stoned-punk-bastard · 4 years
Me casually picking up my nicotine addiction again to deal with the ever growing amount of stress in my life
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stoned-punk-bastard · 4 years
So the pain in my back stopped pretty much completely but now I'm paranoid that my chest is larger {im not sure that it actually is im just ✨ paranoid ✨} and this shit is actually so scary like id rather literally die than be pregnant. Goodbye life, goodbye any love my family had for me, and goodbye the chance i had to be young and just be me. I hate this so much and yeah i understand "well don't have sex then" like cool i get it, thanks for the lecture, but im literally on birth control this shouldn't be happening. I will actually {tw} kill myself before I have a baby or carry one for nine months. Obviously abortion is an option but its nearly impossible where i live and way to expensive for me and my partner to afford. I really fucking hope this shit is just stress but i won't know for another week or so 🙃
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stoned-punk-bastard · 4 years
Pregnancy scare really got my life falling apart rn. I took one of my pills 8~12 ish hours late, and the information packet thing says it's fine but im having horrible lower back pain 🙃 which is a symptom of pregnancy however I'm not bleeding and that symptom shouldn't be happening this early so, it could just be the extreme amount of stress in my life atm {which can apparently cause cramps & lower back pain, also large amounts of stress early in your cycle can make PMS symptoms more severe just some neat info I've learned ig}
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stoned-punk-bastard · 4 years
Stop posting lewds in the trans tags???? Trans people have a right to feel sexy don't get me wrong, im very glad you feel hot but please fucking stop??? Im not trying to see your lewds when im looking for trans resources and a lot of young / minor trans people are on this app so literally fucking stop??
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stoned-punk-bastard · 4 years
Feel like i should start doing todo lists to hold myself accountable and help with me spending weeks laying around in a depressed funk so
list of shit that needs done
watch collage lectures
pick up room
30 minutes of just chilling with music
eat real fuckin food
complete if energy allows
deep clean room
clean bathroom
start cleaning out drawers / closet
have real-talk with partner about pronouns and name change / identity
exercise of some kind
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stoned-punk-bastard · 4 years
Life update, my boss isn't too mad and we all just kinda joking around so that's cool. My head hurts like a mf but i think that's dehydration or too much sodium.
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stoned-punk-bastard · 4 years
Aye fuckers yesterday fucking sucked ass, i ended up being late af to my job because i really didn't have the mental energy and my boss was super pissed and tried to come at me about it while i was high af. I'm hardcore living that dysphoria life also so that isn't helping either. And my boyfriend found a potential partner and that's cool he seems nice and really cute but even though he's gay and im under the impression he's interested in my partner, i don't know how he feels about trans / nonbinary people or polyamory so that's kinda making me nervous too.
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stoned-punk-bastard · 4 years
Ayyyeee it's me, ya boy, after being harassed by TERFS I've deleted everything for a rad fresh start. Hopefully this time around it'll be more personal posts and less shit but knowing me, i give that a solid 3 days.
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