ssssssssssssss123 · 2 years
My favorite part of fall is the heartbreak.
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ssssssssssssss123 · 2 years
Anyway, no-fault divorce, easy access to birth control, and abortion on demand all serve to make families stronger, healthier, happier, and more robust, because they allow family to be a matter of choice rather than a means of social control and violence.
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ssssssssssssss123 · 2 years
Fun, sparkly, casual gender nonconformity is awesome and wonderful, but it's also not the only type. Gender nonconformity can be serious, and it should have a respected place in society.
It's not inappropriate for a man to wear a dress to a business meeting. It's not inappropriate for a woman to wear a three-piece suit to a funeral. It's not inappropriate for someone to dress androgynous for an interview. Gender nonconformity is, for many people, just a part of expression. It's not just a performance or a fun weekend thing (although, again, that's good too)!
If gender nonconformity is only viewed as "casual", and is still punished in professional spaces for being "inappropriate", trans, genderqueer and gender nonconforming people will never be free. If you only treat gender nonconformity with respect in drag bars and pride festivals, you don't actually respect gender nonconformity.
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ssssssssssssss123 · 2 years
“I have lost more battles than I care to count. I could write a volume on the art of retreat. This is not an easy life. It is a struggle to survive. It is a fight. But I have survived. It's a fight that I am winning.”
— Journal of a Transsexual by Leslie Feinberg
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ssssssssssssss123 · 2 years
okay, but like, to be butch is to be hot
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ssssssssssssss123 · 2 years
I feel like cis people would be able to understand trans people more if they, and all of us, understood that "baby", "girl", "boy", "woman", "man", "mother", "father", "wife", "husband", etc are all different genders.
A child has wildly different experiences and roles than an adult. A parent has wildly different experiences and roles than a non-parent.
A child is gendered differently than an adult, and vice versa.
People will struggle so hard to understand how a person can transition into a man or a woman if they grew up as a girl or a boy, respectively, but....
Gender isn't static, even for cis people.
A cisgendered girl also transitions into the gender of a woman. A cisgendered boy also transitions into the gender of a man. A non-parent transitions into the gender of a parent.
Yes, for transgender people, the transition is often more complex and "shocking", but everyone transitions into different genders throughout the course of their life.
And people have always understood this. In many cultures around the world, male and female children would be dressed and addressed in roughly the same way, without much binary differentiation, until they reached a certain "coming-of-age" point, where they would reach a new gender.
Just yesterday I was at a Chalaka/Upshernish ceremony for a little boy in a family I know. This ceremony is practiced in some Jewish communities, where a boy's hair isn't cut until his third birthday, when his hair his cut and his peyot are left intact, signifying his next step in his life's journey, and the begining of his education. You'll find in these communities that little toddler boys and girls look very similar until they're three, and often they're mixed up by outsiders because they associate long hair with girls. In many ways, this ceremony is a ceremony wherein a Jewish boy transitions from the gender of a "baby", to the gender of a "boy".
Coming-of-age ceremonies exist in pretty much every culture, and mark important transitions and new gender assignments.
The transition from infanthood to childhood, the transition from childhood to adulthood, the transition from singlehood to marriage, etc etc. These are all different genders.
If you can understand that a girl is different from a woman, and that to become a woman you must transition from one stage to another, then you can understand that one can transition from one "opposite" gender to another.
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ssssssssssssss123 · 2 years
It's okay to adopt a queer label for yourself even if you're unsure if it applies to you. Once you stop seeing queer labels as a box you must ridgedly fit into and start seeing queer labels as general descriptions of your complex human experiences, I've found that's it's easier to start describing yourself without fear.
It's okay to just use labels - even if it's complicated. Humans by their nature are complex. This is the human condition.
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ssssssssssssss123 · 2 years
“Nobody wants to work” yet im over here filling out 3945867483293064359469 applications on 500 different job hunting sites, each application demanding i take a 30 minute-test to PROVE that me and my paltry resume are worth a multi-million company giving me 16 whole dollars an hour. Nobody wants to work yet 97 of the 100 applications you fill out just ghost you (because when a Boss does it, that’s just how it is. But if you ghost? Unprofessional.) or give you some pointless runaround for 3 weeks until telling you you’re not a good fit because you only have 3 years of dick-sucking experience and they want 5. Nobody wants to work? Nobody wants to invest in employees. Nobody wants to hire, nobody wants to train, nobody wants to teach anyone new skills. Nobody wants to accept that YES, some people DO work to collect a paycheck and thats FINE, not all of us are born with a passion to be a Starbucks Manager. We’re all passionate about living and supporting ourselves and I wish bosses would stop being so lazy and rude and give my friends jobs for $20000 an hour
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ssssssssssssss123 · 2 years
a lesbian can call themself a boy or even a man or a boyfriend without actually being a man. That's just how funky our genders are. Cope
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ssssssssssssss123 · 2 years
Halloween Season
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ssssssssssssss123 · 2 years
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And that's that on that.
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ssssssssssssss123 · 2 years
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ssssssssssssss123 · 2 years
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“If you promise to stay alive just a little bit longer I promise that we are going to make this world a place worth living in by any means necessary. I ain’t giving up. I swear.” 
Spotted in Clackamas, Oregon
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ssssssssssssss123 · 2 years
Labels and shared label communities are good but if you're so steeped in them to the point where learning something new about yourself that suddenly transgresses said self imposed labels to the point that you feel you need to "come out" all over again maybe take a step back. It's ok, be undescribable, the girlies love a little mystery
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ssssssssssssss123 · 2 years
if you need me this Fall i will be buried deeply in the butch for butch tag as its the only thing that brings me joy at this time
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ssssssssssssss123 · 2 years
When i say I love masculinity, I mean lesbian masculinity. I mean butches. Butch lesbians are the epitome of what I adore. Butches are incredibly top tier. When I say I love masculinity, I mean butches
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ssssssssssssss123 · 2 years
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