starryeyedastro · 3 years
💼 How to spot the astrology placements🔎
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Do you want to learn the secret code to figuring out every placement in the zodiac? Here's a useless cheat sheet to spot the placements 🥸
🕵️‍♀️ Over there....you see the person that's late to every math class and shows up carrying a vanilla bean frap (WITH EXTRA WHIP BITCH) and a classic boujee bite sized chocolate chip cookie 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️ WITH THE AUDACITY to not even share?? Chances are they're a Taurus Moon 🤫
🔎 Cindy....her hair holds secrets, and so does her chart 👀 : "Linda stapled a rubber dino onto her ear and said it's the latest trend in Paris! SO I STAPLED A RUBBER DINO ONTO MY EARS😍". Who is this you may ask? None other than Cindy, a 7th House Moon! Because their friends opinions and fashion trends heavily influence their own thoughts and style.
"Joe chill the fuck out this is monopoly dude"
Welcome to the world of an Aries Mercury🥰 Losing is a crime against their dignity.
💖 "Hi my name is monica and I'm a baddie😘 did I mention I was a baddie? People are scared of me because I'm just soooo intimidating, and I'm a baddie😌".
Monica forgot to mention one thing, She's also a Leo Moon. Just baddie tingz 💁‍♀️💀💀
💜 That one kid in kindergarten who ate the purple gluestick because they were curious if it tasted like grapes? That's a Sagittarius Moon🤠 They love new ideas, especially when it comes to their food LMFAOO
💐 Who is that popular pretty girl who has great fashion taste but spends way too much money on perfume and clothes? That's a Libra Venus, Their motto is "Treat yourself" 365 days of the year💖
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💼 That person checking their friends SnapMap, Discord status, and constantly looking at your insta story? Surprise!! it's a Scorpio Mercury!🥳 They must know their friends locations at all times.
✨ Have you ever walked into your friends house and spotted a gazillion electronics? Like damn Brandon how many do you need? The answer is : All of them! Because your friend is an 11th House Moon and survives off of their online entertainment to escape social interaction.
💞 We all know that person who loses their keys, their phone, their wig, their wallet, their cat, and their house? Obviously we hand that over to a Libra mercury! They may be great negotiators or debaters, but don't lend them your belongings. Trust me lol💀
🚨 Look over at that fence. Shhhhh be quiet, we are observing a Sagittarius Mars in their natural state🤫. And that is hoping over a fence after being chased by ten police dogs at 3am. How did this happen? Because they thought the dog was cute and it was a good idea to take it on a walk. Their motto is "Oh well shit happens🤷‍♂️"
🏫 There's a desk, and sitting at that desk is a gloomy boy, bobbing his head to MCR and glaring at every soul in sight. You think he ever smiles? No because he's a Capricorn Moon and he must maintain his cold stature to hide any hint of expression on his face.
💐 The girl with a built in pharmacy installed in her locker? Do you need a first aid kit? A bandaid? A tennis racket? A mafia escape plan? She my friends is a Virgo Moon, always ready just in case of emergency. Some call it paranoia, or pessimism. She calls it prepared😎
🌟 Master List
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starryeyedastro · 3 years
Our Father who art in our Midheaven ❤️💔
Aries midheaven, Mars in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures may have associated ‘love’ and ‘affection’ with discipline or a style of nurturing that was very playful and competitive so emotions were fought out instead of being consoled, sometimes the true child and unique talents, sensitivity and gifts goes unnoticed because the focus is on living an unmet parental aspiration
Taurus midheaven, Sun in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures may have defined or contaminated the concept of self-worth, being valued, and being comfortable and happy in their own skin, their grandest longing is for a life of love and beauty, but they feel like they don’t deserve such things either
Gemini midheaven, Mercury in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures may have exhibited egocentric and unstable qualities that made developing secure attachments quite difficult, as a result sometimes they don’t realise the impact their own erratic presence has on their loved one’s lives can be very unsettling and confusing, it’s possible that the child was the inadvertent teacher for an unready parent
Cancer midheaven, Mercury in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures may be the ‘invisible man’ archetype so masculinity is role modelled around the dominant display of the feminine quality in its greatest expression of strength, resilience, protection, and power, there is a family wound that leaks into the whole world and they are saviours at the same time they need saving
Leo midheaven, Sun in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures may have stolen or defined their light, and it can result in the end sense that they can only be loved by being somebody else or solely for what can be contributed, they must learn to define and understand the giving and receiving of love on their own and far later than they were meant to, often alongside the ordeals that this love and support was meant to get them by
