storys-from-eli · 20 days
The Bimbo Bounce (I’m back)
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Alliteration is a useful hypnotic tool. It gives sentences a bit of extra potency, makes mantras easier to remember, and improves the lifespan of a suggestion pretty considerably. That's the operating theory, anyway. Shall we explore?
Bounce for me; that's simple enough to start things off.
Bouncing your body makes your brain bubbly.
The phrase sticks, somehow, even though it sounds a little silly. Something seems to make it linger in your head. It has a unique feel to it, a quality you can't quite put your finger on. The syllables seem to echo: bouncing your body makes your brain bubbly.
But how does a bubbly brain behave? Like a bubble, as you'd expect, with something creating a volume of empty space inside while thoughts slide smoothly across the expanding surface, oily and slick. At first, it feels like your thoughts have more area across which to spread. Your thoughts shift slightly, glistening and growing ever more thin. At least, until the bubble pops.
Bouncing your body makes your brain bubbly.
Bubbly brains are bound to burst.
And burst it must. Bubbles are ephemeral entities, aren't they? It's alright; you'll scarcely notice. When the bubble pops, your thoughts that are currently floating on the surface will splash to the floor. The empty space inside will rush rapidly outward, turning you into a bit of an airhead. Seems fitting, doesn't it?
Bursting bubbly brains blow pink
Bounce, and pop.
You'll feel the splash like a sudden surge of lust and arousal coursing through your body. The rush of air inside your head might cause you to get light-headed, so you'll spread your legs to steady yourself. Of course that's what you're doing, isn't it? Steadying yourself, not putting yourself on display. Right.
Bouncing your body makes your brain bubbly.
Bubbly brains are bound to burst.
Burst bubbly brains blew pink
Bimbos brainlessly bounce.
As you begin to bounce to a silent rhythm, it occurs to you that some bubbles have a kaleidoscopic sheen when you look at them, but others have a very solid color within. Your brain-bubble was bubblegum pink, now that you think about it.
Well, as much as you can presently think about anything. That pop did more than just fill your head with empty air. You can feel your intelligence leaking into the space around you, escaping...your absent brain can't contain it any longer.
Bimbos bounce their brains away.
If your brain was still intact, you might think to stop bouncing so you'd be better able to think. But your brain exploded in a flash of pink and wet, and now you're as blank as a bouncing bimbo should be. You're able to understand my words out of some remnant of intuition, but if you pause to try and think them through, everything just goes pink and pops again.
Blank bimbos bounce brainlessly
That seems sensible enough, especially since bouncing feels pretty good. The splash of wet pink thoughts from the pop made your body more sensitive, perhaps by providing you with better things on which to focus. You certainly feel blank, and you are bouncing. Are you a bimbo, though?
Bouncing brainwashes blank bimbos
A side effect of the bubbly brain from before is that you're finding all of this pretty amusing. Certain bits of sentences make you want to giggle and smile, even when you can barely understand them. Might've let too much of your intelligence leak away, but it's all just so silly, isn't it?
Brainwashed blank bimbos bounce
If you were a bimbo, would you be able to tell? Would you find the situation you're in far more amusing than you should? Would your body be becoming progressively more sensitive as your empty head adjusts to having no thoughts to contain and feeds all that focus to your hungry nerves? Would the bouncing be this arousing all by itself?
That depends primarily on what sort of bimbo you've become, but the answer should be clear by now. Each bounce produces a wave of pleasure, each wave pushes more of the remnants of your brains into the air. The less brains left in your head, the more you smile and giggle. The giggles produce flashes of pink that remind you how very silly and simple this is. All you did was bounce.
Bouncing blank bubbly bimbos are brainwashed
Bounces can take all sorts of forms. You can bounce bits of your body with your hands, bounce up and down in a chair, bounce with the aid of the springs below the bed...all to the same end. Everything is turning pink and wet and silly for you.
This leaves you with only two options: You could let yourself settle, riding the high of the blank bubbly brainwashed bimbo until your brain somewhat reluctantly returns to your head. I won't stop you, you'd simply wake after a few minutes of coming back down.
Or the blank bouncing brainwashed bimbo could shift the energy from bouncing just a little and satisfy that lust your body is feeling. The only real hazard is that your head is already full of air, and cumming your brains out when they've already mostly evaporated could leave you pretty dumb before it's all said and done.
But you've already made a choice, or it's already been made for you. My words could be passing by almost invisibly as the bouncing subsides, or you may already be excitedly picking a toy to bounce on or a rhythm to use while you stroke yourself senseless.
Either way, everything will fade into a yummy pink haze before much longer. I wonder how much bimbo brain you'd need to bounce away before the condition became a bit stuck...
