sterakraffulz78 · 8 months
Reblog if you're not homophobic
Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad. 
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sterakraffulz78 · 9 months
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sterakraffulz78 · 10 months
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Oh bro, Vivzie must be squirming right now that these types of tweets are getting popular LOL
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sterakraffulz78 · 10 months
I feel horribly bad for those owls, even I would be scared if I saw that monstrosity.
hold up hold up, Viv went to the owl cafe that's infamous for mistreating their owls? damn, i thought all my respect for viv was gone, but here we are I guess
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She did. Also an otter cafe, which is similarly awful.
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sterakraffulz78 · 10 months
I already saw that musical... that damn musical that I now consider to be one of the worst videos I have ever seen on the entire YouTube platform.
To summarize all this, it's just Stolas being the victim and the usual sad boy, it's just a video to feel sorry for this dirty and ugly bird.
Throughout the video we are shown how Stolas is a pathetic misunderstood who only wants the attention of his """blitzy""", and how? If all this time this little shit bird has been treated as a toy, threatened by his family and fetishized to a sick point that only cares about his cock and nothing else, this is so horrifying and disgusting...
"I don't care that you're of lower status"...really?...how dare you say that while treating your so-called toy's friends like shit including your own butler, you're just a dirty rat
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There is barely one, ONLY ONE, mention of Octavia, and 99% of the video is only based on how she cries to Blitz like a pathetic, sad and failed simp, while your own daughter who has been more present in your life and She has needed you like never before, she suffers from loneliness, depression and since she only wants someone who understands her, this """Character""" is only interested in someone she barely met for just once in her life.
This is the purest definition of what you should not do with a character, how to make a character that at first would be interesting become the most irritating, ridiculous, stupid, and poorly pathetic thing just for the convenience of our dear friend and animal abuser Vivianne Medrano aka "Vivziepop"
I never thought I would say this, but this is not only one of the worst characters in animation (and possibly fiction), but this Show... this show that has such good animation, all that potential is wasted by a wet fujoshi who just wants to see how her two boys just want to fuck, fuck, fuck and FUCK, why is that what she wants while she mistreats, abuses and overexploits such talented people to make her crappy
id I'm fed up, I'm totally fed up, all this just makes me stressed, wishing the worst of evil on this woman... how many people have I harmed just to seek their own satisfaction?...
Please stop watching this series... stop giving money to this sick woman, the only thing you are doing is giving benefits to a stupid woman who is only interested in herself, the fetishization and stereotyping of LGBT people...
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sterakraffulz78 · 10 months
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This will be a victim disaster
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sterakraffulz78 · 10 months
Okay, the new helluva boss song is coming out sooner than I tough... and honestly? I cant wait. I just know they are gonna make Stolas cry about himself 😒 Because he is just a victim and never does wrong, ofc.
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sterakraffulz78 · 10 months
of course darling 💖
The non-existent gray scale
A work needs characters who move the plot, both protagonists and Antagonists, they can be heroes or villains, but who must have a certain gray scale, so as not to see them as the protagonist is the protagonist is good and the Antagonist is antagonist why he is bad, both have a valuable role in the plot which is based on their actions in the world around them that can hurt for better or worse, what must be taken into account is that there must be a gray morality between both
why do I tell you this?
Well, in Helluva Boss there is no such thing as a gray scale, everything is based on black and white.
Let me explain, the protagonist is Blitz and Stolas, and the Antagonists are Stella and Striker, right?
