#leo season
funky-astrologer · 9 months
The Astrology of Wealth, Success, Abundance and Prosperity⭐️
The poll isn’t quite over yet, but here is a post I think is a wonderful theme right now! Enjoy 💫
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1) Jupiter is of course going to be the first planet associated with these themes being the planet of luck, wealth, and good fortune. Jupiter denotes areas of growth and expansion that we are blessed with and destined for.
Jupiter bestows divine blessings.
What to look for in the chart:
•Jupiter in the 2nd house/8th house, or conjunct any angles (1st/4th/7th/12th)
If Jupiter is placed in either the 2nd house of finance, or the 8th house of wealth, then there is greater potential for the individual to attain financial prosperity and success. The 2nd house will bring more opportunities to align with financial growth and abundance, whereas the 8th house will bring opportunities to network with others and expand ones wealth through the intimate interactions with others, i.e, being a financial advisor or accountant. These are great placements for financial abundance and can assist one with financial goals. Often times, these people will end up retiring early or be on a path to greater financial freedom and independence much easier. The universe blesses the finances here and supports financial growth much easier. If Jupiter is conjunct the angles, there is an increased likelihood of being recognized for opportunities. Jupiter on the 1st house can easily bring about recognition and the way these people interact with the world is expansive, they are able to create connections anywhere and may be blessed with a pleasing and inviting appearance as well that makes others want to engage with and assist. If Jupiter is on the 4th house, then it brings support from loved ones and the person will feel supported and blessed by the universe. This is likely a state of being that just feels natural, and the individual will feel like they are being supported no matter what, and this of course can be amplified by the sign and other aspects. If Jupiter were in the 7th house, the individual would feel that they are blessed in relationships. The closer to the 7th house cusp, the better as this will greatly increase the potential for supportive relationships--the kind that would take care of you if you were in need. These individuals may be able to influence others easily and should make sure to network whenever possible as this will benefit the themes of wealth, abundance, success and prosperity greatly. if Jupiter were in the 10th house/conjunct the Midheaven this could lend very well to public recognition and the chances of succeeding later in life are greatly supported. There is a potential to become wise with the ability to offer services to others and give generously. This is a great placement for entrepreneurial pursuits as it indicates that opportunities for career advancement will come easier. Networking with this placement is important as it will open up opportunities for expansion in terms of success and achievements.
I have Jupiter in my 3rd house conjunct my Cancer 4th house and I have really been able to build a community here for the last 10 years through my writing which I am so thankful for. 💫🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
• Any conjunctions being made with Jupiter
When Jupiter is making any conjunction to planets, whether major or minor--there is an increase of potential for Jupiter to expand that planets energies. If it be with Venus--there is an increase of potential for loving, supportive and positive relationships--even popularity depending on the sign, house and other aspects. If it be with Pluto, this typically allows Jupiter to help the individual grow through and overcome major challenges in a much easier manner. There is a great potential for wealth to come from this conjunction as it seeks to expand past the limitations of oneself in every way--especially materially. If it be with Mercury, the individual can easily find innate wisdom to draw upon for inspiration, divine guidance and ideas. These people have the potential to be great speakers and make excellent healers as well if Mercury is placed in a sign such as Gemini or Virgo.
• Jupiter being in domicile or exaltation
If Jupiter is domicile--in its home sign of Sagittarius, in Pisces (traditional ruler), or in Cancer (exalted placement), then this will denote extra strength to Jupiter and bring blessings and abundance in a much easier manner. In Sagittarius, wealth is present and expands everywhere and to everything. In Pisces, there is an abundance of divine guidance and inspiration that leaves the person feeling in alignment with the universe most of their life. In Cancer, there is an endless amount of support from loved ones and an energy of being supported and taken care of by the universe. By default, Jupiter will also enjoy being in the houses ruled by these signs--so the 4th house, the 9th house and the 12th house. These Jupiter placements often have a sense of being divinely guided and supported and as such there is an innate trust in life that can manifest wonderfully.
⭐️Celebrity Mention: Shakira - Jupiter in the 2nd house in Taurus trine 10th house Mercury and Mars in Capricorn (exalted Mars)
• Jupiter transits being made to planets or angles
If Jupiter is moving over the angles or is making a prominent aspect to an inner or outer planet, then blessings typically follow in whatever manner the two planets may most easily express themselves. If Jupiter is moving over the 1st house ascendant, then the individual will be received more easily and may form connections with others through the energy of Jupiter. That is to say, that by cultivating a demeanor kindness, openness and generosity Jupiter will bestow blessings and enable the individual to experience greater satisfaction in whatever way will most easily and readily manifest. If Jupiter is moving over the natal 10th house midheaven, then there is increased visibility for the individual and the chance to be recognized and rewarded for one's talents or skills. There may also be the chance to expand the career endeavors and greater potential for success and achievements. If Jupiter were to be moving over the natal Mars, then the individual will find themselves being much more active and motivated toward goals and there is greater ambition and drive. If there is even a trine being made from transiting Jupiter to the natal planets, there is a greater possibility that the individual will experience abundance and opportunities. If that trine were to Venus, then networking and cultivating relationships would become a way for opportunities to manifest. Any positive aspects from transiting Jupiter to the natal chart will bring about increased abundance when the energy is connected with.
