storiesofteyvat · 1 year
My Idiot
Pairing: Wanderer/Scaramouche x Gn! Reader
Warning(s): Version 3.3 Spoilers
A/N; Guess who’s back! The Sumeru updates brought me so much inspiration and the Scara content was absolutely wonderful. I’m just whipped over that guy, and I kinda started paying more attention to Tighnari as well 👀 so you may expect some content for him too. I’m gonna call him Scara in this because it’ll be too complicated by putting *your name for him*, his nickname’ll just be Kuni - Mod Xiao
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A gentle breeze flew past the puppet as he laid underneath the shade of a tree with his head resting on his beloved’s thigh. Everything was so.. calm and peaceful, he was so unused to the feelings that he couldn’t even relax. He laid there with his eyes open, mind full of too many thoughts and memories, he could barely even feel his partner’s hands gently stroking his hair.
“What’s on your mind?” y/n murmured, dragging him out of his thoughts with a small grumble. “You seem on edge, love.”
He still wasn’t used to being called that, he couldn’t help but feel something race inside his chest whenever he heard their sweet voice call him such things. “Nothing that concerns you.” Was all he could reply with, turning his head away from them as his cheeks were dusted with a soft pink.
y/n laughed to themselves softly at the sight, rolling their eyes as they poked his cheeks and squished them together. “Oh? Well from the way you’re acting, either you’re about to throw a temper tantrum, or you’re thinking of moi.” They teased, earning a long groan from the wanderer under them.
“Will you quit that out?” Scaramouche grumbled, swatting their hands away from his face. He began to sit up, but they brought him back down with their hands on his shoulders to keep him in place as they laughed. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry, Kuni.” They said, rolling their eyes at his behavior. “Seems like someone’s a bit of a grumpypants today.”
Instead of commenting, Scaramouche simply laid there quietly. Everything was so.. playful. Remembering his past life as a Harbinger, he couldn’t even remember the last time he had been held with such care- much less be in a playful environment. The scowl on his face couldn’t help but soften as he thought to himself just how lucky was to be in this position. After every betrayal, every hurtful comment that’s been thrown his way, he never thought he’d see the day where someone could actually make him feel.. human.
“You’re such an idiot.” He sighed, reaching a hand up to cup their cheek. “You hardly know anything about me yet you’re treating me like you’ve known me your whole life.”
y/n let out a small hum before looking down at him with a warm smile. “Well, I don’t have to know everything about you to love you, do I?” They asked, leaning their head slightly into his hand. “I guess I’m just your big ‘ol idiot.”
Though he blinked for a moment, the puppet let out a kurt laugh as a small smile graced his lips. His grip on their cheek tightened slightly, turning into more of a pinch than caressing, and all he could feel was his smile widening as y/n playfully whined.
“Yeah, my idiot.”
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storiesofteyvat · 1 year
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Welcome to Sumeru, Traveler!
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Wanderer / Scaramouche ||
My Idiot (Fluff)
Cyno ||
Tighnari ||
Al Haitham ||
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storiesofteyvat · 2 years
you know, i see a lot of genshin sagau fics/headcanons featuring the creator as some divine being who is either a.) from our world, where genshin is a game to them, or b.) an already immortal being who just vibes in the background without their worshippers knowing. and while i understand that those concepts have a charm and appeal to them, what about ...
᯽ a creator who hides away on the dark side of the moon in a large workshop, where they spend their days over an anvil with a giant hammer in hand as they craft something, anything that their heart desires. perhaps it's a new world, or maybe it's a weapon to gift to their creations, or maybe even a new animal for them to send off to see how it fares and how their other creations react to it.
᯽ a creator who does not bleed gold, or anything for that matter, for why would a being made of nothing need such mortal things to thrive? with this, the creator can be recognized by one thing and one thing only: the black markings that decorate their body - especially the upper half of their face, which also holds sparkling eyes of white pupils and vibrant, space-like colors of sclera; so bright that they glow even in the darkest of places.
