staticinterlude · 4 years
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I don’t know why I like this picture. It’s just an ordinary alley-way. The same graffiti-clad walls, the same discarded furniture and rusting wheels. The same strays, cats or humans or the like, that have come to escape the same busy streets. The familiar glare of broken glass littering the asphalt reflects all the same. A scene I have seen a thousand times over, be it back home or elsewhere. A poster for deja-vu. There is nothing new here, nothing exciting to note, no smells to place in memory, there is only this: the alley-way behind a bar. And yet, I can’t get over how much I like this picture. Maybe it’s the colours, or maybe it’s the lighting. Maybe it’s the familiarity of it all. I am some 7000 kilometers away from home and yet I feel like I have never left. It’s both intimidating and comforting. I am frightened by the thought that no matter how far I may roam I will never escape. I will forever remain in the bubble I set out to burst. But why do I want to escape? What am I running from? I am divided by a thirst to see the world and a hunger to remain, a hunger to be home. I take comfort knowing no matter how far I may travel I will always find a place, a place such as this, to take me home. A portal -- my totem -- from one place to another. No matter how far I go, no matter the distance, no matter the change in culture or traditions, I can find a place that takes me back. I look at this picture, at a place so common to me, and I enter that portal; I am home. ~ C.
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staticinterlude · 5 years
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"Entering the forest, he moves not the grass. Entering the water he makes not a ripple."
No one notices him because he does not even notice himself.
I often find myself in a loss for words in emotional situations, as language yet again fails me in attempting to share my experience with another individual. It leads me to believe that sometimes there is no need to categorize our feelings and emotions, attempting to vocalize what can easily get lost in translation. Attaching labels can just increase the level of attachment for past moments and situations.
The beauty of life is to be fully open now, to receive and be equally open to let go of what we have. To be here and now in this awareness. This and only this is the time we can fully experience what this reality has to offer.
The mind truly works best when we do not get in its own way. ~ B
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staticinterlude · 5 years
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I have never seen it before. Not this sky, not these mountains, never these trees nor fields or flowers in bloom. I live in this world, I recognize the atmosphere and the breeze; the sun feels familiar. Yet I feel like an alien. I have never been HERE before; I come from the other side. Over land and ocean, with different morals and ideas, different religions and politics. I come to see, to explore what I don’t already know. What else is out there -- what is left to discover?
I come to learn, to taste, to experience life - their life. I come to BE the alien. But am I really that different? We share curiosity. We share hunger. We share a yearning for connection and understanding. We share Hanami. We share a love for nature and food and an appreciation that one has come from the other. A picnic under the blossoms. A moment I will never forget. A moment I was not an alien. ~ C
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staticinterlude · 5 years
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I find it truly amazing how we can all feel a sense of calm and peacefulness when witnessing massive waves from a distance..a way to let the mind wonder in contemplative thought. The sounds of each crash as meditative as the one previous. I believe that serenity is created by the balance of chaos that resignates within those waters. A force so powerful we have no choice but to surrender. Isn't that what life's about.
Surrendering yourself to each waking moment, letting it all happen while embracing the vulnerabilities of life? When a force of this magnitude goes beyond human control we have only one choice...REMAIN. Much like this strange reality we're living in, that calm peaceful nature only comes when we surrender to the fact that we know so little and have no control over what's to come. It's okay to ask what the fuck once in awhile as I'm just a curious being like the rest. Just let the water take you rather than attempting to fight the current. ~ B
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