stardustnmyeyes1 · 9 months
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stardustnmyeyes1 · 3 years
I’m trying to find someone I started talking to because of this post. Mira if you see this I still use the same email so if you want feel free to message me there. If you don’t that’s fine. thoughted I’d at least try
My name is Ava and I am 15 years old. Around 12 years old I realized I don’t only like guys but also girls so I came out to my friends as bi. However I fell in love with transgender guy about my age and realized I am actually pansexual. So I came out to my friend who took it well. Around the same time I also realized that I am non-binary so I immediately told them as wel and once again they took it really wel.
The thing is I don’t really have anyone to talk with it about or about anything. I mean I live in Belgium and am very shy in person so its not like i am going to meet any other non-straight people any time soon. I would love to have somebody to talk who with understands, it is about being part of the LGBTQ+ community or just some stupid thing that happend at school. I have friends but they don’t really understand or  truly listen to me so yeah…
If there is anyone who would want to talk to me my messages are open and my gmail is gmail@stardustinmyeyes1
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stardustnmyeyes1 · 5 years
@faithfullyforyou alright listen up here you fucking dick. the only one hurting people here is you. I’m just trying to live and you’re the one telling me that I’m wrong just because I like girls too. how am I the one who’s hurting me? I love and accept myself for who I am while you are telling me that I am wrong just because I am also interested in girls. you and people like you are disgusting. you hurt people for no reason. if you cared you would have left me alone. for fucks sake I made a post of me trying to find friends and you go and post some homophobic bullshit, on a post made by a 16 year old. for fucks sake what is wrong with you? you specifically went into the LGBTQ+ tag to spread hate and homophobia. how fucking sad is your life that you have to put other people down. honestly I feel bad for you. I feel bad for the fact that you have nothing going on in your life except for being an absolute dick to children just because they aren’t cis-het.
btw if you I’m going to stop defending myself and other LGBTQ+ member you are fucking wrong. I will die before I don’t speak up again dickhead like you. 
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fucking homopbic Christian replying this under a post of me looking for a friend
@faithfullyforyou I’m too busy commiting sins while thinking about holding my crushes hand (who’s a girl btw) to turn to your bullshit, homophobic, discriminatory and sexist religion. But I will applaud you for being a bad Christian. I mean whatever happened to “thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” and “Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.”. you can’t pick and chose what you like out of the bible hun, it’s all or nothing. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going imagine cuddling with my crush.
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stardustnmyeyes1 · 5 years
@faithfullyforyou aight listen up here you homophobic sad excuse of a human  being. you don’t care about me or any other LGBTQ+ person for that matter. all you care about is pushing your religion and ideology on people who don’t want anything to do with it. if you want to live in a sad world where people aren’t allowed to be themselves, be my fucking guest but don’t you dare try to force me to live the same miserable life that you love. If my actions were hurting anyone it would have been ok to call me out, but me being pan is not a bad things and doesn’t hurt anyone. I’ll be damned if I let disgusting people like you insult me or anyone else just because they aren’t cis-het. 
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fucking homopbic Christian replying this under a post of me looking for a friend
@faithfullyforyou I’m too busy commiting sins while thinking about holding my crushes hand (who’s a girl btw) to turn to your bullshit, homophobic, discriminatory and sexist religion. But I will applaud you for being a bad Christian. I mean whatever happened to “thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” and “Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.”. you can’t pick and chose what you like out of the bible hun, it’s all or nothing. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going imagine cuddling with my crush.
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stardustnmyeyes1 · 5 years
How to get a girlfriend
I type into google, escepting non-hetrosexual tips like a fool.
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stardustnmyeyes1 · 5 years
Not going to lie, I still kinda want a tumblr girlfriend...
or like a irl girlfriend, I’m not picky.
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stardustnmyeyes1 · 5 years
fucking homopbic Christian replying this under a post of me looking for a friend
@faithfullyforyou I’m too busy commiting sins while thinking about holding my crushes hand (who’s a girl btw) to turn to your bullshit, homophobic, discriminatory and sexist religion. But I will applaud you for being a bad Christian. I mean whatever happened to “thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” and “Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.”. you can’t pick and chose what you like out of the bible hun, it’s all or nothing. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going imagine cuddling with my crush.
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stardustnmyeyes1 · 5 years
so I wrote this about a year ago and I’d like to try it again. I copied my first post about it and updated a little bit if anyone is interested.
My name is Ava and I am 16 years old (I turn 17 at the end of December) . Around 12 years old I realized I don’t only like guys but also girls so I came out to my friends as bi. However I fell in love with transgender guy about my age and realized I am actually pansexual. the term bi never really felt right to me. when I heard of the term pansexual it felt right. So I came out to my friend who took it well. Around the same time I also realized that I am non-binary so I immediately told them as well and once again they took it really well.
The thing is I don’t really have anyone to talk with it about or about anything. I mean I live in Belgium and am very shy in person so its not like I am going to meet any other non-straight people any time soon. I would love to have somebody to talk who with understands, whether it is about being part of the LGBTQ+ community or just some stupid thing that happened at school. I have friends but they don’t really understand or  truly listen to me so yeah…
If there is anyone who would want to talk to me my messages are open and my gmail is [email protected]
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stardustnmyeyes1 · 6 years
Not going to lie I kind of want a tumblr girlfriend...
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stardustnmyeyes1 · 6 years
My name is Ava and I am 15 years old. Around 12 years old I realized I don’t only like guys but also girls so I came out to my friends as bi. However I fell in love with transgender guy about my age and realized I am actually pansexual. So I came out to my friend who took it well. Around the same time I also realized that I am non-binary so I immediately told them as wel and once again they took it really wel.
The thing is I don’t really have anyone to talk with it about or about anything. I mean I live in Belgium and am very shy in person so its not like i am going to meet any other non-straight people any time soon. I would love to have somebody to talk who with understands, it is about being part of the LGBTQ+ community or just some stupid thing that happend at school. I have friends but they don’t really understand or  truly listen to me so yeah...
If there is anyone who would want to talk to me my messages are open and my gmail is gmail@stardustinmyeyes1
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