#astro witch
lunaapudleonem · 9 hours
Placements in the natal chart that can indicate that you will move abroad ✨✈️🗺️
9th house placements - Sun/Jupiter/Moon in the 9th house
Sagittarius Midheaven
Sagittarius placements - especially Sun and Moon
Uranus in the 9th house
Aquarius Sun, Mercury and Mars
Uranus conjunct Sun/Moon/Mercury
ruler of the 9th house positively aspected
ruler of the 9th house conjunct/trine/sextile Jupiter
Aries rising
Gemini placements - especially Mercury and rising
Moon conjuct/trine/sextile Jupiter
Ceres in the 9th house
Fire placements in general - especially fire Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars
South Node in the 9th house
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Dm me for a reading 💘
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moodboard-d · 3 months
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daportalpractitioner · 2 months
What do u think about saturn trine neptune in my natal chart (saturn in gemini, neptune in aquarius)?
Kisses from Brazil 🇧🇷💕
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saturn trine neptune in natal chart
good at utilizing your discernment. you can smell BS from a mile away
realistic approach to achieving your dreams
no, it's not all in your head
able to take your inspiration and alchemize it into something tangible
alchemy + manifestation comes easy to you when you focus on visualization
when you do feel mentally trapped by saturn, it's hard to get out of that energy because neptune ain't helping you devise a plan
go with the flow + take ideas as they come, but not everything is for you (this is where discernment comes in)
get out of the habit of second guessing yourself
take your faith very seriously, whatever your spiritual beliefs are
"i'll believe it when i see it" energy
if you're ever interested in a karmic disposition natal chart consultation where i address the karmic imprint that you are meant to transcend in this lifetime, email me at [email protected] or DM me on instagram @/miss.flygrl
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beewitched-blr · 6 months
Moon Signs and How They Appear.
Aries Moon. They have eyes so excitable that you instantly feel a sense of nostalgic fondness for them. Childlike smiles and faces so bright that make them a wonderment to behold.
Taurus Moon. They have eyes so comforting they can make you feel at home with a single glance. Beautiful features that radiate luxury and opulence. Strong, resilient and lovely but so much more than that. An ethereal type of light.
Gemini Moon. They have eyes so wide and friendly that you feel yourself being pulled closer without much thought. Humorous and talkative smiles that could light up even the darkest room. They truly glow.
Cancer Moon. They have eyes so deep you could drown in them. Smiles lit up from the moon and wild hair like the waves of the ocean. Behind their guard, they emit an honest sensitivity that is like no other.
Leo Moon. They have eyes full of confidence and passion. Truly beautiful in such a direct way. Adorned with trinkets or not, there is always beauty here. Wild and passionate features that manage to draw attention without even meaning to.
Virgo Moon. They have eyes so complex you may feel a little dazed. With insane intellect, their beauty shines in such unique ways. Quietly confident features like that of a beautiful renaissance sculpture.
Libra Moon. They have eyes that give a sense of true peace. They radiate justice and love so much so that they give off a deity type of beauty. Bright smiles that could rival the sun. Their eyes hold so much weight that it's a rather special thing to witness.
Scorpio Moon. They have eyes so intense you can feel their power. A sharpness about them that you can see the pure strength in their emotions. Eye contact that makes you feel like they're looking straight into your soul.
Sagittarius Moon. They have eyes that are always looking elsewhere. Searching and yearning for the unknown and the feeling of freedom. Their travelling feet somehow manage to keep up with their brilliant thoughts.
Capricorn Moon. They have eyes so strong their resilience can easily be found just by looking at them. They have a sense of maturity that makes them feel almost worldly and connected to things that we can't even imagine.
Aquarius Moon. They have eyes glistening and sparkling so bright you could mistake them for the stars in the sky. Tears of liquid stardust and their hearts as big as the galaxy. They give a sense of unique beauty.
Pisces Moon. They have eyes so hypnotising it's as if you're in a maze. A mind like a puzzle and yet a person of true wonder. Their dreamy appearances and inquisitive smiles are hard to escape.
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neptunianmars · 2 years
days of the week with astrology and magic
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in astrology, the different days of the week are ruled by different planets, so the themes of this particular planet are strengthened on their respective day. you can utilize this to your advantage when looking at transits, when performing a spell, or even just in your day to day life. this post will kind of go over how i translate this extra energy into my day.