2) The 2nd house & 8th house are the astrological houses of finances and wealth, respectively. Wealth can be generated in both houses, but there is a material balance that needs to be upheld. That is to say, wealth is better maintained here when the individual is also using it to the benefit of those around them.
Wealth and financial prosperity are ever-present opportunities here.
What to look for in the chart:
• Planets in either house, especially Venus, Jupiter or Pluto
With any planet placed here, especially the ones mentioned above (as Venus & Pluto are the natural rulers of the houses), there is an increased potential for financial prosperity and success to be experienced. By using the energy of the planet placed in the houses, the individual may be able to experience more abundance, luck and opportunities. If it be Venus, then through relationships, a strong value system, aesthetics and feminine receptivity, the individual has a greater potential for wealth to be generated. There is often a relationship that benefits the individual in a financial sense and enables them to live comfortably. This could mean through union with another person, such as marriage, a living situation, or even a sugar mama/daddy kinda thing. Venus likes the energy of living with ease, and when it comes to finances, the same energy will apply, and financial prosperity will manifest much easier. If Venus is in detriment or fall, such as in Aries/Scorpio, or Virgo, then financial prosperity is still a potential, but it may be something that inherently feels tied to self-worth and the individual may spend a lot of time and effort proving their worth. The key here is to relax and let go of attachment to outcome and focus on what it is you love and enjoy. Now, if Jupiter be in the 2nd or 8th house, then again, the potential for wealth is much greater and financial opportunities will present themselves easier and more frequently in life. If Jupiter is in the 2nd house, the key is to be open and generous in the realm of finance. In the 8th house, it's similar but there is more of a need to do good in terms of how money and finances are used. This is the house of others' finances, and this placement has the potential to use the resources of others in a not-so-great way, this is the lower end of the spectrum. On the better end, this is a placement of generosity that bestows an ability to help and assist others financially, such as mentorship. If Pluto is in either house, there is a need to be mindful and conscious of how money, resources, and finances are being used. This is because Pluto is the planet of the unconscious, and hidden motives. So, using financial resources in a way that contributes in a beneficial way to everyone involved is ideal. I say everyone because the 2nd-8th houses both involve others. Nonetheless, the capacity for wealth is increased very powerfully and the individual can be a strategist, capable of understanding the ways to utilize resources and constantly planning ways and methods to reach financial goals. There is great determination and drive here.
• Transits being made into the 2nd or 8th house of the natal chart or solar/lunar return charts
Transits here can help pinpoint financial opportunities and ways finances may shift or be affected. Let's say that transit Pluto is moving through the natal 2nd house. This could be an indication that finances are changing and undergoing a transition. It could be intense and life altering for sure but will ultimately be for the greater good. Now, this can apply in the natal chart or in the return charts--even in the progressed chart if you want to really dig deep. Transits being made into these houses in any of the charts indicate a shift in finances and by utilizing the energy of the planet, you will be able to bring about the highest outcome. Now, let's say that Jupiter is transiting the natal 2nd house--okay sure, you have an increased potential for financial abundance, but how do you actually manifest it? Well, look to the house in the natal chart or even the solar or lunar return chart to see where Jupiter is placed at. If it's placed in your natal 7th house, then hone in on your ability to connect with others. Start surrounding yourself with people you admire and people you know will support you. By doing this, you are using the natural energies present within the chart and they will better manifest themselves in whatever way transit Jupiter wants them to. Now, let's say that Uranus is transiting the natal 8th house, this will be a time that you may easily experience lapses in financial judgment. There is greater risk of assets and resources not being handled well here. By tuning into the energy of Uranus within the natal chart--and even the solar return chart or progressed chart--you will be able to better understand how the energy wants to manifest into your life. So, to sum this paragraph up, pay attention to the natural positions of the planets in the natal chart to better navigate and understand the transits being made into the 2nd and 8th houses. These transits can be tricky at first, but by using the knowledge of what is already known about the planet, i.e., the position in the natal and solar return charts--it will manifest better results.
3) The 10th house is the astrological house of success and connects to the energy of prosperity that comes from disciplined and consistent efforts toward ones goals.
Whatever it touches will manifest in the long-term.