᯽ a creator who has each world that they've carefully crafted on a pedestal, where they can watch their creations thrive and progress through their lives and take note of how they choose to live ( because even if the life they choose is one of darkness and cruelty, their creator will always love them, because after all: each of them were made with a spark of them inside their souls, although the creator highly doubts they'll ever know that ).
᯽ a creator whose ears are long and pointed and fingers are clawed, looking as if they had been dipped in pools of tar with the blackness that covers them. and if that fact alone doesn't seem monstrous enough, imagine a mere mortal's reaction when they see that their creator's hands can shift into anything they desire, such as a blade or - their personal favorite - a hammer.
᯽ a creator who looks on in pride behind their round goggles ( because although they are an immortal god, getting stuff in their eyes as they work is still a pain ) as two of their most recent creations ( who had given themselves the names of "lumine" and "aether" ) travel through the many worlds they had created and discover the many promises and gifts that lay beneath their surfaces.
᯽ a creator who, after witnessing the world-traveling siblings' separation, snarls in anger as one of their fellow gods dare defy them. the rage they hold for this act alone is enough to make their entire workshop shake and make the small stars that explore the place and peek through cracks shiver out of fear.
᯽ a creator who sends one of their stars ( named paimon ) down to the land of teyvat to act as a guide for the traveler as they help them search for their sibling ( along with the very god who dare cause this mess in the first place ).
᯽ a creator who is, most importantly, not a being of light, but a being of darkness. not because of what morals that lie within them, though, but because of the fact that they are willing to be known as the black sky of the night so that their creations - their moons and stars - can shine the brightest in front of them.
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storiesofteyvat · 2 years
With An S/O That Loves Kpop
Au: Modern
Pairing(s): Xiao x Reader, Childe x Reader (No gender specified)
A/n; Aha so hello— :’) I know it’s been a while, but I honestly had to take a bit of a break from Genshin due to it not being as fun as if was for me, but there may be new updates here sometimes. Anyways, enjoy my new fixation - Mod Xiao
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He never understood your obsession with that genre of music, how you’d go out and “waste your hard-earned money and time on merchandise and albums from people who don’t even know you exist”, but that never stopped him from watch your spontaneous wills to get up do the choreography along to one of the songs
Now you wanted him to come with you to a concert? Yeah, no. He’s not going to sit stand in a crowd full of millions to watch people perform and— y/n, stop looking at him with those eyes- no means no- stop it- please-
When he sees disappointment flash in your eyes, he’s quick to clear his throat and push back his pride to ask when it was for, and the way your eyes light up when he asked was enough to make him want to fly you straight to South Korea and have you meet them personally
You end up giving him one of your sweatshirts with the group on it for him to blend in, it’s safe to say that you never got it back after that night
He won’t admit it but he actually enjoyed the concert, subconsciously doing a few of the hand movements to himself because of all the times he’s seen you do the choreo
His attention was fixated on you most of the time, the way you sang out to the lyrics you knew, beaming from ear to ear as you jumped up and down with the rest of the fans… You looked so adorable
On the drive home, you could hear him hum to some of the songs from last night, even putting a few on his personal playlist
“Xiao! They came out with a new comeback, wanna listen to it with me?” “Tch, I have no interest in them.”
He in fact did, and enjoyed himself more than he should have
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When he heard that you were into Kpop, he bought you so much official merch that you didn’t even have anymore room in your closet for the rest
Hell, he even bought you both lightsticks
He’s heard a few songs before but it hasn’t really stuck to him, but when he started dating you, he’d find himself constantly listening to the songs from the groups you liked (he also listens to them whenever he misses you)
Your screaming made his soul leave his body, immediately running over to your aid… But you just explain that your favorite group was coming to town
You don’t even have to ask him to come, he’s already buying you both the best row, all perks included, and even scheduled you both for a fansigning because he just can’t get enough of how excited you look
You both look so adorable in your matching outfits, lightsticks in hand as you both scream once the idol walk on stage! Singing out to the lyrics and ‘attempting’ to do the dances
He doesn’t think that he’s ever seen you so excited, there were practically stars in your eyes, so of course he had to get some pictures in
At the end, he played a few of their songs in the car as you fell asleep from such a long night
He definitely learned Ping Pong with you and posted the cover on YouTube, he’ll never get over how happy he’s able to make you feel this way
“We should learn Red Lights next!” “Ajax, no-“
With hard work and much dedication, you both were able to only learn the chorus, and even that was scuffed
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storiesofteyvat · 2 years
Happy Birthday, My Love
Pairing: Jean x Fem! Reader
Warning(s): None, just fluff
A/N; A small birthday fic for one of my closest friends since it’s her birthday today! Love you, Mod Klee! - By Mod Xiao
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y/n let out a soft groan as she stirred awake, her eyes opening slightly only to fall on a certain acting grandmaster who was gazing gently at her.
