Arya’s first word was “Jon”
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Ned and Sansa are the only Starks to drink coffee. Whenever they see the Starks, their local barista‘s know to get one black coffee and one over the top, over complicated, overly sweet drink order. Sansa drinks her coffee black. 
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When Sansa got married she was torn between making Arya and Jeyne Poole her maid of honor. Arya eventually told her to make it Jeyne.
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theon is the worst roomate you could ever have never cleans always late on rent steals your shit literally roomate from hell. robb is a bad roommate but only because hes dating theon which means theon freeloads at the apartment hes like actually an okay roommate its just his boyfriend is the worst. jon is a nice roommate he facetimes his dog and always wears headphones. sansa okay roommate but shes living out a small-girl-in-the-big-city fantasy and is romanticising literally every aspect which means she’s always sighing and staring dramatically out the window and she’s annoyingly nepo wealthy. arya second worst roommate cos she listens to music on full blast and sneaks her dog in and fights with the landlord but she knows all the cool places in the city and will beat anyone you want up no question and will never snitch. you would never see bran if he was your roommate hes like a ghost one day you get up at 3am for a glass of water and hes smoking bog swamp weed in the dark with the two identical haunted-eyed bohemians in frog bucket hats
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Ned, Lyanna, Jon, Sansa and Bran all have the “looking at your feet when you lie” tell
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The Tullys refer to Arya as Little Cat because she’s exactly how they remember Catelyn growing up minus the looks.
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Nobody drives with Arya. Ned did once and they had to switch halfway through the trip. No one has the heart to tell Catelyn that Arya drives exactly like her. They’re both terrible drivers
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When they go out, people regularly assume that Jon and Lyanna are siblings instead of mother and son.
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Val is the big spoon
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Arya can tan like no one’s business. One day gets her a perfect tan for months. She gets this from Catelyn.
Sansa can’t tan for crap. She has to sunblock up once an hour if she is going to be in the sun.
Lyanna Stark stays out of the Sun. She once got Sun Poisoning in Dorne and vowed to never do so again.
Margaery, as long as she plans to tan tans very well. If she doesn’t it’s a coin flip whether she tans or burns.
Shireen stays out of the Sun due to her burn scars. Lyanna Mormont usually gets a farmer tan and doesn’t do anything to fix it.
Myrcella gets really bad tan lines. She has a bad habit of losing bikinis so has to change them which doesn’t match her previous tan so her butt is three different shades.
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Sansa and Osha are the only two people that can get Rickon to do anything without a fight. But even Sansa’s power does not extend to keeping him from sneaking into her bed at night.
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Modern AU
Jeyne and Arya were finally able to put aside their childhood antagonism when Arya went to go meet Gendry’s mother. Arya, against her better judgement, wore a skirt but accidentally tucked the back of it into her panties. Jeyne saved her from a huge amount of embarrassment and they’ve been at a begrudging truce since.
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Rhaenys would be taller than Aegon who is going to be taller than Oberyn and Elia who are both taller than Doran who is taller than Arianne.
No matter what Arianne is the shortest.
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Margaery Tyrell and Jon Snow share a birthday.
As do Arya Stark and Missandei.
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Modern AU
Robb and Theon attempted to join a Ballet class so that they would be the only males in a class full of pretty girls. It did not work as numerous other guys had the same idea and there were barely any girls
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