What to look for in the chart:
•Planets in the 10th house, especially the Sun, Venus, Jupiter or Saturn
Whenever there are planets such as the ones above in the natal 10th house, in the solar return or even in the progressed chart, there is increased potential for material success. If it be the Sun, then the individual will experience a greater sense of satisfaction in career as well as recognition. This is typically a placement of fame. If it be Venus, there is the likelihood that career opportunities for advancement will come easier and be made manifest through the help of others, i.e., networking and building relationships. This placement may find that they leave old careers on generally good terms and end up being able to connect with others in the realm of career easily. If it be Jupiter, then there is the potential to really expand the horizons and dream BIG. Individuals with this placement are destined to succeed and they are supported by the universe when it comes to material achievements and successes. If Saturn is in the 10th house, being the natural position for Saturn, this brings the potential to remain disciplined through the process of achievement. Often, these individuals manifest great success later in life and will have cultivated a lot of wisdom and resources. Many celebrities have 10th house placements. If the 10th house is prominent in the natal chart, or if it is prominent in the solar return--or even progressed chart, the energies of material success are amplified and the potential for prosperity is inherent.
⭐️Celebrity Mention: Leonardo DiCaprio - 10th house Saturn, his Oscar came at a much later time than we all expected, but it was well earned and solidified his sense of success and achievement I'm sure.
•Transits being made into the 10th house of the natal chart and/or solar & lunar return charts
Transits being made into the 10th house can help pinpoint career opportunities and opportunities in general for success to manifest. Let's say that Mars is transiting the natal 10th house, this can indicate that there is more drive and ambition present manifest goals. This could be incredibly helpful in terms of acting as a motivating force and success will often come in some form or shape.
✨Pro tip (as mentioned previously): Look to where the natural position is of the transiting planet within the natal chart to better understand how the transit wants to manifest individually
4) The North Node. Arguably the most prominent point in the chart that denotes an individuals life experience, this is the point of destiny. It is what we are fated to experience in this life, as granted by the stars.
What to look for in the chart:
• The North Node conjunct any planet
This is important as it plays a key role in the development of an individual. If success is being sought out, ultimately it will have to face the energy of the North Node. Whatever touches the North Node becomes prominent in the life experience and there will be a calling toward that life theme. Say that the North Node is conjunct Mars. This indicates that the individual is destined for self-expression and to live passionately. They will be incredibly driven and motivated to achieve whatever it is they are after and will be supported through this with strength and determination.
• The house position and the ruling planet of the north node
This is going to be important as it pretty much sums up the area/s of your life that will have a lasting impact because it is fated to be experienced. Furthermore, by looking to the ruler of the North Node and any aspects it is making, there can be a greater understanding of the ways in which one can thrive.
If the North Node is in the 5th house in Libra, then where are the Sun and Venus at and are they making any notable aspects?
⭐️Celebrity Mention: Beyoncé Knowles- Cancer North Node in the 10th house at 29 degrees conjunct Leo Mars. She was very much destined for fame and recognition. The ruling planet of her North Node is the Moon and is Scorpio in her 2nd house, this indicates she has been able to live very comfortably as a result, but it took overcoming many personal challenges surrounding her self-worth.
• Transits being made to the North Node
By observing transits being made to the North Node, there is a greater potential to come into alignment with one’s purpose which can contribute to success. Let’s say that transit Venus is on the natal or solar return North Node, it could indicate a transition within social circles and relationships, it could also indicate a time of financial support. If the planet transiting the North Node happens to be Uranus, it could pin point a turning point in life and a redirection or repurpose. It could be said that we do not have a singular purpose, but rather our purpose shifts over the course of our lives. This transit in particular could represent a changing of one’s purpose for sure. Remember that the outer planets transit over angles and points much longer than the inner planets, so the transits bring results over a longer period of time. Remember that transits can be used for making predictions and should be used if you want to time something astrologically!
So that’s that! I hope you enjoyed and found this insightful!
As always, I offer natal chart readings, solar return chart readings, and lunar return chart readings if you would like me to dissect your chart for you. I can tell you all about how to bring success and abundance into your life! ✨
If you have any questions I am here! Have a great rest of your day and week. Happy Lions Gate 🌅❤️‍🔥
Remember to enjoy this cosmic journey, and know you’re doing just fine 💫
Chart Readings Below 🖤
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pusheen · 2 years
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tarotbydelilah444 · 9 months
♌️✨What Does Leo Season Have In Store For You?
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hi guys! welcome to Leo season & happy solar return to all the Leos out there. I’m a Leo moon. Hope you enjoy the reading and don’t forget to like, share, and comment what pile resonated for you. As always, sending you love and light✨🤍 - Delilah pile one ✨
crystal for leo season | tiger’s eye
message for ♌️ season | butterfly | you will definitely be going through some major changes and transformations during Leo season, regardless if you expected or didn’t expect it. It’s time for you to change and grow because the old chapter no longer fits who you are in this current moment. Change is necessary in order for us all to grow, even when it feels uncertain and scary. You will be a brand new person in the end. Remain hopeful.
