feelings for her psychology professor, Park Jimin, for as long as she could remember. She never made a move to act on her emotions, though. She knew it was wrong, but she couldn't help but fall for him. He was sweet to her, kind to her, and caring that it made her heart melt. He filled a void in her heart that was created by someone else—someone who was supposed to be her family.
Nevertheless, she buried her feelings deep inside and never confronted them. She knew he would never think of her in that way.
Years after she graduated, she built her own psychiatry clinic, and her life seemed to move forward. However, fate seemed to have other plans for her as she was reminded of her past once again.
Master list:
Intro + playlist
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
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