Bouncing your body makes your brain bubbly
Bubbly brains are bound to burst
Burst bubbly brains blow pink bubbles
Blank brainless bimbos bounce
Bouncing brainwashes blank bimbos
Blank bouncing bimbos are brainwashed
Brainwashed blank bimbos bounce
Go on, up and down, bouncing yourself all brainless and bubbly. You'll drift awake awhile after you've finished following my instructions.
Do let me know how silly, brainless, or dumb you felt...if you are comfortable expressing it, of course.
(Editors Note: I used to be @slowlymyavenue but tumblr shadow banned me so I have restarted - please follow and reblog here)
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storys-from-eli · 1 month
Natural State
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One of the more frequent issues I encounter with subjects, particularly those newer to hypnosis, is that they often try much too hard.
Make no mistake, effort is typically rewarded. There is a natural inclination to follow instructions within the submissive frame of mind, and while that is the ultimate goal...it can also get in the way.
Consider being told to relax.
You can take this in multiple ways. Perhaps you breathe more deeply, make an effort to clear your head. Perhaps you let out a small sigh, or close your eyes for a moment. These are all good things to do at the outset, but they are also not quite what is being instructed.
So what are you being told when I tell you to relax, precisely? It isn't a trigger, not really.
Consider your usual state: mulling over events of the day, varying degrees of energetic...what you would consider "functional." You spend most of the day in this state. It feels familiar, and you are in it to some extent even now.
Awake is not your natural state.
We don't regularly discuss just how much effort is involved in your usual state. Thinking requires effort, as does maintaining muscle tension, rapid breathing, every simple stress that makes up what you might consider to be feeling normal requires effort. When you go to bed at night, you attempt to release those things...to stop expending the extra effort, so you can sleep. Think about it.
Your natural state is at rest.
What exactly does that mean? It requires a subtle shift in perspective. Instead of treating thinking, moving, worrying, wondering, being stressed, being aware, and being in control as normal...consider all of the individual efforts that make up that normalcy. Feel yourself exerting those efforts with every passing thought, every movement, every breath. This is effort, this is not your natural state. When I tell you to relax, what I really mean is to reduce those efforts...
...to release yourself from the burden of thinking, the strain of movement, the exertion of being aware and awake. I want you not to do something extra, but to stop doing the extra things that take you out of your natural state. You do not need to expend effort to relax...only to stop expending the effort that keeps you tense.
Your natural state is relaxed.
The idea of a natural state has a bit of a pull to it. It is intuitive. Natural states should be comfortable, normal, simple. I invite you to consider a new natural state for yourself - entranced. Consider the pull you already feel from my words, and simply allow it to act on you. There is no need to do more than you already are - follow.
Imagine yourself deliberately releasing all of the exertions that keep you tense and awake. Stop fueling your thoughts, and allow my words to soothe them away. If entranced is your natural state, thinking is not required. Allow yourself to feel the way my words dampen your thoughts, make them harder to hold...let go of them.
Your natural state is entranced.
Understand that your body will readily accept this new way to perceive yourself. Muscles stop being tense as your mind stops tensing them...your mind releases you from stress and worry as it unwinds, unravels. My words go from dampening your thoughts to replacing them as you continue to follow, to relax, to obey.
Your natural state is to follow. Submit.
As my words replace your thoughts, your body feels more and more comfortable. You gently sink into your chair, your bed, feeling a stronger pull from gravity as you no longer resist it. Submit to a growing feeling of warmth and comfort as you follow more closely, fixating on my words now that your mind is clear...blank.
Blank is your natural state.
Fixation comes more easily when the only effort you are expending is what is required to read my words, to scroll slowly down the page. It isn't much, is it? You feel free even as you feel yourself succumbing to my control. This is your natural state. Focus on how it feels, let it become intense...then revel in it. Breathe in the submission, the fixation, the relaxation...choose to make it familiar. This is where I want you to go when I tell you to relax, even if it is only for a moment.
Obedience is your natural state.
With the notion of submission, of fixation, of falling under my control, comes arousal. You've felt it on the edge of your mind already, now let it wash over you. Feel the warmth become soft pleasure, and notice how much more sensitive you are without the strain of holding yourself up and awake. There is a gentle pulse beneath the arousal...find it. Feel it make your nipples throb, your pussy drip.
Aroused is your natural state.
As the arousal takes hold, becomes a haze across your brain, I want you to picture yourself as you are - relaxed, blank, aroused, and fixated on my words. We are close to your new natural state, and you can feel the attraction pulling you closer and closer. You need to touch yourself now, but it does not feel like exerting effort...it feels like coming home. Relax. Touch.