In the first season of the series we are seen as characters with gray qualities, Striker and Stella were right because of the porboemas they have, while Blitz and Stolas, who are the protagonists, have flaws... By the second season that ceases to exist to put us next to these two idiots just because they suffered and are the good guys (when in reality they continue to act shitty) while Striker and Stella are the bad guys because they treat our soft uwu badly guys 🥺
This cannot be like that, why are you promoting hatred towards the two characters who were right just because they harm our soft protagonists 🥺, and that falls on the fans of these two, a story exists so that you like their characters, its plot, its themes that it covers, a work that does not exist to please fans, divide the characters into good and bad (which ones you may like and which ones you may not), and promote extremely toxic things
Vivziepop turned Stolas and Blitzo into what they are now just because they thought they were cute together and more so for the fans, and put against those characters with a brutally wasted potential because they only treat our boys badly, soft shit and uwuwuwuw. That's why Helluva Boss is increasingly going downhill due to the decisions of an overexploiting rich cis-heterosexual white girl, who just wants to see how her two demons made of her on devianart fuck as if she were a fanfic from the 2000s
And now that I'm publishing this, I can publish a work that some may know and it is the greatest exponent that you can like and take the side of any character regardless of whether they are white or black why this archetype does not exist and it's like no, Hunter xHunter
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This is an anime that not only handles gray scales very well without the villains or protagonists getting into black and white, why doesn't it exist? The protagonists change two of them in a bad way, while the Antagonists are more humanized as if they were not chosen to be very bad bad guys, they have their lives, their beliefs, their relationships with the Phantom Brigade, an antagonistic team, who see themselves as murderers and beyond that they are characters who treat each other like family
Other Antagonists that are good, there is King Meruem and his royal guards, with Meruem he starts off as a ruthless monster but when a girl comes into his life he begins to see life differently, a redemption. with his royal guards they still start out being evil but slowly the situations at the end of the arc change them a lot around protecting their king
Ironically, Hunter x Hunter is a Shonen (Shonen is the meaning of youth or adolescent, that is, for all ages.) anime which touches on overly serious themes such as human nature, revenge, life and death.
while other works that boast of being """adult""" only show how the characters say peepeepopo penis haha ​​sexual jokes, while everything is filled with unnecessary gore and blood (Cof Cof helluva boss cough Cof Hazbin Hotel cough Cof)
If you want to see something good, something that makes you feel good in the community without fear of being harassed just for your tastes, then watch Hunter x Hunter, a work that does not seek to victimize or villainize its characters for the convenience of the script or for mere creator's whim
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sterakraffulz78 · 10 months
The non-existent gray scale
A work needs characters who move the plot, both protagonists and Antagonists, they can be heroes or villains, but who must have a certain gray scale, so as not to see them as the protagonist is the protagonist is good and the Antagonist is antagonist why he is bad, both have a valuable role in the plot which is based on their actions in the world around them that can hurt for better or worse, what must be taken into account is that there must be a gray morality between both
why do I tell you this?
Well, in Helluva Boss there is no such thing as a gray scale, everything is based on black and white.
Let me explain, the protagonist is Blitz and Stolas, and the Antagonists are Stella and Striker, right?
In the first season of the series we are seen as characters with gray qualities, Striker and Stella were right because of the porboemas they have, while Blitz and Stolas, who are the protagonists, have flaws... By the second season that ceases to exist to put us next to these two idiots just because they suffered and are the good guys (when in reality they continue to act shitty) while Striker and Stella are the bad guys because they treat our soft uwu badly guys 🥺
This cannot be like that, why are you promoting hatred towards the two characters who were right just because they harm our soft protagonists 🥺, and that falls on the fans of these two, a story exists so that you like their characters, its plot, its themes that it covers, a work that does not exist to please fans, divide the characters into good and bad (which ones you may like and which ones you may not), and promote extremely toxic things
Vivziepop turned Stolas and Blitzo into what they are now just because they thought they were cute together and more so for the fans, and put against those characters with a brutally wasted potential because they only treat our boys badly, soft shit and uwuwuwuw. That's why Helluva Boss is increasingly going downhill due to the decisions of an overexploiting rich cis-heterosexual white girl, who just wants to see how her two demons made of her on devianart fuck as if she were a fanfic from the 2000s
And now that I'm publishing this, I can publish a work that some may know and it is the greatest exponent that you can like and take the side of any character regardless of whether they are white or black why this archetype does not exist and it's like no, Hunter xHunter
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This is an anime that not only handles gray scales very well without the villains or protagonists getting into black and white, why doesn't it exist? The protagonists change two of them in a bad way, while the Antagonists are more humanized as if they were not chosen to be very bad bad guys, they have their lives, their beliefs, their relationships with the Phantom Brigade, an antagonistic team, who see themselves as murderers and beyond that they are characters who treat each other like family
Other Antagonists that are good, there is King Meruem and his royal guards, with Meruem he starts off as a ruthless monster but when a girl comes into his life he begins to see life differently, a redemption. with his royal guards they still start out being evil but slowly the situations at the end of the arc change them a lot around protecting their king
Ironically, Hunter x Hunter is a Shonen (Shonen is the meaning of youth or adolescent, that is, for all ages.) anime which touches on overly serious themes such as human nature, revenge, life and death.