IMPORTANT: i personally feel that how the planet is manifested in your birth chart also plays a part in how you will translate this energy. for example: if you have Sun in Aries, you might have a more active Sunday than a Pisces Sun. keeping in mind your natal chart will be key in really connecting with the planets.
ruled by the Sun
themes of personality, stamina, vitality, energy, and matters of the self are all heightened
although i don't agree with the "Sunday reset" trend from an astrological perspective, i think why people feel the need to be productive is the extra burst of energy the Sun gives us
personally, i feel Sunday is a day for active rest. like maybe cleaning one room instead of the whole house or taking a walk instead of a really intense work out. the key is making the energy burst sustainable.
i think taking at least some of this day to spend time with yourself is important as well. the Sun rules our basic personality and ego, so it feels natural to connect with these things on this day
Leo is ruled by the Sun, so any of your Leo placements might be highlighted today
for all of my witch girls, Sunday is associated with Apollo and Helios/Sol
Sunday is a great day for any workings involving success, healing, ambition, career, or happiness
connect with the Sun through "sunny colors" like yellow, orange, gold, red, or even pinks or browns
crystals/metals: gold, sunstone, amber, citrine, carnelian
herbs: bergamot, celandine, hawthorn, hyacinth, marjoram, citrus
my must do's for Sunday: meditate for longer than normal, spend lots of time in the sunshine, a little bit of physical activity, and anything that brings me joy
ruled by the Moon
themes of emotions, moods, instincts, intuition, and feelings are all heightened
this is a huge(!) reason why i don't agree with a Monday work week. Monday is such an amazing day for rest. it doesn't want to start anything, much less a five day exhausting work week.
i feel Monday is a really good day for shadow work or journaling, because you're able to be more in tune/in touch with your emotions. finding ways to connect to your Moon placement on this day will help this process.
it's normal to feel emotionally drained on Monday, so taking time to give yourself lots of rest is really important. working or spending time with people isn't bad, but make sure you're giving yourself time as well.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so any of your Cancer placements might be highlighted today
for all of my witch girls, Monday is associated with Artemis/Diana and Selene/Luna
Monday is a great day for any workings involving moods, good rest, physic connections, or family/maternal matters
connect with the Moon through colors like white, silver, black, and very light or very dark blue
crystals/metals: silver, moonstone, amethyst, selenite, labradorite, pearl, opal, quartz, onyx, obsidian
herbs: frankincense, yew, cypress, garlic, lavender, mugwort, pine, sage, oak leaves, almonds, amaranth flower
my must do's for Monday: shadow work, loooots of sleep and naps, comfort movies/shows, a good cry
ruled by Mars
themes of desire, action, competition, passion, and anger are all heightened
Tuesday should be the new Monday. it's a great day to start new things (like a five day work week lmao), to begin projects, to plan out your dreams, and to figure out your desires
this is definitely a day to be active. Mars holds rulership over exercise and physical activity so getting your steps in with the extra energy he gives will help
this day is also underrated as far as creative endeavors go, definitely tap into your creative side on Tuesday and you'll be surprised with the results
Aries (and Scorpio to some astrologers) is ruled by Mars, so any of your Aries placements might be highlighted today
for all of my witch girls, Tuesday is associated with Ares/Mars
Tuesday is a great day for any workings involving courage, inner strength, sex, psychic defense, and banishing
connect with Mars through "strong colors" like red, black, purple, or dark grey
crystals/metals: iron, onyx, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, carnelian
herbs: heavy spices, garlic, oil, basil, camphor, black peppers
my must do's for Tuesday: exercise, try something new if i can, and think about my goals/dreams
ruled by Mercury
themes of the mind, communication, reason, intelligence, language, travel, and intellect are all heightened
this is a great day for logical decision making! your mind will be more alert and clear for problem solving and answers will come easier to you. personally, i stay away from very emotional matters on this day. this is not to say that Mercury is without emotion because that's far from the truth, but it definitely does take a logical approach to things that our emotional state sometimes cannot get behind. i like to leave the feeling decisions for Monday and use Mercury's intellect for other things
this is also a really good day for communicating. your words will be perceived by others easier, and you will understand others easier as well. just for example, a work meeting on Wednesday will be clear, focused, and efficient, while a work meeting on Monday might bring in unwanted emotions
i loooove studying on Wednesdays. i find it so much easier to focus and actually retain information. i will dedicate most of my day to studying or learning. also, you don't have to be in school to "study." i study astrology or mythology or just things that interest me, and you can learn about anything you'd like! knowledge is neverending
Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury, so any of your Gemini or Virgo placements might be highlighted today
for all of my witch girls, Mercury is associated with Hermes/Mercury
Mercury is a great day for any workings involving communication, education, travel, mental agility, and writing
connect with Mercury through colors like green, blue, yellow, gold, or silver
crystals/metals: mercury, hematite, amber, citrine, peridot, agate
herbs: crocus, almonds, strawberries, lemons
my must do's for Wednesday: study and use my words as much as possible :)
ruled by Jupiter
themes of luck, growth, expansion, optimism, abundance, and understanding are all heightened
Thursday is like a breath of fresh air to me. my thoughts are a lot more positive and i'm able to see things through a new lens that may have gotten jumbled throughout the week.