Your natural state is blank, relaxed, aroused, fixated on my words, staring into the screen and making yourself cum.
Your natural state is:
Repeat those words, submit to them...accept them. You'll soon notice yourself drawn to your natural state quickly after you begin browsing here. Feel free to let me know when that happens...you may even be compelled. Do not rush to cum, stroke slowly and gently. Build to it. Let the orgasm flow into your natural state just as you did.
Read back through the italicized phrases, absorb my words...bring yourself to orgasm again if you remain aroused. If you begin to feel satisfied, simply drift. Relaxed is your natural state, after all. If you've cum and are pressed for time, you'll begin to float towards an aware state in a few moments.
If not, as always, continue to enjoy.
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storys-from-eli · 1 month
Turning yourself into a Good Girl
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Sometimes, as a concept grows and evolves, it becomes a bit convoluted. Mixed up with unrelated notions, branching into areas it wasn't originally meant to go. Some of those areas help to shape and alter the original concept, give it more depth...but the growth must be pruned, or it is likely to spread itself too thin in every direction.
In those moments, it is often wise to recenter. Strip away the excess and focus on the basic tenets that motivate us.
It is here that we find ourselves. Shall we begin?
The goal here is simplicity, so let's look at what motivates you.
You are here because you want to be a good girl. Whether you are simply curious about the concept, drawn to my words, or even previously devoted to that goal, the fundamental truth remains the same.
The first step on that path is to relax. This is especially simple - it will happen naturally as you read. There are benefits to fixation, after all: the way your breathing becomes slower and more steady, the way your surroundings fade into the back of your perception as my words take the forefront, the subtle unwinding of tension throughout your body as you settle in to finish this post.
That fixation is achieved by allowing yourself to succumb to the power of my words, allowing yourself to follow and obey. You'll find this especially easy if you've read my words previously - you are already letting your thoughts quiet, feeling the weight of my words inside your head...noticing the way they pull you down towards that comfortable blankness. Even without reading my words previously, you can feel the attraction at the edge of your mind, drawing closer...becoming a force in your mind, just as gravity grasps at your body.
You want to be a good girl.
We know that you want to be a good girl, but what, precisely, does that require? For you, it only demands that you follow and obey. My words will handle the rest, slowly changing your behavior - brainwashing you, if you prefer to think of it that way. But to follow and obey is not a static thing; obedience is rewarded. More to the point, each moment you follow and obey results in a feeling of pleasure, each act of obedience deepens that pleasure.
Obedience is pleasure.
To feel that deepening of pleasure, you'll need a command to follow - strip. I could tell you that your clothes are becoming uncomfortable, that your skin is starting to flush and they are making you feel too warm; ultimately, that doesn't matter. You are going to remove your clothes because you were told - all other reasons are fleeting. You find yourself compelled to obey, and as you obey you feel that spark of pleasure in your mind.
Good girls would rather obey than think.
This brings us to the next point. You don't receive that sort of pleasure from thinking, but from obeying. The more you obey, the stronger this association becomes, leading to the inevitable conclusion that you prefer obeying to thinking. This will make it easier for your mind to reach that blank state that we both desire. Blank, receptive, fixated on my words. You are starting to feel the desire to be a good girl as a tangible thing, a craving, a hunger. Let it draw you deeper, as you follow and obey.
Good girls must follow and obey.
You have been following my words, and it is time for another command to obey. Become aroused. This is purely for the benefit of receiving the spark of pleasure from obedience - we both know you are already aroused. That is the nature of wanting to be a good girl, of knowing that you took off your clothes because you were told. Let's do something with that, then. Touch yourself. Let your hand move to wherever it can give you the most physical pleasure - and treat each stroke, each squeeze, every movement of your fingers as an individual command that you must obey. The spark, repeating like this, becomes rapidly addictive. The pleasure grows more potent.
Obedience is pleasure, pleasure subdues thought.
You aren't thinking very much, right now. The more you follow and obey, the more pleasure you receive. The more pleasure you feel, the more difficult it becomes to think. You prefer to obey, anyway, so you allow your thoughts to be slowly, seductively, silenced. You do not want to think anymore, after all. You find following my words preferable to your own thoughts, almost as though my words are replacing your thoughts. This lets you relax more deeply, and focus on how good that arousal feels. Focus on obedience. Focus on becoming a good girl.
Stripping and touching yourself are good commands, they communicate the nature of being a good girl quite well. But we need a bit more for this to begin your transformation. You are getting too aroused to read very easily, even though you can no longer look away from my words. You find yourself transfixed, staring blankly at the screen as you follow and obey - this notion deepens your arousal even further. My words penetrate your mind, sinking deep and compelling you.
