stop-mickey-leigh · 11 years
ok so im reading I Slept With Joey Ramone and it’s just pissing me off
400 something pages of exploitation
i’m only a fourth in but i’m already really upset???this is just mean
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stop-mickey-leigh · 11 years
It is time for us to retire this blog. Do not worry - the blog will be up forever! But it has served it's purpose.
Our goal was to educate Ramones fans about what Mickey Leigh has done. And we have accomplished that! Before our blog, we could not find a single negative thing written about him. But now the word has been spread and the statistics show it:
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Yes! His 164 fans is nothing compared to our 716 followers! We did it!
And the information our blog has provided will be readily available to the public! Whoever searches 'mickey leigh stop' on google (as if they were searching for his band) will be in for a pleasant surprise...
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^ #4 is us! Can you believe it?! ^
If you are just discovering this blog, please read our posts to learn all about the atrocities committed by this man!
ALSO - feel free to contribute to our new RAMONES project!
This time, instead of spreading the word about the damage inflicted to Joey Ramone's legacy, we are celebrating the Ramones' music by flyering the city with their lyrics. CHECK IT OUT
We will be back if Mickey does anything else crazy, but until then, so long!
Thank you to our biggest supporters. Check out their blogs:
And for some really great Ramones blogs: 
(Note: I am not saying the creator of these blogs supports stop-mickey-leigh.)
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stop-mickey-leigh · 11 years
Why can’t you love me?!
- Mickey Leigh to Johnny Ramone (via punkquotes)
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stop-mickey-leigh · 11 years
Mitchell, can you not?
- Joey Ramone’s ghost to Mickey Leigh on “I Slept with Joey Ramone” (via punkquotes)
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stop-mickey-leigh · 11 years
Johnny and Mickey were such good friends that Mickey barely got a mention in his book, Commando. He doesn't say his name when he's talking about roadies (page 79). The only time he says his name is to talk about how he wanted to piss Arlene (Mickey's wife, Johnny first girlfriend!). "Mickey always knew she liked me". I like how he says "Well, Mitch. That's his name, but he always asks everyone to call him Mickey". (97)
Hahaha how strange! I wonder why he insists on saying that they were such good friends. Throughout his entire career, he's always tried to "distance" himself from the Ramones, yet his "friendship" with Johnny is even mentioned in his bio on his website. I bet he just had a crush on Johnny or something. Thank you for the quotes!
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stop-mickey-leigh · 11 years
Prozac was first synthesized in 1974, and it wasn't cleared for safety in the use of depressive and anxiety disorders until late 1987. I've taken Prozac myself, it's nice for OCD. Mickey seems baffled that his older brother was really mentally ill, unable to get help he needed that was effective until he was an adult for a while, and still more famous. Mickey's pissed that his mentally ill brother found his own brand of success. (end)
Well said!
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stop-mickey-leigh · 11 years
for your question crowds - I have obsessive compulsive disorder. Ever notice how Joey never talked himself much about his own OCD? It was mostly self-evident through his lyrics. It's because it's a very alienating disorder, that didn't have very nice treatments until recently (past 20-30 years). Joey died after being on Prozac for years, a medication with decent effectiveness for OCD. (continued)
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stop-mickey-leigh · 11 years
It's interesting to happen upon your blog. I grew up a diehard Ramones fan - even went out of my way to meet Mickey, Joey's mom, Marky, Tommy and Arturo when I was younger. Never read Mickey's book, although now I'm curious about it. What inspired you to start this page?
Thank you for taking interest! We made this blog to show people that Mickey is not the great person people think he is. Sadly, not many people can gather that Mickey is actually exploiting Joey after reading his book, so we’re trying to set the record straight. We answered a similar question a few posts ago. I went into detail about what it is that Mickey did to deserve our hate. Please read it!
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stop-mickey-leigh · 11 years
I don’t like Linda Ramone or Mickey Leigh. Got a problem with that? - Jamie
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stop-mickey-leigh · 11 years
Mickey Leigh about trying to get famous (via punkquotes)
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stop-mickey-leigh · 11 years
It has recently been revealed that this new CBGB's abomination - I mean movie - will not feature the Ramones on the soundtrack. I still can't tell whether this is a good or a bad thing, since the movie is going to be a complete farce, but I'm guessing that ultimately everything about this movie is going to be a bad thing. So yes, this is bad news.