managing gratitude on this day is so so important. we can't be optimistic for the future and hold good luck if we aren't appreciate of what we have now.
i really like to focus on my goals this day as well. taking stock of what i have and what i have left to achieve and letting myself get excited over what's to come. this is also an amaaaazing day for manifestation!
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, so any of your Sagittarius placements might be highlighted today
for all of my witch girls, Jupiter is associated with Zeus/Jupiter
Thursday is a great day for any workings involving wealth, expansion, political power, legal affairs, business, and spirituality
connect with Jupiter through colors like sky blue, gold, silver, yellow, and purple
crystals/metals: tin, amethyst, citrine, sapphire, quartz, blue topaz
herbs: cinnamon, oak, olive oil, allspice, anise, coffee, grape, wine
my must do's for Thursday: manifest, work on business endeavors
ruled by Venus
themes of attraction, prosperity, love, beauty, art, and harmony are all heightened
this is one of the days of the week i actually agree with in the modern work week. in my head, Venus gets split into two: half rules Taurus and finances, and half rules Libra and love. i think ending the work week on a Friday works because we spend half of the day making money, and half of the day with pleasure.
Friday is a really good day to spend time with people, but it's also a great self care day. Venus rules beauty, so i usually do my weekly beauty routine on Fridays.
personally, i like to spend at least some time in nature on Fridays as well and some time to appreciate art, which could be listening to your favorite albums, going to a museum, watching a beautifully animated show or any show/movie honestly, reading a book, etc.
hobbies are a big Friday thing for me as well. Venus rules creativity so tapping into that creative side will be especially easy on Fridays, and you can use it to do literally anything! paint, write, sing, dance, knit, draw, whatever you want <3
Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus, so any of your Taurus or Libra placements might be highlighted today
for all of my witch girls, Venus is associated with Aphrodite/Venus
Venus is a great day for any workings involving love, beauty, nature, money
connect with Venus through colors like green, pink, red, or gold
crystals/metals: copper, brass, garnet, ruby, rose quartz, pearl, diamond, sapphire, opal
herbs: rose, anemone, apple, daffodil, myrtle, pomegranate, vanilla, jasmine, basil, honey, lavender, lemon, coconut
my must do's for Sunday: creative stuff, hobbies, work a little bit, spend time with loved ones
ruled by Saturn
themes of structure, law, discipline, restriction, responsibility, obligation, and law are all heightened
this is my "Sunday reset" day. i like to run all my leftover errands from the week, do all my chores/deep clean my living space, grocery shop, and just get everything done
this is a really good day to address and adjust your habits. Saturn craves discipline so he wants you to get your life together lmao. this is the day to start things, more specifically start good habits and end bad ones. for example, if you decided to start eating healthier, you should start on Saturday.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, so any of your Capricorn placements might be highlighted today
for all of my witch girls, Saturday is associated with Kronos/Saturn
Saturday is a great day for any workings involving finances, life obstacles, property, and habits
connect with Saturn through colors like black, dark grey, and brown
crystals/metals: lead, black onyx, hematite, smoky quartz, jet, black tourmaline
herbs: garlic, rosemary, cypress, dill, yew, myrrh, bay, clove, snakeweed, thyme, onion, witchhazel
my must do's for Saturday: deep clean, spiritual cleanse, errands, responsibilities
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divine-mystic-princess · 10 months
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archerinventive · 2 years
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⭐ Happy Faire Friday all!!⭐  
Hi all! I hope your week has been treating you well. :)
Today I embraced my Astro-Witch with these new hand-painting earrings, necklace, and pins. Now available in the shop. ^^ 
Wishing you all a marvelous and magical weekend! 💙
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🃏 Introduction to Decan Walk 🃏
What is a Decan Walk?