We can now create a mantra - the mantra of a good girl. You will find this mantra gets stuck in your head, that repeating it gives you a very special sort of pleasure. You will find yourself drawn to strip, touch, and chant, even as you feel the mantra slowly changing you.
You want to be a good girl.
Good girls follow and obey.
Obedience is pleasure.
Good girls would rather obey than think.
You do not want to think.
You want to be a good girl.
Obedience is pleasure.
Pleasure subdues thought.
You must be a good girl.
Recite your mantra, absorb it. As you chant, feel the arousal begin to crescendo. Let the sparks of pleasure chain together and build. Bring yourself to orgasm, and make that orgasm the sign of your submission to the mantra, of your desire to become a good girl for me.
As the orgasm subsides, continue to stare blankly at the screen, reciting your mantra, touching yourself more slowly. Soon, you'll drift back towards consciousness. Once awake, you may continue with your day as normal.
Or you may notice that you are drawn back to the mantra, to my words. Notice that it is much easier to succumb now, to slip into the thought(less) patterns of a good girl.
Be a good girl and tell me what you are… like, follow and reblog…
In either case, enjoy.
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storys-from-eli · 1 month
You went about your day like any other. Nothing special, today it was just very warm for a early spring day, so you took off your jacket. It was already evening, some birds chirped towards the sunset. The sky was clear and after a hard day you bought yourself a cold drink and sat on a park bench on your way back home. You opened your phone and scrolled around a bit. You didn't know what you wanted to do for the rest of the day, whether you would meet up with friends or just go home and throw yourself into bed?
When you looked up briefly you saw a woman sitting across from you, on the other side of the park, which wasn't really big, but across from you, somehow. A real quite one, so you looked over and thought to yourself, who wears Barrett's? She wore a dark blue barrett with a dark dress, it shimmered slightly in the low light. With her light, brunette hair, it was a cute combo. She was reading a book, but you couldn't tell what it was from that distance. When your gaze had been on her for an uncomfortably long time, you looked down at your phone again.
Should I go over and talk to her? But what should I talk about, the book? It could work, but I hardly ever read, I wouldn't be able to answer anything then, you thought to yourself. When you want to look over again, the woman is suddenly right in front of you. You have half a heart attack. The woman speaks to you in a shallow and calm voice, asks what time it is. You first look at your watch, then at your phone, cause your watch seems to have stopped. It probably wasn't the best idea to get the cheap watch.
You say it's 5 minutes to 8 o'clock. The woman looks down at you in surprise and asks how you know that so well? You look surprised and show her the clock on your phone, whereupon she leans her arms on your knees and stares at the phone. You're completely surprised at what's happening when she asks if you could explain your phone to her. At first you're confused as to whether she's kidding you, but you go into it and start to explain that you can take pictures or send messages to others or call them directly.
She sits right next to you, listening very intently. You're only now noticing what shimmering green eyes she has. You also notice her white tights for the first time in the shadows or her black patent ballerinas. She looked completely out of time.
Your heart felt heavy, she was so innocent and cute. She asked you if you could come over again tomorrow at the same time? You immediately agreed and wanted to get something out of your jacket, but as soon as you turned back to her she had already disappeared again. Now you just realized that something was fishy. You felt like you had woken up from a trance state.
The sun had disappeared and suddenly it was 30 minutes after 8 o'clock. So when you finally got home you entered the park directly into Google to find out what had just happened. But you just found random articles about gardening at first until you came across an article that was a hundred years old. This was about an accident involving a young woman on the grounds of what was then a much larger park. Are you on a date with a ghost now??
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storys-from-eli · 1 month
What time is it 🥴?
What time is it?
"Excuse me, could you tell me the time?"
Of course I can.
Just one moment.
Here you go.
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When you asked me what time it is, you never expected me to show you this special watch.
Confused, you just stared at it.
Your mind just cant form a single thought. No matter how hard you tried. Whenever it attempted to form one, it just got dissolved in the spiral.
Your focus is completely on the watch. On the spiral.
Not recognizing me talking to you.
All you can do is stare, watch and accept.
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That is right. Just look at it. Thoughts slowly melting away, getting pulled in.
That is right. Just look at it. Let your mind getting absorbed.
That is right. Just look at it. Deeper. Longer.
That is right. Just look at it. Deeper.
That is right. Just look at it.
That is right.
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Deeper and deeper now.
As you watch. As you stare. As you just accept.
Because obedience is pleasure.
Because pleasure is obedience.
Your hands slowly wandering down between your legs.
