starclips-inmyhair · 9 months
okay so two of my friends have known each other since they were like, 5, and like to bully each other about their hair color cause ones a redhead and the other is blonde.
and one time, i was in a group of like, 6 people with the blonde, and the redhead walked by and they started them yelling like “leprechaun!” and what not. however, the redhead everytime yells “i HATE blonde people”, and when she yelled it, the unrelated blonde in the group, who had headphones in, turned at the exact perfect time as she yelled that with a confused look
we later learned he didn’t hear what she said
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starclips-inmyhair · 10 months
has anyone ever had that moment where you question your friends’ sexualities and over the next two months you find out 90% of them are fruity and in relationships with other fruit filled homosapiens
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starclips-inmyhair · 10 months
something that’s always bothered me about teen movies
teenagers are always portrayed in like, massive stereotypes across the board in tons of movies. the nerd, the mean girl, the jock, when like, in my experience everyone’s a mix. yeah sure there are mean people and stuff, but they have their nicer moments.
i remember one time i was walking behind this one girl at my school who is kinda a jerk and i was crying and she heard me and was like, genuinely concerned abt me for a sec
when i was little, i thought teenagers were super scary and i categorized everyone at first into the categories i listed above, but honestly that’s false
people are people, and they can change, and not be stereotypes
just my thoughts
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starclips-inmyhair · 1 year
why is my tumblr an absolute wreck
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starclips-inmyhair · 1 year
new painting!
Tumblr media
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starclips-inmyhair · 1 year
the american education system guys-
so story time
my friend broke her foot, and she’s gonna be inna cast and/or splint for the next two months.
meaning she can’t do PE for 2 months.
my schools PE makeup policy is that for every day you miss, even if you’re like dying in the hospital or smth or you have a medical excuse, you have to make up those points by running a mile in under 12 minutes. or you can take the F.
so, my friend was asked what is she gonna do abt that?
she told us that her PE teacher told her to just drop the course. its a grad requirement and we’re freshmen. so basically, if she doesn’t drop the course, she takes an F for the next two months and watches her gpa suffer. But if she does drop it, she has to do the course next year, then do her second and final year her junior year if she wants to graduate.
what’s y’all’s take on this
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starclips-inmyhair · 1 year
Does anyone ever just find out random pieces of info abt their siblings? Like, I randomly was talking to my brother abt The Owl House one time and shows I wanted to watch and I brought up Amphibia and he was like “oh that? I binged it in like a week or two when the new season came out”
I was like, huaaaah???
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starclips-inmyhair · 1 year
agree or disagree, could you befriend a raccoon
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starclips-inmyhair · 1 year
who else has two adults telling them diff things abt grades, like, either i’m doing enough or i’m doing too much which is it
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starclips-inmyhair · 2 years
So today in English, we had to write an ode to something we thought was under appreciated. I wrote mine, turned it in, and my teacher was like, oh do you wanna read it for the class. And I was really embarrassed but I said sure and went up.
So in front of a room of 28 teenagers, I read out loud, trying not to laugh, “An Ode to Ghost Type Pokémon”
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starclips-inmyhair · 2 years
So me and my friend are both bisexual
And for Christmas, I made him a painting with a picture of our little cartoon faces on it that said “Bi Squad” with the bi flag. Because our thing is that together, we’re the bi squad. And a week after I gave it to him, he walked up to me and was like “I did it.” And I asked what, to which he replied he came out to his parents, and he used my painting to help do so.
When I say that this dude is a bean to treasure I mean it I can’t-
I felt so cool tho I can’t even
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starclips-inmyhair · 2 years
Story time,
I’m usually the first in the family awake, and at hotels, I just lay there in bed just derping around on my phone. So when someone else wakes up, I just look at them and say dramatically “I see you’re FINALLY awake” with a voice filled with fake scorn.
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starclips-inmyhair · 2 years
So, I’m watching One Piece right now, right? Episode 11 to be exact. And there’s one part of the episode where Ussop hears his friends calling for him, wipes his tears, hides an injury, and turns to them with a big smile and a cheery tone. And I have never seen something more relatable in an anime than that moment of watching someone hide their pain to make their friends not worry.
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starclips-inmyhair · 2 years
Has anyone ever noticed how schools make your top priority itself. Like, I’ve gotten sick a bunch of times during the school year, and my first thought isn’t “Oh I need rest.”
I could be dying and still go to my Math 1 class, try to learn, and not act like I’m dying, despite all my friends telling me to get sleep and rest.
Why is this what we’ve been conditioned to do.
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starclips-inmyhair · 2 years
Does anyone remember when we were kids? When we thought growing up would be the best thing ever, not the nightmare it can be. When we found out about curse words and treated them as taboo, not as everyday words. When we all kept secrets for our friends, not from them. When we stood in the rain, jumping in puddles happily, not sobbing in pain.
When innocence was a common joy, not dirty jokes and harassment at every corner. When boys and girls could play together, not being told that it’s not allowed. When we smiled at a funny joke, not just to cover up our pain.
What happened to us?
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