statimati · 9 months
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A semi successful attempt of concept art of the main character from Bloodlit, Guillaume Dupont. I've always thought of him as a sorrowful, intense eyed fellow, which is kinda hard to convey in a doodle.
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statimati · 9 months
Hello, fellow MHA fan!
I think it's time I redid my writblr intro
Hi! I'm Laffy Taffy, or LT. I use they/them, sometimes he/him. I write stuff :3
My main fandom I write for is My Hero Academia and my own books
What I am willing to write:
-ambiguous ship snippets (think heroxvillain or whumpeexcaretaker)
-fandom (though I can't promise I'll know what it is, and it may or may not take a while before I write it fair warning!)
-sci-fi/fantasy (my favourites!)
What I am not willing to write:
-anything blatantly discriminatory (reflecting the asker's view points, if it's part of a character's experience it is a-okay)
Happy to be here! 🍬
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statimati · 9 months
looking for writeblrs to follow!
i’ve been having a hard time finding more writers to follow since my accidental hiatus, so like/reblog if you'd like me to check your writeblr out! (reblogs are greatly appreciated!)
bonus points if you regularly talk about your WIPs! i want to hear about your projects so i can support them!
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statimati · 9 months
when she says she doesn’t send nudes
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statimati · 9 months
Hi, I’m statimati! I’m an inspiring writer/animator, and an avid lover of fanfiction, so you can expect to see all sorts of things on my blog. Though currently, most of my posts revolve around Sander Sides, original art, and original story worldbuilding.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ A little bit about my original works
I am currently working on two original stories! Break Chain, and Bloodlit.
Break Chain is an arcanepunk style world set in the dystopian future, following Slade Rameriz, a rough and tough robotic engineer illegally competing in underground bot fights. But when their unusually intelligent creations catch the eyes of a Divine Scion, Slade learns there is something even darker to the seedy underbelly of their city, and to the so-called ‘Gods of Cer’.
Bloodlit is a gaslamp fantasy world set in early 1900s France, following Guillaume Dupont, a mage for the French unit of The Continental Supernatural Defense and Prevention Division. A worldwide task force of mages, the CSDPD is united for only two purposes– to keep the rest of humanity ignorant of the supernatural, and to protect all of it from the demonic forces trapped in the dark forest Dēofolwud. One of a few mages honored with the dangerous task to patrol the French borders of the forest, Guillaume must exterminate any and all creatures that manage to slip outside its wards. But when Guillaume stumbles upon a demonic child of Dēofolwud, he suddenly finds himself questioning his beliefs, and everything he has known. Grappling with morality, duty, and prophecy, Guillaume finds himself untangling a twisted network of lies one dark secret at a time.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ A little bit about my fandoms
I’m awfully fond of the Sander Sides, and the occasional anime. You can expect to see drawings, rambles and AU ideas about these things, and even fanart. Some of these ideas can branch off into their own worlds, and most likely will. Usually, these concepts will take off into stories, though you’ll only find them on my ao3 wilburoo. But because I am a shameless self advertiser, I’ll typically post links to recent works.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ A little bit about my original art
Though I have a tendency to lean towards drawing my stories and fandoms, I occasionally will dabble in separate works. Usually other original characters, sometimes random doodles, and rarely miniature comics about things I find interesting.
I’m also a big fan of meeting new people, so don’t be afraid to drop a hello! Especially if its about Logan Sanders, I'm always down to rambling about him. My DMS and asks are always open, and tags are equally okay. So yeah–
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statimati · 9 months
A pretty old experiment with lighting and foreshortening that definitely didn't turn out well, but charming nonetheless! :D
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statimati · 9 months
poll submitted by Anonymous
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statimati · 10 months
Stumbling upon writblur is honestly an experience-- seeing all these awesome people be unafraid to post their rambles no matter how incoherent they are, laughing it off when they hit creative block or coming up with amazing ways to work around them, and even finding out there are so many talented writers who started off by writing shitty fanfiction like me-- like woah!!! Getting a little praisy here, but after years of not really having anyone to (comfortably) rot my brain out too about my writing, seeing there's a whole community about that is so cool
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statimati · 10 months
So I just cleaned out my follows, which has left me with 61 blogs, a handful of which belong to mutuals who haven't updated in years but I won't unfollow because I am waiting for them to return from war.
Which basically means I barely follow anyone.
So any writers or artists who have active WIPs they post about, feel free to advertise yourselves or each other to me so I can fill out my dash and find some new folks!
I tend to prefer fantasy and/or romance, but I can generally do whatever if the concept intrigues me enough!
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statimati · 10 months
I know you're out there even if you aren't as loud and I know there's some newer enjoyed of the show too. I'm a fandom oldie if you want to talk, I have theories ans a love of this fandom that refuses to die even when most of the original people I talked to about it left tumblr for Twitter. I'm still here- some of us are still here and if you want to talk to someone about headcanons and ideas and aus and silly things or if you want to know about logan eating books or centhomas or the fusion Era (of which I'm a founding member) please please come talk to me!