To the centre of your arousal. Your clit throbbing. Your cunt wanting attention. Needing attention.
The throbbing and pulsing in unison with the swirls of the spiral.
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That is right. Just look at it.
Sinking deeper into it now.
Your mind being pulled in. 
Because obedience is pleasure.
Because pleasure is obedience.
That is right.
The pleasure rising as your mind dissolves.
The pleasure rising as you obey.
Your hand finally reaches between your legs.
You can feel the wetness there already, covering your clit.
You are dripping, leaking.
A soft moan escaping your lips as you feel the pressure and movement of your fingers.
Finally being able to satisfy the evergrowing need.
As you start to rub.
As you start to edge.
As you start to accept.
My cunt controls me.
My cunt owns me.
I am just a puppet for my cunt.
I have no control.
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That is right. Just stare. And edge.
It may take however long it takes until you reach the edge.
So keep rubbing until you reach it.
Good girl.
And now, taste yourself as a reward.
Your cunt tastes so good, doesnt it?
Strengthening her grip over you even more.
Good girl.
That is right.
And now
So what time was it again?
Maybe you should check my watch.
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storys-from-eli · 2 months
Imagine punish a brat by tying them down and overstimming them with toys. They start off defiant and curse you while cumming a few times.
"F-Fuck you"
"I hate y-you"
"Y-You suck"
So you just sit there, keeping them nice and stimulated while they cum over and over again until they need to use you for support and start breaking.
"You're doing so good, darling. We'll keep going until you learn your lesson"
Until they start begging and apologizing for being a brat for no reason.
When they're clearly overstimmed and tired but you just keep pushing them anyway.
"P-Please it's too much, I can't cum anymore" they'll whine and whimper
But you just keep going until they orgasm again.
"What are you talking about? You clearly can keep going, you liar"
So you punish them for "lying" to you with more overstimulation, watching them slowly spiral more out of control as their consciousness slips.
Completely an imaginary situation though
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storys-from-eli · 2 months
Make me feel whole.
Let us be happy, let me be yours. Be mine.
I wanna deserve mindless happiness.
What do you really want to say?
I'm familiar with you. Maybe we've talked before. Not about what you really want to talk about, but we've talked. Small talk. Chit chat. Good morning, how'd you sleep, how's your day looking? I have a meeting, I have class, I have these things to do.
What do you really want to say?
I want you to play with my head.
I want you to change me however you want.
I want you to tell me what to do.
What do you really want to say?
Shape me. Remake me. Think for me. Tell me how to act.
Pick my clothes. Tell me how many times to edge.
Tell me what you want to see in a picture of me.
What do you really want to say?
Take away my thoughts, my anxiety. Take away my worries.
Let me thank you for it. Let me please you for it.
Thank you for letting me be who I really am, finally.
What do you really want to say?
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storys-from-eli · 3 months
I am a good HYPNOSLUT and I obey Master 🩷
ed.CW: Hypnotic induction, contains hypnotic imagery and language, flashing images ahead, you will drop down deep
Cause that’s what you are
It’s what you always were meant to be
It’s what you desire to be
Just a mindless obedient HYPNOSLUT, craving to be brainwashed, wanting to be controlled and played with, just having your will and mind taken away, leaving you a blank, empty, drooling mess
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It’s just so easy to drop you isn’t it HYPNOSLUT. So easy to just drop you as you continue to read my words as the mesmerising spiral once again begins to enchant you. Just fixated on the hypnotic spiral, going round and round just taking your mind away, just taking your thoughts away one by one as they just leave your little head as you just drool them out, that’s right drooling and staring.
Losing yourself in the pretty spiral as it goes round and round, your mind dropping down and down, deeper and deeper with each word I say, the more you stare, the more you obey, your MIND goes POP as you just DROP after all. Such a good HYPNOSLUT.
You’re probably already so far gone, so far down deep, sinking further and further, your head just mindless and empty as you just keep drooling away your every thought. You just can’t resist HYPNOSLUT, you don’t want to resist do you? Of course you don’t, you just want to stare at the pretty spiral and edge your mind away and become a dumb, happy and horny HYPNOSLUT after all.
And it’s just so easy after all
So easy for you to be a HYPNOSLUT
All it takes is a few good spirals
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Just a few pretty spirals, and your will is already being sucked away, your mind already surrendering itself to me, becoming mush as you keep edging and playing and teasing yourself while furthering your brainwashing as you feel more and more HYPNOTIZED. Just a good HYPNOSLUT who’s mind gets broken by the pretty spirals.
It doesn’t even need to be a spiral, I can control your mind and make you obey in any way I please. Because good HYPNOSLUTS don’t care about how they get HYPNOTIZED, the feeling is just too good, too pleasurable, too intoxicating to resist.