The decan walk is a technique that focuses on the 36 minor arcana cards (2-10 of each suit) and their astrological correspondences. Each card corresponds to a 10-degree segment of the zodiac, known as a decan. By tracking the sun's movement through these decans, you can connect the energy of the corresponding tarot card to your personal experiences.
🌟 Using Decan Walk with Natal and Progressed Charts 🌟
1️⃣ Natal Chart:Your natal chart represents your birth chart and provides a snapshot of the celestial bodies' positions when you were born. Overlaying the decan walk onto your natal chart allows you to understand how the energy of each tarot card may manifest in different areas of your life based on the houses.
2️⃣ Progressed Chart: A progressed chart shows how your natal chart evolves over time. By incorporating the decan walk into your progressed chart, you can explore the shifting energies and experiences you encounter as you grow and change.
🌕 Decan Walk Activities 🌕
- Journaling: Reflect on the themes of each decan and how they relate to your life.
- Meditations: Focus on the energy of the corresponding tarot card for each decan.
**Personal Growth**
- Study: Research the tarot cards associated with each decan to deepen your understanding.
- Shadow Work: Address any personal challenges or blocks that arise during each decan.
- Art: Create art or crafts inspired by the tarot cards and their corresponding decans.
- Writing: Write poetry, stories, or affirmations based on the themes of each decan.
- Altar: Create a dedicated altar for each decan with corresponding crystals, herbs, and symbols.
- Ritual Baths: Take ritual baths aligned with the energy of each decan.
- Candle Magic: Perform candle magic using colors and intentions corresponding to each decan.
- Group Discussions: Participate in online or in-person discussions about the Decan Walk experience.
- Collaborative Projects: Work with others on creative projects or rituals for each decan.
Engage in these activities throughout the Decan Walk to deepen your connection with the tarot and the astrological influences of each decan.
🔥 First Decan of Aries (0-10 degrees): 2 of wands
As we just wrapped up the first decan of Aries, we embrace the ambitious and pioneering energy of the Two of Wands. in the following post i will share my experiences with the first 19 days (degrees) of the astrological new year.
🌙 Stay tuned for updates, and remember to explore the magic of tarot in your daily life! 🌙
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feral-space-faerie · 2 months
☀️ The total solar eclipse will happen at the Moon's ascending node on April 8, 2024, visible across Turtle Island and the totality could last up to twice as long as the one in 2017 ☀️
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lunaapudleonem · 25 days
Placements in the natal chart that indicate psychic abilities/strong intuition/witchy energy ✨🪬
4th house placements
8th house placements
12th house placements
Neptune conjunct Mercury
Neptune in the 4th/8th/12th house
A lot of trines in the chart that form a triangle shape in the natal chart
Moon conjunct Neptune
Water signs placements
Moon in Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces
Moon in the 4th/8th/12th house
Asteroid Psyche in a water sign or 4th/8th/12th house
Asteroid Psyche conjunct Moon/Mercury
Neptune conjunct ASC
Lilith in the 8th house
Uranus in the 12th house
Asteroid Hekate conjunct ASC
Asteroid Hekate in the 4th/8th/12th house
Asteroid Hekate conjunct Mercury/Moon
29 degree Moon/Mercury sign
Vertex in the 4th/8th/12th house
South Node in a water sign/conjunct Neptune
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DM me for a natal chart reading!
