#full moon in sagittarius
astrojulia · 11 months
Hello! How are you doing? Hope you are well 💓
I was hoping to get some insight from you.. What are your thoughts on a Full Moon occurring at the same exact degree as someones natal moon? I have this occurring during the upcoming Sagittarius full moon in my 5th house. I appreciate any advice you may have for me 💞
Full Moon aligning with the sign of your Moon in your Natal Chart
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When the Full Moon aligns with your natal Moon sign, it signifies a period of heightened emotional intensity and self-awareness. The Moon represents our emotional nature, intuition, and innermost desires, and its alignment with the Full Moon amplifies these qualities. You may experience a surge of emotional energy, as well as a deep connection to your subconscious mind.
This alignment invites you to embrace your lunar nature fully. It encourages you to delve into the depths of your emotions, uncovering hidden patterns and longings. The Full Moon's illumination acts as a cosmic spotlight, illuminating the facets of your emotional landscape that require your attention and nurturing. This alignment enhances the qualities and themes associated with your natal Moon sign, creating a profound resonance and impact on your emotional well-being. We all have the Full Moon in our Moon Sign once a year when the Sun sign is in the opposite sign, so this could be useful for anyone.Here is a breakdown of the Full Moon alignment with each Moon sign:
Full Moon in Aries (aligned with Aries Moon, Sun is in Libra): This alignment intensifies your need for independence, courage, and self-assertion. It encourages you to express your emotions boldly and pursue your desires fearlessly. It's a time for emotional self-discovery and taking the initiative in fulfilling your emotional needs.
Full Moon in Taurus (aligned with Taurus Moon, Sun is in Scorpio): This alignment accentuates your need for stability, security, and sensual experiences. It invites you to embrace your emotions with patience and groundedness. It's a time for nurturing your emotional well-being and cultivating a sense of inner peace and comfort.
Full Moon in Gemini (aligned with Gemini Moon, Sun is in Sagittarius): This alignment enhances your need for intellectual stimulation, communication, and variety in emotional experiences. It sparks your curiosity and encourages you to express your emotions through meaningful conversations and social interactions. It's a time for exploring diverse emotional perspectives and fostering mental and emotional connections.
Full Moon in Cancer (aligned with Cancer Moon, Sun is in Capricorn): This alignment deepens your emotional sensitivity, intuition, and connection to home and family. It encourages you to embrace your nurturing qualities and find emotional security within your personal relationships. It's a time for honoring your emotions, practicing self-care, and strengthening your emotional bonds.
Full Moon in Leo (aligned with Leo Moon, Sun is in Aquarius): This alignment amplifies your need for self-expression, creativity, and recognition. It ignites your passion and invites you to embrace your emotional authenticity and shine your unique light. It's a time for celebrating your emotions and expressing them with passion and generosity.
Full Moon in Virgo (aligned with Virgo Moon, Sun is in Pisces): This alignment intensifies your need for practicality, analysis, and emotional refinement. It encourages you to pay attention to the details of your emotional well-being and find ways to improve and serve others emotionally. It's a time for self-care routines, introspection, and emotional organization.
Full Moon in Libra (aligned with Libra Moon, Sun is in Aries): This alignment heightens your need for harmony, balance, and partnerships. It inspires you to seek emotional equilibrium and cultivate fairness and diplomacy in your relationships. It's a time for fostering emotional connections, resolving conflicts, and promoting peace and harmony.
Full Moon in Scorpio (aligned with Scorpio Moon, Sun is in Taurus): This alignment enhances your emotional intensity, intuition, and desire for transformation. It invites you to delve deeply into your emotions, embrace vulnerability, and release emotional attachments that no longer serve you. It's a time for emotional healing, personal growth, and embracing your inner power.
Full Moon in Sagittarius (aligned with Sagittarius Moon, Sun is in Gemini): This alignment expands your need for adventure, exploration, and emotional freedom. It sparks your optimism and encourages you to broaden your emotional horizons through new experiences and perspectives. It's a time for embracing emotional growth, seeking wisdom, and embracing your inner truth.
Full Moon in Capricorn (aligned with Capricorn Moon, Sun is in Cancer): This alignment emphasizes your need for emotional stability, responsibility, and perseverance. It inspires you to establish emotional boundaries, set long-term goals, and work diligently towards achieving emotional security. It's a time for emotional maturity, self-discipline, and building a solid foundation for your emotional well-being.