Virgo midheaven, Mercury in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures may have consciously or subconsciously ignored or discredited psychological or physical illness and displayed untreated symptoms that were quite distressing, it’s possible that their own health matters were left unrecognised or unresolved or there was a role reversal in some form that created a reliance on depended upon by others
Libra midheaven, Venus in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures may seem to belong to everybody else, there may have been circumstances that conditioned the person to believe that they were not truly valued or wanted, and that their own needs were less important than others, the parents may have projected an idyllic image that other people become envious of without realising that it’s never so rosy behind closed doors
Scorpio midheaven, Pluto in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures can be the Prince of Darkness who is responsible for the unseen battles. in some cases the bloodline is contaminated by the secrets and traumas kept hidden for appearance sake and reputation, but the curses are carried on by forthcoming generations and the ‘good name’ that was once so important to conserve becomes a family name they will desperately to escape from
Sagittarius midheaven, Jupiter in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures may have expressed copious dissatisfaction and discontent that left the child feeling very guilty and responsible for other people’s happiness, the person may have been taught to respect opinions they disagreed with, or be denigrated, mocked, or reduced for their views or questions
Capricorn midheaven, Saturn in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures can have quite a restrictive and defined role that may appear forced or underestimates the importance of their presence, detached when the person needs their love and support the most, like an emotional wall or a distance that makes it seem like they were born during different centuries
Aquarius midheaven, Uranus in the 10th the presence or absence of the literal father or paternal figures profoundly influences their self-love and defines the limitations of their potential, it’s possible for this figure to be the inspiration behind their aspiration - either to emulate the positivity that was displayed or escape from the instability and re-write a new future with a different name
Pisces midheaven, Neptune in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures may have been a very lost, confused, and hurt person who likely never intended to pass these wounds on - but they can do so by conditioning destructive and escapist coping mechanisms and a victim mentality as a defence against being hurt or betrayed again - no person or circumstances has the power to make them a victim because they already see themselves as one
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starryeyedastro · 3 years
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Full Moon in Aquarius. Jake Baddeley
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starryeyedastro · 3 years
hi hi dear 👋🏻
how are you today? it’s been a minute, but i’m back in hopes that you’ll share some more of your amazing knowledge with me!
so, i’ve been struggling quite a lot with my 8H stellium (sun, mercury, venus, saturn & lilith) and i was wondering if you had an insights on it. honestly, i’m just trying to gather more information, so it can just be anything off the top of your head -provided you have the time & energy, of course- 🖤
lots of love,
(Hello there!
You're very kind, thank you!)
8H stellium Sun/Mer/Ven/Sat/BML:
The 8H is on the axis of personal wealth/accumulation (Taurus 2H) and shared wealth/accumulation (Scorpio 8H), these energies are ruled by Pluto/Mars and Venus.
With this stellium, balancing these energies can be a lifelong journey of identifying limiting/ false beliefs regarding wealth/ resources, they may struggle with self-worth and over-identifying with objects
These people should stay mindful of where they attempt to apply their control, this may be mostly related with intimate relationships and personal vulnerability
They may be too dogmatic in their beliefs, prone to thinking very black and white about what can be given/ taken in a relationship, they should stay mindful of superficiality
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starryeyedastro · 3 years
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Tarot Spread/Journaling Ideas for the Upcoming New Moon in Cancer:
1.) What to bring forth: what do I need to nurture and focus loving attention on at this time? 
2.) Where is my heart guiding me towards? 
3.) What is my emotional state right now? 
4.) What are my feelings telling me? 
5.) What does my inner child need at this time? 
6.) How can I strengthen my sense of safety and security within? 
7.) What lesson(s) from my past are here to guide me forward?
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starryeyedastro · 3 years
New Moon in Cancer 2021 💞 Bonding Rituals
New Moon will be exact at 18° Cancer, July 9 2021 @ 9:16 pm EST
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To boil it down to its most essential energy, this new moon is all about unity and compassion.
And by that, I don’t mean it’s promoting 100% love and light — it’s seeking total balance and acceptance of the Shadow, as well.