Jean’s cheeks flushed a soft pink as she adverted her eyes slightly. “G..Good morning, honey..” She murmured. y/n couldn’t help but smile gently as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, no matter how many times she’s seen it, seeing her girlfriend flustered by the littlest things always brought a smile to her face.
Before y/n could say it back, Jean leaned up slightly and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek, her face burning up as she quickly cleared her throat. “Happy birthday, y/n.. I hope you slept well.” She said softly, before a small, confident smile made it’s way to her lips. “I-I planned a small picnic for the two of us, I was able to get today off..! And I also invited a few of your friends to come over and so we can all give you are gifts.”
y/n couldn’t help but laugh softly as she listened to her girlfriend ramble on about their plans for the day, easily quieting her down with a kiss to her lips. “It sounds wonderful, Jean.” She beamed, taking the knight’s hands into hers as her heart warmed up at just the thought of her lover doing so much for her birthday. “Thank you.. thank you for everything.”
“O-Oh, of course! Anything for you.. Happy birthday, my love.”
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storiesofteyvat · 2 years
Check out a book written by Mod Hu Tao!!
Like horror books? Check out my friend’s new book “Carnage”!
“Even happiest places on Earth have their darkest secrets.
And sometimes, the most obvious of hints aren’t enough to prove it.”
Kelly has always lived her life in shambles, far too blinded by the dark to decipher the rest of the puzzle. She’s seen enough, but maybe, just maybe, this carnival has much more to offer than just one measly secret.
Warning(s): This book includes multiple dark and graphic scenes
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storiesofteyvat · 2 years
There’ll be no Fic tonight! I’m sorry, but the next fic for the day will be postponed to tomorrow, I’ve been busy all day, and that includes how I’ve been feeling as well.
I’ll see if I can fit it in tomorrow, sorry! - Mod Xiao
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storiesofteyvat · 2 years
Cozy Little Christmas Here With You - Mod Xiao
Pairing: Diluc x GN Reader
Warning: Brief mention of death and grief
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This time of year wasn’t something that completely flew over Diluc’s head, he simply never cared to celebrate. He was always working, even usually took extra hours at the tavern on such a day. But when you came into his life? His whole view on Christmas changed completely.
Who would know that a knight of Favonius would wiggle their way into his heart so easily. But the smile you had on your face as the two of you walked through the decorated and busy streets of Mondstadt, it became clearer to him that perhaps it wasn’t as bad as he had expected.
“So, where to first?” The redhead asked, causing you to let out a small hum before turning to look at him. “How about we go back home?” You suggested.
Diluc raised an eyebrow, looking over at the shops. “Don’t.. you want anything?” The main reason why he decided to take the both of you out was to find at least some sort of idea of a present you’d like. He’s known you for quite some time, but when it came to buying gifts he’d think you would like, he could never wrap his head around it. You’ve brought so much comfort into his life, in his eyes, you deserve the world and he’d give it to you if he could.
You shrug before a warm smile graced your lips as you took his hand into yours. “Ah, I’d rather spend the day just with you, y’know?” You said, reaching up slightly to press a soft kiss to his cheek. “Personally, I don’t need anything. You’re my gift, darling.” You beam. “I just want a cozy little Christmas at home with you.”
The man before you froze, a small tint of red dusting his cheeks. Christmas was never something he cared to celebrate, he had nobody to spend it with. The day only reminded him of the times he had spent with his father and Kaeya. The joy he felt back then hasn’t been felt for years until he met you, and his heart only warmed at the thought of you wanting to spend it with him.