But then another article came out about how Linda 'Bigot' Ramone is upset that a Puerto Rican is playing Johnny Ramone in the movie (even though the casting is very peculiar - you should look at the 40-year-old man they cast as Dee Dee), which also briefly touched on the soundtrack issue. A passage from this article suggests why the producers made the choice not to include the Ramones' music. They wrote:
It's worth noting that Linda - along with Joey's brother Mickey Leigh - controls the band's back catalogue and would benefit financially if Ramones tracks were used in the film.
So the people making the movie may "know nothing about CBGB's or the Ramones" (Linda) or may not "know what they are doing" (Linda again), but even they know that Mickey and Linda are disgusting people who do not deserve to financially benefit from the Ramones' music. 
So here is my point:
Please, just open your eyes to the extremely obvious. Mickey is bad...
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stop-mickey-leigh · 11 years
I wasn’t such good friends with Mickey Leigh, alright?
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stop-mickey-leigh · 11 years
About a year ago I almost read ISWJR and I just never got around to it because I had so many books and just ended up returning it to the library un-read, and now I have to say that Im so glad that I didnt because after reading your last answer to a question, I know it would piss me off. Thank you for making a blog about this, people need to understand how much of a petty, jealous person Mickey is and that he doesnt deserve any sort of fame.
You're welcome! We have this blog just for this purpose - to spread the word! 
Mickey sucks!
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stop-mickey-leigh · 11 years
Poor Joey, I know he's dead but if he was still alive and Mickey wrote that book while he was alive them Joey would hate Mickey and then Joey would tell his story to everyone and they would believe Joey and everyone would hate Mickey. If that makes sense, can't believe he did that though.
I am very glad you agree!
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stop-mickey-leigh · 11 years
Mickeys horrible for doing that to Joey After he died. Putting some of Joey's private records into a book, that's a bit mean. Maybe Joey didn't want people to know about those things, he might have wanted them to be private. Thank you for the explanation.
No problem! And Joey was very sensitive about what people wrote about him, and Mickey knew that as well. That's probably one of the reasons Mickey waited for Joey to die to write the book.
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stop-mickey-leigh · 11 years
Can you please explain to me what Mickey did?
Sure, I'd be happy to! 
There are many many things Mickey has done to Joey... Most of the offenses have been done after Joey's death. But while Joey was alive, Mickey did his fair share of shitty things as well. On the Ramones first album, Mickey helped out by clapping in the background on some songs. Mickey didn't get credit for clapping (why should he?) which pissed him off, so he tried to sue the Ramones in the 90's and didn't understand why that upset Joey. Joey also tried to help Mickey with his music career as much as he could, while Mickey only resented the association of his brother. 
But immediately after Joey died, Mickey began writing a book titled "I Slept With Joey Ramone". In this book, Mickey published very personal things about Joey, such as hospital records and private emails. But he used the majority of the book to explain fights he had with his brother and tried to get readers on his side. This is unfair, since Joey is not alive to tell his side of things. And he also said things like how we wore keds before the Ramones so they were copying him and bragged about how he could read before Joey could. It's really gross.
He also makes a fortune off of Joey's death now and uses Joey to get his name out there (such as holding birthday events for Joey which Mickey headlines), which is exactly what he says he wants to avoid. He also recently held an auction, selling a bunch of Joey's possessions such as his t-shirts and passport, which he made thousands of dollars off of. 
And the worst thing about it all is that a bunch of teenage girls worship Mickey after reading his book, because they can't comprehend what they read, and think Mickey is a great brother because Mickey says so. 
Overall, Mickey is a terrible person because he exploits his brother and his death for personal gain.
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stop-mickey-leigh · 11 years
Will you stop publishing things saying we were such good friends?
- Johnny Ramone’s ghost to Mickey Leigh (via punkquotes)
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