We can’t return to our comfort zone after this. Something is getting left behind in the form of whatever we intended on releasing during the last full moon (on June 24 in Capricorn) or relating to whatever issues were brought up during the Mars or Venus T-squares with Uranus and Saturn.
But as this new moon in Cancer hits, there’s no going back.
It’s more helpful at that time to go bravely forward than to look back for too long. Get right with the past and have a mission to work for.
Embody the Chariot Tarot card’s energy and gather your emotional and mental strength to guide you. Facing and accepting what can’t be changed, and taking what control you can of yourself and your life.
Mars + Venus Sittin’ in a Tree
Mars and Venus’s conjunction is just beginning when this new moon goes exact. I wrote in-depth about Mars/Venus in Leo Conjunction in the July Transits post [on my website].
This makes this new moon even more about examining our relationships, how we relate to others, as well as our own shadow qualities (the parts of us that we don’t want to recognize, or are blind to).
Facing ourselves with honesty and compassion and honoring our past because it’s what brought us to where we are now.
Knowing that we can make the most with what’s been given to us. Finding new ways to care for others as well as ourselves.
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Sabian Symbol ~ Bonding Rituals
It’s also interesting that the Sabian Symbol at 18 degrees (19 degrees because they always round up by 1 degree) has to do with a ‘Sacred Unity’.
Here is the description from sabiansymbols.com
Cancer 19 – “A Priest Performing a Marriage Ceremony”
This Symbol speaks of the ability, or the necessity, of bringing people together so they may enjoy, grow and learn from each other. It turns out that the simplest expressions of the heart and mind often need to be acknowledged in a ritualistic performance so that we feel we are indulging in the customs and traditions of our society. There is a need for a sense of blessing from a higher power. Whether this is about an actual ‘Marriage Ceremony’, a hand-fasting ceremony, or some other kind of bonding ritual, there’s a need for people to come together to make commitments and vows to each other. Sanctified unity. Expressions of loyalty, sacred vows. Making levels of commitment. Psychoanalysis that binds and bonds people together. Accepting the shadow. Ceremonies.
The Caution: Rigidly following established rules at the expense of ways that have greater personal relevance. The forcing of people together. Bondage to social expectations.
Just a few suggestions for new moon intentions/goals,…
Work on how you make compromises vs. how you stand your ground.
Move on from a painful or destructive situation, start a new chapter.
Brainstorm ideas for a creative project.
Throw a party to bring people together (if this can be done safely, people are vaccinated, etc.)
Take your relationship to the next level if it feels right, of course.
Do something special for someone you love — make them feel extra cared for.
Start giving more to charities, performing random acts of kindness, or volunteering your time to a good cause.
Do something that will make you happy, and something that challenges you but is also good for you.
Remember: It's important to wait until after the new moon goes direct before putting your new moon goals into motion.
Much love to all and thanks for reading. 🖤
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starryeyedastro · 3 years
Mars and Venus Conjunct in Leo | Sparks Fly
July 9th –  July 18th, peaks on July 13th.
* Let me preface this by saying while Venus and Mars represent feminine and masculine qualities respectively, we have both of these energies within us no matter what our gender, and these planets play a major role in our lives no matter our sexual orientation.
The Warrior and the Lover are reuniting once again, this time in the passionate and dramatic sign of Leo.
Get ready for the sparks of romance, creativity, and passion! Not only do these two planets together act as an electrical generator, but they’re also meeting up in the sign of Fixed Fire.
This conjunction is a powerful meeting of our senses of quality and of what we truly want. The seed of an idea can be planted. Sparks will fly.
You can more effectively set new goals and intentions, much like a New Moon phase (a conjunction of the sun and moon).
Goals made during this conjunction toward making art and putting something beautiful and useful out into the world, have increased potential.
If you’re already involved in a creative pursuit of any kind, get ready to be inspired and motivated!
Children will be a major focus, as Leo is the sign of the divine child archetype and the combo of Venus and Mars always create something together (like a baby… or a work of art). This can also mean working with your inner child.
If things are going well in your love life, you can look forward to it naturally going to the next level.
The hard aspects these two received earlier in the month from Saturn and Uranus can also still be sending aftershocks of societal and economic pressure into our love lives.
If things haven’t been going so well in your love life, you’ll find it easier to come to an understanding as long as you’re both willing to work it out.