I know there's a lot of people disappointed in the lack of content and I understand that completely but part od the reason I loved and still love the fandom was always those who were part of the fanbase. The kind people who excitedly talked about characters and theory crafted and joked and enjoyed silly memes. The people so kind that we were known as THE nicest fandom on tumblr for a while.
I'm still here, I still write for sanders sides, I still draw too (less now but that's because of IRL life being garbage) and I miss talking to people. So many left after the porn ban and I get it, but it meant that people left the fandom to quiet here and I KNOW you're out there hecause I see you.
PLEASE come talk to me about sanders sides, please come chill and ask questions or just say hi and vibe. I am an oldie in this fandom from 2018 but I'm not a legend I'm a person, I don't bite! And I have SO MUCH SIDES ART in my tag. Please come say hi!
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statimati · 10 months
Ugh ugh, I'm really bad with sounding coherent about my wips but if you're offering--
my story hasn't really gone past the idea stage, but-- It's called HOMUNCULUS, and it's set in the early 1900s in France, in a world where the mystical and unusual are kept mostly secret from the human world. The main character, Guillaume Dupont, a mage, is one of the select few honoured with the job to keep both realms from spilling into each other. With his strange ability to manipulate his soul into usable magic, and further blessed with the power to hear another's thoughts and emotions, Guillaume is regarded as one of the strongest within the MPPF (Mystical Protection and Prevention of France, it's basically magical police), with the equivalent role of a modern day SWAT officer.
As such, Guillaume is tasked with one of the riskiest jobs in the force-- he patrols the fringe of Terres Sombres, a gloomy, hostile land filled with soul sucking beasts held back only by wards set many centuries ago.
Because way, way back during the Dark Ages, these monsters ran amuck in the human realm, destroying everything in their path and throwing the non magical into bloody chaos. Kings and peasants alike were slaughtered and deceived by these demons, not one man safe from their dastardly deeds. But one day, an incredible mage was born in England. Blessed with flames that devoured the dark and the monsters that come from it, Alistair Prince was prophesized to end this reign of chaos. And that he did-- At the mere age of 27, he gave up his life and soul to cast away these monsters into a prison realm tucked deep within the magical world.
To honour his sacrifice, the Magical Protection and Prevention Unit was created, vowing to separate the human and magical world in his name. One of the ways they do this is by heavily guarding the prison realm. Because it lingers on every continent and every country, it's known by many different names; for example, Terres Sombres. What has never changed, is what would happen if the wards ever fell. It would be a bloodbath, the monsters bitter and enraged by centuries of imprisonment, and humanity would be eradicated in their fury.
So obviously, Guillaume is very cautious to make sure as little beasts as possible manage to wriggle out their prison. But the wards have been weakening over the years, and no one knows why. So more and more have been escaping, causing havoc once again. Stronger beasts, too, looking dangerously human enough to fool the average person. And one day, one of these creatures to come was a child. But not any child, a homunculus; a freak of nature built from the body parts of humans, artificially grown from dark magic. Their very nature is repulsive, rabid savages eager to steal your soul to replace their lack of one. But something holds Guillaume back from putting down the beast-- maybe it's his lack of sleep, or it's deceptive youthfulness, or the way it gazes at him with childlike innocence, so wonderfully trusting as the barrel of his gun brushes against its forehead, but he can't bear himself to kill it. Instead, in a moment of insanity, he vows to protect it and it's unusual humanity. He runs away from his job, his life, everything he built over the years to protect the homunculus-- Renee. And though he knows it will one day kill him, and that he will suffer a painful death and an even worse life, he swears to give Renee a chance to become something great.
Which is perfect, because Renee turns out to be the homunculus of Alistair Prince, and the one prophesized to save humanity when the wards falls 👌So yEah, sorry this was long--
Man I want someone to gush about their wips to me. I am going through masterposts and introductions of people and all of your stories seem SO SO SO interesting!
Please tell me more!!
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statimati · 10 months
The amount of times I've managed to make my therapist swing between pride and disappointment today should be a new record
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statimati · 11 months
How does one write an emotional, uplifting story when the one comforting can only speak in lies and insults what the fuck
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statimati · 11 months
Fake Tweets from the Sides
these are dumb
part 2
part 3
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statimati · 11 months
Being autistic sometimes means being overwhelmed at things you originally didn't think was a big deal, and I'm learning that's okay; like I melted down at the airport's TSA checkpoint because they separated me from my mom for the first time to put my own things in separate boxes, and wow it was surprisingly overwhelming and disorienting to be suddenly yelled at to do things no one bothered to explain
But I just ate an overpriced, yet still bomb ass sandwich so we Gucci 👍
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statimati · 11 months
Writing Logan centric fics is 50% finding obscure facts to make vague metaphors no one will get, 50% channeling your inner autism, and 110% looking up fancier sounding synonyms every five words
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statimati · 11 months
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this has such meme format potential if it wasn't already one
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