stickbug-ramblings · 11 months
Good Different or Bad Different
i like being a freak one day when i was 10 when my mother picked me up from the library after school i followed her to the door arms piled high with books to read over the weekend my friend stopped me to ask “are you going to read ALL of those” “yeah. i like reading” “you must be some kind of freak” in the car my mother asked me how i felt about being called a freak it was a nickname i was used to by now a badge of honor “i like it. it doesn’t matter if i’m different if it’s good different” she was my friend so it had to be good different she was looking up to me because i could do something she couldn’t it was good different right? because being different isn’t a bad thing unless it is never scoring lower than a 97 is different failing out of school is different i wanted to be good different so i studied and i learned and i honed my little 10 year old skills to be the best possible different there was it doesn’t matter if you’re on the outside if they’re looking up to you it doesn’t matter if you’re lonely if you don’t really want friends anyway it doesn’t matter if you’re weird if it's because you can do things they can’t it doesn’t matter if you’re a freak if it's because you’re too good i like being a freak
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