We can end up with social or love life issues if we’re too attached to our egos. A need for control in our relationships, as well as hubris, can cause arguments and breakups.
And if a relationship ends or has just ended, focus on loving yourself! Just focus on having fun with friends and doing what you love.
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starryeyedastro · 3 years
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kikicollagist on redbubble
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starryeyedastro · 3 years
Imum Coeli and What Family Means
Aries IC: Grew up in a family where honesty is what defines family or seeks a family where honesty and going after the best for your loved ones is the hallmark of a good family.
Taurus IC: Grew up in a family that highly values loyalty and stability or may seek a family that is intensely loyal to each other.
Gemini IC: Grew up in a family where open or good communication is the bedrock of what makes a family or seeks out a family that is focused on communicating with each other and learning from one another.
Cancer IC: Grew up in a family where nurturing, caring, and protecting is what makes up the family bond or seeks to make their own family where they can protect and care for others.
Leo IC: Grew up in a family where generosity and affection are the main factors that makeup a family or seeks a family that is generous, warm, affectionate, and playful.
Virgo IC: Grew up in a family where caring and serving each other is important. The ability to provide for family or be useful in a family is important too. May seek out this same feeling of being helpful or being taken cared of in a family they create.
Libra IC: Grew up in a family where cooperation and keeping the peace are important or may seek a family with compromise and who actively resolve conflict.
Scorpio IC: Grew up in a family where vulnerability can be shared and is important for bonding OR seeks a family where it is safe to share both the dark and light of oneself, where secrets are safe, and trust is everything.
Sagittarius IC: Grew up in a family that lived by a code or belief, that belief may even trump importance of family. Could seek out a family made of their own beliefs or pass on their original family’s values with passion. Needs a family they can be honest with and one that allows them to grow and explore.
Capricorn IC: Grew up in a family where what mattered was providing for each other or being responsible for everyone. Seeks out a family where they are in control OR where they don’t have the burden their original family presented them with.
Aquarius IC: If a family doesn’t accept who you are or supports you then what is family? Seeks out a family filled with support, respect, and acceptance especially accepting who one is.
Pisces IC: Grew up in a family with no boundaries and can desire great closeness. May not see others as family unless there is truly a feeling or reassurance of unconditional love, forgiveness, and sharing.
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starryeyedastro · 3 years
Aesthetics I associate with each sign
**These are general images I associate/notice with each sign, but by no means are these set in stone. Can be applied to personal placements, ascendant and planetary/chart ruler.
🔥 Aries: Bold – Represented by the Ram and ruling Mars, there’s a utilitarian vibe to their aesthetic. Worn-in sneakers, ripped black jeans, and of course, vibrant red as a stable color in their wardrobe. Large cropped puffer coats and combat boots, favoring silhouettes that take up space. Colors include various shades of red – from primary red to oxblood, and black.
🌱 Taurus: Sensual – Represented by the Bull and ruling Venus, there’s a natural beauty – glowy skin and luscious lips, freckles/beauty marks peeking through. Clothing that may look simple but is actually expensive, even a simple sweat set looks luxurious. There’s a fine balance between salt of the earth and lavish. Colors include earth tones, various shades of green, and bronzy tones.
👯‍♀️ Gemini: Duality – Represented by the Twins and ruling Mercury, Gemini can be a mixed bag, unafraid to experiment. They like to incorporate seemingly incongruent aesthetics. Blue-light glasses paired with a shapely bob contrasting oversized jeans, crop top and a warm cardigan. Erring on the side of casual, typically avoiding looking uptight. Colors include light/vibrant yellows and blues.
🍓 Cancer: Vintage – Represented by the Crab and ruling the Moon, the cottage core aesthetic fits well with Cancer. There’s also a vintage vibe in the Cancerian look  – billowing fabrics, soft sweaters, hourglass silhouettes, peter-pan collars. Colors include navy blue, white, and silver.  
✨ Leo: Glamorous – Represented by the Lion and ruling the Sun, their aesthetic isn’t afraid of the light. I think of drama and theatrics: gold and diamond jewelry, fur coats, bold prints, statement accessories – anything that radiates goddess energy. Colors include warm tones such as gold, yellow and orange, but also rich neutrals such as camel and tobacco.