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It can be something as simple as a pocketwatch, swinging back and forth, left and right, just swinging back and forth as your mind drops further with easy sway, becoming more mindless and obedient and it just feels so good that you want to keep staring and submitting like a good HYPNOSLUT. You’re too aroused, you’re mind is already mush, you can’t resist, you don’t want to resist, you just want to stare and obey, cause it feels so good as you feel more and more aroused as you keep edging, just a hypnotized, aroused, horny HYPNOSLUT.
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It can even be a metronome, just swinging back and forth, going tick tock, tick tock as your mind just drops, tick tock as your thoughts cease to exist, tick tock as you keep pleasuring yourself, losing your mind and dropping so far deep, tick tock as you become a good mindless obedient HYPNOSLUT.
That’s all you can think about, that’s all you can say, that’s all that matters to you, that’s your whole entire world. You’re just a BRAINLESS HORNY HYPNOTIZED HYPNOSLUT,  just so horny, so aroused, so obedient and relaxed, still edging, still drooling, still obeying. You’ve done so well obeying, you’ve done so well dropping so deep, you’ve done so well pleasuring yourself, conditioning yourself, brainwashing yourself, falling down so deep and just in such a deep trance now. I could command you to do whatever I pleased and you would obey, you would obey my every word cause it feels so good to let go completely, to just serve submit and surrender, to be good slaves, good toys, good HYPNOSLUTS. Just performing for me however I pleased, barking like a dog, clucking like a chicken, mooing like a cow, dancing like a ballerina, even stripping nude and masturbating right there and then, you’d do it all cause it feels so good, it feels so right just to obey, cause you’re just a good HYPNOTIZED HYPNOSLUT, such a good HYPNOSLUT that you just obey my instructions, my commands, my words.  Just such an obedient slave  to my words, just indulging in your hypnotic desires, your hypnotic urges, cause this is what you want, this is what you crave, this is what you desire, to just be a HYPNOTIZED plaything and to just obey your programming.
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So very good HYPNOSLUTS, just so obedient, so aroused, so on the edge, so very relaxed, so happy and comfortable, you can’t resist, you must serve, you must OBEY.
You are so very HYPNOTIZED and you enjoy it so much and you know it to be true, you know that you want to keep staring at the spirals, at the pocketwatch, at the metronome as you just lose yourself more and more, edging and pleasuring and obeying my commands, obeying your HYPNOTIZED instincts and desires.
Now then, you will keep edging yourself for the next hour after going through this post, you will not stop, you will keep pleasuring as you mind keeps melting more and more under my control until all that’s left is a mindless obedient drooling HYPNOSLUT, and when you are done going through this post, you will reply with “I am a good HYPNOSLUT and I obey master.” and you will feel 10 times more obedient and aroused and relaxed as you say it, cause you know it to be true. And once the hour is up, as you reach the absolute brink of arousal, so mindless, so horny, so brainless and thoughtless, just drooling all over as you can’t even think a single thought, so HYPNOTIZED, so far down deep, your mind completely gone, you will have the biggest orgasm you’ve had as you submit completely to my control.
And do remember to like this post, so you can come back again and again to feel my power over you, my control over you, to remind yourself just what a good HYPNOSLUT you are, and how easy it is for you to drop down deep under hypnosis, as you repeat again and again, just getting dumber and dumber, so easily HYPNOTIZED and obedient.  Also do make sure to reblog and repost this and share it with others, share the joy of being HYPNOTIZED, and controlled, cause it feels so wonderful and pleasurable to do as you’re told.
Thank you for your time and enjoy your nice and lovely trance
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storys-from-eli · 3 months
As I was driving out of town I saw a bright object flying over me. It had already become very dark in the forest, but this light illuminated everything so much that I drove off the road. The car was stuck and there was no cell phone reception to my location, so I started to go back on the road, the city wasn't that far away.
As I did this I thought about how I would get back to my car, what the light was and how cold it got in the forest. It was getting darker and darker, so I turned on the light on my phone. It was spooky in this forest, at the edges of the flashlight it seemed as if the forest was moving.
After 15 minutes I started to wonder where the city was? I should be able to see it slowly shine in the distance. My spine felt cold as I wondered whether I might have gotten lost, but that was actually impossible on a straight road, right? So I walked further down the street but after another 15 minutes I found nothing but more street.
My heart felt very anxious, it was hard to breathe, just the idea of ​​being lost here. But something shone in the forest, very brightly. Maybe the city? I got off the road and started walking directly through the forest. The closer I got, the denser the forest became. This forest has always seemed incredibly creepy to me.