while other works that boast of being """adult""" only show how the characters say peepeepopo penis haha ​​sexual jokes, while everything is filled with unnecessary gore and blood (Cof Cof helluva boss cough Cof Hazbin Hotel cough Cof)
If you want to see something good, something that makes you feel good in the community without fear of being harassed just for your tastes, then watch Hunter x Hunter, a work that does not seek to victimize or villainize its characters for the convenience of the script or for mere creator's whim
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sterakraffulz78 · 10 months
What can be said about a community which only exists to satisfy a toxic ship and support violent, abusive and manipulative acts while we as fans of those characters call us every shit that comes to mind being the minority of this dirty community while the creator only continues to support these acts, It's pretty funny and super ironic that they treat us like pariahs just because we like Striker or Stella
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So if all fans of Hellaverse are valid in Viv's eyes.. what about Stella fans? What about Striker Fans? The fans who don't like Stolitz? All the fans who like redraws?
Well, obviously they just hate queer people and couldn't be interacting with her show more wrongly, and that's why she's justified in making fun of them publicly.
All Hellaverse fans are equal, but some Hellaverse fans are more equal than others.
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sterakraffulz78 · 10 months
Viv is the example of human decadence in all its splendor, and the Adoration of easy work and zero effort just for the soup of contents
Aaannnndddd now she's going to Japan. Right after an expensive ass trip to NYC.
How anyone can possibly think she's comes from humble beginnings is beyond me.
Regarding another anon saying she is Blitz as a self insert-I say to you MAYBE, but I've always seen her as Stolas. Rich wooby baby capable of doing no wrong while some dude yanks her chain around (I have zero clue of Viv's love life but I did see that Deviantart post from her from so long ago).
There's a reason this show keeps preaching: "not all rich people are bad!!!"
She's also obviously Mammon. Down to a fucking T.
Have fun in Japan, Vivziemammon. Don't worry about paying your animators a fair wage or anything...you've been working hard liking all those tweets about what idiots your critics are, you deserve a little treat.
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sterakraffulz78 · 10 months
More Nuzi comparison~
"Uh, you cant compare them to Stolitz, uh, because they are two different ships and, uh..."
Blablabla, idc. This is for fun and to show my reasons to why I like a ship and not the other 😌
If you dont like Nuzi, fine. If you LOVE Stolitz, fine. Is okay, this is, again, personal opinion and kinda subjective, so dont take it as an attack please.
(This is super long, so I apologize for that)
So... lets talk about something else that makes a hug difference betweent these two ships. (This is gonna be long).
Respect and equality.
I think is kinda obvious, but just to be clear. What do I think is respect and equality in a relationship? That they both see each other as equals. They respect each others boundaries. They have basic empathy.
Oh, boy, this is gonna be fun...
Lets start with Nuzi! (Spoilers if you havent watch it!)