🧥 Virgo: Elegance – Represented by the Virgin and ruling Mercury, Virgo has a classic and clean-cut aesthetic, even when casual (I think of light academia). Virgos gravitate towards timeliness pieces like a crisp white button down, wool coats, well-fitting trousers, investment pieces like fine jewelry. They give me very much “before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off” energy. Colors include neutrals, white, gray, black.
🕊 Libra: Ethereal – Represented by the Scales and ruling Venus, there’s an otherworldly femininity I associate with Libra. Compared to Taurus (Venus co-ruler), there’s a lightness, incorporating fantastical elements. Pearl headbands, exaggerated puffed sleeves, intricate embroideries. I also imagine flowy silhouettes, chiffon, white lace – fabrics that work well with movement. Colors include pastels, whites and beiges, monochromatic color palettes that blend well together for a balanced look.
♟ Scorpio: Understated with an edge – Represented by the Scorpion and ruling Mars and Pluto, Scorpio energy can be a lot more understated than the media’s portrayal that often exaggerates its sex appeal. Leather blazers, black turtlenecks, silver jewelry, winged liner, pointed-toed boots. Preferring to be incognito, Scorpio’s sex appeal lies in its mystery. Colors include black and maroon.
🥀 Sagittarius: Effortless – Represented by the Archer and ruling Jupiter, Sagittarius has a devil-may-care attitude towards life and its style. I associate many of the current trends with Sagittarius. Grunge street style, small shirt/big pants looks, oversized jeans with a studded belt, chains. Like its sister sign Gemini, Sagittarius is not afraid to take risks. Colors include burgundy and purples.
☕️ Capricorn: Tailored – Represented by the Goat and ruling Saturn, Capricorn prefers structured pieces (relates to Saturn’s restrictive influence). Pant suits, tailored blazers, collared shirts under sweaters, plaid – I associate dark academia elements. Colors are similar to Virgo but darker tones.
💡Aquarius: Unconventional – Represented by the Water Bearer and ruling Saturn and Uranus, each Aquarius has an individualistic style. Like Gemini, Aquarius likes to play with seemingly incongruent elements. There’s an androgynous vibe, style that is not overly feminine nor masculine. I think of Harry Styles and J-Hope – both stand out in their respective groups for having an eccentric aesthetic. Colors include any bright color, neons, metallics.
🦋 Pisces: Playful – Represented by the Fish and ruling Neptune, Pisces has a very dreamy and artistic sense of style. There’s a nostalgic vibe in Pisces, perhaps harkening back to childhood interests. I think of graphic hoodies, floral prints, kaftans, flared pants. Colors include light and medium blues, seafoam green, yellow, peach. 
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starryeyedastro · 3 years
“tell me your moon sign without telling me your moon sign”
aries moon: “i will knock you the hell out in a fit of rage and then cry myself to sleep. also my emotions peak really hard and fast then change an hour later when i inevitably get over it and realize it wasn’t that serious”
taurus moon: “my hobby is sleeping and i love romance but hate people and expressing affection. i’ve had the same friend group since fourth grade and they’re probably the only people i trust”
gemini moon: “my brain never shuts off ever so sometimes i lag like a 2005 dell desktop. my constant state is overthinking infused with stress and anxiety is my middle name. i change my personality four times a day”
cancer moon: “it would be easier to list the things that don’t upset me than the things that do, i take everything personally and i will not hesitate to stab you. i go through eight different moods a minute”
leo moon: “i am every single persons’ therapist for free and all my emotions are amplified x100. i can work while having a mental breakdown because the grind never stops. my middle name is overspending″
virgo moon: “if i’ve so much as looked at you, i have psychoanalyzed and picked apart both your and my entire existences and i’m very disappointed in both of us. also i’m nervous. about what? yes. feelings are very frustrating to me”
libra moon: “i can promise you that at any given moment i am in my alternative daydream universe. i need validation from everyone and the only thing that makes me cry is sad romantic movies. i am the overlord of productive procrastination, and i’ve probably never showed up on time to anything”
scorpio moon: “i know what you’re feeling before you know what you’re feeling and i also am still stuck in my emo phase. i have never answered a phone call in my life. the block button is my best friend and i have frequent shower cry sessions”
sagittarius moon: “if you look inside my head it’s actually just a hamster hyped up on redbull + express shots running in a wheel. everything is in fact That Deep™ to me. i have never once been wrong ever and i will die with this mindset”
capricorn moon: “if i’m not being productive i want to die and my constant state of existence is mental exhaustion. people frustrate me and i like to view everything logically and pick apart all my emotions instead of feeling and dealing with them. spending money and being more successful than u is my passion”
aquarius moon: “katy perry wrote hot n cold about me. i probably don’t like you but if i do you’re never getting rid of me. i like to pretend i do not have emotions because i feel way too much but am not equipped to deal with it so i repress and ignore<3”
pisces moon: “my concept of reality is minimal and music is the only thing that keeps me grounded. i live mostly in my intricate NCU [neptunian cinematic universe]. i feel your emotions than you do so i would appreciate if you calmed the hell down and worked through your shit. i prefer to be alone and vibing in my room but i need my two close friends to function”
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starryeyedastro · 3 years
This super moon eclipse brought the rain with it .🌹
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starryeyedastro · 3 years
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I forgot to post this yesterday because I honestly haven’t been on tumblr in ages buttttt….