Some of you will be getting into sound healing. You should try out Reiki to help you balance your chakras and even balance your mind, body, and soul. Balance will be a big theme for you, as you could be trying to release certain things in your life that no longer serve your highest good whether it be people, places, or situations that knock you off balance. I see you building strength to fight back against anyone and anything that may have gotten in your way. You will be determined to protect your energy from anyone or anything that tries to destroy your peace. You will be focusing on what brings your strength and stability. You could also find yourself focusing on your outer appearance more than normal. If you been wanting to work on your body, this is your sign to create a workout plan, join a fitness program, take a workout class , work with a personal trainer, or create  your own workout playlist from home to do. Make goals for yourself and track your growth to help you continue your journey. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself. You will be going through changes, but it’s in your highest favor. Old cycles are closing and new cycles are ready to began, once you accept this change. Everything will be working out in your favor. The universe is on your side and guiding you towards your destiny.
health | you could be a bit disorganized when it comes to your health. Your emotional health could be controlling you at this time when it should be the other way around. You may have a lot going on at the moment and it’s affecting your mental health. You are overextending and exhausting yourself to the point that you cannot think straight. You need to create a routine that can help eliminate any distractions, stress, or anxiety that you may be dealing with. Focus on the things that are within your control and leave the rest. Some of you could be relying on substances/addictions to help you deal with your issues and this is only hurting you. Try taking a break from these distractions and seeking out help from a trusted friend, family member, or therapist. Also slow down, you could be overindulging in too many at things, only you know what it is.
career & finances | make sure that you are making good financial decisions. Don’t spend your money on things you don’t need or that won’t be valuable down the line. This is not the time to make bad investments when it comes to money and career. Do your research and ask for a second opinion before making any financial decisions. You are waiting to see if you will get approved for something (new house, new car, or a new job). It will likely work out in your favor, so give it some time. If you already working, I see that you will be evaluated and watched closely by your superiors to determine if you are capable for a promotion or higher position. Make sure that you are doing your part and do it well because you may get rewarded for your efforts. If you have been slacking, it’s time for you to reevaluate your priorities and get your shit together when it comes to your professional life and finances.
love | you are being asked to take charge of your love life and make the first move. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and express how you feel towards your love interest. Make your intentions clear, so there is no room for confusion. You are seeking stability and commitment when it comes to matters of the heart. If you are single, you will be meeting someone that is older and mature. This person will be able to grant you stability, commitment, and longevity, if you are open up to the possibility. This person seems to know what he/she wants and they expect the same attitude from you.  If you’re dealing with an ex partner, I see that they have been thinking about you and may come forward soon or contact you. You may not trust this person and believe that they have bad intentions. Always trust your intuition. For those in relationships, if you and your partners have been having issues, I see it improving and the both of you will be bringing stability back into the connection.
channeled messages | April (the month/name), someone is sending you evil eye, karma is coming, family issues, Aries, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, and Sagittarius, piercings, glasses, phone number, new phone, new number, incoming phone call or text message, following your destiny, marriage, and commitment
pile two 🌻
crystal for leo season | pyrite
message for ♌️ season | feather |
be honest with yourself. There is somewhere in your life where you haven’t been upfront. You are not being honest about something or this could be someone being dishonest with you about something. You are being asked to speak your truth and give the gift of honesty rather than lying or keeping secrets. the truth will set you free.
Connect with crystals. You guys will be working with crystals or collecting crystals. You will be working with crystals to help you set intentions for yourself or to attract opportunities towards you quicker. Start working with beginner crystals and learning their meanings and their benefits. Use your crystals during your meditation practice, in your home, your car, or on your physical body to absorb the energy you pick up in your surroundings or that can correspond with a specific chakra. You guys could also be budgeting and paying more attention to your finances and expenses in Leo season. Set money aside for expenses in one account and money for minor inconveniences and emergencies expenses. Make sure that you are being responsible and wise when it comes to your finances. For some, you could be wanting to come up with new ideas to generate more money. You could want to start a business and you are researching and creating a business plan to make this happen. Also, work with crystals that are associated with money and prosperity. Use pyrite, tiger’s eye, green aventurine, and citrine. You will be emotionally fulfilled in Leo season. Be ready to be happier than you possible can imagine. Be open to receiving any and all blessings that are coming in for you. You will be feeling more secure and at peace than before. You will also be feeling balanced, creative, and playful during this time. Enjoy it!
health | you will be discovering that you are pregnant in Leo season. So if you needed confirmation, here it is and congratulations in advance. For some, who have been trying to get pregnant, this may be a good time to start trying again or you will be receiving a miracle from the universe. Be gentle and patient with yourself, continue to take care of yourself because your wish will be granted soon. For others, this could be an unexpected pregnancy and you are deciding to keep this a secret for now, it would be wise to tell someone close to you for you to get the help that you need. For others, it may be time for a health checkup or you need to make some improvements in terms of your health. This could be exercising more, eating healthier, and avoiding unnecessary foods. Try to prioritize your health by starting a self-care routine, or making improvements in your self-care routine to help you stay focused and consistent. You will see results over time, if your remain consistent with your regimen.