Diluc let out a small hum before he nodded, you both making your way to winery. “Alright then, my love.” He said, and you swore that you saw a smile on his lips.
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storiesofteyvat · 2 years
Playing In The Snow - Mod Xiao
Pairing: Venti x GN Reader
Warning(s): None (the word damn in used once but just to be sure I wanted to add it here!)
A/N; bro I couldn’t let December go by without writing some Christmas fics! This is a small mini event where a new small fic will be added each day until Christmas to count down the days!
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y/n quickly ran behind a tree, breathing heavily as they leaned again it. Thank the Archons they had a sweater and scarf on, the cold air of Dragonspine was no joke.
“y/n~ now where did you run off too?” A voice sang, making them tense up. “You can’t hide foreverrrrr~”
They bit their lip slightly as they hesitantly leaned over to check the scene, yet there was nobody there. ‘Hm? Must be my imagination’ They thought to themselves, shrugging as they went back to their usual spot.
But a scream immediately left their lips as they came in contact with the person who’s voice they’ve heard, and before y/n could run away….. a pile of snow hit their face.
“Pfft- You should’ve seen the look on your face!” Their attacker, more like lover, laughed out, falling onto the white snow with fits of laughter as he held his sides. “I got you so good!”
y/n wiped the snow off their face, looking down at the bard with a pout. “Damn it, Venti! I almost won!” They huffed, crossing their arms. But before they could sulk in their defeat for any longer, Venti reached up and pulled them down onto the snow with him.
“Don’t be a sore loser, love.” Venti snickered, pressing a kiss to the tip of their nose. “Besides, you know that you can’t stay upset with me any longer~” He teased lightly, causing y/n to roll their eyes and look at him.
“Yeah, yeah..” They mumbled, but before the bard could say anything else, they threw a snowball at his face and immediately got up to run. “But it looks like I’m not the loser today!” They declared, laughing as they quickly ran from him.
“Wh- Hey! That’s no fair, y/n! I got you fair and square!”
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storiesofteyvat · 2 years
It's me again.. 😭 I forgot! Can you do albedo too when he meet his child for the first time?
Btw I'm the one who request scaramouche.. I'm sorry again 🥲
hihi,, um so this isn’t mod xiao,, this is mod klee! my writing is different than mod xiaos ! ! \ (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) / anyways,, here’s your request
note :: < albedo 3 {{ also sorry im not the best with writing him >__< }}
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ૢ   ུ۪۪   𝔞𝔩𝔟𝔢𝔡𝔬 + 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 ◈
➮ 𝓂𝑒𝑒𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒸𝒽𝒾𝓁𝒹 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒻𝒾𝓇𝓈𝓉 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒 ᵎᵎ
albedo was a busy man,, despite barely having time for y/n,, he still loved her with all of his alchemist heart. he never told her if he wanted a child or not,, but in his mind.. albedo desired a child,, especially from her.. the women he loved.
so when he finally got to meet his child for the first time,, it’s very emotional.
albedo couldn’t believe his eyes.. you had a child,, how busy was he?? how could he not be there for her,, and for her child?
“dada?” his child asked,, staring up into albedo’s beautiful teal eyes. y/n smiled warmly. ‘y/n has always been such an understanding woman..’ albedo thought.
tears started to roll down the alchemist’s cheeks. he hugged her tightly,, and she hugged him back. she wiped his tears with her finger.
albedo then kissed y/n passionately,, she immediately kissed him back. as their child let out a noise of disgust.
mod’s note:: sorry it’s so short i lost motivation :((
— mod klee ,, until next time.. traveler ❤️
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storiesofteyvat · 2 years
hey, this request is for any of the mods comfortable enough to write this :)
could I request the inazuma boys (thoma, gorou, kazuha) or any other genshin men reacting to their s/o self harming as a coping mechanism? not because they're suicidal, they just relieve stress that way. if not that, then just reacting to the scars maybe? if you could make the reader a quiet and closed off but friendly and shy type of person, that'd be great ty :)
ofc if none of you are comfortable with this request, i understand. but please reply to this saying you won't be writing this so I don't wait forever haha
Seeing Your Scars - Mod Xiao
Pairing(s): Thoma, Gorou, and Kazuha x Gender Neutral Reader
Warning(s): Self harm
A/N; Hope you enjoy your request! Mod Hu Tao and Mod Klee will not be accepting requests about self harm or suicidal behavior, so please keep that in mind whenever you’re requesting!