I made a free moon magic mini-zine!! It covers the currently lunar month. You can download it via the link below (it’s the first button) and also sign up to the mailing list for future notifications (it’s the second button)
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starryeyedastro · 3 years
full moon eclipse in sagittarius
like eclipses weren't volatile enough, we have to have this in a time with such mutable energy on top of that? well, apparently so. it doesn't have to be all bad; any ritual you would typically perform can be done at this time in the knowledge that change IS coming, like it or not. you might as well put that to work to your advantage. some folks suggest not doing these things at eclipses; i disagree. if you can work with storms and electricity, you can work with eclipses. but all three also have the capacity to be dangerous, so take precautions as you go.
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starryeyedastro · 3 years
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Daily astrology: Wednesday, May 26
Main astrological events and what to expect…
Lunar eclipses are one of the major astrological evets. This Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon is in the axis of Sagittarius-Gemini which suggests that energies which will play around us are fire (action) and air(intellect), and the expression of this eclipse is tend to be in a such manner. The Lunar Eclipses as well as the Solar Eclipses bring fated events in our life. However, having a Lunar eclipse is rather connected to endings or completions in some areas in our lives in aim to open a space for new experiences. Therefore, such an event could have a transformative or a live -changing manifestation in our lives. 
Usually, this could happen in an unexpected or surprising manner; out of the blue and out of our control; it is a part of our destiny and it’s meant to be – like it or not. You might not be aware of that, at this very same day, but the things can unfold within 6 months or even further. Strong emotional tensions or even dramatic events or crises could be a part of a such transformational phase and letting go could be a painful experience. But in aim to move on and to progress in our lives events like these are inevitable. 
This Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius is mainly connected to our goals and vision in our lives. It’s a call to open our mind and to explore new opportunities and experiences. Perhaps we need to let go things which are not bringing prosperity and abundance in our lives or it stopping us to grow and to expand. Therefore, a fated event may provoke us to do so and to undertake a different direction/actions in this regard. This could come as a piece of information, undertaking a study, a long-distance travelling or even moving far away which could expand your horizon in some way or another. Definitely, an action (Sagittarius – fire -action) will be taken (willingly or not) towards such directions which will rather make a sense with the time. 
On the other hand, Sun in Gemini (Lunar Eclipse is an opposition between Sun and Moon) which is also talks about learning, knowledge and communication, and enhances the energy of realising our ideas and goals through social interactions and connecting with others. It also signifies a nervousness and lack of patience to move forward, quickly as possible.
 However, Sun in Gemini being in opposition with Moon in Sagittarius, indicates that we have to find a right balance between the simplicity (Gemini) and complexity (Sagittarius) in areas (House placements) of life affected by Sagittarius and Gemini axis; where we have to go further and where to keep things simple? Our intellectual abilities, desire for learning and connecting with others will have a significant importance during this Eclipse season.  Action towards our ides and goals is definitely attached to this astrological event. 
Be aware that Neptune in Pisces is making a square aspect to the Moon, at the beginning of this eclipse season; therefore, a confusion, a miscommunication, and mistakes may occur. We may not be able to see things clearly and confusions or luck of understanding of the events around us are likely. This could increase the tension and uncertainties, especially on the emotional level. This powerful period may also be affected from Mercury retrograde season, therefore, the clarity about important events and changes in our lives may start making sense at July 2021.  