career & finances | you could be waiting to hear back from a new job or a position that you applied for. The news may be a bit delayed, but you will get the job. If you are applying for a new job make sure that you do your research before applying for the job. This would be a great time to make any changes and improvements to your resume, if you need to. If you are looking to start your own business, it would be a great time to create a business plan and research methods on how to start, manage, and promote your business. Be open to advice and learning new things. When it comes to your finances, you need to make sure that you are paying attention and being mindful of your spending and your expenses. Make sure that you are reading over your contracts or agreements before making purchases or making any financial decisions. Some of you could also decide to go back to school to receive better job opportunities.
love | you are being asked to be patient when it comes to your love life. The universe is crafting the perfect person for you and will deliver this individual in divine timing. You are being encouraged to focus on what you need and want from your partner. Don’t force or rush a connection because you want to hurry up the process to find love. If you are a partnered up with someone, I feel like this person is a divine counterpart and you will be balancing out the connection if there has been any issues or misunderstandings. Love is about balance and harmony, so work things out with your person.
channeled messages | starting a family, building/buying a new home, soulmates, June (month/name), short, someone still talks about you to their friends and family, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus, Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini, a truth/news being exposed, rewards from the universe, making amends, red hair, straight hair, secrets and hidden information, clarity, profitable new ideas, and angel number # 111
pile three 🦁
crystal for leo season | citrine
message for ♌️ season | lion | believe in your power. Do you believe in your inner power, so why aren’t you standing in your power or embracing your power. you are capable of accomplishing anything that you put your mind in. You need to start believing in yourself and stop looking for outer validation from others. Be your own cheerleader.
Make sure that your are prioritizing your health. If you have any health issues make sure you are addressing these concerns with your healthcare provider. Some of you should go in for a health checkup to make sure that you are in perfect health, so schedule a doctors appointment as soon as possible. Remember that health is wealth. Start to prioritize self-care. Show you body some extra love and care, if you have been feeling overwhelmed and being abandoning your needs. Try taking a long relaxing bath to help relieve any stress that you’ve been holding in your body. I feel like you guys have been ignoring your body signaling for you to take a break and relax. Honor your body, mind, and spirit by showing it some well deserve tender, love, and care. You will be in a much happier and better place in Leo season. The cloudy days are over and the sun has shined again. All your worries will soon dissipate, and be replaced with happiness, joy, peace, and clarity. Everything will be working out in your favor and will be getting better. You will be glowing and radiating, after a period of sadness and this will attract others to your optimistic and radiate energy.
health | pay attention to your mental and emotional health, as it’s affecting your physical health. Some of you could be dealing with depression, anxiety, or the aftermath of a traumatic event. Make sure that you are reaching out for support if you are struggling. It’s okay to grieve and process your emotions but accept help from others. You don’t have to do it alone. For some, this could be an issue related to your heart. This is the time to listen to your body and give it what it needs in order for you to stay healthy. Limit the amount of stress and give yourself some time to recuperate and recover. Stop feeling guilty for taking care of yourself first.
career & finances | your finances will be more than fine in Leo season, so there is nothing to worry about. Your finances will continue to increase and you will be financially stable. Everything will be a success in terms of your finances and career, as your hard work and efforts have paid off. Continue to be smart with your investments and generating more wealth for yourself. If you have been struggling with finances, I see that your money worries will finally be over, as you can be receive support from others and your hard work will be paying off, so keep up the good work. you could even receive an advance or promotion to a leadership position.
love | your love life might be a mess at the moment. If you are in a relationship, you and your partner could be arguing and in conflict with one another. There is too much pettiness and ego involved and it’s affecting the connection in a negative way and it’s causing lots of unnecessary stress and headaches for you both. If you want this connection to work, try communicating with your partner and discuss what is the root of the issue and work towards fixing it. Don’t let ego and resentment break up this connection, if you and your partner still desire it. If it becomes too much, it may be time to go your separate ways. If you are single, you need to stop self-sabotaging in terms of love, you want to be loved or be in a relationship, but you keep running away from it because you are afraid to be vulnerable or to be hurt. Love is a risk and if you want it, you have to be able to take that risk. There could be a new beginning in love, it’s up to you if you want to take the risk. You should continue focus on healing any traumas you may have experienced in past connections to avoid unpacking it in new connections.
channeled messages | summertime, springtime, Leo, Capricorn, Taurus, Sagittarius and Virgo, green eyes, jealously, new beginnings, ignoring your needs, spiritual awakening, dark night of the soul, heart problems, sacral chakra, lighter complexion, blockages, be generous, treat yourself, counseling/therapy, learning your triggers, clarity, creativity, and setting boundaries
pile four 🧡
crystal for leo season | yellow aventurine
message for ♌️ season | deer |
bring gentleness and grace in every aspect of your life. You need to be more gentle and kinder to yourself as you go through your healing journey.
