starofvesuvia · 4 months
Could you please rank the Courtiers from most to least likely willing to pay child support?
If your definition of child includes Vlastomil's worms, then the most likely is Vlastomil.
If not, the most likely is Valerius.
Either way, the least likely is Vulgora.
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starofvesuvia · 1 year
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starofvesuvia · 4 years
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t-this is Ziba
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Selene’s familiar is a European Badger named Juniper. She does tricks for chestnuts, would risk her life for belly rubs, and calls Julian “BOYFRIEND”. Yes, in all-caps. Somehow she does that.
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starofvesuvia · 4 years
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Mountain man, take me by the hand, lead me to the land that you understand ~ [Thank you for your request, Anon. ♥]
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starofvesuvia · 4 years
Reblog if your Apprentice(s) is 110% up for random people (other Apprentices and anons included) to come in and start flirting with them.
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starofvesuvia · 4 years
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Jumping on the Apprentice body pillow bandwagon. Hester ♥
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starofvesuvia · 4 years
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Hester loves Emperor’s New Groove bc Kuzco is absolutely Lucio and it never fails to crack him up.
What is your apprentice's favorite Disney movie and why?
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Errol likes Frozen! She really identifies with Elsa and her struggle to control her powers and her redemption after hurting her sister!
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starofvesuvia · 5 years
The main 6 reacting to an MC having really long hair? Your blog is super cute btw
// I’m honestly not sure if this is what you wanted, but I hope you like it anyhow! Sorry it took so long skdks//
- Buys the most luxurious hair products for you. Since she has very long hair herself, she knows what works best
- Gifts you with beautiful hair accessories, gems to tuck into plaits and bows to tie around a ponytail
- On particularly stressful days, she offers to wash it for you, finding the repetitive motions of the task relaxing
- You, of course, will repay the favour sometimes, and she tells you how much she loves the feeling of your hands being so gentle on her scalp
- When brushing it in the morning is just too difficult because of how tangled it had gotten during the night, she’ll sit with you for as long as it takes to slowly undo all the tangled and knots, no matter how pressing her tasks are for the day
- Having known you for the longest, he’s been there throughout most of your hair growth journey
- Whenever you ask him which of your lengths he prefers, he just smiles a cryptic smile and tells you that you’d look lovely no matter how long or short your hair was
- In truth, he adores your long hair. With his own hair being so short, it’s nice to be able to run his fingers through the entirety of yours
- He doesn’t make hair potions for you anymore, not after one incident where he dyed it lime green instead of just making it look shinier
- Instead, he recommends herbs which will keep it strong and healthy, and collects and prepares them with you, which is generally disaster free
- Sometimes when you’re going to sleep he absentmindedly plays with your hair, which makes it tangle quicker but is incredibly endearing
- He could watch you styling your hair for hours, if either of you had the time.
- He just can’t help but being a little bit amazed as you deftly put it into a bun, and the way your fingers move so quickly as you braid it is kind of amazing
- On the rare occasion you allow him to style your hair, it’s a complete mess, but at least it’s something to laugh about as you undo his creation
- You tell him to stick to his day job, and never apply to be a hairdresser
- Let’s be honest, this man clearly doesn’t have the best skin/healthcare routine
- Moisturiser? Never heard of her
- So when you turn up with your long locks and your equally as long routine on how to keep your hair healthy, he slowly starts integrating parts of your routine into his own
- As you stand by the mirror and brush out the knots, he stands beside you and combs his own, considerably shorter, hair
- He never becomes quite as involved in this self care as you are, but honestly, getting this boy to brush his hair at least once a day is a victory in itself
- Brings you little hair accessories as presents. Nothing extravagant, mainly colourful ribbons or patterned scrunchies
- Every so often you two have a ‘Girl’s Night!’ where you do face masks and braid each other’s hair and paint your nails together, which she half throws so that she has an excuse to play with your hair
- Knowing how temperamental long hair can be, she’s very good at towel drying it after you two are caught in a spot of rain in order to stop it drying as a mess
- If you have a haircut which needs constant maintenance, such as a fringe, she offers to trim it for you, which actually goes very successfully!