Full Moon in Aquarius (aligned with Aquarius Moon, Sun is in Leo): This alignment amplifies your need for individuality, intellectual connections, and emotional detachment. It encourages you to embrace your uniqueness and contribute to collective causes. It's a time for fostering emotional connections based on shared ideals, embracing your authenticity, and promoting emotional equality.
Full Moon in Pisces (aligned with Pisces Moon, Sun is in Virgo): This alignment deepens your emotional sensitivity, compassion, and spiritual connection. It enhances your intuition and invites you to explore the depths of your emotions and the realm of the unconscious. It's a time for emotional healing, artistic expression, and embracing your spiritual nature.
During this time, you may find yourself more attuned to your intuition and sensitive to the emotions of others. It is an excellent opportunity for introspection, self-reflection, and embracing your authentic self. Pay attention to any dreams, insights, or intuitive flashes that arise during this period, as they may hold valuable guidance for your personal growth and understanding.
Additionally, the Full Moon's energy can prompt powerful shifts and changes within you. It invites you to release any emotional baggage or outdated patterns that no longer serve you, making space for personal growth and transformation. It is a time for emotional healing, forgiveness, and embracing your vulnerability.
Kisses from the Sea! 🪸
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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thedarkmaidenn · 11 months
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Which spread are you going to do? I’m thinking I’ll do the Philosophical one, I thought it might be a neat idea ☺️ The energy of Sagittarius is philosophical and wise. A perfect full moon to dive into the philosophical waters of life.
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babywitchofthesouth · 11 months
Full Moon Spellwork 🌕
4 June 2023 - Full moon in Scorpio
4 June 2023 - Full moon in Sagittarius
Spell for a brighter path for romance
What you need:
Jasmine incense
Lovers tarot card
Pink marker
Small paper
What to do:
Cleanse your space with the incense
Place the tarot card in front of you
Light the candle
Write "love is mine" on the paper
Place it underneath the perfume bottle
State all affirmations set at the new moon
Tap the candle with wet fingers to stop the flame
Keep the paper under the perfume on your shelf
Every time you use the perfume, repeat "love is mine"
Spell for improving confidence and social skills
What you need:
Sage incense 
Gold jewellery
Strength tarot card
Orange marker
Small paper
What to do:
Cleanse your space with the incense
Place the tarot card in front of you
Light the candle
Hold your jewellery tightly
State all affirmations set at the new moon
Draw a star on the paper
Place the jewellery back in a jewellery box with the paper
Tap the candle with wet fingers to stop the flame
Wear the jewellery every time you need a confidence boost
Here’s the explanation for fellow baby witches
The Full Moon is a lunar phase associated with using your power and energy and sealing intentions that were set on the New Moon, and that we have been actively working towards during the Waxing Moon.
It is around this time that indications of my intentions should start to show (and let me tell you—they're showing. I have a date next week. I also haven't experienced my usual heart palpitations when I'm in a situation that usually gives me social anxiety. I'm still working on my communication skills though).
However, these intentions won't be fully manifested until the next time the Full Moon is in the same sign the New Moon was in when i set these intentions (which is generally around 6 months).
The Full Moon is strongest in the three days leading up to it or on the Full Moon exact. I performed these two spells on the exact date of the Full Moon at night.
You can view the affirmations I used in these spells here. For each spell I used whichever correspondences I had available to support my intentions. Jasmine can be used for love and attraction, Sage is a general cleanser to remove negative energy that may be hanging over me. I only had an unscented pillar candle, so that's what I went with. I wanted to use a physical object that could be a reminder of my affirmations, so I used my favourite perfume right now, and a necklace my closest friend gifted me. I used tarot cards that supported my intentions too, being The Lovers (for obvious reasons) and Strength for inner courage and bravery. I used colour correspondences with markers I had available, but I was originally going to use red and yellow. Finally, I used the phrase 'love is mine' as a short reminder of all of my affirmations, and a star because I literally could not think of a short appropriate phrase.
I've unfortunately packed away everything I tend to use for spell work since I'm moving houses next week, so for spellwork, I'm having to make do with what I've got, which is very little. Not even a single crystal. The only reason I have incense is because I didn't tape that box shut yet. But it's no issue, because with witchcraft you use what you have. I generally am a maximalist though so it was a little weird for me.
Check out the other parts of this series!