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𑁍 When Thoma saw your scares for the first time, he immediately began to panic. Although his worries lessened once you told him that it was just a stress reliever, but that didn’t change the fact that you were harming yourself. His arms wrap around you, holding you close against his chest as he whispers sweet words against your ears.
y/n gazed away from the blonde as they felt his fingers delicately touch their scars and bruises. “…Why didn’t you tell me sooner, sweetheart?” Thoma murmured, his soft gaze on his lover as he saw them tense up slightly then shrugged. “I.. didn’t want to drag you away from work to talk about it..” They sighed. “It’s just become a stress reliever..”
𑁍 Thoma will help you find other ways to take out your stress, he even bought you a journal so that you could write out your feelings. Sometimes he’ll take you to Ritou when he has time off for the both of you to go to a few of the stalls, or he’ll bring you with him to enjoy the dogs and cats he usually watches over to take your mind off of your worries. He understands the feeling of stress all to well, but he doesn’t like they habit that you’ve picked up.
𑁍 Since you’re not one to start up a conversation, he’ll always be sure to ask you how your day was, if anything was worrying you, and if there was anything he could do to fix it. Thoma’s always helping others with their materialistic needs, but he’s an amazing comforter, he’ll be there whenever you need a shoulder to cry on, or need words of advice.
“y/n, you’re the strongest person I’ve ever met. You’ve pushed through where there’s been many that can’t take the stress. If you ever get to that point, just talk to me.. I’ll always be here for you..”
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𑁍 Gorou can always sense when something’s wrong, once the scent of blood reached his nose when you walked into your shared home, he was immediately concerned. He was all over you in a matter of seconds, searching your body to check for injuries. Were you attacked? Had you run into the Kujou Commission? But when you quickly tore your arms aways from him once he saw the scars, quietly into the bedroom, he felt his heart shatter.
“y….y/n.. You’ve, you’re..” Gorou stammered, standing in the doorway of the bedroom as he eyed his lover. “It’s not what you think..I just use it as a way to cope with stress.” They mumbled with a shrug, avoiding his gaze. He blames himself for not realizing sooner, he should’ve realized… “You’re usually busy, you have enough things to worry about anyways.”
𑁍 After that day, Gorou made sure to keep an extra eye on you, coming straight home after work and asking how your day was. Even on his breaks he'll be right over to where you were, he doesn't want you to... continue what you've been doing to yourself. He gives the best advice he could to you whenever you're feeling stress, always willing to listen to you rant about your day. He'll always listen to what you have to say, he's all ears.
"Hey.. It's alright! I'll help you overcome this! I love you, y/n, so... Never be afraid to talk to me. I'll do everything I can to make you feel better!"
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𑁍 Kazuha could always notice when you’d start to feel stressed, but he never once suspected that your way of coping would be so…harmful to yourself. You were always the quiet type and never liked to draw too much attention to yourself, whether it’s from Beidou and her crew, or Kazuha himself. When he saw your scars, he could already sense their reasoning, but that didn’t make the sight less painful.
The two sat in silence, y/n looking away as their lover gently stroked their thigh. “My love, it hurts me to see you in such a way… but I’m sure that it wasn’t easy on you to show me.” He murmured, then pressed a small kiss against their forehead. “How about we take things slow, alright? We’ll find you another ways to express your feelings.”
𑁍 You both spend more time together, he often accompanies you on your commissions and other tasks that you have. He taught you how to write haikus and it somehow worked as a way to let out your feelings, in a non-harmful way as well. Whenever he can see you begin to get stress out or go back to what you used to do, he’ll bring you into his arms and whispers words of encouragement and love as you both lay against the bed in his room on the ship.