Clear your energy field. You have a lot of negative or unwanted energies that is living in your aura and energetic field. Remove and release anything that no longer serves your highest good and only invite things that you want into your energetic field. Make sure that you are protecting your energy and cleansing your energy regularly. Work with cleansing tools such as crystals, sage, palo santo, or simply meditate or shower. Dancing can be a way to eliminate any energetic blocks in your body. Feel free to allow yourself to be free and dance, no matter how embarrassing it may be or how self conscious it may make you feel. Have fun. Consider taking a dancing class, go out to a club, dance for your partner or with friends. Just have fun and let your creativity run wild. You will be feeling very abundant and in your divine feminine energy. You will be catering to your own needs, but you will also be open to others wanting to cater to you. You will be embracing your softer and more feminine qualities by tapping into your emotions. You will attract people by your loving and compassionate energy. You will also be prioritizing your self-care and self love to attract things and people to you. You will also create something that you invested a lot of time and effort into.
health | anxiety and fear could be ruling your life at the moment and this is affecting your mental, emotional, and physical health. You need to confront these feelings or emotions that is keeping you stuck in fear. Try journaling or talking to someone about your feelings, as they are valid. You could be fearing the worst possible outcome, which may only be in your head, but it could manifest into reality if you don’t confront these issues and fears right away. You are being asked to release these blocked emotions before they poison your body and become hard to deal with. You may even benefit from a chakra cleanse.
career & finances | you may have to make a choice when it comes to a job, whether you want to stay or go find something better. Don’t be afraid to step out your comfort zone and try something new if you been wanting change. Take your time before making a decision, but don’t take too long or you’ll miss out on opportunities. Weight your pros and cons. Some of you could have to travel for work or whatever you decide to do in terms of career and finances will require a partner to help you achieve your goals. You will also be gaining stability in your finances, if it was an issue in the past. By allowing growth and expansion, your finances will improve.
love | love is in the air, if you are single. Get ready to meet someone that you will have a loving and harmonious relationship with. You and this person will be inseparable and have a lot in common. There is a mutual love and respect for each other. This will be emotionally fulfilling and exciting connection. You will know who this person is because you will feel connected to them before you even meet them. If you are in relationship, expect for you and your partner to become even closer and your bond becoming stronger than ever before. Lots of affection and time spent together. It may be a chance that your person may propose to you to solidify this connection. If you are in separation with someone, this person misses you and is thinking about you a lot at this time. There may be a chance for reconciliation and to rebuild the connection.
channeled messages | Latina/Latino, Leo, Scorpio, Taurus, Libra, and Aries, root chakra, solar plexus chakra, and third eye chakra, darker complexion, blue eyes, protection, soulmate connection, creativity, soft-girl era, new hobbies, project, stop looking, choosing between your comfort zone and something new, 222, connecting to your inner wisdom, and stepping into your power
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maghamoon · 9 months
Happy Leo Szn!! Notes on Leo/5H Placements:
hi! this is my first tumblr post. thought of doing observations/notes on leo placements honoring the season, if you have prominent leo or 5h in your chart this is for you :))
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Leo placements:
-people usually assume that leo suns are outgoing and can express themselves easily. that’s usually true unless they have some sort of tense aspect with the ascendant.
-for e.g. scorpio risings with leo suns usually feel it is difficult to express themselves because they have asc square sun.
-pisces risings with leo suns too! they have their sun in the 8th house. they have gone through a lot of transformations in their lives.
-people usually say that leo venus creates a person that is boastful about their love or shows off. that usually only happens if the placement is malefic. usually, leo venuses are very cute lovers that enjoy getting creative with their partners!
-leo mars is an interesting placement. it’s still a fire sign but when roughly placed it could cause a native that takes things personally and uses the need to out-shine someone as a way to fuel their drive.
-leo moons have their father directly involved with their childhood/the way they process things. leo is ruled by the sun, which represents the father. oftentimes the mother may be ignored in the home life. this is because the planet of the mother (moon) is in the sign of the opposite planet, the sun.
-mars as well! you could mimic the way your father works/motivates himself, or have tendencies of anger like your father or any other paternal figure.
-people with leo in the 11th house may attain fame or popularity through their friends. or they have very creative and passionate friends.
-saturn in leo is a very interesting placement to have. saturn is the karma of the father that shows fruit in the later years. leo, the sun, also represents the father. developing a sense of self and working hard through the karmic debt of the father, creative journeys, etc. the house should also be checked to truly understand this placement.
like, someone who has saturn in leo in the 4th house may have to work with their feminine nature, being comfortable with it, expressing their emotions and the relationship they have with home or mother due to karmic debt of father.