Part 1 - Intentions. First post
Part 2 - Actions. Last post
Part 3 - Spellwork. Current post
Part 4 - TBA
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sotisha · 5 months
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Tonight will be the final New Moon of the year. We have an opportunity for a new start, a fresh cycle where we can tune in, vision and aim our arrows of light to what we desire. This is a time of aligning with our deepest truth and having the courage to move, express and create from our centre.
The New Moon is in Sagittarius and it is full of energy, Sagittarius is a fire sign which draws on ambition and creativity. Move out of the box of limited thinking. Challenge your perceptions of reality. Align your goals with your truth and you will be successful. If you have been feeling stuck in a rut or everything has been moving too slowly lately, then get ready as things are about to speed up and become a lot more exciting in a big way.
This is a fiery New Moon, full of strong feelings and passion. Fire has a way of burning off dead wood and cleansing past hurts and guilt. If you’re one of the many who have been wading in your own emotional swamps, let a natural wildfire catch on, and use it to heal your spirit, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
This New Moon will give us a boost of confidence and empowerment. So be bolder, brighter and braver than usual, go for what you thought you couldn’t do before, take a chance and see where it takes you. Stay open to new discoveries and adventures. Seek out who you truly are and where you fit in the world. Now is the time to ask questions and seek answers.
Now is the time to honor the struggles and battles we have faced in the past. Let them go. You are getting a fresh start. This new Moon is full of vigour and renewed energy, we will start to feel uplifted. We are entering a very positive and upbeat period. We can turn our hopes and desires into reality, make wishes, ask for more.
Sagittarius is considered the sign of the seeker and the philosopher as well as of Cosmic Law. It focuses us on the important questions in life: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? It also gives us a sense of wonder and joy as we contemplate some force greater that calls to us. The archer points his arrow to our future.
This New Moon encourages you to dream big. Sagittarius rules future vision, you may experience strange or psychic dreams at this time and your psychic awareness will be enhanced. Let the fires of Sagittarius cleans an heal you and burn away any negative energy. Use this New Moon energy to clear out old clutter as we go into New Year.
Have a blessed New Moon, may the Goddess watch over you.
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landedinlove · 11 months
i trust you and i trust you and i trust you and for all my trust i get vomit on the sidewalk and tears in my eyes
and i'm making sure we get home safe, calling someone you know and walking away from my months in the making happiness
i'm not leaving you and i would never leave you but you're not the only one i was worried about
but you're hurting and i'm not good at healing but i'll do whatever i can to make you comfortable, to fix your sickness and forget about mine
yes, i'm okay are you? are you sure? is there anything i can do? i'll do anything
and anything and anything and i'll trust you again and you'll break it again, throwing up until there's nothing left but organs but i've never seen your heart
you'll never see mine
is more going to come out?
cause i'll shed my tears in silence and take pictures to document it
while you sit in the shower with your friends i'm sitting on your carpet and trying and failing to click my shoes over blisters and appear at home
i don't know anyone here except for you so i guess i don't know anyone
thousands of miles away from my life i put on pause for you and i'm feeling like a ghost you're walking through and tripping down the stairs
i didn't mean it and i hope you're okay but it wasn't my fault in the first place and i hope you don't feel the sting or the blood but i hope you feel the weight on my shoulders and the tremors in my transparent heart
can you see right through me? how are you feeling? i hope you're doing okay. i hope you'll take care of yourself
mjh 6/4/23
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hermitsmirror · 11 months
TAROT SPREAD: Full Moon in Sagittarius
Riding higher and higher
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Happy Full Moon! It’s a fun one!
This season we have the Full Moon in Sagittarius (13º Sagittarius 17') happening June 3, 2023 (11:41PM US Eastern Time), but you can use this spread for any Full Moon in Sagittarius. The fundamentals are the same.
Fuel: What can my dances with inner darkness teach me about my highest potential?
Magical peak: What expansive journey does my soul yearn to take?
Purging: What bonfire wanderings must I let go before burning out?
Clear mirror: How has my fear of stillness prevented me from establishing fundamentals?
Dancing luminaries: What familiar territory is ripe for a quest of new perspectives?
You can read more about how I created the spread and get some inspiration for creating your own over on my Musings.
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manifestdestinytarot · 11 months
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full moon in sagittarius ritual ✨
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2mysticmoons · 2 years
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Strawberry Full Moon Activities ❤🌹🌕🍓
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bluemoonastrology · 11 months
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reality-detective · 11 months
Change IS Going to be Required. 🤔
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Full 🌕 in ♐️
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carmenm00n · 11 months
How will this Sagittarius Full Moon affect your sign.