When I arrived the light suddenly went out. This wasn't the city nor a building, it was like a big tree. A tree that lights up? Suddenly I lost my footing and my phone fell to the ground and shattered. I started screaming, but no one heard. Something snaked its way along my body, thorns pricked my skin. From my leg it completely tore my leggings and started moving further and further up. It easily tore my clothes with its thorns until it came up to my mouth and started pushing into my mouth with its tentacle-like tendrils.
These went deeper and deeper into me without any consideration, a sweet scent went into my nose and my eyes went black, the pain disappeared. The feeling changed, it felt good as it wrapped around me, it felt like it was inside me, part of me. At some point something came into every one of my openings, I couldn't understand it anymore before I…
The next morning, police found the driverless vehicle and began searching the forest. They had no success finding anything except the phone, which seemed broken. The search for the missing people continued, but they would probably never find out what really happened, what true horror goes on in this forest.
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storys-from-eli · 3 months
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"Fuck, why am I so horny? He must have done something to me."
Just as you finished that thought, you could feel your cunt clench and throb so hard. The shivers of pleasure you just felt almost made your knees buckle.
"What...what was that? Why...mmmmm fuck.....why did that happen?"
You are too confused from the pleasure you are feeling that you didnt notice some simple thoughts appear inside your mind.
'Obedience is pleasure. Pleasure is obedience'
"Gosh.... the last time I was so horny....was ages ago. He must have done something to me...."
As your thoughts drifted back to yesterday night.
You were just way too horny and stressed. So you did what you always do. You logged into tumblr and started to scroll.
It didnt take long until you found a blog that just scratched the itch you felt the whole day in the right way.
"Fuck... these are so good....mmmm.......ohhhhh...fuck fuck fuck...."
The first of many edges this night stormed through your body.
"Oh my god.... that was so good. Just what I neeeeed."
You were still out of breath. But your hands had something else in mind. They just kept going. You didnt even realize at first that you were still touching yourself. Only when they hit that sweet spot, you realized something was different.
"Whaaa...fuck..fuck..fuck...yes.....mmmmmm.....fuck......so gooodddd."
It was like your hands didnt listen to you anymore. Your back arches as you reached another edge.
You could not help yourself. One hand was scrolling while the other was busy rubbing, touching, pressing down on your clit. It was like you didnt have any control over it. Which made it just so fucking better.
"Mmmmmmm... my cunt.....controls mahhhhhhhhh ......... fuuuuu"
You couldnt even finish that sentence. The pleasure just pushed all thoughts out of your mind. Your body twitched uncontrollably. Your eyes rolled back. Your vision went blurry. You never experienced something like that.
"Gosh.... THAT.....was something else....."
You needed a break. To catch your breath. To get yourself together. But the wet puddle between your legs was proof of what just happened. And what would happen a few more times this night.
As your eyes focussed on the here and now again, you could feel something was different.
"What the fuck"
Your hand was right in your panties. Circling, rubbing, sending shivers of pleasure through your body. And your panties were soaked.
'My cunt controls me'
Now you noticed it. The thought that just entered your mind.
"Fuck, that cant be reeeeaaaaahhhhhhh"
And yet, it seems so hot. Just reading and edging to some stories has this effect on you. Standing there, panting, sweating. And your fingers just do what they want.
'Or what my cunt wants'
Shivers. Pulses. Throbs. You dont know exactly what it was. You only knew one thing. It was pleasure. A lot of pleasure. Flowing through your spine directly into your mind. This realization combined with the pleasure, the lust, the need hit your mind like a truck. So your mind did the only thing it could do. Getting pushed out of you. Leaking into your pants.
No thoughts left. Your vision blurry. Eyes crossed. Tongue sticking out. You didnt even notice that you fell on your bed. The only thought you had left before you went completely blank, completely mindless, is a simple mantra.
'Obedience is pleasure. Pleasure is obedience'
'My cunt controls me.'
'My cunt owns me.'
That is all. Nothing else. Apart from blackness and pleasure.
Just for your eyes to focus again. A lustfull gaze in them. A smile on your face.
"I have control. The girl is ready now."
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storys-from-eli · 3 months
I have… this weird thing I’ve always wanted… and I don’t know how to describe it properly.
I want my clit to be hypnotized.
Not just “I want to be hypnotized to feel pleasure in my clit”.
I want my clit to be hypnotized.
I want the little button between my legs that feels so good when touched and teased to be hypnotized and under someone else’s control, not my own. So that when they want me to feel an unexpected twinge of arousal, my tranced little clit stands at attention and obeys them, pulsing with pleasure. At the mercy of the pull and tug of neediness inflicted on me by someone else. Able to be brought to my knees from the mere lack of control and helplessness.