-leo risings may have very good childhoods but difficult marriages. their 7h is in aqua so the native may feel detached or isolated.
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5H placements:
-neptune in 5h causes someone to have a fuzzy perception of their ego/self. art therapy works wonders for these people, also following some sort of spiritual ideology.
-people who have chiron in 5h have wounds regarding their creative endeavors, their personality, humor and may dive into flings just to get validation. they felt unappreciated growing up.
-uranus in 5h can cause sudden shifts in personality, style and even political ideology. maybe the native was very liberal and showed it though their style but now they are conservative. they can also have sudden breakthroughs in their creative endeavors.
-it isn’t true that venus in 5h are only here for short-term relationships! they can foster long-term relationships and they still have that child-like, honeymoon phase charm to it.
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that’s all for today! happy leo season! happy birth season to all my leo suns <33
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vitaminseetarot · 9 months
PAC Pick a Song - What About You Currently Shines Brightest?
Sup y'all, I'm back in time for the start of Leo season with another pick a card reading! The full moon is coming right up and I will likely do a reading for that as well very shortly, but I already had this done the other day and wanted to get it finally posted after much delay!
Below here are three cards to choose from belonging to the now-obsolete board game DropMix. It was a game connected to an app now unfortunately no longer in service, but it allowed the game to play by having chips in the cards activate a code that would send to a phone app to tally points as well as play music. You could pile the different cards together on a jockey board based on color and basically create your own remixes. You could play or make freestyle music. My basic pack has as many cards as the minor arcana + 4, so I thought these would be fun to bring out and work with for the partygoing Leo energy that's budding this late summer.
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1, 2, 3
Pile 1. The Weeknd - Can't Feel My Face
Cards: Baroness (Fire, Leo); "I am in touch with my purpose and passion in life"; 7 of Swords, XIX Sun, XVIII Moon
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(Okay just a quick note I just gotta let u know that I eventually plan to paint over the Sun card for my only RWS-esque deck because the smiley face creeps me out lol so I put a tiny candle over its haunting face. The Sun is supposed to be a positive card dangit!)
Anyway back to your reading! Right off the bat I feel like you're gonna be shining bright this season no matter how you personally feel about summer, get in the mood and live it up! Light that bonfire. Jump in the pile of autumn leaves. Tap into your senses in the most innocent and playful way. I feel like you shine brightly when you get excited about literally anything in your life, it could be a new brand of coffee or new pair of jeans or something but people like how you react to things. Reminds me of Youtubers who have these funny but authentic personalities as they review random products or whatever.
I feel like you can get so in love with something that you kinda, as the song suggests, "go numb" and let everything else fizzle away from your focus. But the thing to remember is that all those other things are still there even if they don't light you up. It's all about learning to find the sweet spot between really enjoying the moment and being in flow with the best of things while also attending to the gritty details. It doesn't mean you should "go numb" in the other direction by only focusing on practical things. When I see Sun and Moon in the same three card reading I am reminded of Temperance because you're trying to balance two different energies together that are ultimately meant to work together. Manifestation+work, joy+catharsis, reason+instinct, yeah? It's a lot to seesaw back and forth every day but 7 of swords tells me that you find ingenious ways to pull it off. Don't let the shyness snuff the light out, and don't let the egoic sense of duty override your needs.
If you feel like sometimes you have to sneak away to find time to enjoy what makes you shine from the inside, I'm getting guidance for the collective to simply learn how to share a little bit of what you're doing while balancing it with the part of you that wants to protect your creative ideas and work on them. Again, there's a message here about balance. You don't have to spill everything about your life to the first person who asks, but at the same time there will be people who benefit from your fiery energy. Your interests and talents deserve to take up some space, pile 1. I think this pile just shines in general even if you're not always aware of it, even if it's incredibly subtle. It's in the little things.
⊱ ──── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─── ⊰⊱ ──── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─── ⊰⊱ ──── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─── ⊰
Pile 2. Evanescence - Bring Me to Life
Shield (Fire, Sagittarius); "I attract relationship in harmony with my authentic self"; 5 of Cups, 10 of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles
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This pile could be going through some awakening period right now. I know, I know, it may sound cliché with "wake me up inside" as the lyrics, but it occurred to me that the Shield in your card is like this old energy that has been barricading you from material experiences. Like this is a pile who's really already been in the thick of the brambles and is wanting to come out. The Sagittarius arrow sign is in my mind like a flare set off from deep in the woods as if to say, "hey! I'm over here, come find me!" It's being let off in the sky in the hopes of rekindling some sort of lost connection to something, could be a person or to a certain goal. You currently shine brightest when it comes to relating to others, and seeking out positive relationships.