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moodboard-d · 3 months
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marsbar17 · 8 months
hiii i don't mean to bother u and take ur time on this!! is there a chance u could do some astrowitch headcanons? (nsfw and sfw)
if not no worries, wish u well <333
OF COURSE!!! It's one of my favorite Apex ships honestly. I'm a bit sleep deprived so apologies if it's not very good.
• Horizon made the first move I bet, and it was probably some comment about how ethereal Catalyst is
• From then on it's just been flirting back and forth, literally everyone thinks they're already dating but neither has made it official
• Horizon frequently comes over for tea and to indulge in Catalyst's tarot readings, and one day Catalyst decides to ask why Horizon always tells her she's beautiful
• Horizon just responds with "because you are beautiful, darlin'. I'm just telling you the truth, I find you the most captivating thing in this universe."
• They started real dating that day
• Their love languages are probably quality time and words of affirmation
• Catalyst acts very confident and she is but sometimes she just needs Horizon to tell her about how she's prettier than any star in the universe
• Horizon just loves being in the same room as Catalyst, no matter what they're doing. They could be sitting and doing their own things but as long as they're in each other's presence she's happy
• Catalyst practices doing readings for Horizon, palm readings, tea leaf readings, tarot readings, all of it
• Horizon teaches Catalyst how to map out the stars and planets to help with any astrological witchcraft she may be doing
• Late nights looking at the stars
• Hot baths surrounded by candles
• Horizon is definitely in control, whether she's on the bottom or the top
• The mommy kink is strong in this one, and Horizon calls Catalyst darling, dear, my sweet, etc.
• I feel like they really enjoy foreplay, maybe even more than the penetration part of sex
• Horizon love love looooves playing with Catalyst, sucking her off, jerking her off, edging her, alllll of it
• Loves to get Catalyst all desperate before she rides her till she sees stars
• Horizon plays with them, and it gets Catalyst to melt immediately
• Anyways foreplay, Horizon always gently coaxes Catalyst and guides her when Catalyst fingers/eats her out
• Catalyst is always ready to service her lover, takes pride in being the one to make Mary cum
• I feel like they aren't very kinky, they just like being intimate and giving each other pleasure
• They're just tired and trying to be sweet man let them have soft sex and then kiss in the moonlight
It's not great but I did this during math class and I did not sleep last night hdhdhsjsj
Thank you!
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apollotarot · 1 year
🪐 What Can We Expect from the 2026 Saturn-Neptune Conjunction?
Are you curious about the upcoming Saturn-Neptune conjunction in 2026 and what it means? Astrologers and enthusiasts are buzzing about this rare celestial event expected to bring significant changes and challenges to our personal and collective lives. This blog post will delve into the Saturn-Neptune conjunction and how you can prepare for it.
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☌ What is the Saturn-Neptune Conjunction?
The Saturn-Neptune conjunction occurs when the two planets, Saturn and Neptune, align in the sky at the same zodiac degree. This alignment happens approximately every 36-37 years; the last time was in 1989-1990. The next one will occur in 2026.
Saturn is the planet of structure, boundaries, and responsibility. It represents the father figure and authority and teaches us lessons through hard work and discipline. Neptune, on the other hand, is the planet of dreams, illusions, and spirituality. It represents the mystical and the creative, reminding us to connect with our higher selves.
When these two planets come together, their energies can create tension between the material and the spiritual: Saturn's need for practicality and discipline clashes with Neptune's desire for freedom and transcendence. This tension can result in confusion, disillusionment, and uncertainty, as we try to reconcile our inner and outer worlds.
👀 What Does the 2026 Saturn-Neptune Conjunction Mean for You?
The 2026 Saturn-Neptune conjunction will bring significant changes and challenges to our personal and collective lives. While the exact effects will depend on your birth chart, there are some general themes to be aware of:
Letting go of illusions: The Saturn-Neptune conjunction can bring a time of disillusionment, where we will have to face reality and let go of illusions and fantasies. This process can be challenging, but ultimately it allows us to see things clearly and move forward more authentically.
Building new structures: While the Saturn-Neptune conjunction can bring a time of dismantling old systems, it also offers the opportunity to make new ones. This moment can be excellent for setting new goals, creating new habits, and establishing new boundaries that align with your values and aspirations.