 A good device, for the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius is to embrace the changes and to be patient at the same time; trust the process.  Even if some challenges occur use your wisdom, knowledge and experience to go through a such transformation. Use any type of practises which could keep you positive and hopeful.  Trust the Universe and have a fate of your growth and success in life.                
Keep in mind that these are GENERAL ASTROLOGICAL TENDENCIES and how exactly this energy will influence you it’s depending on your personal horoscope, but most definitely you will feel these astrological events in one way or another, especially, in some areas in your life. 
Best wishes
suni astrology
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starryeyedastro · 3 years
The Super Flower Blood Moon Eclipse 5/26
On Wednesday the 26th the Moon will be full in the sign of Sagittarius, promoting personal freedom and the release of limiting beliefs.
The Super Flower Blood Moon is named after the spring flowers blooming, and the red/orange hue to light reflecting from Earth’s atmosphere
The Eclipse should be able to be seen from western US/ Canada, and parts of Central/ South America.
5:11am Mountain Time
4:11am West Coast
The Blood Moon may not be visible from the East Coast but a partial lunar eclipse can be seen at 5:45am EST
Should be visible for about 15 minutes
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starryeyedastro · 3 years
Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26th, 2021 will provide us with periods of optimism that can be good for us, but we also need to be mindful of our own limits during this transit because we might be more inclined to “overdo” the activities that make us feel good. This energy can be felt a few weeks as well as a few months from now. Overall, it can feel like a healing transit as we let go of what has cause us pain and move onto greener pastures. Have fun, meditate, connect with your spiritual side, or embark on a learning journey; all Sagittarius type of things that will stimulate and enrich us with love.
Aries – An awakening for you during this transit as you will feel more compelled to reach out to mentors or just be more in tune with your spiritual sides. The Full Moon will provide an energy of healing. This is your time to also prepare to learn something new and of value that will contribute to your growth.
Taurus – All of the tougher and challenging moments you have felt will now feel a little more bearable. You are going to be motivated to tackle what lies ahead during this transit. Connecting with your spiritual side will be like a light at the end of the tunnel. This is your moment to heal.
Gemini – With this transit happening in your house of partnerships, you are going to feel a lot more confident now with starting new beginnings. The Full Moon will spark that independent nature, making you more comfortable with breaking free from the friendships and romantic partnerships that are no longer working for you.
Cancer – Sagittarius energy here will allow you to expand on your plans for work. If you have felt tension with colleagues or fellow classmates, this transit will put things in perspective, and you will feel wiser and braver to address things with them. Expect to stand out if you do manage to collaborate with others.
Leo – Quite the fun time with this transit as you will be able to connect and meet with others, especially if you have felt a little like a hermit lately. The Leo energy will be flowing perfectly with this Sagittarius Moon. Expect to take center stage and socialize a lot more during the next few months.
Virgo – This cycle is going to impact your home environment and will bring a lot of that peaceful energy you have dreamt of. A great time to reconcile with family members and start fresh. The healing now that the Full Moon provides, thanks to Jupiter might make everyone feel more optimistic around you.
Libra – Appreciate that this transit will make you braver with your communication style. You are ready to address what is on your mind as you feel a rush of energy flowing through you. Others will be interested in what you have to say, so be coherent.
Scorpio – You can expect a nice change to your finances thanks to this transit. Jupiter will be providing your sign with that confidence boost and the Full Moon will feel it to. You are also going to have better relationships with the women in your life, so if you had conflicts before, expect reconciliations.
Sagittarius – A culmination to a cycle that began six months ago, you have gone through your transformation and now you are owning your new persona. You have grown, endured and discovered a new side to you. Get ready to explore and allow the world to fall for this new version of you.
Capricorn – During this transit, you are going to feel a cycle revolving your memories begin to close. You may come to terms with things that have haunted you and are now ready to move forward. Healing from past relationships will give you the strength to finally start fresh and engage in new romances.
Aquarius – One of the major cycles that will be impacted for you will revolve around the theme of friendships. Make sure to address any conflicts you might have. This will provide some healing for you and the people in your life.
Pisces – The Full Moon in Sagittarius is a reminder of your goals. This is a period of reflection for you as you analyze whether you are currently in the position that you have been aiming for. If you have fallen off track, this is your time to continue and pursue your goals. Do not give up.
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