In ep 2, as I said in another post, N constantly ask Uzi if she is okay. But what I didnt mention is that, later, after a very traumatic experience, N tries to touch Uzi´s shoulder, but she backs up, looking scared, and N looks at her worried.
Then... Uzi asks a question that breaks him...
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You can see on his face. That question got him. He understood that Uzi is scared of him, and has good reasons to be. So, without insisting, he just leaves, even if this makes him sad.
Next ep confirms what Im saying, with a brief flashback of this moment, and him saying that he and V cant interact with Worker drones because they are dangerous. All of this with sadness on his face.
N respects how Uzi feels, and even understands why she feels like this. Even when this makes him sad, he doesnt selfishly impose himself on her and respects Uzi´s boundaries.
N is not a bad person for feeling sad, because even when feeling like this, respects Uzi. Well, and the other Worker drones. But specially Uzi!
Damn, they only interact again by accident, because he goes back to stop V from murdering other worker drones, not because of Uzi. By this point, Uzi has calm down, but N doesnt know this. Actually, when they meet, there is a brief moment that I like and is this one:
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When they see each other again, he aproaches her, and Uzi instinctively flinches, maybe because of the surprise, or because she is feeling akward because its been a while since they saw each other, and last time they spoke was... uh... well, you know.
But, anyway. It doesnt matter why, because N notices this, and stops. Uzi didnt need to say anything, he noticed her face and movement. N, not forgething last time, understands that she may still be scared and moves away from her.
They keep talking (akwardly) and when Uzi tells him that maybe something bad is gonna happen, N offers her help...
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He says "could". Again, not forcing himself on her and just making an offer that Uzi can reject. N wants to respect Uzi and her feelings, even if it hurts him. Because he is a cinnamon roll. And, AGAIN, this obviously makes him sad, but that doesnt make him bad. We can understand why he feels like this.
Like Uzi, N has been alone, with V ignoring him, and J abusing him. Its not weird that N cares about Uzi so much.
And she cares too.
N turns back when Uzi clarifies that she is okay with him being close, even blushing.
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And he finally hugs her when knowing that Uzi is okay with him being close.
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Another moment is ep 4. Is not exactly the same, but is important for this post.
So, Uzi just did something... shockin. And runs off, because she is scared.
The other drones, including V and N, are shocked. V tries to go and kill Uzi, but N stops her, and says some interesting lines after V *lies* says that she is not afraid:
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He is scared too. Uzi just did something very scary and weird. We can see it on his face too on that moment. The shock.
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But still, N noticed how Uzi was scared too and thats why she run away. And stands by her side.
The "She is a kid, like us" line makes me think that N sees him and Uzi as equals, even if he is a Disasembly Drone and her a Worker drone. They are on the same level. Equals.
Later in the ep, we get the beautiful falling scene, where he tries to understand whats going on in her mind, and actually calms her down and makes Uzi feel less alone, by reasuring her that they will stick together.
But I talked about this moment in another post.
Buuuuuuut my absolute favourite moment that shows that they BOTH see each other in the same level, is this line from Uzi in ep 6, when Tessa says "dont date my robot":
... Do I even have to say anything? My girl Uzi is not being posesive, and even defends him when they treat him like and object.
Damn right he is, Uzi! Proud of you. Thats a green flag right there!
... you wanna know who is the opposite? Who is a red flag?
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Lets get this quickly out of the way, because everyone, including the shipers, already know.
And no, not because Stolas has more powers than Blitzo. Is because both of them are not equals in any shape of form.
Stolas has literal power over Blitzo with that book. Stolas made the deal, and he decides when to get the book back, like in ep 5. And also HOW to get paid.
We all know how.
So, yeah, in that sense, they are not equals at all. But thats not all!
Obviously Stolas doesnt see Blitzo as an equal, and the same can be said for Blitzo.