It could be that you've gone through some disrupting experiences that have encouraged you to wall off to self heal. This may have taken a long period of time to work through. I feel that you're moving into a part of the thicket where more light is pouring in from the outside, that you're near the end of a long isolating tunnel. You're entering a phase of your life where you're ready to have connections that feel more solid and real, rather than fairweather friendships. You're looking for sustainability, for people to have some sense of loyalty with. People with whom you can truly enjoy the abundance of life. The main issue is that grief and isolation can becomes habits that we may need to temper with in order to allow the new. Forgive yourself when you still feel the need to retreat even as you begin to stand out more. Depending on how long it's been, it can be quite an adjustment.
Maybe abundance is coming a little slow here, as the green color here is blocky. But it's rich like emerald, so once it's found, things will transform in your life radically. It's saying that even if you identify as an introvert, there is still "treasure" to be found in building new relationships. It could be totally virtual. But you shine from making the most out of the opportunities that your current or as of yet undiscovered relationships have to offer. You have a lot to offer others as well. I do get a strong teaching role from this pile. Maybe you've thought about going into teaching. I think your students would see you as sensitive and resourceful.
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Pile 3. LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It
Marigold (Water, Scorpio); "I am wise and wonderful"; 6 of Pentacles, 2 of Pentacles, 10 of Cups
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Your reading is so clear to me, you shine brightest when you are fully present in the moment and loving what you're doing and who you're being. I don't think this pile likes to waste any time lol. I think you've had some hard experiences that have taught you how to value the time and resources you have, especially when you give this energy way generously. And I get the sense that you're learning how to manage both the philanthropy side of things with the personal fulfillment side. You're learning that one does not necessarily require the sacrifice of another. Compromise, maybe, but not at a net loss. You can give without overextending the hand, you can seek out bliss in life without taking it away from others.
This is not a common trait to shine in, pile 3. It's a mature place to shine, but not always easy to develop. It's required a lot from you right from the beginning. There were probably some things you had to let go to make it all work before. But it doesn't always have to be that way. Your ability to rise above the situation, brush the dust off your coat and move forward is what makes you shine. Although I'll say this: even if it looks like all is going well, you're still allowed to feel whatever grief is stored up inside you. It's part of moving past it in order to make the most out of the present.
Some of these experiences may have had something to do with your sense of confidence, your body image, how your present yourself to others, self-expression, and I'm also getting pretty privilege as a topic. Self worth over buying the right kind of things too… I think you're letting your hair down finally. You're letting some outdated ideas about your image go, you shine when you declare yourself to be beautiful and sexy "just because". Why does there need to be a reason? Some people might tell you that you, in particular, aren't "allowed" to feel good in your own skin and clothes. Some may get threatened by your confidence. But it's because that's where you shine and it's up to them to adjust their vision. Tell em to make an optometrist appointment if they can't handle seeing your presentation.
⊱ ──── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─── ⊰⊱ ──── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─── ⊰⊱ ──── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─── ⊰
This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, Vitaminsee Tarot ™
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starlet-sky · 9 months
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Wake & Bake
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Leo Home Pt.2
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indegoblu · 9 months
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Beautiful rising 🌞🌺✨
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astrolovecosmos · 9 months
Leo is heat, passion, primal, strong, confident, generous, creative, creation, sustaining fire, life-giving warmth, self-esteem, ego, selfishness, honor, heart, bravery, fierceness, power, authority, leadership, cheerfulness, play and discovery, brightness, burning, destruction of fire, drama, theatrics, fashion, blazing, shinning, limelight, sunshine, entertainment, pleasure, romance, grandeur, luxury, gaudy, flamboyant, flashy, intimidating, pride, individualism, self-expression, vitality, endurance, benevolence, arrogance, radiant/radiance, impressions, force, magnetic, stars, lions and other felines, Leo is royalty!
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thedarkmaidenn · 10 months
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The Zodiac Seasons and their Elements. What to focus on, what tools to use and what spells to conduct.
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artfilmaesthetics · 5 months
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films for the zodiac signs ✧.*
part XI: leo
✧ ‘But I’m a Cheerleader’ (1999) dir. Jamie Babbit
✧ ‘Jawbreaker’ (1999) dir. Darren Stein
✧ ‘Jennifer’s Body’ (2009) dir. Karyn Kusama
✧ ‘Barbie’ (2023) dir. Greta Gerwig
✧ ‘Lady Bird’ (2017) dir. Greta Gerwig
✧ ‘Mistress America’ (2015) dir. Noah Baumbach
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upcloseroots · 9 months
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flaminghot-cheetopuff · 9 months
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❤️‍🔥 leo aesthetic ❤️‍🔥
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Leo placements always stumble their way into moments of fame.
Whether that be popping off in an influencer way, or being noticed by a celebrity.
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cosmicrew · 2 years
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happy leo season btw
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