♡ ˖ ☁️ aries : something positive will happen and you might get a deja vu.
♡ ˖ ☁️ leo : you’ll be inspired for art, you’re going to start a new business or a new romance.
♡ ˖ ☁️ sagittarius : new opportunities arr coming for you.
♡ ˖ ☁️ taurus : you want to do things but you have to think deeply about it.
♡ ˖ ☁️ virgo : you’re going to meet someone or you met someone and you shouldn’t trust them.
♡ ˖ ☁️ capricorn : something might upset you or make you really sad.
♡ ˖ ☁️ gemini : you’ll have a deep reflexion and you’ll have to be careful, try to avoid conflicts.
♡ ˖ ☁️ libra : after a success, the universe is testing you again, move forward!
♡ ˖ ☁️ aquarius : someone you're close to will try to irritate you, so don't hide from it.
♡ ˖ ☁️ cancer : there are loopholes that can be closed, so put your pride aside.
♡ ˖ ☁️ scorpio : the difficulties you encounter will have a reason.
♡ ˖ ☁️ pisces : unpleasant events may happen.
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snarkywrites · 11 months
Fire signs will be embracing the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 3rd, 2023, bringing a new spark and optimism into their lives. This transit will allow us to reflect on what we initiated six months ago. Sagittarius Energy wants us to go on an adventure. This transit pushes us forward, and with Mars in Leo, we see how collectively, we could all feel inspired to initiate and take risks. We will become more passionate about our hobbies and our creativity can be a source of positive inspiration. While Saturn in Pisces will remind us to go slow and take things easy, we still have the excitement and joy that Sagittarius brings. This transit helps us to see how magnetic Mars can be and how the planets entering fire signs will transform us on a collective level for the Summer months. See how this transit will impact your rising, sun, and moon signs.
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ohhhkayla · 11 months
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Strawberry Full Moon TONIGHT! Get the full month’s astrology + tarot offering here —>
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sotisha · 11 months
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Tonight is the Full Strawberry Moon, so called because of the abundance of strawberries around at this time. If you have a lover or a love interest give them roses as this Moon is also known as the Rose or the Love Moon. It is the perfect time to patch up relationships, get married or find a new love. The June Moon is also known as the Honey Moon because it has a slight amber tint to it and it is also a time when honey bees are at their most active. This is were we get the term 'Honeymoon' a holiday taken after marriage.
The Full Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius which is the sign of truth. Things that were in the dark will now start to come to light, new truths will be revealed. We can look at our lives with more clarity, the veil will be lifted. Sagittarius's energy is wise and expansive. Whenever the Full Moon is in Sagittarius it amplifies our thoughts and feelings and brings more information to the surface. It’s almost like this Full Moon is going to give us a magnifying glass so we can see in greater detail what is working and not working in our lives.
This Full Moon can be an emotional time, our feelings will be intensified, we may start thinking about the past more and lost loved ones, we may find ourselves wanting to reconnect with people we haven't seen for a while. You may experience some restless nights and have wild and vivid dreams.
This will be a passionate Full Moon, Sagittarius is brave and bold and will give us a boost of creativity, courage and ambition. You may feel unstoppable and have a renewed energy. Use this energy to make plans for the future. Be daring and move out of your comfort zone a little, try new things, only by doing this can we learn and grow.
This Full Moon will have our emotions on high alert, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. We will be feeling a little fragile at the moment so be kind and gentle with yourself, don't be too self critical, try to stay positive and think about all the good in your life rather than the bad. There may be emotional desire to pack up and go off on an adventure or to visit places that bring up sweet memories.
This will be a very bright Full Moon, the Sun is at the height of it's power now with Summer Solstice just around the corner. We may be feeling a little lost or confused about our futures and where we are going. After this Full Moon, there is going to be a lot more clarity about what changes or adjustments need to be made and consequently there will be a peace that will follow. We must also look within ourselves and find our own inner truths. No matter how far you have strayed from your path, use the light of this Full Moon to find your way home.
Tonight's Full Moon gives us an opportunity to grow in so many ways and have an awesome summer. The earth is full of energy and life now, use these energies to inspire you, be creative and go out into nature for long walks see the beauty all around you and embrace all life has to offer. Let the fire element of Sagittarius burn away any negative energies and cleanse and heal your spirit.
Have a blessed Full Moon, may the God and Goddess watch over you.
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thedarkmaidenn · 11 months
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Give this Candle Spell a try under the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 4th. ☺️
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