Finding your spiritual path: Neptune's influence during this conjunction can help you connect with your spiritual side and find deeper meaning in your life. This period can be ideal for exploring your spirituality through meditation, yoga, or other practices that resonate with you.
Reconnecting with nature: Neptune is also associated with the natural world, and this conjunction can be a reminder to reconnect with nature and appreciate its beauty and power. Spending time in nature can help you find peace and clarity during this tumultuous time.
🔖 How to Prepare for the Saturn-Neptune Conjunction
While the Saturn-Neptune conjunction can be challenging, it also offers growth and transformation opportunities. Here are some tips for preparing for this event:
Get to know your birth chart: Understanding your birth chart can help you understand how the Saturn-Neptune conjunction may affect you personally. You can consult an astrologer or use online resources to learn more about your chart.
Practice self-care: During this conjunction, it is essential to take care of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Make time for rest, exercise, healthy eating, and activities that bring you joy.
Reflect on your values: The Saturn-Neptune conjunction can be a time to reflect on your values and what is truly important to you. Use this time to assess your priorities and make necessary adjustments to ensure your actions align with your true beliefs.
During this period, we can expect a heightened sense of spirituality and creativity and a greater emphasis on empathy and compassion towards others. People may feel drawn towards artistic and creative pursuits and spiritual practices such as meditation and yoga. There may also be a renewed interest in social justice issues and a desire to impact the world positively.
However, the Saturn-Neptune conjunction can also bring about feelings of confusion, uncertainty, and disillusionment. It may be when people struggle to find their place in the world and question their beliefs and values. It is essential to remain grounded during this period and to avoid getting lost in fantasy or escapism.
On a global scale, the Saturn-Neptune conjunction can bring about significant changes in political and economic systems. It may be a time of upheaval and transformation as old structures dismantle and new ones are replaced. There may also be increased tensions between groups and an intensified focus on environmental issues.
Overall, the 2026 Saturn-Neptune conjunction is a time of great potential and challenge. It is when we will feel prone to connect with our spiritual selves and work towards creating a more compassionate and just world. At the same time, we must remain grounded and focused on navigating the uncertainty and upheaval that may arise during this period.
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beewitched-blr · 5 months
Black Moon Lilith's Sexuality Expression
18+ Post
This is a little light-hearted post to show the sexual side of us via our Black Moon Lilith placements in song! What song did you get?
Aries Lilith: Nonsense - Sabrina Carpenter
Taurus Lilith: Talking Body - Tove Lo
Gemini Lilith: Fuck Up the Friendship - Leah Kate
Cancer Lilith: Good For You - Selena Gomez
Leo Lilith: 34+35 - Ariana Grande
Virgo Lilith: Pretty Please - Dua Lipa
Libra Lilith: Serial Lover - Kehlani
Scorpio Lilith: Lipstick Lover - Janelle Monae
Sagittarius Lilith: Get Some - Ghosted
Capricorn Lilith: Motivation - Normani
Aquarius Lilith: Sex With Me - Rihanna
Pisces Lilith: Dress - Taylor Swift
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Since Lilith is sexual, does that mean all Lilith placements mean tw: sexual trauma?
🌺 Peace Beloved,
I'd say the answer to your question is: Yes ✨
Simply because Lilith is not the same as Eve, or the other Goddess energies ♀️🖤💃🏾
She is her own, powerfull, independent, whole, and most importantly: sexually liberated energy who was banished simply because she owned the essence of her entire being.
This will represent sexual trauma in the natal chart because of the exact same thing! In this specific time we're in⏳, the divine feminine energy is suppressed or even harmed by expressing their true essence in this now "man made" -- once before and always will be a womban made world 🌍
The energy of Lilith is now manifests as that: Oppression of our sexual, free, and whole selves = trauma because we're in a reversed society that honors masculine on a feminine planet 😭
Hope that explained some things ~ these are strictly observations, my own research and intuitive channeling ✨🦋😘
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hearth-and-veil · 1 year
This full moon is popping and I'm obsessed. I need someone way better than me at astrology (which is functionally everyone, tbh) to tell me what the moon has been doing since February. Ever since that February full moon, there's been something in the air. The energy has just been amazing. February was kind of destructive, but good destructive. March was cleansing. Now April is like ramping up and building something.
Can anybody explain it to me in basic terms?
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