- He’s possibly just a little jealous of your hair
- Lucio spends a long time on his appearance, and his hair is no exception, and your seemingly effortless beauty is kind of an insult
- Still, instead of his usual reaction which would be to throw a fit, he gets you to style his hair for him as often as possible, since you clearly know how to do it so well
- He does your hair as well, and it’s certainly…. a different look, than usual
- It’s not ugly, by any means, just not exactly your style
- He shows you off to all the servants and they all said they liked it, at least
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starofvesuvia · 6 years
asra: *exists*
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starofvesuvia · 6 years
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Headshot commission for @vonuberwald of her arcana apprentice Hester!! He’s a happy boy too good for this world
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starofvesuvia · 6 years
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It’s nearly Inktober time… and I’m proud to show you all the Arcana themed prompts list @oreyuki and I created ^^ (not sure it’s the only one, but still ^w^) because this game is amazing and so is the fandom <3  hope you like it! 
(all credits belong to @thearcanagame)
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starofvesuvia · 6 years
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starofvesuvia · 6 years
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A bit of a Masquerade outfit edit - just felt like it should be a little bit fancier, (even though he prefers plainer stuff), seeing as Nadia is all set to spoil her boys ♥
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starofvesuvia · 6 years
Drawing meme, number 9? :D
I upgraded his palace wear to be a bit fancier for those nice dinners with the Countess :3
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starofvesuvia · 6 years
6 for character drawing meme!
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He likes spontaneous kisses, especially ones he has to reach for ♥
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starofvesuvia · 6 years
Character drawing meme (with some nsfw)
1.Eating favorite food 2.Usual sitting position 3.When someone is babbling nonsense 4.Expression “WTF?!” 5.Doing something gross 6.The way they kiss 7.Blank look 8.Blow job 9.In ceremonial/special occasion clothes 10.Doing their job 11. Drunk 12.Talking to some superior (their boss, the teacher, the president of the universe…) 13. Having sex in their usual way 14. Feeling lonely 15.Hanging with friend(s) 16. Waiting for someone late 17. Making faces 18. Angry 19. Sleeping position 20. As an animal 21. Torture (doing, being, watching?) 22. Seducing method 23. With one important object 24. Doing their kink 25. Crying 26. Bondage 27. Cringing 28. pillow talk 29. Running for their life 30. Hurt, bleeding 31. casual clothes
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starofvesuvia · 6 years
For the prompts, "Please, take this." apprentice/nadia?
She waits for them to refuse, for the words, ‘it’s too much’ to make the moment turn awkward. 
Instead there is only cautious joy, as if no one has ever handed them something precious before in their life. Nadia doesn’t believe it for a minute, not for the first person she’s met since waking up that feels so genuine, so compassionate that it hurts.
‘It is… acceptable?’ She asks, caution hidden behind her old mask, but it feels like the façade is stripped, shredded, as they look at her, pinning her with that incandescent smile that has so utterly enthralled her from the moment they had first turned it on her. 
She relaxes, despite the heat warming her cheeks, the feeling of falling in the pit of her stomach. It’s so far removed from her few, faint and cold memories of him, the calculations and vulgarities of her ‘courtiers’, she can scarce believe that she isn’t still dreaming. 
‘I’m glad,’ she says affectionately, lifting a stray lock of their hair to her lips and meeting their eyes. 
Their presence by her side is gift enough for her, She will just have make sure that they never forget it.
XD; Idek if this is what you had in mind, but I just hc Nadi as actually quite insecure, the whole courting thing and someone genuinely liking her back instead of the courtiers vying for favours and what she can maybe remember of Lucio??? I love her ♥
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