“Never forget that I’m always here for you, alright, my love? You can always come to me when you’re upset, I’ll always listen..”
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storiesofteyvat · 2 years
Thank you all so much for 1,000+ votes! We’re so happy that you enjoy our works!
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Seeing Their Child For The First Time || Inazuma Boys - Mod Xiao
Pairing(s): Arataki Itto, Thoma, Gorou, and Kazuha x Female Reader
Warnings: None
A/N; ahaa- guess who’s back! :’D I’m so sorry for being gone for such a long time- my motivation to do things for the paste few months had been very low, but I’ll be getting those requests done asap!
Keep reading
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storiesofteyvat · 3 years
shoot i missed the NOW VERY CLEAR "requests are closed" part im so sorry 😅
It’s alright!!! If anything my dumbass forgot to change it to open :’) But requests are open!!! - Mod Xiao
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storiesofteyvat · 3 years
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hello!! this is mod klee,, aka spark knight klee of the knights of favonius!! ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ i go by any pronouns, so don’t worry abt misgendering me :DD
let me show you what my rules are <33
• nsfw // smut
• wlw ,, mlm ,, nblm ,, nblw ,, wlm ,, anything lgbtq+ related im okay with!
• fluff ,, angst ,, lime
• platonic ^^
• poly // threesomes
• SH/ SU1C1D3. (i personally am not comfy with it.)
• V0M1T1NG
anywho,, have a wonderful day ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ
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storiesofteyvat · 3 years
Our Mods
That’s right, another mod! There most likely won’t be any more being added, but everyone say hello to Mod Klee! She’s also a very good friend of mine so make sure to treat her nicely!
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storiesofteyvat · 3 years
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Have you ever fallen in love so hard that you feel like it’s not real?
It’s so heavy, and yet it makes you feel fuzzy inside. Somehow, they are the special someone, they brightened your day with a simple wave and a bit of prolonged eye contact. They are an angel, no.. they are Heaven in its true form.
Longing for another glance, for their scent, their presence, hell, even the sweet oxygen they breathe. You love them so hard and so much that you cannot breathe, you can’t think or feel anymore. Only them, only them and their flawless being-
You are what they need. It doesn’t matter if they don’t want to. They don’t deserve anyone else, yet you don’t deserve them. You’re a sinner and they are a saint.
Of course, of course.. not everyone can keep their little obsession to themselves…
So, my darling, it would be a shame if you were to find out the bodies in my basement.
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Well, that was quite the ride! Now, let me introduce you to our..
Yandere Event!
Yeaah, both me [ Mod Hu Tao ] and Mod Xiao have been on a yandere brain rot lately :’) either way, we made this event for fun! Of course, you still need to follow our rules in order to request— and we’ll make sure to add any warnings and discretions in case if it’s for heavy gore or heavy themes.
You can request for all of the characters, except for the kids [Klee, Diona, Sayu, Qiqi] and Mod Xiao requested to not be requested Xingqiu or Chongyun at the moment.
Anyways, we hope you enjoy this event as long as it lasts ^^ don’t be afraid to send requests either, but with that said, sayonara! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
- Mod Hu Tao & Mod Xiao
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storiesofteyvat · 3 years
Seeing Their Child For The First Time || Inazuma Boys - Mod Xiao
Pairing(s): Arataki Itto, Thoma, Gorou, and Kazuha x Female Reader
Warnings: None
A/N; ahaa- guess who’s back! :’D I’m so sorry for being gone for such a long time- my motivation to do things for the paste few months had been very low, but I’ll be getting those requests done asap!
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Nothing could stop the smile on his lips once the nurses allowed him inside, his heart pounding in his chest as he quietly walked in. The sight of his own daughter in the arms of his wife.. it was simply breathtaking. When she had announced her pregnancy, he was beyond ecstatic, starting a family with you was something he thought he could only dream of… yet here he was, gazing at the woman who stole his heart with the product of their love for each other in her arms.