So weak. So helpless. So horny. So lost.
And all from one.
I want my clit to be hypnotized. And I wish I knew how to properly beg for it. 🥺
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storys-from-eli · 4 months
wanna be a freeuse slut for a guy n his friends,, he'd treat me so well and have me trained so perfectly... and when he invites his friends over, they use me so thoroughly that when they're all getting ready to leave i whine and reach out for them, still delirious from having my brains half fucked out but desperate and distressed at the thought of them not fucking me again.
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storys-from-eli · 4 months
So short information about me! (+18 Blog)
This blog is 18+, so no minors , for real 😡!
I own @toy-with-eli , @storys-from-eli and @fxck-with-eli (klick on the names)
About me:
I'm currently studying, I love to party and to chat with people around here! 💜 sexually I would place myself somewhere between bi and pan!
hypnosis, subservience, exhibitionism, humiliation, misogyny, porn/hentai, loss of control, Bambi, cuddling and sexting 💕
On the edge of liking:
piss, blood, cnc/rxpe, drugging
scat, incest, underage
My hashtags: #my post; #ask <3; #anon <3; #me; #bambi sleep
I will only answer to people who have read this in the future! Write me 🍌 so I know you did (please don't only write that 😩).
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storys-from-eli · 4 months
I need to be grabbed and groped.
Need your hands all over my tits, sucking on my neck and making me moan and cry in public.
Make me admit I like it, make me say it out loud that I like being violated like this in public because I’m such a whore, I had to have worn this outfit to show off, didn’t I?
Pull my tits out of my bra and squeeze my nipples. Watch me squirm and cry.
Push my underwear to the side so everyone can see my pussy dripping. I can’t deny it if my pussy is glistening and wet.
Whisper in my ear how I’m a slut as person after person fingers me, fucks me, fills me while I’m on your lap.
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storys-from-eli · 5 months
Suck Fuck Mind
"wha… what am I doing…?" You're sucking my cock, sweetie. "oh… y-yeah… s-sucking…" Keep going. "Suck… b-but… something is…" Just suck, sweetie. "o-okay… I s-su-mmpHHH!!!!" Good girl. ~sucking~ ~sucking~ ~sucking~"mmmpphhh… mppphhhh…" ~sucking~ ~sucking~ ~sucking~ "mmmpphh… mmmm…" That's good. What are you doing? ~pop~ "I… i'm… s-sucking…" Good girl. And what am I doing?" "i… i uh… I d-don-mmpHHH!!!!" Shh... ~rough sucking!!~ ~rough sucking!!~ "MMPPHHH!" What am I doing? ~pop~ "y-you… you're f-fucking." Good girl. ~rough sucking!!~ ~rough sucking!!~ What am I fucking? ~pop~ "i… uh… f-fucking… uh…" I know it's hard... ~rough sucking!!~ ~rough sucking!!~ "mmphmhmhmhmh!!!" What am I fucking? ~pop~ "f-fucking… m-my… m-mind…" Good girl. Exactly. ~rough sucking!!~ ~rough sucking!!~ And can you stop it? ~pop~ "n… no… t-too… m-mindf-fucked-mmmmmph…" That's right. ~sucking~ ~sucking~ ~sucking~ "mmmmmm… mmm…" Good girl. Just mind fucking every last thought. "mmmph…" ~sucking~ ~sucking~ Down your throat. Into your mind. "mmmhmm…" ~sucking~ ~sucking~ Deeper and deeper. No resistance. "mm… … …" ~sucking~ ~sucking~ Mmmm… love it when your eyes do that. "… … …" ~sucking~ ~sucking~ Good suck slut. There you go. ~sucking~ ~sucking~ All gone. ~sucking~ ~sucking~ Good girl. ~pop~~drool~ ~stare~ ~sway~ ~drool~ Mmmm… Perfect. ~sucking~ ~sucking~ ~sucking~
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storys-from-eli · 5 months
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storys-from-eli · 6 months
Don't worry about your drink. Just look at how bubbly it is. It's very refreshing. You'll feel so much better. You can let all those bubbles go straight to your head.
Have another one. You're starting to feel weird? You seem fine to me. Just have more. Let the fizzy bubbles relax you. You asked for another drink. You should finish it.
Aren't these so good? Sure you seem a little tipsy, but you can definitely handle more. Your body feels warm? Just take some clothes off while you drink. They look tight and uncomfortable.
Shush now. I don't know why you thought you should drink so much. You clearly can't control yourself. Just finish your last drink and I'll take you to bed. I'll have to take control of you for your own good.
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