Stolas treats him as a sex toy, and fetichizes him. He is basically a racist, calling him "my little imp" or "my impish little playting". Stolas also infantilizes him by talking to him on a baby voice, saying "he is cute when he is serious". Or calling Blitzo by a nickname he dislikes.
Stolas chooses a lot of the time to act in a sexual manner with Blitzo, even when having the oportunity to say something actually nice about him but he doesnt do it.
"Im calling the only man who can fuck me".
"Hello, my big dick Blitzy".
"Good luck to you all. Especially that sexy one there".
"Blitz, if your perfomance on stage is as good as it is in bed, you leave them breatles".
There isnt a moment where Stolas says something nice about Blitzo, only how sexy he is.
And yeah, he laughs at his joke. But thats it. He doesnt say anything nice to him. He could have said something like "I always found your jokes hilarious" or "they have bad taste on jokes, because yours are amazing. You get it.
From Blitzo, is super obvious that he doesnt see Stolas as an equal either. The alucination just confirms it. And he even says that Stolas only wants him to feel the dick of someone from a lower class (and he is right). He sees Stolas as someone who is more powerful and over him.
Now, about boundaries. Stolas doesnt respect Blitzo´s boundaries. He steps on them. Even when Blitzo is looking at him annoyed, Stolas is just like "hehe, how cute" not taking him seriously, and keeps filtring with him.
And never forget that Stolas did the full moon agrement. In a life or death situation.
Or lets not forget how in ep 6, after saving their lifes he asked for a reward to Blitzo. ARE YOU KIDDING ME.
"Oh, but he only asked!" Yeah, and is not like Blitzo cant say no, because Stolas has the book he needs for his job, and Stolas can take from him anytime, like in ep 5 where he took the book before the full moon.
Mhm, sure.
And now, one last thing. Remember what I said that being sad isnt the problem? Well, how does Stolas react when Blitzo lets it clear that their relationship is only sexual because STOLAS made it that way, and that he cant pretend it is otherwise?
His reaction feels more like "Oh, poor me! The man I love doesnt love me back, oh, poor me, Im so alone!" What about Blitzo, uh? How do you think he feels being used as a toy, uh?
But you dont care, you keep sexualizing him when you can. And you only are giving him the Asmodeus crystal because you cant have what you want, that is a real romantic relationship.
I hope that he stays away from Blitzo. But I know thats not gonna happen.
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sterakraffulz78 · 10 months
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I saw some Halloween merch and I had to draw a comic around it. Haha
Dedicated to @chaifootsteps , cuz I wouldn't have seen the merch otherwise.
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sterakraffulz78 · 10 months
Damn, I'm tired of this owl uwu, soft shit boy...
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Another episode where Stolas will be of course... the main focus again, and I feel that once again he is going to sing the most insipid, cringey, victimist and ridiculous song possible possibly breaking the coherence and his personality just for the benefit of Stolitz and his content
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sterakraffulz78 · 10 months
Even someone dirty and traumatized like Shigaraki is much nicer than the dark and disgusting owl, ew
Idea: Octavia meets Shigaraki where they both have a nice talk together and Shigaraki quickly finds himself really wanting to murder Stolas when he hears Octavia talks more about her dad
The crossover we didn’t know we needed.
(Shigaraki would honestly hate Stolas, ngl.)
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sterakraffulz78 · 11 months
tremendous masterpiece, 20/10 and god
SB: Man each helluva boss ep has a song no cartoon has done that before SB From the 90's: Donkey Kong Country  did it better XD
Nothing Vivzie makes will ever be as quality as this, and every second of this feels like three hours.
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sterakraffulz78 · 11 months
Imagine getting upset over a video that isn't even official and was only made by a fan for fun.
Saw the Helluva Boss vs Murder Drones thing and the butthurt HB fans pissed that their faves didn't win is so funny
"Nah they would've levelled them"
"Blitz is way better than Uzi"
"You made thek weaker"
Etc etc please stfu you sound so pathetic lmao
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