“She’s beautiful, just like her mother..” Thoma murmured, causing y/n to turn her head to him, a gentle smile on her lips. “Mm, I believe she takes after her father in the beauty department..” She said, letting out a yawn as crouched beside her. “Do you want me to hold her while you rest? I’m sure that took a lot out of you.”
Minutes later he was holding the young girl in his arm, sitting in an empty chair as y/n fell asleep. Archons, she was so tiny, so innocent… Thoma couldn’t help the loving smile that was growing on his lips, a feeling of pride and love filling his heart. He would do anything to protect those around him, and that wouldn’t change when it came to his girls.
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The general’s tail wagged back and forth anxiously as he looked at the door in front of him. It had been a few hours since the medics had rushed into his shared home once he noticed that his wife’s water broke. He was a ball of nerves, what if something went wrong? Was y/n okay? Was the baby healthy? What if something happened and— The doctors and nurses walked out, giving him a small smile and nod, signifying that it was okay for him to go in.
Gorou didn’t hesitate to walk inside, immediately going over to your side with a face of fear…until he saw him, his own son.. “This is- he’s-” Say hello to our son, sweetheart..” y/n’s soft voice instantly calmed him down, but he couldn’t help the tears that welled in his eyes as he looked at the small babe. Tiny, dog-like ears on the top of his son’s head with a small tail to follow suit. This…this was his son, his son in which he made with his beloved wife.
After fighting for so long, he was finally able to settle down with you, purchase a home by the water, get married, and now.. have a child of his very own. A son who had the same genes as him, a child who would grow into the strong man he was. “I love you…both of you..” He whispered, his gloves hand gently stroking the babe’s head as a small tear fell down his cheek. He could finally do the things he always dream of doing, and he was able to do it with both of his loves.
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Itto? With a child? Having a child- a wife- a family? The oni who everyone deemed as a trouble maker? Well, yes. How he managed to get y/n to fall for him was beyond his understanding, how he got her to marry and love him was something he wondered daily. “Sir? You can come in now.” The doctor called, making him shoot up from his seat and go straight to the door. “y/n! Are you alright?! I heard screams and cries and-!” He immediately shut up once he saw his wife’s tired glare, placing a finger over her lips.
The oni’s body went stiff the moment he saw the small girl in y/n’s arm, his breathing going shaky. “S-Sorry..” He mumbled, slowly walking over her them and crouched beside them. “So…this is her?” y/n nodded, gazing at him with a small smile. “Mhm, do you want to hold her?” She asked, but he shook his head with a breathless chuckle. “Nah, I gotta work on not being so rough.” He said. Besides, he was perfectly fine with gazing at the child in front of him, but he couldn’t fail to notice the small horns on her forehead.
Half human, half oni… he hoped that she’d never have to go through the ridicule that he goes through because of his skin, his heritage, who he is.. “Are you crying?” y/n asked softly with a teasing tone. Itto cleared his throat, just now noticing the tears that were rolling down his cheeks. “No! I uh..just had something in my eye, babe.”
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Aboard the Alcor, Kazuha stood at the edge, admiring the night sky as he waited for the call for him to go into his shared den. It was surely a painful few hours for both his wife and the crew mates, giving birth wasn’t easy…especially on a ship full of people who knew little about how to help. But it worked out in the end. “Hey, kid.” Beidou called out, catching his attention. “She’s all ready for you.”
Kazuha’s heart began to beat loudly in his chest as he silently gulped and nodded, walking over to the door before hesitantly opening it and walked in. Inside, y/n laid against the bed, letting out small breaths here and there as she looked down at the young boy in her arms. “My dove..are you okay?” He asked hesitantly, going to her side. “I’m better than okay.” She murmured, looking up at him with tears in her eyes. “W-We did it, Kazu..”
After months of trying for a child..you both had finally done it, a precious baby boy as the result. “Y..Yeah..we did.” He said softly, slowly reaching his bandaged hand out to stroke his son’s cheek oh so gently. “We sure did, my love..” Nothing could replace how full his heart felt at that moment, his gaze on the babe softened as a gentle smile covered his lips. This was everything his late friend wanted for him and more, and Kazuha was sure that he was proud of the man he had become with a small family of his own.
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